I'm glad Tucker got a Big Pharma insider to ... state the obvious. I thought everyone knew why Big Pharma buys 50 percent (?) of the TV commercials we see. It's "protection money."

Protection money apparently well spent. These billions in ad spends have protected them from any critical reporting.

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Imagine still believing the mainstream media is unbiased and impartial at this point 😂

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Alcohol and cigarettes were banned from advertising on TV. Now big pharma roams free. 💬 🤔 about that one. Sponsored by.....you know who. Crooks.

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But note the advertising that is now allowed - for example, casinos pushing sports betting and whiskey. The State advertises their lotteries ("for the children"), which they have a monopoly on. They are trying to get more people to spend their children's diaper and milk money on a 1-in-2-million chance to hit a jackpot. If you do hit that jackpot, the government will take 50 percent of the winnings off the top. (And you don't "win" $10 million because everybody takes the smaller instant payout figure.)

Everything is a racket and the government has taken over all of the Mob's best rackets.

But our Shadow Rulers have to subsidize their partners in the Legacy Media to make sure they don't go under under completely. They are needed to spread and reinforce all the bogus narratives.

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What if Donald Trump wins the election and the next Congress passes legislation to ban pharmaceutical advertising? What effects do you think that would have?

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In the 21st century wars are fought in the mind using mass hypnosis and nanotechnology. Brains are the battlefield, and the spoils of war.

More here; https://truthaddict.substack.com/p/the-first-world-mind-war

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That was a good piece, Robert. I remember being taught that space was the final frontier. Turns out the malleable human brain is the ultimate final frontier...

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Im not buying that. Its an all encompassing jugernaut of criminality. They own everything commercial, political, religion. There is no escaping the reach of the people in charge. They can do anything they want with complete anonymity. They choose Actors to facilitate thier plans and get rid of them at the drop of a hat. And were all way to lazy to break the abuse cycle.

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You break the “abuse cycle” by NOT participating!

I lost my job of 23 years because I refused to put a carcinogen swab up my nose, subsequently the jab. I’ve never had a flu shot. I get nothing from a doctor, unless absolutely necessary. I had cancer 3 years ago, a huge tumor was removed, and I beat it. I stopped getting mammograms, because it doesn’t matter. I don’t get colonoscopies, take “tests”, etc.

Exercise, eat healthy, clean water, intermittent fasting, SUNSHINE, prayer, meditation, etc.

We don’t need doctors…they need us. I’m 60…take your damn power back!!!!

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As a former career R&D scientist, I finally got to the same stance as you.

It’s my ambition never to consult another doctor.

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Maybe you can help push the decent American doctors and scientists to do the right things as this is my message to them!


Where are all the American doctors and scientists that have ALL the evidence needed to STOP THE VACCINE many months ago???

America’s government with America’s military is GROUND ZERO…directly responsible for all the GLOBAL suffering and over 17 million continuing global murders! Are any Americans embarrassed yet and/or crying to have allowed this nightmare for all future generations??? Go look in the mirror as to who is to blame!

People have little trust in doctors and I have even less trust seeing the decent American doctors NOT, repeat NOT doing the right things to STOP THE VACCINE at this shameful time in our history!

Why is this?

Why did you leave your medicine lane to talk about everything else under the sun now giving political commentaries/opinions on any topic you want, relevant or not…allowing global vaccine murders to continue???

I will view you as a relevant doctor or scientist on the STOP THE VACCINE FRONT when you are on Janci Lindsay’s doorstep working together with her with the support of strategic planners to STOP THE VACCINE!

Janci’s Contact… https://www.toxicologysupport.com/about-us/

Isn’t it way past time doctors and scientists UNITE???

Why don’t you take a break from ALL this substack commentary and go help America before Disease X is released?

There is only 1 kind of hero today…the ones who actually STOP THE VACCINE and/or reinstate ELECTION INTEGRITY in the 2024 elections after the last 2 stolen ones!

P.S. The art of DIVIDING AND CONQUERING Americans everywhere is a war tactic our enemies have perfected, right?



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I record a 1 hour podcast weekly with Dr Lee 4 America on Truth For Health Foundation.

Check out our Whistleblower Reports.

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Thank you!

You could go a long ways in winning against this global war for humanity by getting Janci Lindsay WITH the strategic planning leader at NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER discussing what the American doctors and scientists need to do ASAP to STOP ALL VACCINES IN AMERICA which would help global humanity!


Guaranteed would be your best podcast because it is the SOLUTION America needs to STOP THE VACCINES!

The doctors and scientists will have to be pushed to do the right things by The People…just like the politicians, right???

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There’s good freedom loving doctors out there. Functional medicine, regenerative medicine, chiropractic, holistic medicine is disrupting the whole industry in a good way. Infact, I think we’re in the midst of a medical revolution right now

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I can only imagine what you have had to deal with Doctor Yeadon, truly.

