I have loved ones that are jabbed injured. The LAST thing I would suggest to them is to try this experimental jab. Don't care who helped to develop it.
I wouldn’t encourage very much of anything that God did not create. Though I have had to use ivermectin. So I will do what I have to with great discernment.
What they’ve been using these in vaccine injured already and are proposing for further study in this paper mentioned are 2 “FDA approved” treatments (not jabs) already patented and used for other diseases.
He didn’t create them, they’re repurposed.
I would still, only consider taking these after a long period of trying every natural way to heal w/o success and being so injured that one could not function at all… but that’s me and I got off the allopathic train to hell in 2019.
McCullough and others like him are still pushing the narrative that there was a pandemic, when it has been shown by Rancourt, and others like him, that there was no pandemic. They can't both be right...but the 'early treatment is making a lot of money.
No, McCullough is not the only person to be scrutinising the 'vax'. Plenty of others like Dr Yeadon, and others like him have been on this for even longer.
Exactly. Dr. Yeadon is much more trustworthy; he has nothing to gain, everything to lose by exposing what he knows and has learned over the last four years.
I would trust the experts who have been banned, not those who appear everywhere in the media and at events, even if it's in the supposed "alternative" media.
Dr. McCullough and Dr. Yeadon are both top-notch truth tellers one is not better than the other…
They are in the same camp with the other doctors : ie :
Dr. Zelenko
Dr. Judy Dr. Judy Mikovits
Dr. Ryan Cole
Dr. Maki
Dr. Pierre Cory
Etc. etc. etc.
who were and are trying to warn the public and figure out what’s going on from day one of this planned -Demic which nobody knew it was planned at the time….
These Doctors all have their own specialties and have worked tirelessly to help humanity !!!
These negative comments on here about Dr McCullough are just disgraceful. It’s like biting the hand that’s feeding you disgraceful !!!
People should look up the battles he had to face as they came after him with ‘ guns a blazing’ because he was telling the truth, and realizing something was wrong with the vaccines !!
they tried to shut him down.
They got him fired from his job in Texas .
They tried to take everything away from him, trying to take his medical license away from him. He has been through hell and these people have no clue.
They should look up what he’s gone through. Listen to his testimony before they start opening their mouth and opposition to him ….
To this day, his practice is totally dedicated to helping the Covid vaccine injured !!
My comment contained facts, that's all. They cannot all be 'top notch truth tellers' since they disagree with each other on fundamentals, therefore cannot all be telling the (whole) truth. I don't at all disagree that much of the treatment offered by The Wellness company is beneficial, for respiratory illness.
But Ioannidis IFR of 0.15% is not high enough to cause a pandemic, and Rancourt et al have shown that there was no pandemic.
While there is 'early treatment' for Covid, then this leaves the door open for 'early treatment' for the next 'virus'. Since there was no pandemic it is hard NOT to explain this lack of truthfulness in terms of money. Their position is undermining other's attempts to remove fear from the population, which is needed to stop the next scamdemic effort. The Wellness company are pushing the fear, not helping to stop it. I like McCullough and I appreciate his work with the vax injured. He will have his own reasons that he continues to back the narrative. But me asking 'why' is not disgraceful, rather is perfectly reasonable.
I couldn’t care less whether there was a pandemic or there wasn’t. For most folks, saying “The Pandemic” doesn’t necessarily mean they buy into it. It’s just semantics. Same with the word “vaccine”. I use it from
time to time for
ease in conversation, knowing full
well that I and whomever I’m speaking with KNOWS it wasn’t a vaccine by any means. Other times, I know it but the person with whom I’m speaking doesn’t know it. I continue using the term bc they began the discussion and it may not be completely as necessary to “inform” them of their incorrect thinking as it is to continue the overall idea. Semantics are hardly a reason to throw someone under the bus. Dr. McCullough has tirelessly campaigned and educated people abt the “non-pandemic” (see how awkward that was?) and to help people. If he is “controlled opposition” he’s doing a damn lousy job. He’s got about the biggest
microphone of
any of them and he’s changed legions of
minds about this thing. You know, the thing we aren’t allowed
to call “Pandemic”.
I call it the Plandemic. I also call it the Pandemic of BS, but I don’t insist others use the terms I use/coined.
Although I don't exactly "trust" McCullough, I would bet that the "viruses are fake" detractors of McCullough are much MORE likely to be controlled opposition than McCullough himself, because they want to DISTRACT FROM and COVER UP the murders due to mRNA vaccines and COVID hospital protocols, by PRETENDING that the pandemic was fake. "Fake pandemic" = deny and forget all the excess deaths in the last few years, so that the perpetrators get away with it. I have not seen any convincing evidence to the contrary.
Yes, I see that he blames the clots on mRNA, when they are also due to graphene oxide in the shot. I see that he recommends NATTO for clots, when the NATTO does jack shite against the GO clots. I see he calls the inflammation as incipient of the spike protein, when there is much more than the spike going on.
He controls your point of view, and you applaud him. He is good at his job as controlled opposition.
Lots and lots of research. It becomes very obvious especially when you finally see who is allowed to speak freely on social media (McCullough) vs who is shadow banned and criticized on social media (Dr Yeadon). People trying to sell things to enrich themselves and their buddies are probably not people you can trust.
Wrong. The vax failed on day one and they knew it. He is there to control that narrative and perpetuate the scary idea of pandemics— as opposed to planned and strategized psychological operations creating “pandemics” out of thin air.
I don’t suggest they take it either. I suggest they research it rather than toss it out with the bath water bc someone decided ALL things suggested by this
man MUST be evil and unhealthy bc he is “controlled opposition”.
These are just ideas that are far from being tested on humans. I would only try something like this if I was terminal. We're years from this becoming a real therapy. There are other things to try that would be much safer including combinations of minerals, vitamins, ivermection, pendenazole. Look around the web, there are many therapies out there.
I don't exactly trust him and may think "something is not right" with him, but I DEFINITELY don't trust his detractors who say "viruses don't exist", and I KNOW "something is not right" with those detractors.
