The govt. isn't 'failing the people' when their objective is to kill us.

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🔥 👆🏻

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It was a spelling mistake. It should have read 'flailing the people' as it beats the masses into compliance (if one falls for the propaganda of course).

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"Flaying" works as well. (Puns intended!)

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Yes he is throwing the over 65's under the wheels of the bus.Maybe he regards them as a burden on society and thinks using the vaccine to cull them is too good an opportunity to pass up.

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Of course this is true so this Florida guy is not completely telling the truth. ALL VACCINES are now dangerous or deadly . so is dental anesthesia . much food and water , and sprayed in chemtrail spray programs. But the real killer is 4g/5g EMF, EMF hacking directly into our human electromagnetic field, or HUMAN RESONANCE TRANSMISSION from those who have taken the death shots. Watch everything from Sabrina Wallace. DeSantis is controlled opposition as well , and member of all the major evil secret societies.

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Strange he acquiesces to over 65 jabs. Makes no sense if you are watching mortality rates from the vaccines.

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Amen. This stands out as being wishy-washy when clearly no one should take these.

Don't throw the over 65's under the bus for some personal purpose. Protect the children, protect the working age folks -- and why not protect the retirees and elderly while you are at it, too?

And BTW flu shots are useless.

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The flu shots are far from useless. They are very good at giving you the flu and people that take them regularly live around 4 years less than those that never take them so they are very good at getting rid of Kissinger's "useless eaters" i.e. retirees like me that worked my whole life so I would never have to hear a parasite like him dare to call anyone useless.

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there won't be anyone left to grow old with, at this rate. Do you know any other retirees who have managed to avoid all of the jabbing?

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I think I only had 1 flu shot years and years ago. Had flu last in 1998. What felt like it anyway. No Covid shots. I’m 75. I’m sure I’m the only senior around me who hasn’t been a guinea pig in this mass death operation. A 16 yo boy died suddenly in my little town on Friday. It looks like he didn’t wake up in the morning. Very tragic and sad no matter what happened.

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The builder who is with us told me that his partners ex-husband's niece was vaccinated one month before having fits in her sleep. The second fit killed her at age 19.

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My dad didn't get the jab but he sat with an old family friend for a few hours a couple of days after the friend was Covid jabbed because the friend was very anxious which he never had been in the past and my dad hada stroke a couple of days later. We put it down to shedding. Apart from my dad and my sister who is recently retired I think every older person I know took the jab and virtually all have had issues with joint pains, brain fog etc etc etc but as the damage is done now there isn't a lot I can do about it so I don't discuss the cause with them as they all know damn well that they were had. Most of my immediate family didn't take the jabs though my two middle sons did even though at under 30 years old there was absolutely no need to as I told them again and again but they listened to their peers who were equally duped by those criminal regulators that took/take a salary from the public purse to work for the public and not the criminal cartel that is big pharma and big banking and big MSM etc etc etc.

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I'm so sorry for all of us, watching this horror. Especially of having our young adult children be duped into taking these health-and-life-robbing poisons, and they can't hear us. I've always wanted my kids to grow up to be independent adults and make their own life choices -- but this one kicked me in the gut.

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I know what you mean. Clearly it will be possible to undo the genetic programming and the damage it has so far caused after the coming war is over and technology takes another huge leap as it always does at such times but we have lost a lot of good people in the meantime which is sad. At least my dad went as he always wanted, quickly, with him making soup one minute to falling against a wall for support when trying to answer the door to my aunt and being taken to hospital and being dead less than three hours later with all of his children and family round his bed. We were lucky that he died when the local hospital wasn't quite so anal about things and it was the weekend when finding a doctor in a hospital is like finding hen's teeth so the nurses let us all in. I think there were around 12 of us round his bed at the end. It is ridiculous that we have to have a another world war before we lay down the weapons for good. A sensible species would lay them down before they lose not after.

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Retired here and knew it was a scam from the beginning. No jabs for me, including past flu shots. Had a friend in college during the swine flu panic whose dad died the day after his swine flu shot. Always remembered that and never took a flu vax.

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Meta analyses show no population advantage from flu vaccines. No reduction in hospitalization or deaths.

I spoke with an NHS doctor who told me it was well known but they kept the vaccination production/ administration going so that there was capacity in the event of a pandemic.

I pick fights with no one, each strongly recommended to do their own research.

