Thank God for Glenn Beck! For more than 20 years I’ve learned from Glenn and one thing is true, if he misspoke, he’ll return the very next day and

“right the wrong”! Time after time this is who, Glenn Beck is!

The Afghanistan debacle, created deliberately, by this illegitimate “Biden / Harris”administration, in order to turn over Afghanistan to the CCP, which is now in control in of the

Bagram Air Force Base, which On July 2, 2021, the United States vacates Bagram Airfield, the U.S. Air Force Base north of Kabul!

Glenn Beck raised $40 million dollars in a week for the “Nazarene Fund”! Unfortunately this corrupt administration, specifically our

“US State Department” prevented the nazarene funded, Gwen Beck listeners donations and the airplanes plus thousands of volunteers, from deploying to Afghanistan and rescuing hundreds of stranded Americans, who were “left-behind” by this “corrupt regime” called the “Biden / Harris” destroyer’s of America!

This is only one, of the many reasons Glenn Beck is, IMO one of our “Truest-Patriots”! The man loves America! Everything about America! I thank God everyday for Glenn and for his tireless work! His dedication towards helping Americans is unparalleled and unmatched by anyone alive today! Especially when Americans need help the most, Glenn Beck is always there!

Our own government “failed deliberately”! Yes deliberately! They didn’t do anything, once again for the ravaged areas, pummeled by Hurricane Helene! The same “deliberate failures”which devastated Palestine Ohio!on Feb 23, 2023 once again are “Hard At Work” failing Americans this week!

FEMA stole / wasted, $1 billion of our American taxpayer’s dollars on “Illegals”! FEMA SEEMINGLY IS NOW BROKE, but only when it comes to

“HELPING-AMERICANS”! Maui was another deliberate example of how this illegitimate government has failed the American People!

Yes, America, we have been reduced to second class citizens!

I’m sorry, scratch that. As a matter of fact, we’re not even treated as such, we’re treated as

“Non-Class parasites! We’re in their way of Barack Hussein Obama’s,

“Fundamental Transformation” and “Dreams Obama Have” of an “Islamist-America”!

Every which way we look, this illegitimate government has failed “WE THE PEOPLE” time after time after time after time!

Go ahead and vote for “Harris / Walz” ticket, all of you


“moronic morons”!

Help put the

“FINAL-NAIL” in America’s coffin!

Why not, y’all believe allowing a botched abortion baby, born alive, to “CHOKE OUT” on the gurneys of hell!

Look it up if you don’t believe me! Walz’s signed the bill in 2020 I believe. These are sick and demented people who despise everyone! Including you, the “Useless Idiots” who believe in these monsters and will vote for them too!

Believe me you, you’re not immune to the “destructive evil”which will “snuff you out” as fast as any “Patriotic American”! Y’all are not immune to the “UnGodly” Harris / Walz Obama’s, “THIS IS MY DREAM” destruction and abuses of all Americans!

God forbid, these people I speak of, these people who are either too lazy or too ignorant or both, and spend a little time researching these monstrous individuals!

A vote for the “Harris / Walz / Obama” ticket means you’re part of the problem! Yes a vote for this “Harris / Walz / Obama” illegitimate, never before happened in America,

“Lunatic-Leftist-Cultists” called the “Harris / Walz / Obama” regime of destroyer’s, means you’ll be aiding and abetting the

“Destructive Collapse of America”!

Thank you Glenn Beck!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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This will be hard to ignore !!! Next week will be an utter shit show !!!

But its the libtard mentality ; why give money to the poor and dispossess when yo can create 3 job per victims . . . Thats the whole NGO business model. Its worst than war .

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I was just thinking about the bloated jobs numbers in the Government sector.

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Here is an image that will help the hurricane ravaged south get some real help from Biden/Harris:


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Oh it already started ! the usual suspect . . . swap UA with Israel of course.

>>> https://www.infowars.com/posts/sen-lindsey-graham-pivots-to-israel-after-being-asked-about-hurricane-helene-victims

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It certainly is Kellzilla. It certainly is!


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With the Liberals /. Communists it's more important to control rather than to perform.

Real leadership would have welcomed the participation of locals who have knowledge , strength and commitment that DWARFS that of the flaccid , overtime loving , bureaucrats from DC.