After all we have been through, it seems short-sighted to dismiss theories the medical industrial complex hates, just because it goes against the indoctrination we have all endured. Read about it, consider the fact that you’ve been lied to your entire life, and the fact that the “Covid virus” has never been isolated in a single human. I don’t know the “truth” either, but you can bet I am considering all explanations at this point.
McCullough is given full media carte blanche while many others remain censored. That’s just one reason you should be skeptical about him. He says all the right things about the vax, but there’s more to all of this than that.
The ones I absolutely don't trust are the bots and paid trolls spouting "fake pandemic" so that no one is held accountable for the mRNA vaccine deaths/injuries and hospital protocol deaths, and everyone can conveniently pretend those murders didn't happen. How convenient for the deep state. If not trusting them means I am "purple-pilled", then call me "purple-pilled".
You seem confused. You're stating only "bots and paid trolls" would claim the pandemic was fake, therefore all deaths are fake?
That is NOT what anyone is claiming at all.
One was clearly a staged production, used as a pretext to facilitate the use of deadly hospital protocols and toxic pharmaceutical interventions that have killed and maimed millions.
We absolutely intend to hold the perpetrators accountable.
And questioning the very foundations of that pretext is crucial.
You’re saying you can’t bring a heart doctor, having written the most published papers and books, been on the most boards, allll those accolades and he’s supposed to simply can his career bc he doesn’t trust pHARMa? On the contrary! I say if your head is full of all that knowledge and you’ve had SO much experience, STAY the course and let everyone know what you’ve seen Big pHARMus DO!
He has to go be a security guard or something and have nothing to do with medical simply bc he doesn’t trust Pfizer? That makes zero sense. Geez.
Trust nothing? Trust no one? Except you & what YOU say??! Bye Baby! Bye Bathwater! Bye TUB!
Make that make sense.
NO! I’m trusting people who I listen to for 20-30 min. and I can DISCERN they have researched, investigated, used the brain God gave them (or what’s left of it after all the injections and fluoride!) and can actually make sense of stats and observations.
When it comes to the industrial medical complex you need to take 5 steps back. It seems pretty crazy after what we’ve all just been through to clamor around this new “fix” blindly. Completely insane, actually.
That’s just another excuse. He is making a lot of money off of this so he continues to push it. I agree with Catherine Austin Fitts she stated “I would have definitely taken a bullet to the head rather than sign off on the democide of the American people”. She was referring to Trump, but he is not the only person who is still promoting this. McCullough and his sponsors are also participating.
Catherine Austin Flipps is a Bushie/neverTrumper. Of course she would say that because she is promoting RFK jr who is a radical progressive on everything. He is about a woman’s right to choose, even abortion at full term. Any person who vacillates on something so important to conservatives has to be questioned. Abortion to save a mother’s life only. Why would Flipps who is touted to be a conservative support a radical progressive?https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/rfk-jr-stance-abortion-rcna151808
He also promoted tamiflu that went into the TWC kits, had paxlovid & mulnupiravir in his protocols at one point too…despite some damning data/research. I’ve lost all respect for him and I never thought that would happen. He is a pHARMa shill. I thought he had the sense to learn about the body through natural medicine and avoid pHARMa at all costs…nope! He bows at the alter of pHARMa which is sorcery.
followed Hitler thinking he was awesome. Proves nothing to say, “Lots of people say…” Lots of people are wrong lots of times. Note the sheer number of people who bought into that cockroach Anthony Fauci’s spiel.
The problem of siRNA's is that you DON'T WHAT WHAT THEIR SIDE EFFECTS ARE!
If there is active reverse transcriptase, siRNA's can get reverse transcribed as well, or if they are small and numerous enough, they can alter DNA WITHOUT reverse Transcriptase by intercalating DNA strands directly.
If you want a Safer way to clear DNA damage and foreign RNA from you system using your body's own processes, read this.
p.s. There's a reason lawyers in "freedom" establishment cancelled me, and the wellness co refused to hire me. Real truth dismantles all untruth, even money.
I did a dry fast for six days and ended up in agony with upper back pain. Won't do that again. As far as siRNA's, we don't know their long-term effects. For some people I imagine siRNA treatment is better than the disease they have. I think siRNA's target lipoproteins in the liver that cause plaque in arteries affecting the heart. Also, used for cancer, amyloidosis, polyneuropathy. The alternative health field recommends natto kinase, bromelain, NAC, quercetin, and a supplement made from bladderwrack seaweed that binds the spike protein. I wonder how those treatments compare with siRNA treatment for mRNA spike harms?
Dry fasting seems like russian roulette for kidney stones and kidney damage. I wouldn't recommend any fasting without gradually acclimatizing your body over a year or more to 3 and 5 day fasting with adequate (not excessive) water and tea.
I would opt for the alternatives at this point because all of these products have been on the market for some time. As for siRNA's we may be messing with fire, just waiting to get burned.
Definitely playing with fire. Anyone with critical thinking skills would never trust big pharma or the medical industrial complex again. They have proven what they are. They will gladly kill people for money.
Rita, a dry fast is rough. You might enjoy better a "cleanse". There are many kinds, but it can serve I think the same purpose without the pain. My favorite involves a few weeks of preparation in which I focus on raw fruits, veggies, and juices with lots of water and psyllium and also magnesium. After some weeks I am drinking fresh juices only, and my body has had time to transition into this different experience without stress. The juice doesn't seem to get in the way of releasing and removing harmful things from the body, and it gives you powerful nutrition and energy.
Thank you for taking the time to explain your protocol. I will do some more research. I had gone carnivore for a few months, lost 40lbs, couldn't stick to it. Regained all the weight. Dr. Mercola explains because of the Randall Cycle, healthy carbohydrates are a better source of energy than ketones from animal protein. He was a big keto fan but now supports carb, medium fat and some protein. There are so many varying points of view. Thanks again though.
I suppose it’s a sign of the times, but my trust in the medical community is absolute zero. My biggest question is how has Dr. M been able to continue to talk about the damages of mRNA. Everyone else speaking out has been “cancelled,” but not him. I smell a rat.
