Excess Mortality Goes Mainstream in Earth-Shattering Ed Dowd/Tucker Carlson Interview
“In 2021, the stats people expected went off the rails.”
Originally Published on DailyClout
Since early 2022, Former Blackrock portfolio manager Edward Dowd has been making waves, digging into the 1s and 0s on excess death data and letting the numbers speak for themselves. “This is what we call democide, death by government,” he declared in March 2022. “Millennials experienced a Vietnam War in the second half of 2021,” regarding the number of excess deaths during that period (61,000).
Mr. Dowd has a history of making bold predictions and seeing trends — which made him a very successful stock picker — growing $2 billion in assets into $14 billion during his time at Blackrock. He recognized there was a dot-com bubble and fraud at Enron long before just about everyone else realized it. And now, with his third bold prediction, Ed Dowd is “100% convinced” the COVID-19 injections are leaving a trail of destruction, disability, and death.
Ed’s message reached a larger audience on Wednesday — when his interview with Tucker Carlson released itself to the world. Tucker opened with a powerful excerpt from Edward Dowd’s book, “Cause Unknown”: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022.

By 2017, around 2.8 million Americans died. 2018 was about the same again. 2019, about the same again. Not surprisingly, 2020 saw a spike, smaller than you might imagine, some of which could be attributed to COVID and to initial treatment strategies that were not effective.
But then, in 2021, the stats people expected went off the rails. The CEO of the One America insurance company publicly disclosed that during the third and fourth quarters of 2021, death in people of working age (18-64) was 40% higher than it was before the pandemic. Significantly, the majority of the deaths were not attributed to COVID.
A 40% increase in deaths is literally earth-shaking, and not only for the devastated families and communities that directly experience the deaths. Even a 10% increase in excess deaths would have been a 1-in-200-year event. But this was 40%.
Right out of the gate, Tucker had an epiphany — realizing that he knew no one who died of COVID before the mRNA injections rolled out.

Edward Dowd: “I didn’t know one person who died in 2020 in any of my friends’ circles, my family back home. No one I knew. But then we started hearing stories of people dying in 2021.”
Tucker Carlson: “I noticed the same thing! I didn’t know anyone who died of COVID — knew a number of people who died after.”
Next, Tucker asked Edward Dowd, “Why didn’t you” take the COVID-19 injection? Ed gave several reasons why he decided to wait and see:

• It was an experimental, novel technology.
• Animals didn’t fare so well.
• “Operation Warp Speed sounded like a disaster.”
• It takes 7 to 10 years for a normal vaccine to be tested for safety.
• “The clinical trial only lasted 28 days. And I knew something was fishy there.”
The conversation then moved to the pressing topic at hand: excess deaths. Edward Dowd broke down the Society of Actuaries data saying, “Something strange occurred in 2021.”

He mentioned that Group Life policyholders (employees of Fortune 500 companies) historically have a mortality rate ranging from only 30% to 40% of the general U.S. population in any given year. But that changed in 2021. These historically healthy Group Life policyholders suffered 40% excess mortality in 2021, whereas the general population endured 32% excess mortality.
“So unhealthy people, I suspect, had a choice, whereas the people working for Fortune 500 and midsize companies did not. So that relationship flipped in 2021,” Dowd stated.
Tucker then asked about Edward’s experience with mortuaries. Dowd mentioned how Service Corporation International’s (a funeral company) stock had reached all-time highs since the outset of COVID-19. “Business is good.”

“Recently, they [Service Corporation International] said on their call that COVID’s over. ‘We’re seeing such a sustained rate of deaths that we think is going to continue.’ They didn’t name it; they didn’t name the vaccine, but business is good,” denoted Ed Dowd.
And indeed, the stock the doing quite well. In March 2020, the share price was $39. Now it has surpassed the $70 mark.
Next, Ed Dowd detailed the disability data. He revealed that the people with the best outcomes over the past two years are those who are NOT in the labor force.

“The health outcome for the employed [population] has been disastrous,” he lamented.
• The disability rate of the employed is up 31%.
• The disability rate of the general population is up 9%.
• And most telling, the people not in the labor force, those who quit their jobs or got fired, experienced only a 4% increase in disability rates.
“So those of us that have had the best health outcomes in the country since vaccination began are those not in the labor force.”
Ed later called the COVID debacle “the greatest crime scene I’ve seen in my life.” He explained that he doesn’t think it was set up by a bunch of people sitting in a room, smoking cigars, twirling their mustaches, and laughing maniacally, but “a conspiracy of interests” that set the stage.

“They (central banks, tech companies, government, pharma, etc.) all have an interest to keep this thing under wraps. ... They all had their hand in the momentum and the disaster, so they want to keep a lid on this.”
The conversation moved to COVID deaths by denial of early treatment to make way for the vaccine agenda. Tucker called those who played a part in that situation “accessories to murder” and “evil.”

“Isn’t that evil? ... If you’re preventing people from getting better, and then they die, then you’re an accessory to murder.”
When the mandates hit, Ed Dowd “felt very alone.” He was mentally inclined to run around in a loincloth and live in the jungle because he was so disgusted with where things were headed.

Tucker asked, “Why are you not afraid?”
Ed Dowd answered, “Because I’ve decided I’m not gonna live in a world where I’m going to be mandated to take poison.”
When fake vax passes became a thing, Ed Dowd wanted no part of it because he didn’t want to give any money to businesses enforcing such measures. And he convinced some friends not to give in to the pressure.

The friends he convinced not to take the jab, Ed says, are all “doing great.” But, in contrast, some of his vaccinated friends now have health problems. “I know people personally who have been injured, and they have issues. I won’t name their names, but it’s a problem. And they’re young. They’re in their 30s; I’m 56.”
Tucker expressed that these excess deaths can’t be ignored forever. “So what happens next?” he asked.
Edward Dowd explained that when his book was released in December 2022, authorities weren’t even acknowledging excess deaths. But now, awareness has reached a level where they have to — but they still refuse to recognize that the COVID injections may have anything to do with it. Instead, they’re blaming things like past COVID infections.

Tucker Carlson: “There has never been a study linking so-called long COVID to excess mortality?”
Edward Dowd: “No. And we don’t even have a clinical definition for long COVID yet because I suspect if they come up with a clinical definition, it would mimic a lot of the adverse events we found in the vaccine.”
In the last minutes, Ed Dowd articulated that the dam is breaking. And he wants more whistleblowers, people to break ranks, and congressional hearings for what he calls “a war” on humanity.

“The people who have died from COVID, vaccine deaths, and early treatment denial is greater than all the world wars we’ve experienced as a nation. ... It’s much larger than World War II, World War I, Vietnam War, Korean War — this has been a war.”
Tucker closed the interview by calling Ed Dowd “an amazing person” and thanking him for coming.
“Ed Dowd, I really hope that for the third time in your life, you are acknowledged as right on this and that you are rewarded in some way. Maybe just a psychic award, but I hope that you are.”
The entire Edward Dowd / Tucker Carlson interview is available to watch via the link below:
Tucker Carlson Today: Sudden Death Epidemic
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Ed Dowd...A true AMERICAN HERO!!