That the bureaucrats are obsessed with CONTROL has been throughly displayed with their confiscation of STARLINK terminals and private relief supplies, refusal to allow the use of general aviation in a significant way.

Real leadership would have

1- Adopted the Special Forces strategy of FIRST. working through local resources G chief

- Provide protected airspace for non government aircraft operations -

- Provide airborne radar / ads B traffic controllers

- Use heavy lift helicopters or even low level drops to get supplies to critical areas

- Use local resources to get the supplies the last 10 miles were appropriate - there are probably thousands of ATV's in the neighborhood.

2 - Absolutely avoided confiscation of private property (relief supplies) Among leftist bureaucrats there is a Soviet/Chicom obsession with control over performance . As Stalin and Mao practiced , the loss of peons in pursuit of political goals was of no real concern . No doubt the seizure of the Starlink terminals was intended to prevent the free flow of information from the field to the public

3 - Worried about performance not politics

4 - Within hours after Katrina the Democrats were attacking Bush for not solving the problems caused by the New Orleans Mayor not following the warnings and procedures of the City's EMERGENCY PLAN (paid for by US Taxpayers) that noted the most fundamental job of the Mayor was to order an early evacuation.

5 - Unfortunately the bulk of the press does not want to embarrass Camoola by sharing the fundamental truths ( assuming they were capable of understanding them). I realize it is hard for DC bureaucrats to understand the concept of reality vs what they can get their press pals to write about them. The press is giving Biden / Harris a free ride on having looted the FEMA funds for their open border airlifts and freebies for illegals .

6- What few views we have seen of Biden it is clear that he is in a near vegetative state.

7 - As they have done for the last few decades the Democrats and most of the press are more focused on defending the indefensible rather than serving the public.

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TAKE NO PRISONERS great summary .

The press has downplayed the Biden abandonment of our allies , our equipment and our honor in the final months of the Afghan campaign.

Long ago when I was in the Army we were taught how easy it was to render equipment useless if it was to be abandoned . A thermite grenade on the engine or drivetrain would simply destroy the equipment. (Thermite is the same chemical mixture used to weld train tracks as when it burns it essentially welds pieces into a single piece.)

EDIT - IMPORTANT - I wanted to elaborate , unlike so many of my Lompoc neighbors, diminimous best describes my service in the Army Reserves in the long, peaceful period between Korea and Vietnam. Without those who served in battle and faced other challenges, before and after me I would not be here playing keyboard cowboy

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You know Steve, there’s been so much the press has downplayed to date, starting with the “Summer of Love”.

I’m sure when you were in the Army long ago, as you said, things like a withdrawal or redeployments must have been planned, coordinated and then executed with the utmost precision? Why wouldn’t it be, right? After all, our military, rather our “Men and Women” in the military sacrificed their lives in many cases and in many ways!

I’m personally repulsed by the leaders today and lack thereof! Especially for the “Men and Women” who have been railroaded by such “ideological nonsense”! This infuriates me primarily because, never joining the military and all I’ve learned to date, “I wouldn’t think twice about jumping in front of anyone of our “Men and Woman” military personnel and take a bullet for them!

it makes me wonder, how much longer America has left? With such dismantling, forced resignations, by some of our best and most prestigious special force men and women, I am that angry!

It’s not about my life anymore! It’s about my Sons life and my grandsons life! If our nation continues down this road to “Armageddon” then we can all kiss our arses goodbye!

Not something I’m proud or want to see happen. There’s a deliberate effort to destroy our military. Afghanistan was only the beginning.

Someone asked me how I would “vaporize” IRAN without affecting the citizens? Short answer, you really can’t. But you can work to keep tensions in check while negotiating from a point of strength! If all else fails there isn’t much choice. It would either be “US or THEM”! Other than clandestine military operations, ultimately civilians wi be killed. Minimizing casualties should always be considered. Any humane person knows this!

There’s always going to be unintended consequences, especially in war. But if our military becomes mushy as is the path their being lead to, then IRAN won’t think twice about American civilians, now would they?

I thank you for your service Steve! I’m thankful for your service and your dedication to helping keep America safe and free!