He hasn't addressed or even acknowledged the nano technology found by many in these jabs which is arguably far more dangerous than the alleged spike protein.
No, if anyone at all asked me to walk off a bridge, I wouldn’t do so however, if anyone as seemingly wise as he, and as seemingly helpful as he, simply suggests looking into it, I’m not going to burn him at the stake, either. I’m going to do the tries & true, known and natural protocols as needed, while I calmly LOOK INTO it.
If Dr. McCullough is (everyone’s new, fave word they’ve learned) “Coordinated Oppostion”, then someone has told him to be 97% effective for the wrong side while being 3% effective for the “right” (lying covidians) side. That seems implausible to me but it’s not completely outside the realm of possibility.
What seems more plausible is that if a mob came to your house saying your sister was a witch, you’d burn her at the stake and ask questions later.
I suggest you follow Sasha Latypova for more accurate takes on anything jab related. This guy is telling you to put MORE poison in to combat the poison they already pumped into folks.
How long do you think it needs to be tested and on how many human clinical trial participants before the rest of us KNOW any new medication is truly "safe?" Because all meds have to, or SHOULD, go through a long safety testing period before you get the public buying them. Duh.
Wrong. He is controlled opposition and has consistently avoid the fact that the “covid” virus has never been isolated in any human- ever. He is there to perpetuate the myth that there are synthetic contagions/bioweapons that can cause pandemics— that’s the only important part. The vaccines were a failure on day one and they knew it.
The problem is that many vials had no mRNA in them. Presumably all, had DNA plasmids (confirmed by Health Canada and over 5 studies).
Visualize a hen egg, the nucleus is the yolk and the cytoplasm is the white.
The DNA plasmids hacked the cell nucleus: siRNA won't even touch the nucleus, since it stays in the cytoplasm.
The ethical thing to do is run a clinical study with 3 branches of vaxxed patients, measuring the concentration of spike protein in blood in all 3 of them, before, along and after 1 month treatment:
1. One randomized blind group gets the usual FLCCC post vac treatment
2. Another gets the siRNA
3. Another doesn't get anything
Due to the urgency of the matter to billions, partial results should be online in real time.
Yes, all vaccines are already weaponized to cull the population, as well as food and water in slo-mo:
What’s your best way to wake-up those who don’t want to open their eyes?
Please share your most effective wake-up strategies.
The more the awakened, the sooner this nightmare will be over!
The most effective strategy is asking about the person’s opinion on some of these topics:
Would you be interested in the story of how a father got 20 million dollars from the Government?
Then, show that every single person on the planet should be suing Pfizer and Moderna for deliberately hiding human DNA in their vacicnes, and Pfizer, for injecting an undisclosed carcinogenic monkey virus (SV40) sequence into the cell nucleus of the clueless biohacked, as officially recognized by Health Canada !!!
Not like the topic? I’d show this video (all you need is 10 secs in the middle, who doesn’t have 10 seconds for you):
(caveat about the beginning: pot destroys your brain + “Raises Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke”)
9/11: two "planes", yet the third tower (WTC7) imploded, free falling on its footprint like in a controlled demolition. It was out of reach, and all 7 World Trade Center towers needed to be rebuilt, not the closer towers not belonging to World Trade Center... and the “owner” took an insurance policy for the WTC against terrorism, just months before, when no one was taking them … he didn’t show up for work precisely on 9/11 … just as his 2 grown up siblings. The inside information about the FUTURE 9/11 event helped masons make trillions by shorting the stock exchange: the records were deleted by the SEC so they wouldn't be prosecuted !!!
- J6: The false flag operation of the fake riot was planned, incited and guided by FBI mason agents, who broke into the Capitol !!! All intel agencies (CIA, FBI, NSA) were founded by masons and are run by them for their own nefarious goals.
The same mason-plot was copy-pasted to disband the demonstrations against the stolen elections in Brazil through the rigged voting machines owned by mason Soros:
All political parties are compromised/infiltrated. For example, Italy supports vax pass and WHO Pandemic Treaty !!! Meloni's Government! People voted her for being against that!
- At least since the 90s, vaccines are weaponized to reduce the population, for example:
1. Adding hCG to infertilize women: lab detected in 30 countries
2. Overpassing the FDA 10 ng limit to human DNA “contamination” by 2000%, thus causing neuro-damage (autism, asperger, tics, dyslexia in 29% of kids, etc.) and childhood cancer epidemic (n.b. leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas)
2. There's proof of deliberate geoengineering to increase global temperatures and droughts and decrease albedo by dissolving clouds with satellite Electro-Magnetic Frequencies.
3. Life involves a carbon cycle. A war on carbon is a war on life, causing food scarcity, increase in food prices and famines. Decarbonization is part of the plan to exterminate 95% of the population.
- Their main source of power apart from sin-empowered demons? NOT a coincidence that the USA left dollar convertibility to gold in 1971, precisely triggering the exponential government deficit coupled with the trade deficit and inflation.
This is the Achilles’ heel of all nations: masonic and satanic secret societies counterfeit paper money and launder trillions with which they buy Banks, seats in the Federal Reserve (the only private run Central Bank in the world), political careers and parties, puppeticians, listed corporations, media, healthcare corporations and organizations, universities, foundations, judges, etc.:
1. Create an easy system for real money: private currencies/warrants based on real assets, goods, services, etc. (gold, corn, oil, distance/volume/weight transportation, labor human hour/minute, etc.)
2. Ban legal tender. Let the free markets decide which real-currencies/valuables/warrants they prefer to trade with
3. Ban paper-backed currencies (unlike real-backed ones of point 1.)
4. Enforce a Legal Banking Reserve of 100% of deposits (so banks don't create money based on air) and therefore there's no excuse for a Central Bank, because there would be no risk of bank-runs since all their loans are fully backed with deposits
President John Quincy Adams: “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”
If you are a mason or know a mason, ask him to ask his 33° master to put in writing and sign it, who is "the great architect" and that he is not Lucifer. If he refuses, then he’ll know who he is really serving, Satan: tell him to get out of masonry NOW. Sooner or later he’ll be required to trample on a cross to get to a higher degree.