I respect you, and I know that the Universe/Creator is with you. Because, you give a Divine message to help all souls here at this time.

Thank you Doctor Yeadon! God is with you!

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So well said. We don’t need doctors - they need us. Do not vaccinate your kids. Exercise, eat healthy, etc. Don’t believe any main stream media, TV channels, question what politicians tell you - the overwhelming majority have vested interests in the messages they peddle. Read the classics. Speak out against what you perceive to be false, corrupt and lies. Be courageous for god’s sake - don’t let the system turn you into a complaint, spineless, thoughtless puppet. Leave a mark as you go through life. Do your bit in putting an end to endless wars - they are a business.

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The 2024 vaccine schedule for children ages 0-18 is (18) vaccines totaling (76) doses. In the 1960s, the rate of autism was 1:10,000. Today, it is 1:34. Anyone who does not believe that there is an association has to be either willfully blind or willfully ignorant.

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In Spain newborns are recommended to get Hepatitis B shots. The transmission vectors are intravenous syringes, sexual transmission or throughout pregnancy. How corrupt can the system get ?

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Good for you!

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I’m here because of God and His power through me, humbly.

I want people to wake up, and stop allowing these evil people to have “dominion” over ALL of us. We have more power than you can imagine.

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Well said.

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I am doing exactly the same thing. I am 66 and have never been healthier.

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Please help!

Please help with this critical ELECTION INTEGRITY project that will directly impact all future elections, beginning with 2024!

NEEDED…smart awake citizens to help with this critical 2024 project!

We need ALL hands on deck ASAP!

Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!

Contact ASAP here to join us…Northamericanlawcenter@gmail.com

Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…


You will be standing with the best!!!

P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties!

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Do the test ask any psychiatrist if they have ever taken their own medicines?

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I pulled my kids from school when they were in elementary, and have not participated but most cant.

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If more folks followed your advice we could bring this business to its knees.

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🎯Tragically, desperation is often the mother of action. Many can only be moved through crisis..."coming soon to a nation near you".

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Hope so, hope so

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These woes are upon open invitation, followed by welcoming embrace.

Whatever we tolerate will become the standard.

Ephesians 4: 27:

27 Neither give place to the devil.


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I believe we have had and seen enough and this generation is going to end this nonsense. Once we've seen Paris, there's no going back to the farm, as they say,

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Makes sense. News media couldn't make payroll without big pharma. Their ads used to be illegal here.

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As was criminal conduct, once upon a time.

Cash is King. Life in its kingdom is perilous.

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Big Pharma and Plaintiff Trial Lawyer commercials. If only those super brave trial lawyers would sue Big Pharma or the hospitals that killed so many people.

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They could make payroll if they weren't so top heavy and people earned what they were truly worth. For real.

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It’s way past time to make them illegal here too. Can’t even stand to watch live tv

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The information is out there in the internet how to reverse metabolic condition like diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure etc. Health education is important. I sat next to a passenger in a plane who was overweight and this person shared his medical history including diabetes. To lose weight his doctor prescribed Mounjaro. He continues that he will have surgery for crushed bones on a foot in two months. He had no clue of the side effects of the drug he was taking. I warned him that because these injections slows down gastric emptying he might be in danger of aspiration/choking if he gets put under anesthesia even if he eats nothing before surgery. Suggested that he mention that to his attending, surgeon and anesthesiologist. I hope he remembers our conversation.

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Knowledge is power. Doctors are taught NOTHING (except Rockafeller cartel “medicine”).

In the future, doctors will not exist. Natural healers (holistic East/West) will be the norm.

It is the norm now for those awake.

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If Pfizer and their ilk pay millions to CNN and their ilk, they are in effect their bosses. Pfizer may as well write the checks to the talking heads, themselves. Talking heads are not going to bite the hand that feeds them so well, by doing something silly like actual journalism.

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Who the hell still watches television???? That’s the problem. Read a damn book!

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He forgot a group…lawmakers. The bio pharmaceutical military industrial complex has most every lawmaker in this country bought and paid for!

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Carlson: “pharma buys TV spots not to convince people to ask for specific drugs from their physicians, but to subvert the news business? […] I’ve never thought of that”

Really never thought of that? This is well known within the TV industry and he is an insider.

Is he really surprised to hear that?

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This should be obvious by now, sad we still have to explain it to people...

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In Canada the mainstream media has also been bought out. Even though it is 'illegal' to advertise prescription medication they have lobbied, bribed, the government with enough money to find a 'loophole' that allows them to advertise the name if the drug with vignettes that imply a certain drug and then they say 'ask your doctor'. Nothing like the States where it is a direct to condition ad complete with auctioneers reading off all the potential side effects. Pharma owns the media and the news which is why we haven't watched government news since April 2020. Sad.