So many “Gnats” as I call them believe all you need to do is say “I’m sorry” to the, supreme leader, Khamene. Sorry to all the “ankle-biters” out there, it ain’t going to work!

Thank you again Steve.


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No thanks are due....... I added this language to my earlier post...""...EDIT - IMPORTANT - I wanted to elaborate , unlike so many of my Lompoc neighbors, diminimous best describes my service in the Army Reserves in the long, peaceful period between Korea and Vietnam. Without those who served in battle and faced other challenges, before and after me I would not be here playing keyboard cowboy".

Thirty years later I spent a week on the Stennis ( Hawaii to San Diego ) and was awestruck with the sacrifices made by those men and women, returning from an around the world combat tour. Imprisoned violent felons would be in Federal Court demanding better living conditions than those experienced by the young enlisted on the ship.

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Highly recommend


Video on private efforts to rescue Afghans who had worked with the US and were being abandoned by the Biden administration.

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It’s absolutely monstrous, the many things this illegitimate administration / President Biden / Obama have done to our nation!

Thank you Steve for the link. I’m looking forward to watching it.


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A real leader would have directed the US military to use the same airborne assets we use around the world to de-conflict the airspace providing relief to the hurricane victims. Instead the bureaucrats wanted to ground all non government aircraft bringing supplies and rescuing victims while the slow moving agencies squabbled over turf and people suffered and died. The grounding of low flying helos while Joe slept through his air tour , which he could not recall on landing, just added to the suffering. Few events have better illustrated the obsession of the incompetent non-performers in maintaining control.

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So true Steve. We haven’t any “real leaders” presently! Not since this illegitimate administration / president was stolen to power away from Trump and all Americans!

I call them the “Bad / Evildoers” have never before,been in such command of all our agencies domestically.

With help from “Globalists Elites” these bureaucrats have decimated our critical infrastructures, from physical structures such as bridges to our education systems and societal mental wellbeing!

Yes they’ve been so destructive in every aspect of Americas way of life I’m not sure if we can ever get back to some sort of normality. They’re hellbent on destroying or “burning the forest down” in order to “reimagine” some crazy “Lunatic-Leftists” Marxist ideology!

I couldn’t agree more with you Steve. Americans have been silenced, threatened, jailed and murdered! Afghanistan was by design! Yet they blame, blame and blame Trump or who they want!

Thank you Steve. Where are our “Real Leaders”? I know they’re there but something has happened far deeper than we know! Something, which should concern every American left or right.


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Folks need to understand that FEMA IS part of the problem not part of the solution.. The useful idiots are collecting massive amounts of pay (straight and overtime) and normally infected with DC arrogance.

As others noted it was groups of private citizens who organized massive efforts to get trapped Americans and Afghan partners out of Afghanistan. Again the Harris /. Biden administration is betraying the trust of Americans for personal profit and their egos. People are dying as a result.

It is not about care for the victims but control and $ for the FEMA staff and their contractors and suppliers. In those communities there are large numbers of extremely competent individuals far better equipped to deconflict relief efforts.

There are lots of far more skilled pilots who are familiar with the area than the meager efforts .

flowing from DC The feds could easily provide airborne deconfliction of flights through the use of airborne aircraft , ADS B or simply establishing corridors (FEMA owns this airspace and the rest is open to private efforts)

Many decades ago the CAP group I flew with regularly practiced the mission of checking the major roads and bridges for obvious earthquake damage. Within 4 hours of a call we would have planned the mission, flown (at low level) a couple hundred miles of roads and returned to base with notes and photos.

Few things more clearly establish that the Biden / Harris administration is making this about demonstrating their power than serving then nation than their seizure of supplies and even Starlink terminals .

I certainly to do not advocate it but it has likely come to the situation where the citizens are going to do what is necessary to help their neighbors even if that means calling Camoola's arrogant bluff.

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DEI kills people. Period.

DEI destroys countries. Period.

DEI destroys societies. Period.

DEI is an intel psyop. Period.

DEI must be destroyed. Period

The response to Helene.

The response to Maui.

The response to Palestine.

The response to Afghan pullout.

The response to the border.

The response to COVID.

It is no longer about never letting a crisis go to waste. That is a "so yesterday" means to destructive ends.