Thank you for a treasure trove of information 🙏 I would also add geoengineering causing mass poisoning of the earth and all living things. Geoengineering is also being used to kill and destroy using weather warfare. Then they blame it on “climate change”. Also frequencies can kill outright while also being used for slow kill and to cause all kinds of illness for the medical mafia to profit off of.
I can’t believe you received so many likes after this comment. Who is the world do you think will help reverse this horrible medical catastrophe? Your car mechanic?
Bots and paid trolls who don't WANT any catastrophe to be reversed, and in fact pretend that nothing happened and "the pandemic was fake" so that no one is held accountable for the vaccine deaths/injuries and hospital protocol deaths. (I wouldn't trust siRNA as a solution, but I KNOW that these droves of posters all spouting the same "viruses are fake" nonsense are not to be trusted one iota).
The “pandemic” has already been proven to be fake. All of it and the medication and tests were used for depopulation by democide. Please do some research. Viruses have NEVER been proven to exist.
People have a really hard time considering this. There are so many lies we’ve been told and done if them are so deeply embedded in us, it’s hard to accept. I’ve been listening to Dr. T Cowan about this and still learning - considering this entire realm of thought. And I think it’s quite possible viruses have always been a scam.
Again, that’s like saying your shoes are melting on your feet and you’re complaining abt the fireman ruining your garden but the BABIES are in the burning house! Deal with the bigger problem at hand. Who cares abt your shoes and your garden? Get to the babies!
I agree. It really does seem like human experiments are becoming very casual and being normalized. No thanks, didn't get the experimental toxic concoction and I won't be getting any in the future. I avoid doctors and hospitals like the plague unless absolutely necessary for an emergency. I don't think the medical field will ever recover from their self-inflicted wounds
I am so sad to read Dr McCullough compromised his reputation with the public in this way. Perhaps it has something to do with his affiliation with Malone?
Dr Malone, an MD and researcher who claimed he developed the mRNA but got no credit who is also an alleged MD BUT admits he believed these intramuscular covid jabs stayed in the deltoid muscle ?
As a mere RN , that statement , was a dead give away there was another agenda going on here.
If they, the presumed good guys, come up with a solution of getting an mRNA poison neutralized or eliminated, what do you think big pharma is gonna do? They are gonna go back to the lab and make these poisons foolproof...meaning they will become irreversible death potions.
They don't need to do that, it's already been done... decades of bio-weapons research, time, money has been expended to culminate in this Convid Pentagon slow-kill Juice.
Dr. Malone is indeed an MD and is the inventor of this MRNA technology. There was so much fighting about who should be able to patent MRNA and the money, that he walked away from the whole mess. I honestly can't fault doctors who early in the pandemic believed what we were all being told. It wasn't until Byram Brydle FOIA's Japan for their biodistribution study results that people knew it did not stay in the arm, that is traveled all over the body, organs, brain, epithelium. I am an RN as well.
I was invited on one of Dr McCullough's private blogs for healthcare professionals because I sent him the translation of a Japanese post from Pfizer relating what was in their vaccines and then posted it on the same private blog .
Someone in Japan wanted everyone to know at the time back in 2021.
Point being .......so what we are all in this together .Too bad Dr McCullough appears to be a dyed in the wool Allopath and posted Fauci's Paxlovid in his covid Protocol advice also.
Sure I wrote about it before the vaccines came out. How can I send you a screenshot? Email Mine is Rsheftall@gmail.com (so you don't have to share yours with the world). Just write me. It's going to be in volume 2 of five volumes that make up "SANCTIONED: The COVID Murders" if you want to get it/them. Volume Two, "If Only They Had Listened" will be available in late July. Volume One, "A Tale of Two Narratives" will be out in about 8 days.
I’m not the one who was saying it was going to stay in the arm, which was idiocy. I’d need to see where Malone said it stayed in the arm. I’ve looked into the Breggins and their feud with Malone. I’ve watched some of the Breggins discussions of their issues with him. The Breggins relentless attacks on Malone are bizarre. I know Malone’s cases were thrown out. So suddenly we are trusting a federal court to make an impartial judgement? Malone repeatedly asked them to stop attacking his name and reputation, sent cease and desist letters. The Breggins persisted. He sued to try to get them to stop. This whole COVID nightmare has brought out the crazies.
M (at least I include my full name) Get off your high horse. If you choose to believe the Breggins and Jane Ruby that is your prerogative. We are all seeking the truth, if it is to be found. Keeping track of who the good guys are, who is 'controlled-opposition', who is part of the cabal etc is practically a full-time job. My litmus test is, anyone shaming, blaming or defaming Ryan Cole is persona non grata. I spent a lot of time listening to Jane Ruby and Stew Peters. At some point their strident histrionic commentary wore me out and they lost their credibility. If you are suspicious of Dr. McCullough, again, that is your call to make. I have two friends that are seeing him as patients and I think he truly has a heart for helping those that are suffering. He stuck his neck out and provided early treatment and he was sounding the alarm when everyone else was telling patients to go home and come back when they couldn't breathe.
No one is eating anyone lefty. It is only you who are trolling here. As usual, there are people who are understandably cautious about an untested substance being injected into them. And, also as usual there are people like you, who use false equivalencies to try to disparage any words of wisdom. The choice is not between getting turbo cancer or injecting more drugs. Also, no one for even one second, believes that you, lefty, are even remotely capable of feeling genuine sadness about anything, so perhaps take a break from lying and creating trouble.
You are unfamiliar with the figure of speech? It doesn’t mean literally eating. It is referring to the way so many disparage others on their team. Unlike your very rude comment with infantile name calling (completely inaccurate, by the way). I am the furthest thing from a collectivist . I believe in self ownership.
