'F*ck That Jab!': Ice Cube Reflects on Lost $9 Million Movie Deal Because He Didn't Want the Shot

“I ain’t gonna take no sh*t I don’t need.”

Last fall, at the height of Covid-19 fear and vaccine tyranny, you may remember this headline featuring famous hip-hop music artist and actor Ice Cube.

Ice Cube Exits Sony Comedy ‘Oh Hell No’ After Declining COVID-19 Vaccine

Ice Cube has departed Sony’s upcoming comedy, Oh Hell No, in which he would’ve co-starred with Jack Black, after declining a request from producers to get vaccinated, sources tell The Hollywood Reporter.

Now, a year later, after mandates and fear have been largely quelled, Ice Cube is still angry — and I don’t blame him.

“I turned down a movie cause I didn't want to get to mother f*cking jab — I turned down $9 million,” Ice Cube expressed to Million Dollaz Worth of Game crew.

“F*ck that jab! And f*ck y’all for trying to make me get it!” he exclaimed. “So, you know, I don't know how Hollywood feel about me right now, you know what I'm saying?”

“You turned down 9 million?” Gillie Da King asked with a level of astonishment.

“I didn’t turn it down,” replied Cube.

“Those mother f*ckers wouldn’t give it to me because I wouldn’t get the shot! I didn’t turn it down. They just wouldn’t give it to me.”

“Because you wouldn’t get the COVID shot?” clarified Gillie Da King.

“Yeah, the COVID shot,” said Cube.

“During the PLANdemic, man — the PLANdemic!” Wallo 267 interjected.

Gillie Da King asked Ice Cube if he ever caught COVID. Cube replied, “Nothing! F*ck them.”

“Yeah, I didn’t catch it at all,” professed Gillie. “But he [the guy on Gillie’s left] caught it about four or five times.”

“Well, you know. Circumstances, I got lucky,” stated Cube.


“I ain’t gonna take no sh*t I don’t need.”


That’s all that needs to be stated. What’s the absolute risk-benefit of taking a particular medical procedure? If it’s glaringly small (under 1%), you’re likely better off taking a pass and avoiding any side effects.

As a 52-year-old man at the time in decent shape, Ice Cube understood that and made the proper risk/benefit analysis.

Yes, he missed out on $9 million, but what good is that money if you increase your odds of not being healthy to enjoy it in the first place?

I’d like to give a special shout-out to Dr. Peter McCullough, The Farm, and Attorney Tom Renz for such kind recommendations.

“Excellent capture of key video presentations on evolving pandemic science.” —Courageous Discourse™ with Dr. Peter McCullough & John Leake

“The Vigilant Fox is one of the single best citizen journalists we have standing up for freedom from the tyrannical sociopaths that are trying to destroy our way of existence.” The Farm

“The Vigilant Fox absolutely is on top of things. We must support our fighters and the Fox is fighting with truth.” Tom’s Newsletter

Here’s what I have to say about them:

Dr. McCullough cites the literature like no one else, and he is my go-to doctor for well-sourced and vetted medical information.

The Farm, AKA Z, is probably the most well-read and well-researched individual I know. Much like a GP refers a patient to a specialist, I refer you to read The Farm to absorb knowledge on various critical topics.

Attorney Tom Renz claims himself to be a nobody from Ohio, but he has risen to become a very special SOMEBODY through his actions during Covid-19. I don't know of anyone working harder to hold Fauci & Company accountable.

Please give them all a follow for being powerful truth-tellers and freedom-fighters with excellent Substacks.

Thanks for reading.