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Grand Jury Request Goes Through In Florida: “They Won’t Be Able to Hide Anything”

“Everything they did, everything they knew about, will be transparent.”

Originally Published on DailyClout

Nine days after Florida Governor Ron DeSantis said, in a press release, that he would be asking the State Supreme Court to convene a Grand Jury to investigate “any and all wrongdoing” with respect to the Covid-19 injections, he, extraordinarily, received approval on Thursday (12/22/22) for that request. You can find that ruling here (only works on desktop). Thanks to Dr. Henry Ealy for the link.

From The Post Millennial: Florida Supreme Court approves DeSantis grand jury to investigate mRNA COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers

The Florida Supreme Court granted Governor Ron DeSantis approval to impanel a grand jury that will investigate mRNA Covid-19 vaccine manufacturers and to release all of their data.

The Grand Jury, as suggested by the governor, will seek to require that big pharmaceutical companies reveal their data on safety and the benefits of the Covid-19 vaccines that they developed. 

As we recall from Governor DeSantis’ mRNA accountability hearing, he and Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo made three major announcements.

1.) Establishing the Public Health Integrity Committee

“Anything they [the CDC] put out, you just assume, at this point, that it’s not worth the paper that it’s printed on,” attested Governor DeSantis on December 13.

“And so, in Florida, we’re creating what we’re calling the public health integrity committee. It’s a committee of expert researchers that will be able to assess recommendations and guidance related to public health and healthcare, but particularly being able to offer critical assessments of things that bureaucracies like the FDA, CDC, and NIH are doing.”

Doctors Jay Bhattacharya and Martin Kulldorff will be serving as members of this Health Committee. So, when the CDC recommends vaccinations and masks for young children, there will be another entity of authority that will offer a second opinion with some weight.

2.) Leading Further Surveillance Into Sudden Deaths

This is a program being initiated by Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo and team, where they will be studying the incidence of myocarditis within a few weeks following the jab.

“This is going to be a surveillance study working with some of our medical examiners in Florida,” Dr. Ladapo announced. “We’re also going to be working with the University of Florida, so there will be a component that has more of a research forum to it, but we will answer this question. It is a question that I’m sure keeps the CEOs of Pfizer and Moderna up late at night — hoping no one ever looks. But we’re going to look here in Florida.”

3.) Filing a Petition to Call a Statewide Grand Jury (Granted)

“We’ll be able to get the data whether they want to give it or not because, in Florida, it is against the law to mislead and to misrepresent, particularly when you’re talking about the efficacy of a drug. Just recently, Florida got $3.2 billion through legal action against those responsible for the opioid crisis. And so, it’s not like this is something that’s unprecedented,” expressed Governor DeSantis.

“So today (December 13), I’m announcing a petition with the Supreme Court of Florida to impanel a statewide Grand Jury to investigate any and all wrongdoing in Florida with respect to COVID-19 vaccines — and we anticipate that we will get the approval for that (they now did). That will be something that will be impaneled, most likely, in the Tampa Bay area. And that will come with legal processes that we’ll be able to get more information and to bring legal accountability for those who committed misconduct.”


The approval for the Grand Jury request is “so critical,” expressed Dr. Naomi Wolf on the War Room.

They [the vaccine manufacturers] won’t be able to hide anything. Everything they did, everything they knew about, will be transparent.” Dr. Wolf continues, “And so, this is in a criminal investigation about wrongdoing committed against Floridians related to the COVID-19 vaccine.”

I’ve really got to hand it to Dr. Ladapo and to Governor DeSantis,” commended Dr. Wolf.

“They just follow the science! And so, they’re following the science into the morgue. They are going to lead further surveillance into sudden deaths of individuals that received the COVID-19 vaccine in Florida based on autopsy results. And they’re going to collaborate with the University of Florida and look at research from other countries. So that’s huge!” rejoiced Dr. Wolf.

“It’s been so difficult for the dissident doctors who are trying to sound the alarm to make definitive statements about causes of death because there haven’t been autopsies at any scale at all! And people whose loved ones died of vaccine injury are often told, ‘Oh, sorry. Your loved one’s been cremated.’ Or their legal battles about the tissue samples. We’ve heard about that. I mean, horrible things! Of course, you’d expect there to be autopsies if there is a question about [the] cause of death. You’d expect that two years ago, but now it’s actually going to happen. And with these new actions, there’s going to be a massive amount of revelation of crimes and wrongdoing. And this is huge.”

This is huge, indeed. And as the meme goes, “it’s happening” — because this Grand Jury development offers a real glimmer of hope. The world needs to know everything that went wrong with these Covid-19 shots. And thanks to Governor DeSantis, Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo, and their team, the process of discovery begins in Florida.

Henry Ealy, a doctor in naturopathic medicine and Founder & Executive Community Director for the Energetic Health Institute, has been working tirelessly on the Grand Jury front for well over a year.

Dr. Ealy knows all the ins and outs of the Grand Jury process — and is exceedingly knowledgeable on the wrongdoings committed. As a man who loves to educate, he has provided me with some key notes:

1.) Grand Juries can expand the scope of any investigation without needing anyone's permission if their investigation uncovers that the scope was too narrow at first.

2.) Grand Juries can have their findings sealed from public view which is why DeSantis must demand that their investigation and any findings in either their indictments or presentments are made available for public consumption.

• There is nothing in the current order that seals this from public view.

• It has to be public or the evil will compromise the Grand Jury members — you can be sure of that.

Dr. Ladapo and Governor DeSantis must be made aware of these two factors.

So if you, or anyone you know, is associated with Governor DeSantis’ team, please send this article their way and have them reach out to Dr. Ealy (, as he is openly volunteering his time to help.

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