It seems you deleted that comment because, after reading my comment, you realised how bad yours sounded. However, most people would have left it there, and just quietly walked away. Incredibly, you then post a comment demanding who the comment is aimed at, dishonestly pretending not to know which comment I am referring to. Thank goodness for substack we can all see when a comment has been 'deleted'.
There is no doubt in my mind Debbie Beatty that if I hadn't used your name in my comment, you would have pretended to be merely some innocent bystander calling out posting etiquette.
I will do my best to remember what you comment said - since you deleted it, I am relying on memory. Your comment was in the general tone of the rest of the copious comments you have made on this post - "this is a proposal' etc. You then proceed to say something like 'its up to you if you want to get turbo cancer, or have this product...'. Whether or not this was the exact wording, this was its impression for me. A entirely disingenuous statement. As to the name calling...the part of your comment that absolutely encumbered me to respond, was where you said 'so sad to see that the right always eat each other'. This is not about left and right. It is about those people who trust what man has in store for them, who trust that little understood isolates can solve a problem of (relatively) zero understood, infinite complexity, and those people who do not believe this, and would rather place their trust in something else. If I call you a lefty, this is what your post implied to me, and frankly it appears you have now demonstrated the dishonest, controlling, accountability avoiding behaviours that are rife on the left.
I don't know if many have watched videos of Geert Vanden Bossche? I watched his videos at the beginning of the plandemic regarding the mrna rna on Big Deltee the Highwire. There were a few that lasted 60 minutes, very informative and it all has come true and still is. His knowledge , explanation sealed the deal for me and others to stay away from the jabs, also the late Dr. Zelenko many interviews, his more with what to take to keep yourself from getting the death jab. I am sorry I respected Dr. McCullough in regards to invermectin, hcq, but this new experimental thing, no thank you, just another experiment. I thank God every day that my family and some friends stayed away from the scam jabs. To those that want to go ahead, I say proceed with caution.
I know exactly the videos you're talking about. I'n in the process of uploading a massive video archive with backups ans backups of backups, that would include those videos as well. If that interests you, check out thepeasanttimes.substack.com/t/video-archive. You can always just bookmark that, or if you want to follow/subscribe that's always welcome too.
Thank you, I will read, follow and subscribe. I love the comments, always get informed with important things. Cheers from a rainy day in Ontario Canada.
The truly great and heroic Dr Bhakdi traveled the world alarmed by the mRNA technology and how he saw it would harm humanity .He was accused of antisemitism by his German nation in order to arrest and shut him up. He returned to hundreds of applauding people in the airport and all fake charges were dropped. Now he is considered by most Germans to be a genuine hero.
Personally I think anyone here is illiterate to believe anything remotely similar about Malone.
Whoa! Take a pause on this boys! McCullough also says Statins are great! They don’t cause dementia & everyone with high cholesterol or heart disease should be on one. That’s a hard nope! Categorically false info. there. Something’s definitely up with this doc. In addition, the human body is NOT DEFICIENT in Statins nor MRNA LNP gene altering witches brew. The “antidote” he is recommending is also encased in poison LNP stuff. That, too, is a hard NO! Be careful out there folks! Even the nice ones are steering ya wrong. Scary!
Dr Vernan Coleman has been warning people in his books for decades, about vaccines, statins, 'how to stop doctors from killing you' etc.
I was really pleased to learn recently that the tiktok generation know him as the 'Old Man in a Chair', which according to his blog, he rather likes. 🙂
Exactly ! They are removing white clots from the jabbed in the living as well as the decreased. i personally know a woman who had white clots occluding her coronary arteries. She was told by her Cardios that this was from the covid shots. now she gets regular angiograms so they can make sure, "No rubber bands are growing in any of my other blood vessels." which is what she told me as her eyes filled up with tears.
Dr Chetty of S Africa who treated as many or more patients than Dr Zelenko here who never died from covid revealed that in studying these so called "clots" they contained tin, which he has only seen in the production of PVC pipes.
Surprise surprise, TIN is present in bio hydrogel . Hydrogel just happens to be in LNPs because it makes it easier to carry the payload into the cells in mRNA technology.
Correct. AND cross the blood brain barrier. That barrier is God given protection for our brain & nervous system. They shouldn’t want to breech that, but yet, they aimed for it!
Wow! Really? I have not come across that but if that is the case then he is hopeless!! The relative risk used to twist the absolute risk is scientific fraud. Statins are rubbish and have been shown by dozens of MDs & scientists for at least a decade. I’m done with Peter. It’s clear he is pushing an agenda.
Really? I did not know this about him! Anyone who pushes statins, except in the very rarest of cases, under very particular circumstances, is not with the health program. Thank you for posting.
People can be sincerely wrong about one thing and not be evil. I’m sure if you are honest you can think of times you have been wrong about something too.
There’s a difference between being wrong & being murderous. I’m sure you’d be fairly pissed off if you had to deal with “vaccine” injury or death from this MRNA LNP bio weapon they rolled out as “safe & effective”. Only now to admit it is neither. Just sayin.
I can understand people’s mistrust of even this. On the other hand, it is not really intended for the unvaccinated. Is the reward greater than the risk for those who had Covid shots? Who knows?
Common sense (and e performed) dictate less is more. And unless it has been proven to be safe and effective I would still only consider it only in a life and death situation.
..."could prevent uncontrolled spike protein production and reduce toxicity."...in typical medicalese, the operative words are "could" and "reduce". Why not WILL and ELIMINATE? This is what modern medicine is all about...maybe, possibly, could, should, probably, perhaps, might, potentially, etc...nothing definite except that you did get an mRNA injection and it is a certainty it has had some effect upon your Heavenly, if not abused, body.
And the grand cost of this "possible" cleaning out of your system, mind you after much damage has already been done? Is the damage reversible? How would you test to discover how much mRNA poisons are still active/inert in a person? The test to conclude if anything has changed after getting this therapy?
Nothing more than mumbo-jumbo and the marketing of some cure for stupid medical decisions made by people who often claim they knew nothing about anything other than what the "experts" told them.
