Bioweapons, not vaccines.

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The “laws” they create to allow themselves the right to do this aren’t constitutional-therefore they are not legal. We need to get these vermin out of government and into the prisons.

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Fuck prison! The punishment for treason is DEATH.

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My only “pet-peeve” with all the writers is that they keep saying / keep using the incorrect term when referring to the “Covid-Attack.”

And now as we learn DARPA / EcoHealth have considered or are considering or have they “Aerosolized-Bioweapons?” and have already deployed their “Non-Vaccine” death dust?

I believe they have and they will continue to do this most “Evil-Attacks” against mankind! There isn’t much we can do about this. Even if we had detection devices, the damage would have been done!

How can we / or can we stop this deliberate and human destroying behavior of attacks? The “Globalist” are poised to “KILL & MAIM” as many people as it takes for their “New World Order!”

I’m pleading with all writers

PLEASE STOP USING THE TERM “VACCINE.” Please. This new form of

“peacetime warfare” against a non-enemy, a non-threatening force known as “We the People” have been attacked with a “Bioweapon!”

That’s what these mRNA / RNA / Self-Replicating RNA / Replicon Bioweapons are!

I believe we will gain more credibility with more and more people if the correct terminology is used. It shouldn’t matter if people are scared, because they damn well better be, if not, than they need “HONESTY” in order to get their attention!

“Bioweapon Injections” is the world we are living in today. Anything less minimizes the “DEADLY OUTCOME” which is exactly what the DARPA type program needs to be ultimately successful!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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If they were experts and they really wanted people to live healthy longer, would they ever even consider applying medicine to chance exposure? What if you overdose by "accident"... Evil monsters.

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You can say that again TXR. The opposite is true. After reading in part, Dr Yeadon’s article about contagion’s and Doctors going back as far as 1919, you can’t emphasize how bad those leaders of the “Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex” are!

More over, they are the most “Evilest-Individuals” on planet earth! I posted Dr Yeadon’s article on my Substack Homepage. Everything about the “vaccines” past & present are simply about money! It’s that disturbing.

Thank you TXR. I believe everyone should / we all should help each other learn about this most devastating world, the pharmaceutical Industry has caused to create a money machine for the rest of their lives!


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I forgot to add the most important part to my last post which is, many people may think that calling what’s been injected into 5.5 billion people worldwide is “nit-picking” so be it, everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Why I believe it is so important to call these shots “Bioweapon Injections” is simply because, does anyone honestly believe “5.5 Billion People” worldwide, would have rolled up their sleeves knowing they were being injected with a “Bioweapon?”

Absolutely unequivocally the answer is NO!

Many people would still be alive today if the correct terminology was used. But that was then and that was why the CDC changed the definition of a “Vaccine.”

This was done to trick people into “ROLLING UP THEIR SLEEVES!” Another example of how well this entire

“DOD-OWS-Bio-Attack” was planned and executed.

Little things can have gigantic impact! Say 5.5 BILLION PEOPLE IMPACTED!

Words do matter, especially today when so many stories and clandestine operations have been implemented against “We the People” of these United States and of the world!

People must understand that the world was attacked with a Weapon of Mass Destruction!

Dr Francis Boyle stated this fact. Dr Boyle wrote the Bioweapons Act of 1979, signed into law in 1985 and is still in effect today.

Words do matter.

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Forget "civil war". This battle is one of the civilian/elected government regaining control over the deep cover DOD and DARPA MIC rogues monopolizing undisclosed tech, depop plans and their own global agenda not under US Presidential control.

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Politicians are NOT part of the problem?!

Ever heard of John “Flip Flop” McCain? How about Mitch “RINOmaximus” McConnell and his CHINESE WIFE? Ever heard of him?!!!


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And his Chinese $Billionaire shipping magnate father-inlaw...!!!

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The overarching wordly powers that be cannot buy or control they assassinate or try to = in America historically seen with Andrew Jackson & before, openly ran 2Terms to throw them & their fiat systems out of America before they "fully entrenched"(as in Europe) which was already the case with the "money changers in Gods temple Jesus drove out with a whip"

This message in Scripture was not or nothing once one becomes Awakened to the War for mankind across the Earth...!!!

All the now cutting edge unelected orgs.+ Agency's are merely tools of Earths over-arching entrenched controlling fiat Globalist Cabal, whom set up and financed all sides of every War between Kings & Kingdoms(for millenia for greed), and their control by infiltration of all "religions" as policy and who's manipulations of mankind goes back thru to the worlds controlled power structures across history's timeline = they all unilaterally rallied to crucify Christ Jesus and before going back thru time to Babylon, to Babel, to Noah and into the antediluvian world God had to "wash away" it became so corrupt and Evil...!