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I'm sure you are correctin it having zero advantages MIke but I am sure that I read a decade or so ago that it had been found that those who regularly take the flu jab die 4 years earlier on average than those that don't so if my memory serves me correctly, which I'm sure it does, it is even worse than having no effect it actually helps shorten the lives of old people and I'm sure that is the real reason they keep pushing it and nothing else. Must have saved a fortune in pension and NHS funds down the years by killing old folks 4 years sooner.

I'm beginning to think that NHS really stands for National Horror Show.

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I wasn’t aware of that ghastly coda.

I did know that VAERS shows a rate of adverse event reporting, which I understand is often “developed influenza”. Jab enough such people and there’ll be some deaths. While I think it’s RELATIVELY low lethality compared with gene based jab lethality, it’s not zero.

This maps onto your recollected reading.

By the way, I no longer believe in pandemics of severe respiratory illnesses. They’ve lied about causes. I know this will cause some to throw up their hands, but there’s evidence against acute respiratory illnesses being mediated by entities we call viruses.

No, we don’t know what the cause(s) is / are, if not viruses.

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WEll considering they don't even understand simple things like "gravity", "time" and "light" Mike I wouldn't worry too much that they don't understand about the slightly less simple processes of life itself.

I had a bash at explaining it to them a few years ago if you are interested and want to wile away some time between your many meetings. ;o) .......... The document titles on the site were a bit muddled up by my webmaker and I couldn't afford to have him fix it so you have to actually read them to see what is in them on the wayback machine here, the SIGMA 3 document sums it up ....... https://web.archive.org/web/20181201013810/http://bodgeitandscarper.org/

I tried to explain it to Roxanne who was second in charge of Shell at the time but she clearly thought I was a loony toon even though her own "Gamechanger" section at Shell liked the ideas but "couldn't see what to do with them" ;o) ...... see here, .......... https://royaldutchshellplc.com/2008/01/06/crackpot-or-genius-has-a-shell-boffin-stumbled-on-a-scientific-breakthrough/

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They are NOT ONLY worthless they are deadly, this is how they started the plandemic in the old folks homes here in Wash. and turned on the 5g towers on both sides with them in the middle

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Yes, that makes no sense. Makes me suspect he may be controlled opposition, someone who is a "cooler"--a guy who sympathizes with people's anger, but directs the anger in a way that protects the perpetrators.

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Over 65 jabs is a lot of jabs!.....Hang on, the over 65's, ah I get it. :)

All vaccines are pointless at best (except for big pharma profits).



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Soon a new MAB platform to treat everyone with autoimmune syndromes from the vaccines they were given in childhood. So 65 won’t be a crazy number for some people.

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Yes, I was aghast at the vaccine schedule in the US for the under 18's when I saw it. One is bad enough.

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Well, ya know a newborn baby is liable to come into contact with intravenous drug use and prostitution tout suite. So makes sense to vaccinate for HepB after you clean them up from the birthing.

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He cautions, however, to consider the issues he raises.

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So I guess its ok for some people to be injected with a bioweapon, holy cow, why can't he just say no one should go within 100 miles of these death jabs.

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Exactly! What the hell?! It's absolutely insane at this point. Bizarro world.

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Consider his personal investment portfolio.

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Not recommending for under 65? Omg, why does he still say these jabs are ok for ANY freakin' age at this point?! Every single one of these so called officials continue to dance around the fringes - even when they know full well this injectable does NO ONE any good. 🤦‍♀️ It's infuriating.

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I wrote to UK government in 2020 when I realised in June 2020 at age 60 years old (about bloody time) that all vaccines ever were and are horrible, a ghastly fraud. They ignored me of course.

It is just as well because then the world would not have woken up as it did. We would have gone on being slowly steamed to death.


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Oct 24, 2023
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Yes, exactly, he's a liar.

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So it’s still okay to harm and kill the 65 and over!!! If a person consults with regular doctors😵‍💫, they most likely will recommend the shots!

Why doesn’t he call for a HALT to the Con-vid shots for EVERYONE!!!

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exactly. I plead with my parents to listen, but they go with the advice of their doctors, which is that these shots are recommended for them, due to their age and (therefore) vulnerability. It's crazy!

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I think my dad actually listened to me this time, and didn’t get the combined Covid and flu shot (UK). The reason he gave was that he’s never had a flu jab in his life and won’t be starting now. He’s 80 this week. He has had single Covid jabs though.

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My mum just had the combi shot a few days ago.

I gave up trying to stop her getting jabbed at the start but she goes by what the tv tells her to do.

Thankfully the jab isn't recommended for people under 65 as my brothers would still be rolling up their sleeves as well.