I'm going to stay mum on this as I'm not jab-injured (refused the jab). But I don't walk in the shoes of another. These experimental technologies scare the shit out of me 🤐🤐
Indeed me too. Have a friend she has been and still is on an experimental study for MS the last 13 years, in Toronto, Ontario an hours drive from Hamilton where we both reside. Her husband has to drive her, it used to be monthly, now it is every 5 or so months. Finally there is a medication out there she takes, very expensive $30,000. a year. So far the company is paying for it, but that will be ending in a few months. I really don't see much of a difference and asked her, she herself does not see much change. I do see that her speech, memory is not good, she has become incontenant, along with other side effects. I myself would not have gone for it, but to each their own. Compare this one study with the jabs. Lord help those that decided to get the gene therapy.
The fuck! Y'all think ANOTHER mRNA shit shot "may" repair the damage of the Doctors Death Shots??? I can not fukn believe this shit. Just another BigSick Agender Bender... NO mRNA shots EVER. WTF.
I will never trust the medical profession again. This is more mRNA stuff. It is probably also poisonous.
If Dr. Peter
McCullough approves of
it, rest assured, it’s good stuff. He has been beyond diligent in getting out accurate info regarding all
of this..
A little naive on your part.
I have loved ones that are jabbed injured. The LAST thing I would suggest to them is to try this experimental jab. Don't care who helped to develop it.
I wouldn’t encourage very much of anything that God did not create. Though I have had to use ivermectin. So I will do what I have to with great discernment.
What they’ve been using these in vaccine injured already and are proposing for further study in this paper mentioned are 2 “FDA approved” treatments (not jabs) already patented and used for other diseases.
He didn’t create them, they’re repurposed.
I would still, only consider taking these after a long period of trying every natural way to heal w/o success and being so injured that one could not function at all… but that’s me and I got off the allopathic train to hell in 2019.
I guess you aren’t familiar with Dr McCullough & others like him. If it wouldn’t be for them there would be no scrutiny about this “vax.”
McCullough and others like him are still pushing the narrative that there was a pandemic, when it has been shown by Rancourt, and others like him, that there was no pandemic. They can't both be right...but the 'early treatment is making a lot of money.
No, McCullough is not the only person to be scrutinising the 'vax'. Plenty of others like Dr Yeadon, and others like him have been on this for even longer.
Exactly. Dr. Yeadon is much more trustworthy; he has nothing to gain, everything to lose by exposing what he knows and has learned over the last four years.
I would trust the experts who have been banned, not those who appear everywhere in the media and at events, even if it's in the supposed "alternative" media.
Dr. McCullough and Dr. Yeadon are both top-notch truth tellers one is not better than the other…
They are in the same camp with the other doctors : ie :
Dr. Zelenko
Dr. Judy Dr. Judy Mikovits
Dr. Ryan Cole
Dr. Maki
Dr. Pierre Cory
Etc. etc. etc.
who were and are trying to warn the public and figure out what’s going on from day one of this planned -Demic which nobody knew it was planned at the time….
These Doctors all have their own specialties and have worked tirelessly to help humanity !!!
These negative comments on here about Dr McCullough are just disgraceful. It’s like biting the hand that’s feeding you disgraceful !!!
People should look up the battles he had to face as they came after him with ‘ guns a blazing’ because he was telling the truth, and realizing something was wrong with the vaccines !!
they tried to shut him down.
They got him fired from his job in Texas .
They tried to take everything away from him, trying to take his medical license away from him. He has been through hell and these people have no clue.
They should look up what he’s gone through. Listen to his testimony before they start opening their mouth and opposition to him ….
To this day, his practice is totally dedicated to helping the Covid vaccine injured !!
so he knows what he’s talking about …
My comment contained facts, that's all. They cannot all be 'top notch truth tellers' since they disagree with each other on fundamentals, therefore cannot all be telling the (whole) truth. I don't at all disagree that much of the treatment offered by The Wellness company is beneficial, for respiratory illness.
But Ioannidis IFR of 0.15% is not high enough to cause a pandemic, and Rancourt et al have shown that there was no pandemic.
While there is 'early treatment' for Covid, then this leaves the door open for 'early treatment' for the next 'virus'. Since there was no pandemic it is hard NOT to explain this lack of truthfulness in terms of money. Their position is undermining other's attempts to remove fear from the population, which is needed to stop the next scamdemic effort. The Wellness company are pushing the fear, not helping to stop it. I like McCullough and I appreciate his work with the vax injured. He will have his own reasons that he continues to back the narrative. But me asking 'why' is not disgraceful, rather is perfectly reasonable.
Zelenko. RIP
And Dr. Yeadon isn’t making money off it.
I couldn’t care less whether there was a pandemic or there wasn’t. For most folks, saying “The Pandemic” doesn’t necessarily mean they buy into it. It’s just semantics. Same with the word “vaccine”. I use it from
time to time for
ease in conversation, knowing full
well that I and whomever I’m speaking with KNOWS it wasn’t a vaccine by any means. Other times, I know it but the person with whom I’m speaking doesn’t know it. I continue using the term bc they began the discussion and it may not be completely as necessary to “inform” them of their incorrect thinking as it is to continue the overall idea. Semantics are hardly a reason to throw someone under the bus. Dr. McCullough has tirelessly campaigned and educated people abt the “non-pandemic” (see how awkward that was?) and to help people. If he is “controlled opposition” he’s doing a damn lousy job. He’s got about the biggest
microphone of
any of them and he’s changed legions of
minds about this thing. You know, the thing we aren’t allowed
to call “Pandemic”.
I call it the Plandemic. I also call it the Pandemic of BS, but I don’t insist others use the terms I use/coined.
controlled opposition.
Although I don't exactly "trust" McCullough, I would bet that the "viruses are fake" detractors of McCullough are much MORE likely to be controlled opposition than McCullough himself, because they want to DISTRACT FROM and COVER UP the murders due to mRNA vaccines and COVID hospital protocols, by PRETENDING that the pandemic was fake. "Fake pandemic" = deny and forget all the excess deaths in the last few years, so that the perpetrators get away with it. I have not seen any convincing evidence to the contrary.