"There's nothing new under the Sun" - Solomon

All controlled by the one unkillable "enemy of God and all those Created in His image" whom manifested himself on a "high pinnacle offering Jesus all the Kingdoms of this world, if He would bow down and worship him";

【ie = he owned them all then, do you think he doesn't now?】

WHICH Jesus stated the controlling desire of "Filthy Lucre", means "You cannot serve both God & mammon" - for truly - "The root of all all Evil IS the Love of money"

THIS is why He came = to make away where there was no way, He Himself making the oneway thru Himself, saying


These are not idol words but Saving, Redemption by Grace in a fallen world...!!!

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Bullshit! Those were US special forces who were created by the CIA mkultra program!...this is the elites pushing to take all your freedoms! Wake up people this the scumbag elite controlled CIA!

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The following gives proof that there was never any pandemic, there was no covid. All was a hoax to promote the bioweapon "vaccines". For anyone wishing to receive a free newsletter with free books attached, the most trusted source of information in the world by proven performance. Sign up here


Obviously the fog is some aerosol deliberately causing sickness. The authorities will tell us that it is bird flu, and PCR test kits will find it in tested people, as they can find any illness in anybody, sick or not. There have been prepared millions of bird flu vaccines. Here is what they have in them, and the trial results.

Each dose of AUDENZ can contain MDCK cell protein and MDCK cell DNA. A single 0.5 ml dose of AUDENZ contains 25 mcg of mercury since the multi-dose vial contains thimerosal, a mercury derivative.


There is no bird flu pandemic, and there won't be one, either. PCR test kits are used as they deliberately give false positives.


Regarding the covid plandemic: There were no rise in excess death statistics until after the vaccines were administered.


The covid bioweapons are found to contain DNA, and it destroys the immune system, causes cancer, and remains in your body and that of your children forever.


We are all in this battle together. Let us fight like we want to live, and that our children's future means something to us. Let us fight like demons, and take down the fuckin ones in power. We can and may succeed, but only if we engage. Enlist into the peoples' army. Stock up and arm yourselves. Second link= have your priorities straight, practice righteousness to benefit humankind, and pick up your pitchforks to make it come true.



Short. The FDA allows many poisons in our food that are prohibited in other nations.


Important messages regarding the aerosol fog. It is dangerous. Watch these reports.



The Christian establishment college-educated (programmed and indoctrinated) idiots cannot understand that PCR test kits were used because they are not proper diagnostic tools, they can find any illness in anybody, sick or not. They are used for the purpose of finding disease where there is none. The bioweapons were the "vaccines" dumass. The fog is causing sickness, there is no bird flu, there was no covid virus, it was all a hoax to make you take the vaccines. Damn, some establishment voices who are widely accepted for truth are unbelievably stupid and refuse to acknowledge having been wrong, or are unrepentant liars. Which is it? I want to believe that you are stupid, not an evil deceiver.


People are getting sick from the aerosol fog, and it will be blamed on bird flu, which of course is a lie. To verify its existence will lead people to get vaccinated, when the real bioweapon are the vaccines. People like Kingston are spreading vile misinformation that is harming the public terribly. I have given her truth several times, and as a result, she blocked me, but has not changed her tune on any subject I debunked easily.

People, you need to comprehend that your pastors lie to you, your Christian news media calls liberal news media liars (rightfully) but are liars themselves. Your Christian so-called medical freedom doctors did join me in exposing the vaccine, but refuse to acknowledge that there was no covid, refuse to rethink the germ theory that is being debunked, refuse to acknowledge that allopathic medicine is snake oil, created by John Rockefeller, not a doctor, but an oil tycoon who also created the indoctrinating, programming, and misleading schooling system and its methods of propaganda.

Their stubborn refusal to have any measure of resilience, defending the lies of the system, and not bringing any truth to the public leads to only one conclusion. Do not listen to them. THey do not love truth. They love money and public acclaim.

If there had been a covid in aerosols, why did most people not get sick? Why were only a few people in each area sick? She is correct about nanotechnology, but that was not the case with covid. It never existed. I will give you some of the knowledge of why there were symptoms for a few people. Remember that in Wuhan, those who died dropped dead. They were not sick in bed. Covid was never isolated, it never existed.


