For those that want to watch the interview and don’t have fox https://www.bitchute.com/video/xjncFf5NzEQc/

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Thank you. This shouldn’t be behind a paywall even though you certainly get enough information from the clips.

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This link has the full interview. I personally did not see a paywall when I viewed it.


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no payment needed on odysse, rumble or bitchute 👍

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Neither did I. Ed Dowd is amazing. Love the humanity project.

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Ed Dowd...A true AMERICAN HERO!!

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He's helping to raise awareness of the poison darts. But he's still trapped inside of the false virus/ contagion paradigm.

Contagion has never been demonstrated in any scientific study for the last century. Even during the Spanish Flu they tried 'infecting' health volunteers by getting the sick to cough in their faces and share snot and phlegm. Nobody got sick. This is because we don't get sick from germs and viruses. We get sick from toxic overload, poor nutrition, psychological stress and other insults to our bodies.

Ed Dowd also fails to point out that 'virology' does not even qualify as science. It does not use controls. Dr Stefan Lanka exposed the fraud of virology when he repeated the exact same methods that virologists used to prove the existence of SARS CoV2 (cell culture CPE and extraction of the genome) and he managed to get the exact same results without even adding a sample from a sick person.

Virology is just a load of pseudo-scientific nonsense propped up by Big Pharma so they can keep inventing new imaginary 'viruses' that Big Pharma can sell vaccines for.

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Wonderful summary and transcript excerpts. I watched the full interview, and this post was a welcome review.

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Fantastic article and interview. I really appreciate all the time Mr. Dowd has spent on Covid-19 and the truth he has put out here. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! You are a real hero in my book!

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The tide is turning... excruciatingly slow.. but it is turning.. the Ultimate cost? Beyond comprehension..

Back to work till then..

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Five of my adult family members got the clot shot in 2021. Two of them got three shots each. They all became extremely sick. One had vertigo so bad, he fell down. Two years later, they all seem to be just fine. No health issues whatsoever, that Im aware of.

Why is it like Russian Roulette? Why are young ppl dropping like flies while the oldsters just power through it? It doesnt make any sense.

I suspect that my 90 yr old gma may have died from complications from the shot, though. Her jabbed kids pushed it on her and told her to wear a mask - even around me. At the height of the plandemic, they wouldnt allow her to go anywhere or have visitors. She died in April, 2021.

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We'll see what the long term effects are. Some seem fine but some people drop dead. Very much like Russian Roulette.

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A 2005 study on mice had a control group (saline) and a group given the encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) inoculation. After 120 days (==24 human years!), they injected them with a single dose of epinephrine. 70% of the myo mice died! 0% died in the control group.


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Meanwhile the culling rolls on unabated.......with the '23 special here in the states, chemical bombs bursting 'n air and the rockets red glare ..... Oh.....wait....never mind.

I think I'll have some Doritos now.

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The government’s red glare, or the red government’s glare...

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I fear before the end of 2023, there will be a whole new class of died suddenly....children under 12 years of age. The FDA and CDC will of course turn a blind eye as they always have.

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As much as the criminals try to deny it, the numbers don't lie.

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Yeah, The Earth was shattered one year ago.




Stay on the case, Tucker.


Reminds me of the "bombshell" from Pfizer that they didn't test for infection/transmission TWO years after Forbes reported in advance that it would not be tested for thus to begin with.



Nothing matters. Nothing matters.

Nothing means anything until a PAID Propaganda network decides it is a bombshell and you can play along or you can wake up that this secondary marketing of "bombshell" bullshit is how the next wave of "media" is being exploited.

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Any sane coverage of people insisting that they won’t stand for mandated poison injections is good coverage. Of course we knew in 2019 this was bogus psyop to conduct global health experiments with no informed consent.

The tide is turning in our favor and ALL who criticize the madness are welcome.

I intend to outlive those who did the Kennedys, and 9/11, and “Covid “. Karma is a cosmic juggernaut and watching the shits like Fauci and Gates age and shrivel and decay before my very eyes gives me solace.

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Get ready for the mass caveat emptor cognitive dissonance.

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This will only send the lefties scrambling for cover to dream up their next lies...but I hope at least it wakes up some of the many morons on the right...equally stupid...gullible and culpable. Even the evanhellical church has been largely complicit in these crimes. They will not escape God's wrath for their wiiling hands in. L"WHO"cifers game.

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Agreed, the left have been (hopefully temporarily) captured and/or insane.

However, it's decades of right-wing policy which have led us here. First, by reducing taxes on ultra-wealthy persons/corporations allowing Gates and cohort to become insanely rich. Second, by starving the government of cash, and then allowing them to 'partner' with private entities. Thus the FDA, EPA, CDC slowly became overtaken by Big Pharma etc. and we are now in this mess.

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43.2% excess deaths (very likely undercounted) in the Philipines in 2021, in just finalized published data.

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New Zealand is experiencing the highest excess deaths in a 100 years.

If you believe the government’s data, 95% of people there were vaccinated before covid entered the country.

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Outstanding interview!

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If it is nefarious scheming, which we believe it is - we NEED to organize better against this. We propose creating a decentralized digital 4th branch of government who really isn't part of government at all. Rather it is 100% built and run by the people with two ideas in mind:

1) Fight corruption in the systems that govern over our lives (our biggest problem)

2) Create alternate parallel systems that are much better than the current ones that we can either exit to or plug into our current systems.

Lots of possibilities exist here including decentralized medicine, science, and our own FDA. It starts with us organizing. Think of it like a union, giving us a seat at the bargaining table once again.

Read: https://joshketry.substack.com/p/lets-build-a-4th-branch-of-government

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