I have no idea whether viruses are real. I don’t much care.
To me, if I’m
going to toss anyone, or try to blacklist 1 or the
other, I lean more
into black listing virus-deniers and those blacklisting McCullough. Thankfully, we don’t have to educate ourselves on viruses.
It seems that insisting McCullough is a bad guy/viruses don’t exist is a lot
like saying your shoes are
melted and your garden is being ruined by former walking all
over it, while your
kids are still inside your burning house.
Uh… FIX the REAL issue.
Dr. McCullough is not controlled opposition look up his testimony and see how much he has done and Is doing to help the Covid vaccine injured
Yes, I see that he blames the clots on mRNA, when they are also due to graphene oxide in the shot. I see that he recommends NATTO for clots, when the NATTO does jack shite against the GO clots. I see he calls the inflammation as incipient of the spike protein, when there is much more than the spike going on.
He controls your point of view, and you applaud him. He is good at his job as controlled opposition.
Wrong Dr. McCullough is top-notch
People throw this term around all the time. Can you tell me how you discern who is CO and who is not?
Lots and lots of research. It becomes very obvious especially when you finally see who is allowed to speak freely on social media (McCullough) vs who is shadow banned and criticized on social media (Dr Yeadon). People trying to sell things to enrich themselves and their buddies are probably not people you can trust.
EXCELLENT question!
Wrong. The vax failed on day one and they knew it. He is there to control that narrative and perpetuate the scary idea of pandemics— as opposed to planned and strategized psychological operations creating “pandemics” out of thin air.
Thankfully I was very skeptical about the “shot”! Never got one , got Covid , sick a few days, and FINE today! Just old!
I don’t suggest they take it either. I suggest they research it rather than toss it out with the bath water bc someone decided ALL things suggested by this
man MUST be evil and unhealthy bc he is “controlled opposition”.
You can’t reverse messenger RNA, KC. This is snake oil nonsense, right on cue. These people need something to suspend their desperation.
i notice they never talked about the last person they tried this "interfering" rna thing on...
I knew the jabs were fake from the very beginning. Why? Because they were free. Nothing is free except poison.
These are just ideas that are far from being tested on humans. I would only try something like this if I was terminal. We're years from this becoming a real therapy. There are other things to try that would be much safer including combinations of minerals, vitamins, ivermection, pendenazole. Look around the web, there are many therapies out there.
Discernment is needed. I have found many researchers who say something is not right with him. I don’t trust him.
I don't exactly trust him and may think "something is not right" with him, but I DEFINITELY don't trust his detractors who say "viruses don't exist", and I KNOW "something is not right" with those detractors.
Dr. Yeadon has nothing to gain from exposing the virus fraud. You may want to look into what he has to say:
After all we have been through, it seems short-sighted to dismiss theories the medical industrial complex hates, just because it goes against the indoctrination we have all endured. Read about it, consider the fact that you’ve been lied to your entire life, and the fact that the “Covid virus” has never been isolated in a single human. I don’t know the “truth” either, but you can bet I am considering all explanations at this point.
McCullough is given full media carte blanche while many others remain censored. That’s just one reason you should be skeptical about him. He says all the right things about the vax, but there’s more to all of this than that.
Doesn't trust Pharma, while still having one foot firmly-planted in Pharma.
SEF as Athena says, you might want to investigate.
The ones I absolutely don't trust are the bots and paid trolls spouting "fake pandemic" so that no one is held accountable for the mRNA vaccine deaths/injuries and hospital protocol deaths, and everyone can conveniently pretend those murders didn't happen. How convenient for the deep state. If not trusting them means I am "purple-pilled", then call me "purple-pilled".
You seem confused. You're stating only "bots and paid trolls" would claim the pandemic was fake, therefore all deaths are fake?
That is NOT what anyone is claiming at all.
One was clearly a staged production, used as a pretext to facilitate the use of deadly hospital protocols and toxic pharmaceutical interventions that have killed and maimed millions.
We absolutely intend to hold the perpetrators accountable.
And questioning the very foundations of that pretext is crucial.
How could a fake pandemic result in non-accountability for mRNA vaccine deaths and hospital maltreatment deaths ???
You’re saying you can’t bring a heart doctor, having written the most published papers and books, been on the most boards, allll those accolades and he’s supposed to simply can his career bc he doesn’t trust pHARMa? On the contrary! I say if your head is full of all that knowledge and you’ve had SO much experience, STAY the course and let everyone know what you’ve seen Big pHARMus DO!
He has to go be a security guard or something and have nothing to do with medical simply bc he doesn’t trust Pfizer? That makes zero sense. Geez.
Trust nothing? Trust no one? Except you & what YOU say??! Bye Baby! Bye Bathwater! Bye TUB!
Make that make sense.
NO! I’m trusting people who I listen to for 20-30 min. and I can DISCERN they have researched, investigated, used the brain God gave them (or what’s left of it after all the injections and fluoride!) and can actually make sense of stats and observations.
When it comes to the industrial medical complex you need to take 5 steps back. It seems pretty crazy after what we’ve all just been through to clamor around this new “fix” blindly. Completely insane, actually.
I've been told he most probably has a gun to his head..
That’s just another excuse. He is making a lot of money off of this so he continues to push it. I agree with Catherine Austin Fitts she stated “I would have definitely taken a bullet to the head rather than sign off on the democide of the American people”. She was referring to Trump, but he is not the only person who is still promoting this. McCullough and his sponsors are also participating.
Catherine Austin Flipps is a Bushie/neverTrumper. Of course she would say that because she is promoting RFK jr who is a radical progressive on everything. He is about a woman’s right to choose, even abortion at full term. Any person who vacillates on something so important to conservatives has to be questioned. Abortion to save a mother’s life only. Why would Flipps who is touted to be a conservative support a radical progressive?https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/rfk-jr-stance-abortion-rcna151808
He also promoted tamiflu that went into the TWC kits, had paxlovid & mulnupiravir in his protocols at one point too…despite some damning data/research. I’ve lost all respect for him and I never thought that would happen. He is a pHARMa shill. I thought he had the sense to learn about the body through natural medicine and avoid pHARMa at all costs…nope! He bows at the alter of pHARMa which is sorcery.