Sometimes think I'm the only sane person in my family !!

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One of my brother in laws is unvaxxed. He is an alternative thinker. I would have been unvaxxed, but I’d booked to go to IOM and didn’t realise they wanted proof of jabs 🙈 at the time. I wish people would stop and think.

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I've never been an alternative thinker , I just knew this was wrong.

All the coercion and mask , then vax propaganda rang alarm bells in my head and I knew then nothing good was gona come out of it.

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You are Jonboy, ....... you are.

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Shooting anybody makes them vulnerable. Ask them if they think poisoning themselves is a good idea. Or even try "I'm thinking of poisoning myself as this will make me better, what do you think?'

All being well they will say that is a bad idea. Then you can say 'did you know the vaccines contain poisons?' You can go from there.


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So disgusting!

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Oct 24, 2023
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They are indeed.

'I pride Satanic' is an anagram of 'pediatricians'.

'Rot cods' is an anagram of doctors.

That also indicates a problem.

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They are all complicit and guilty , including radio and tv stations promoting, all big pharma, all the politicians who own Pfizer stock only 3 do not . All need to pay the criminal price.

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It is not ok but the Great Vaccine Experiment has not yet finished sadly. I consider it must have about a year to run yet.


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Not recommended for people over 65?! Sure, let’s just kill off more seniors! 🤦🏼‍♀️

How about it not be recommend to ANYONE!?

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Except possibly those who make them. They can have everybody else's.

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Where is the clinical trial data for safety and effectiveness for those over 65.

Dr. Malone told me me there is none.

Has anyone ever seen any ?

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Yes, the Pfizer and Moderna clinical trial mortality data for OLDER age groups look absolutely terrible. In the clinical trials, the OLDER age groups had EXCESS ALL-CAUSE MORTALITY WITH VACCINATION (compared to placebo), even at the height of the pandemic and at peak vaccine effectiveness. In the two clinical trials combined, among the OLDER age groups, there were 21 deaths in the vaccine groups versus 16 deaths in the placebo groups. A 31% INCREASE in all-cause mortality with the "lifesaving" vaccine, in the OLDER age groups.

Among the older age group (>65) in the Moderna RCT, there were 9 deaths in the vaccine group versus 6 deaths in the placebo group. https://www.nejm.org/doi/suppl/10.1056/NEJMoa2113017/suppl_file/nejmoa2113017_appendix.pdf - see Table S19 on page 53/54

Among the older age group (>55) in the Pfizer RCT, there were 12 deaths in the vaccine group versus 10 deaths in the placebo group. https://www.fda.gov/media/152256/download - see page 57, BOTTOM of Table 25

And finally, this same age-related trend appears in VAERS as well: over 70% of unexpected post-vaccine deaths with known ages were in people aged >65 (and about 90% of such deaths with known ages were in people aged >50). https://openvaers.com/covid-data/mortality

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So it was democide. Clear the rolls of medicare and social security recipients. Those funds are needed for the replacement population arriving daily at our southern border

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Thank you

I have some questions, but need to do more than just skimming of the material you provided.

Thx again

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Why doesn’t Ladapo mention that the mRNA shots are adulterated products - containing large amounts of DNA plasmids.? Why is he not taking this information to his attorney general?

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I think I watched a recent video saying some had the SV40 virus in them? May have got confused tho (was interrupted whilst watching)

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You're correct that was something I read as well.

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Well, if that’s the case, those that had the jabs are ticking time bombs and need to hope they have a sturdy constitution! 🙈

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Oct 24, 2023
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It’s not good news is it 😢

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Bought people never do enough. He is the good cop in the good cop bad cop scenario ....... he's still a cop.

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Joseph Abiodun Ladapo? He's 'oh a poison jab pal dude'. That's anagram of his name.

Still 'bloodhound' is a part anagram so perhaps he is on the trail and hasn't arrived there yet.

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Love Ladapo, but I’m over 65 and don’t want the government’s poison jab either

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Dr. Ladapo has put himself way, way out front in this fight, and I’m not going to throw rocks at him from behind because he hasn’t (yet) scaled every wall. I expect his statements to continue to grow stronger, and I think it is much better to cheer him on to greater deeds.

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He has lied and if you don't throw rocks at him he will come back and lie and get more people killed again and again and again. My heroes are the doctors who stood up and lost everything as all too few of them did unfortunately but they will be safe when justice arrives on this planet.

