I can assure you that if that happened to my 8 yr old daughter and nothing was done by the next day, I’d fix it myself and those school board members would never ever fucking forget it.

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Is everyone corrupt? Even lowly school board members. I'll tell you one thing.....most of them are liberal. I dare you to find school boards that are comprised mainly of conservatives. If you do, you would also not have a problem with their policies. Wake up and vote liberals out of every office including dog catcher.

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EVERYONE needs to understand that if we are lucky enough to overcome the MASSIVE voting fraud and DJT wins, the Demoncrats and their American Pravda and their black-clad communist-youth will start chaos and whining, crying, and committing lawfare 1000X more than before and it will require the determination of a 1940 Winston Churchill to proceed with the deporting of the illegal invaders and the prosecution of ALL those responsible for the corrupted 3-letter agencies and in said organizations.


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Note that the Biden administration just approved the sale of SIX HUNDRED RADIO STATIONS to none other that Soros.

Soros wants to do to the nation what he did to Oakland where even the NAACP has gone public with a plea for more police and the firing of the Soros sponsored prosecutor.

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And yet, many have allowed their daughters and sons to be injected with a genetic poison. Often due to school mandates.

Well done, parents.

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Oct 17·edited Oct 17

If their policy is that no girl will ever be turned away from the staff bathroom, then there is your solution: EVERY GIRL should stand in line EVERY TIME she needs to go to the bathroom. If you want a bad law OFF the books -- enforce it. The line for the staff bathroom should be out the door and around the block.

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Well done Dad.

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We need to get rid of all this impostor perverts that pretend to be government and even FOIA all of them, find their bonds and oath to office and take it from there, they can even be prosecuted for treason 😡

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One Day you will wake up and see that all was in vain.

A system build on corruption.

From the Top down.

And from the Top down we must destroy them.


You can't school a corrupt institution because all they do is to protect their corruption.

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Good on him for doing what everyone should be doing at the school board level.

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I wil say he handled much better than I would have.

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We need more parents to shame these woke school boards..why is this not cruel and unusual punishment to this eight year old.the crowd clapping was totally refreshing!! 👏🏻👏🏻🌻

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It rolls downhill from somewhere on high. Larry Fink, Blackrock CEO: "You have to force behaviors."


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