So it turns out that he was actually projecting when he was accusing right-wingers of projecting.

And, he truly was grooming children as well, so the concerns of these right-wingers were right on target.

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Demons Disguised as Guardians: A pattern that you will notice if you stare into this abyss long enough is that if an organization claims to exist to protect, educate, or house children, then that organization is more than likely a predator front using their stated purpose to gain total access to the most vulnerable among us. This now applies to UNICEF and the WHO as well: https://tritorch.com/predator

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"Hell is empty and all the devils are here." Shakespeare was right.

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The news, and even reports like this one on Twitter, are promoting pedophilia by failing to mention that THESE ARE GAY MEN MOLESTING BOYS. Not girls. Boys.

Gay men are far more likely to be child molesters than any other demographic. This is because male homosexuality is primarily caused by homo-pedophilia. Molested boys often decide they were "born gay" as a way of minimizing the pain of what was done to them, but then go on to do the same thing themselves. The majority of gay men were molested as boys and this is why they are gay now. Gayness and pedophilia have always been two sides of the same coin.

The rainbow flag is the flag of pedophilia.

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Ummmmm..... What statistics are you citing to support your claim that "the majority of gay men were molested as boys?" THAT sounds completely made up.

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I shall indeed dive in. Always keen to review datasets I have not examined before.

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I find these stories hard to bear when I think of the innocence of a child. How did the parents not notice something. I know the kids are threatened, but kids should be educated to know this is one of the ploys of a predator, and they must tell adults. This world is hell, this is such a common occurrence.

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All these listed penalties are not nearly enough to pay for the destruction he has caused in these kids' lives.

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Castration would put an end to his and other pedophiles activities.

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They'd find another way. I'd consider the death penalty for such depravity.

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Unfortunately castration doesn’t work. The perversion persists and they find other ways.

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I have heard that - maybe a lobotomy would work?

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Just kill them.

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I was just thinking that as i finished reading the article. Zero tolerance means balls and penis get cut off.

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He can then transgender to being a girl 👧🏻

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Castration of his head would definitely be better for all.

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I'd suggest turning him over to the fathers, uncles and brothers of the victims. Problem solved. Taxpayers won't pay to house and feed these fuckers.

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Pure evil

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exactly. And we've all been seduced by evil...except now its in our faces but it always presents as good...so people will choose it. Always for 'your safety and wellbeing' ...or...another's safety and wellbeing...or...for the common good...making many things hard to argue against.

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He gets less time than a J6 er?

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Exactly, that is what I was thinking! Margaret in the above thread thinks we ought to give him a little medication and sing Kumbaya!

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so disgusting and disturbing. so glad he got caught and i hope he rots in jail forever and a day.

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The remedy is to hang them in a common place for all to see. THIS accomplishes two very important things: It lets those kids know they were BELIEVED and that guy will never harm them or anyone else again and, it conveys the message to anyone who may be contemplating this heinous crime, to rethink their plans.

This remedy is IN the bible. God wants this atrocity DEALT WITH so as not to perpetuate it.

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Matthew 18:5-6

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Is this the one that says it’s better for a

millstone to be king around the neck of anyone who harms children, and that he be thrown into the sea?

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Yes Sir!

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Surprised he didn't get a high paying position with the Brandon administration!

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Yes, who was that complete fucking freak in charge of nuclear something or other who was busy stealing designer clothes from airport luggage belts? Sam? What a circus sideshow freak that dingbat is.

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Love the expression "Circus Side Show", comes from the lyrics of a song from the band Tool!!

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Right. He's gonna replace press secretary Cringe Jean-Pierre 😂

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We have a new identifying term, and it looks like this — projecting-projectors.

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He took it another level and was the projecting-projector protector.

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Yes, very accurate 👍😆😆👍

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You mean "Democrat."

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He won't be very happy living in a communications management unit solitary confinement for his own protection from potential boyfriends in the population.

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Throw a wig on him and feed him to the lions in the Pokee! I have no sympathy for these people!!

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You wouldn't survive an ethics probe any more than they would.

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Neither would you!

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But I can just ignore you henceforth, making it academic, at most.

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OK troll!

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Sentence isn't long enough.

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It only needs to be long enough for the boys on the yard to find out what he's in for.

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**I have such deep regret for what I've done that I ended up developing depression and anxiety as well as a firm determination to get the treatment and support I need to never do this again," said Bunag.**

Just wait until you are in jail assface. You have no idea what your phony claim of depression and anxiety is really going to bring you.

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All he'll have to say is the reason why he's imprisoned....they don't like child molesters.

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They like child molesters the way my dog likes lizards. Catch it and bat it around until it's dead.

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I'm glad for this update. I wondered what eventually happened with this one.