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I think he was misled like everyone else who hadn’t awakened yet. I’m not a doctor, but I clearly remember the struggle I went through as I came to understand that, yes, there really are people -- lots of powerful people -- who don’t care if our children get injected with something that might take decades off their lives. It was painful.

The wonderful Dr. Marik went through a stage where he was a proponent of the covid shots. I didn’t throw rocks at him either. These people get hammered all around -- I’m going to stick with encouraging them on to even greater deeds instead of being yet another source of discouragement.

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There is a world of difference between early 2021 when Marik gave lukewarm support to the shots (I don't recall Marik ever pushing them, but neither is Ladapo) versus TODAY, >2.5 years later, when the evidence of net harm (absolutely including net harm to the elderly) cannot be ignored by any even remotely honest scientist. Plus, the seriousness of COVID, REGARDLESS of vaccination status, has also substantially declined from 2.5 years ago for numerous reasons. Another key difference is that Marik actually took the shots himself (indicating a sincerely misinformed acceptance of the vaccine), when by all indications, Ladapo did not take the shots. I totally agree that Ladapo is better than 99% of the rest, but throwing the elderly under the bus is NOT okay, especially because it is not at all necessary to do so in today's climate- even the majority of elderly and medical professionals have realized that taking the shots is not a good idea. Finally, Ladapo absolutely DOES know the whole truth- see this from 3 weeks ago https://www.foxnews.com/health/new-covid-vaccine-push-anti-human-says-florida-surgeon-general-major-safety-concern: "Dr. Joseph Ladapo told Fox News Digital he would not recommend the vaccine ‘to any living being on this planet’". I just wish he would have stuck to his guns.

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Anyone who has taken these death shots can TRANSMIT by HUMAN RESONANCE to others , not just shedding, so suggesting anyone should take them is using them and a conduit for death

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He has gone where others refuse to go - your statement is spot on.

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Why does NOBODY ever talk about the terrible mortality results in the Pfizer and Moderna gold-standard randomized clinical trials (the only truly unbiased mortality data on the vaccines), even when they have the chance to speak out like this? Across the Pfizer and Moderna trials, the vaccine groups had 45% excess cardiovascular-related deaths compared to the placebo groups, and the net effect was "4 killed for every 3 saved" even at the height of the pandemic.

COVID deaths: 2 vaccine vs. 5 placebo (-60%)

non-COVID deaths: 29 vaccine vs. 25 placebo (+16%)

cardiovascular deaths: 16 vaccine vs. 11 placebo (+45%)

Overall: 4 more non-COVID deaths, 3 less COVID deaths (4 KILLED FOR EVERY 3 SAVED)



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The actuaries prove that the excess deaths were much higher outside of the few clinical trials.

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And the "turbo cancers" are claiming countless numbers every day.

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Yes because we now know that quite of the people who died during the trials were removed from the jabbed totals and simply disappeared. Its a rigged game where Pfizer etc are judge jury and executioner in their own courts and the regulators are in on ithe criminality. Blame Reagan, these companies should never ever ever ever have been given indemnity for anything and luckily future governments are not bound by what past governments did so this criminality will be punished when the West throws off the WEF parasites running the show at present.

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You Want To Vaccinate My Child? Just Sign This Form

By Dave Mihalovic | Prevent Disease

¨You Want To Vaccinate My Child? Just Sign This FormI have yet to meet a Physician that will sign this form now downloaded by hundreds of parents. The reason they won’t sign is two-fold: First, they do not want to place themselves in a vulnerable position of being negligent for not providing informed consent to thousands of other parents; and second, many of them realize after their own extensive research that the risks far outweigh any benefits when it comes to vaccination.

It’s been over a year since hundreds of parents have downloaded this form and there are still no reports of any signatures. Many physicians won’t even look at the form while they dismiss a parent’s anti-vaccination stance as ridiculous. The behavior is a clear indication of a very misinformed Physician who does not have his or her patient’s best interests at heart. They are not willing to inform their patients of the risks, only the benefits they feel are acceptable. They are not open-minded to any other side of the debate except their own bias view passed down through the medical system....¨ Read More


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To slightly misquote 'Physicians heal thyselves'.

And before you try to heal others.

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Love Ladapo but I’m over 65 and don’t want the government’s poison jab either.

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That was an excellent speech and political platform. There are slowly dripping in a few more anti jab politicians. Let’s pray for a lot more.

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Noted and copied, thank you.

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Why is it ok to continue to recommend the booster to those over the age of 65. Are they NOT at risk for the damage the spike proteins cause? Possibly even greater risk due to coexisting health conditions?

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