Be strong and very courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the LORD your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.” (Deut 31:6)

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and depart from evil. (Prov 3:5-7)

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The Lord will not leave or forsake you, but the Lord has no problem with your being maimed or dying. Happens every day to the most faithful of us. Me myself, I want to meet the Lord, but at the last possible freaking moment! So in the meantime, unless we want to meet him, like, NOW, we have a battle to fight. Pray, yes, but FIGHT! If we don't find a way to take these demons out, as in permanently, they are going to kill us all. Or worse, change our species genetics forever.

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Absolutely, the quote from Deut 31:6 is to Joshua on the beginning of the conquest of Israel. Lots of battles ahead for Joshua, with sword and arrow, not genetics and toxins!

Yet Joshua did not always trust God, and there were some big blunders because of it.

If we trust God and ask for his guidance then that is the way forward.

Fear is natural when dealing with madmen who want to destroy everything, but God is in charge of everything, so no matter what is ahead (death included) he will deliver you and bring justice and equity at the same time.

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Hell to the No! I’m not going to comply in any way! Last time I masked up for a while but that damn shot was off the table. No fucking way

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Didn’t fall for the vaccination the first time, obviously won’t again.

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F the FDA/CDC bureaucrat-criminals.

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I do hope this won’t affect the election ballots as it did in 2020.

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Dr. McCullough I trust as far as I can throw him... of the cliff preferably.

The Government is waging a war against it's own citizens... for sure... depopulation 101.

I say we have too many Politicians.


"Those who make a peaceful Revolution impossible make a violent Revolution necessary" -JFK

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No, we are NOT going there again!!

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Bird Flu in Cattle (Part 2) - Strong Evidence the Alleged Infection is a Technical Falsehood

New preprint published




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As much as I respect Dr. McCullough's expertise, moral and ethics...the ONLY thing that's spreading here, is BS! There was/is no covid monster coming to kill us all (WHO wants us to believe that 1,000's are still dying each week from the fake virus); and there is no H5N1 coming to kill us all; although the mRNA shots are ready and waiting!

I just spent many hours going over the recent videos from the WHO's May 27 to June 1 meetings and I've also saved dozens and dozens of PDF's! It's no wonder that even the smartest people don't really know what's going on. Who wants to sit there and read through a PDF that's over 500 pages?!

Speaking of 500; I discovered that at least, back to 2021, there was a plan to manufacture 500 "new" vaccines in order to "protect" every single person on the planet! The rhetoric makes me want to puke!

I have a few links and I don't expect anyone to go into them too deeply. Try to read the first few paragraphs of each one. I want people to notice the depth and scope of this "information"; videos, PDF's, articles - thousands of them! No one person could possibly go through it all. These demons never sleep! One of the links shows yet another meeting coming up in June.

I'm seeing people stating that since the WHO member states can't agree on all points, that "we" are winning. With the research that I'm doing, I can tell you that we're not "winning" anything! It's a delay of the inevitable at best. The following links are an infinitesimally small sample of all the info that's out there.






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"They" can go to hell.

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Once again, I don't believe mass vaccination is the goal. It's a MEANS to their ultimate goal, which is CONTROL. Digital IDs = Control. No buying, no selling, no driving, no phone--nothing without the Digital ID.

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Maybe it is control via the graphene in the vaccines to control your mind... Free thinkers like us who won't put it in our bodies are their biggest obstacle.

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It is perfectly clear that our immediate enemy is the people who take our money and who we elected to represent our views. When they take office they swear to uphold the law of this land, the Monarch and the people. Therefore these imposters have broken their oaths and should be dismissed and replaced immediately.

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Be prepared!

Ever since the "toilet paper wars", during the plandemic, we have been storing supplies like a good old-fashioned prepper. Always have enough to share with a neighbor in need.

We have also kept chickens for 12 years; they provide us with fresh eggs and fresh meat when


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McCullough is a fraud, a shill, and a gatekeeper

I wouldn’t let him treat my dead grandmother

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Everybody is entitled to their own conclusion. I am alive today because of Dr. McCullough. Perhaps your grandmother should have went to him?

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Found the corporate shill

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Is it me or is this more fear porn? The lethality of bird flu can vary depending on the specific strain of the virus and other factors. Some strains of bird flu, such as H5N1, have been associated with high mortality rates in humans, with reported case fatality rates ranging from 30% to over 60%. However, other strains may cause milder illness or have lower mortality rates. One has to keep in mind that the lethality of a strain rapidly diminishes as it mutates. In a similar vein, do we even know what is the problem?

It is also important to note that most cases of bird flu in humans have been linked to direct contact with infected birds, particularly poultry. Human-to-human transmission of bird flu viruses is rare (a huge point), but if such transmission were to occur and the virus were to adapt to efficiently spread among humans, it could pose a significant public health threat. Again, the probability of this happening is low...provided the virus has not been manipulated/modified. Thus, I suggest the best way to combat this possibility is to strengthen ones immune system. There are natural supplements that directly attack/breakdown such viruses to make them impotent. This whole concept of making a vaccine (before we know what is the problem) is Jab-2.0. In a word it is being created to hurt not help one. Cavet emptor. Pax

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Mass insanity 🤦🏻‍♀️

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