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A lot of pedophiles have been molested as kids themselves, and they develop a compulsion to repeat. And, so far it seems the compulsion remains unless science comes up with a treatment to alter their brain. So those victimized kids are at risk to do the same as adults. The cycle perpetuates. As a society we need to come up with interventions to nip this in the bud.

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Treatment, castration and electroshock therapy 3x/day!

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There may be medication to suppress the heinous urge.

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So basically, what you are saying is let's give the Pedophiles a pass with a little bit of medication, some B.S. Therapy from some liberal Harvard-trained psychologist, and send them on their way as we sing Kumbaya! You would want to start with the serial Pedos on Epstein's Island List. Correct Margaret? We know who some of those superstars were!! A Margaret!

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Wow, I didn't say 'little bit of medication' that was your interpretation. No pass, what they are doing is vile and illegal and they should go to jail, but no need for castration was my point if they are in jail. So, you may ask why give medication if they are in jail, but we know what happens to young men when they are in jail, it would protect other felons from terrible violations. I understand your hatred, but as a society we need to find ways to stop this from happening as much as possible (it will always happen), and not only focus on punishment which doesn't deter anyone yet separating them from society is essential. I don't understand why horrible sexual crimes against adults and kids get such low sentences when the likelihood of repeat on release is very high.

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First of all, it is not hatred! Yes, hatred for the crime should be justly punished, not some pill or therapy! You did not see my response about the recidivism rate for this type of crime! This is a perpetual problem because laws are being passed behind closed doors to make this acceptable in society! Look up NAMBLA, and you will see the people who support this! Haven't you learned a thing since hearing about Epstein's Island? We have a commander-in-chief imposter in the White House who took showers with his teenage daughter; do you think that is OK?

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You can reply without making disparaging comments. Medical castration is a form of castration. I did read the percentage; I actually was surprised I thought it was higher. I know there are psychos who support this. Epstein was exploiting the exploiters, what blows my mind is that there are so many men, fathers, professionals that have the urge to copulate with underage girls. Only a few names were revealed, but there are many more, and that information should be made public, but it has not been, why not? All the secrecy keeps society from dealing with this in a way that protects young people.

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A casket. No… cremation— the ultimate deterrent.

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Yes, for each individual that is caught, but how do we stop this common occurrence in the first place. Also, I think the Catholic church brought in celibacy, so their lands didn't have to be divided among progeny of priests. We know what this has resulted in. A friend's girlfriend told me of his molestation by priests, in all the years I knew him he never revealed it, but he had huge problems that made sense after I found out. I doubt if he ever told his parents. Most kids never did. I also had a friend in her twenties and her husband was in his sixties, and he wanted her to role play as a thirteen-year-old. It freaked me out, she had two kids with him, what could I have done, he was also a teacher. The whole world is sexually perverted, and pornography is exacerbating and feeding the dysfunction.

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If everyone had done what God said to do in the first place, I think we’d have weeded out 98% of them way before now. But no, people want to be merciful. No death penalty; no

public hanging or putting a millstone around their neck and tossing them into the sea.

Poor kids. Keeping the bad guys alive and kicking isn’t showing THEM any mercy at all.

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Mercy is an important component in life, we are admonished to forgive. That does not mean we put people in harm's way or that we don't hold people accountable.

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While the media hates the Catholic church, I think abuse rates are even higher in some other religions such as Judaism because there is a culture of not reporting.

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I read a story recently about a Jewish man who fixes the Mikveh (not sure that is the word) baths and arriving on site he walked in on an act of pedophilia. I don't know about how pervasive it is in other religions, but as humans we invest our time in so much trivia, and not enough in dealing with the worst of the worst crimes against the defenseless.

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The recidivism rate for pedophiles is like 60%, I have no sympathy for child molesters!! Castration is best!

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I think the drugs act as a form of chemical castration. I have no sympathy either, they still have a choice, it is a heinous act, and it involves premeditation, manipulation, and assault on children. I mean if it happened to a kid I knew, I can only imagine how I would want to deal with it. But still, in the bigger picture how do we contain it. I think pornography is pure degradation of the human being also and is a gateway for many into acting out sick behaviour. The Catholic church terrifies me for what they have done. What about the mothers of daughters who block out that their children are being molested by the dads or stepdads, that is common too. When I was at the courthouse a few years ago, I was chatting with an officer who worked for the child trafficking unit, the fact that we have people working full time on this shows how prevalent this is. It is so huge, but bottom line we have to do everything to protect kids, and at the very least teach them young of the dangers of predators. I know it mars their innocence, but it is better than the alternative.

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Yes, the "medication" is called a noose.

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The death penalty with no appeals.

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Teaching any sort of sex Ed in school is a form of grooming, it teaches children that talking about private matters with adults is permissible. And that your parents can’t be trusted with this information. The pedo’s had this in mind since the beginning of school based sex Ed. Please homeschool! Your children depend on you!

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