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Over past months I have heard on radio here in Australia- ‘if you require anti-virals - consult your doctor’ and finishes with ‘brought to you by Pf!

I was shocked and angry when I first heard. Still angry that they get away with it.

They must be lobbying hard.

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Chomsky pointed that out many years ago, in a general way, that the purchasing of ads is to buy the tv systems.

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Too bad Chomsky went off the deep end during Covid! He used to be quite sensible.

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he used to be someone i admired and respected until he turned into a frightened rabbit and wanted to send the unvaccinated to the camps.

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hello sunshinegirl1217

it turns out he was never actually 'senssible' to his core. he has a deeper level of authoritarianism that was harder to see, that is all. I explored that here: ""Just This Is It. What Is This? Pt 2: Rings In Our Noses and Introducing ‘The Chomsky Affect’ and ‘The Chomsky Paradox’" https://vigilantfox.substack.com/p/former-pharma-insider-unveils-big/comment/48747149

this also looks at the so-called stupefaction of the 'respected' naomi klein — not wolfe, although there are elements of the paradox with wolfe too — and jordan peterson's 'just get the damn shot.'

see, also:

"[Chomsky:] I think we should — at the most general level we should be seeking out forms of authority and domination and challenging their legitimacy. Sometimes they are legitimate. That is, let’s say, they are needed for survival. So, for example, like I wouldn’t suggest that during the 2nd world war, the forms of authority — we had a totalitarian society, basically. And I thought there was some justification for that under the wartime conditions. There are other forms, such as the relation between parents and children, for example, [that] involve forms of coercion. Which are sometimes justifiable. But any such form of coercion and control requires justification. Most of them are completely unjustifiable. At various stages of human civilisation it’s been possible to challenge some of them, but not others. Others are too deep seated. (From Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media ~ -2:29:50, my emphasis.)

from Blinded by Our Truth (Pt 2): There is Truth All Around Me, and Amidst it All There Lies the Lies I’m Asked to Drink


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thanks much for the links.

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da nada.

i've come to the conclusion that much of the so-called 'mfm' are themselves authoritarian in their cores and don't see it. they are using bully language and fear, in exactly the same way as the 'bad cabal', just for the 'rights'. i suspect that that unconsciousness adherence to fear of non-authority structures explains to a large extent the infighting with the mfm. fascinating times.

all the best.

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i am seeing the same thing within the movement and it IS fascinating times. best to you also.

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Yes. I explored that in an essay a few months ago. I came to the realisation that in his core he is authoritarian and that the like myself i didn't see that. and so we perceived him as having been one way when in fact he was another. from that i derived the terms 'the chomsky paradox' and the 'the chomsky effect'. equivalent examples are jordon peterson and naomi klein not 'wolfe' — although i think naomi wolfe has some elements of that with her insistence on biblical reclamation as the key to fixing the broken state we are in.

if curious: "Just This Is It. What Is This? Pt 2: Rings In Our Noses and Introducing ‘The Chomsky Affect’ and ‘The Chomsky Paradox’"


see also:

see, also:

"[Chomsky:] I think we should — at the most general level we should be seeking out forms of authority and domination and challenging their legitimacy. Sometimes they are legitimate. That is, let’s say, they are needed for survival. So, for example, like I wouldn’t suggest that during the 2nd world war, the forms of authority — we had a totalitarian society, basically. And I thought there was some justification for that under the wartime conditions. There are other forms, such as the relation between parents and children, for example, [that] involve forms of coercion. Which are sometimes justifiable. But any such form of coercion and control requires justification. Most of them are completely unjustifiable. At various stages of human civilisation it’s been possible to challenge some of them, but not others. Others are too deep seated. (From Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media ~ -2:29:50, my emphasis.)

from Blinded by Our Truth (Pt 2): There is Truth All Around Me, and Amidst it All There Lies the Lies I’m Asked to Drink


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That............makes perfect sense and explains why nobody in media is looking into vaccine injuries.

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Even when the anchors themselves have medical emergencies live on air!

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The world has become the devil’s playground, and too many people are playing in it.

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That's why Fox News is 100% pharma ads.

If you want to know what new drugs are out there, just watch Fox News for about 10 minutes.

There's even pharma ads on streaming video services.

We were watching "Sleepy Hollow" [TV series] on Hulu. Interesting show. But the commercials were what really got me.

We don't have one of the Hulu accounts that doesn't have commercials. So, we had to watch them. And literally every single commercial was for some prescription drug.

Nearly every single drug listed, "Reduced Immune Response" as a side effect! Which I thought was really strange. One even said, "Talk to your doctor if you plan to get vaccinated."

I've seen a lot of drug commercials over the years, and I don't remember them listing reduced immune response as a  side effect.

Something really big is going on -- even outside of the whole vaccine push.

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This sickens me to my core. I wish people would wake TFU!

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