There is no bird flu pandemic effecting the animals. They are not sick. PCR test kits are used as they can be manipulated to find sickness where there is none. The bird flu lies are spread to instill fear in people so that they accept the vaccine, which has been prepared and ready for a while now. The reason for the covid and bird flu hoaxes are fear mongering so that you vaccinate, dumbass. And Kingston bought into the Wuhan manufactured lie. She has contradicted herself, and refers to the one favoring the lies she says. While disease can be aerosol, there was no need for it in covid, the people panicked due to their ignorant trust in authorities. Now, there may be need for some sickness to convince the sheep to vaccinate. The fog gave symptoms looking like bird flu.

They hope to frighten people into vaccinating. The bioweapon is in the vaccines. And if necessary they might put it in chemtrails. But Giordano talks of ethics. Bullshit. He is deceptive, and may be spreading more lies.

Perhaps she is ignorant, but if you don't know something, don't report it as truth. If you make a mistake, correct yourself in public. Currently the "experts" are saying it is not transmitting to humans. But soon they will say that people are catching it from animals and other humans. By wrongly validating that there is a bird flu pandemic, you are giving the public fear to believe the "experts" when they change and use deceitful wording that it is then happening. You opened the door to fear and lies.

I agree that we should not be infighting. But we should also not be deceiving the public. I will not shake hands with the devil. I will not join with those who are misinforming the public. I will continue to steadfastly distribute truth. The Christian journalists continue to support Operation Warp Speed Trump, they still believe RFK will save the day despite evidence otherwise, which some have hidden deliberately (Del Bigtree)

This is what caused the sicknesses. There was no covid pandemic. The hoax had been planned for, it was not a leak, there was no such disease. The Rockefeller foundation had been practicing for a hoax plandemic shortly before it happened. There was no accidental leak, and no deliberate one. The first link has loads of evidence. The rest follow.



Testing testing. 150 people in one area all die from heart attacks and suffocation, and were in their teens and twenties. The media tells us they were crushed. Another source said that they "fell like dominoes"==bleeding out of their mouths and noses. No broken bones, and they could not be resuscitated. Another source said that the stretchers brought in to carry out injured people were used for the dead instead... in other words, there were not the injured people that we were told that there were. Come to your own conclusions, but I say that they were testing 5G


Again, the PCR test kits are used because they find illness in subjects who have none. There never was a covid, and bird flu is not in human beings, and will not be. There is no bird flu pandemic, they are culling the farm animals to put fear in the public and to cause famine.


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Yep. Everything you said. ☝️☝️

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Perhaps that is what has been going on in New Jersey.

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Remember our elections are ALL rigged!

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How can our government possibly force us into aerosol vaccination without any consent? At what point are we going to have to start killing these motherfuckers?!

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Control of the world is thru the idea learned over many century's for them to incrementally lull a fairly content world power they by fiat financially milk + bilk dry while bringing about an almost ideal "Materiallistic+Heddonistic" society-[U.S.] thru cloaked cult-ure control via Gov. & all economic and worldly system setups = for they will suspect nothing for their being too comfortable, overfed, drugged and perpetually entertained to even grasp any real ramification of what is being perpetrated on them till it's to late...!

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I’d say we are past that point. Necks should have been noosed years ago

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The CIA-created Al Qaeda has a thousand operatives in CONUS? Pffft! Come at me bro. Know what? They can’t hide. Go for it pig fuckers. FAFO

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I’m pretty confident my 2nd amendment will hit the target at least a couple times 😉

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A little group therapy never hurts.


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Virus is Latin for poison or toxin.

Opinions ? Is a doctor these days m likely to suspect that an illness might be caused by fluoride, heavy metals, food additives, radio waves etc etc in our environment ? Or is a doctor these days more likely to be the “your illness is most likely caused by a virus” type ?

They’re poisoning us every minute of the day. Then giving us more poison as an ‘antidote’ - my opinion

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Its all BS. That nobody hasnt shot down a single drone that could be killing us proves it.

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It's why they're over heavily populated NJ = either 95% have no shotguns(w/steelwaterfowl shot) & they're over tightly cloistered housing developments were it illegal to shoot(+ easily traced), as well satellites are visually focused on them in their flights;

* tho @ night from 1/4 mile away w/a rifle + armory piercing rnds could take them out from concealment as just "A shot in the dark"

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If people actually believed the nonsense Psyop they would shoot them down to save their lives and family. My point is that the Psyop of ALL media, not just MSM, to unbalance us is failing completely.

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I wish they’d stop calling it a “self-spreading vaccine.” Diseases are self-spreading. And the new definition of vaccine is something that causes an immune response. Diseases cause an immune response. So they are spreading disease. Self-spreading vaccine = disease.

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✈️✈️✈️ look up !!!-

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I have been attempting to warn people about drones since the 1st Gulf War. The only limitation to how they can be used against us is one's imagination.

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