Now it is about using a crisis to lay waste to life, property and liberty. The means and ends are now both utterly destructive.

All endlessly fueled by the parasitic DEI infiltration into vitally important instititions, the military, and educational systems.

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A favorite law of the universe: "Never assume intentional malicious malice aforethought when stupidity, negligence and incompetence will do."


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Don’t let them hide behind “mistakes were made”. Arresting people who are trying to help is not a mistake. It is quite intentional. It is malice.

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Oct 5Edited

In other news, Democrats are ditching the Ass/Donkey party symbol for the Nutria, the latest San Francisco super rodent infestation. https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/full-societal-collapse-san-fran-now-overrun-invasive-20-pound-rodent-infestation:

A party official said off the record, "It makes more sense because rat is already in our party's name."

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That's Hanlon's Razor. I don't think stupidity, negligence and incompetence are adequate to explain much of what we've seen the last decade.

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Here's a better one.... When there are too many "coincidences" they aren't really coincidences.

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This is beyond just criminal, it’s treason.

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Sending ALL my LOVE ❤️ and BLESSINGS 🙏 to Americans in their time of need. God Bless to you and God Bless America 🇺🇸 My Love 🥰 from New Zealand 🇳🇿

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Thank you friend

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Creator bless you!

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At least two of the FEMA videos aren't playing now - accident? I think not. Does anyone think they've been pulled by - what - YouTube?


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God Help Us! 🙏

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FEMA WASN'T PROPERLY FUNDED! And they're taking the hit, because they've been told to shut up, that belong to Biden-Harrism who spent $1 trillion on themselves. READ: Biden & Harris gave more, if not all, to themselves! "Biden-Harris Approaches New Record, Highest Improper Payments in Single Term of $1T"


September 27, 2024

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IT DOES NOT TAKE $1 TO COOPERATE WITH LOCAL RESOURCES WHO ARE FAR MORE KNOWLEDGABLE, SKILLED AND COMMITTED. For the most part FEMA are a bunch of people collecting massive amounts of overtime and protecting the high markup suppliers. Also where's the national guard with trucks and ATV.

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FEMA is a fake organization sleep walking in other peoples nightmares. Get them out of there so real people can help. So disgusted with what is happening to people there.

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The horrible FEMA response is all being done on purpose!


"Oh, you might still be naïve and think: People are suffering. Kamala wouldn’t withhold aid just to win a few votes!

What are you, an idiot?

To win a few votes, Joe and Kamala threw the Southern border wide open to fentanyl, killing a record number of Americans and abetting the sex trafficking of countless little kids.

To win a few votes, Joe and Kamala want to nuke the Senate filibuster to make baby-killing a “right.”

To win a few votes, Joe and Kamala advocate to permanently mutilate and sterilize underage kids as sacrifices to the LGBTQ+ lobby."

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Thank you for this valuable information - Blessings.

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This is how a regime of Luciferian pedo communists responds to a humanitarian crisis. Not only is FEMA not responding, after doing nothing for 5 days they're now threatening to ARREST any volunteers arriving to rescue victims or bringing critically needed supplies. To deliver humanitarian assistance you apparently first have to neutralize federal personnel blocking such assistance. Note as well the absolute ABSENCE of any MSM news crews or cameras or reporters on the ground. Absolute silence from the lying depravda nbc abc cbs msnbc.

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Classic bureaucratic focus by FEMA - not on what anyone needs RIGHT NOW, but on “getting them into our system.” Totally oblivious that people have no water, power, medicines, cars, phones, houses, you name it!

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I saw Kamala say that anyone affected could apply for $750 in aid. Okay, so how do they apply? Who is reviewing those applications? Is there an appeal process if denied? How long does it take for the money to arrive? How does any of this work in an environment sent back to the Stone Age by a hurricane? What does it cost to run this process and could that money be better spent, you know, helping people in the 3D reality? I hate bureaucrats. People in the private word worship profit; people in government worship process. They think rules are ends in themselves, totems to be worshipped.

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No Fed paychecks until Helene victims gets measurable relief...not a f'in dime for a Fed paycheck. Not another cent for any nation until....we've reestablished all basic infrastructure, comms, electric, roads. Nothing more to any illegals ever.

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