It's called Grant Money. $1.6 million in Pharma largesse over the last few years.
And loads of people
followed Hitler thinking he was awesome. Proves nothing to say, “Lots of people say…” Lots of people are wrong lots of times. Note the sheer number of people who bought into that cockroach Anthony Fauci’s spiel.
Stupid people. This whole thing was so obvious.
The problem of siRNA's is that you DON'T WHAT WHAT THEIR SIDE EFFECTS ARE!
If there is active reverse transcriptase, siRNA's can get reverse transcribed as well, or if they are small and numerous enough, they can alter DNA WITHOUT reverse Transcriptase by intercalating DNA strands directly.
If you want a Safer way to clear DNA damage and foreign RNA from you system using your body's own processes, read this.
I give it for free.
p.s. There's a reason lawyers in "freedom" establishment cancelled me, and the wellness co refused to hire me. Real truth dismantles all untruth, even money.
I did a dry fast for six days and ended up in agony with upper back pain. Won't do that again. As far as siRNA's, we don't know their long-term effects. For some people I imagine siRNA treatment is better than the disease they have. I think siRNA's target lipoproteins in the liver that cause plaque in arteries affecting the heart. Also, used for cancer, amyloidosis, polyneuropathy. The alternative health field recommends natto kinase, bromelain, NAC, quercetin, and a supplement made from bladderwrack seaweed that binds the spike protein. I wonder how those treatments compare with siRNA treatment for mRNA spike harms?
Dry fasting seems like russian roulette for kidney stones and kidney damage. I wouldn't recommend any fasting without gradually acclimatizing your body over a year or more to 3 and 5 day fasting with adequate (not excessive) water and tea.
Thank you, makes sense.
I would opt for the alternatives at this point because all of these products have been on the market for some time. As for siRNA's we may be messing with fire, just waiting to get burned.
Definitely playing with fire. Anyone with critical thinking skills would never trust big pharma or the medical industrial complex again. They have proven what they are. They will gladly kill people for money.
Rita, a dry fast is rough. You might enjoy better a "cleanse". There are many kinds, but it can serve I think the same purpose without the pain. My favorite involves a few weeks of preparation in which I focus on raw fruits, veggies, and juices with lots of water and psyllium and also magnesium. After some weeks I am drinking fresh juices only, and my body has had time to transition into this different experience without stress. The juice doesn't seem to get in the way of releasing and removing harmful things from the body, and it gives you powerful nutrition and energy.
Thank you for taking the time to explain your protocol. I will do some more research. I had gone carnivore for a few months, lost 40lbs, couldn't stick to it. Regained all the weight. Dr. Mercola explains because of the Randall Cycle, healthy carbohydrates are a better source of energy than ketones from animal protein. He was a big keto fan but now supports carb, medium fat and some protein. There are so many varying points of view. Thanks again though.
Thank you Doctor Dan. 👏🏻 People believe side effects only happen to others. https://iatrogenics.org/responsibility/298-medical-error-the-third-leading-cause-of-death-in-the-us
I suppose it’s a sign of the times, but my trust in the medical community is absolute zero. My biggest question is how has Dr. M been able to continue to talk about the damages of mRNA. Everyone else speaking out has been “cancelled,” but not him. I smell a rat.
A definite rat. McCullough hasn’t been cancelled either. There is a reason for that.
He hasn't addressed or even acknowledged the nano technology found by many in these jabs which is arguably far more dangerous than the alleged spike protein.
He was telling people to get the shot in 2021! The information it was bad was already out. He’s still a virus salesman
And when he asks you and your family to walk off the nearest bridge will you follow? SMH
No, if anyone at all asked me to walk off a bridge, I wouldn’t do so however, if anyone as seemingly wise as he, and as seemingly helpful as he, simply suggests looking into it, I’m not going to burn him at the stake, either. I’m going to do the tries & true, known and natural protocols as needed, while I calmly LOOK INTO it.
If Dr. McCullough is (everyone’s new, fave word they’ve learned) “Coordinated Oppostion”, then someone has told him to be 97% effective for the wrong side while being 3% effective for the “right” (lying covidians) side. That seems implausible to me but it’s not completely outside the realm of possibility.
What seems more plausible is that if a mob came to your house saying your sister was a witch, you’d burn her at the stake and ask questions later.
Not. You really need to do your homework KC
I suggest you follow Sasha Latypova for more accurate takes on anything jab related. This guy is telling you to put MORE poison in to combat the poison they already pumped into folks.
How long do you think it needs to be tested and on how many human clinical trial participants before the rest of us KNOW any new medication is truly "safe?" Because all meds have to, or SHOULD, go through a long safety testing period before you get the public buying them. Duh.
..whaaaat--? ME? REST ASSURED?? Hey, isn't that what you believed about the jabs???
He can eat-a-dick
Wrong. He is controlled opposition and has consistently avoid the fact that the “covid” virus has never been isolated in any human- ever. He is there to perpetuate the myth that there are synthetic contagions/bioweapons that can cause pandemics— that’s the only important part. The vaccines were a failure on day one and they knew it.
He still employed by Baylor😉
What is the problem with his employment at Baylor?
The problem is that many vials had no mRNA in them. Presumably all, had DNA plasmids (confirmed by Health Canada and over 5 studies).
Visualize a hen egg, the nucleus is the yolk and the cytoplasm is the white.
The DNA plasmids hacked the cell nucleus: siRNA won't even touch the nucleus, since it stays in the cytoplasm.
The ethical thing to do is run a clinical study with 3 branches of vaxxed patients, measuring the concentration of spike protein in blood in all 3 of them, before, along and after 1 month treatment:
1. One randomized blind group gets the usual FLCCC post vac treatment
2. Another gets the siRNA
3. Another doesn't get anything
Due to the urgency of the matter to billions, partial results should be online in real time.
Yes, all vaccines are already weaponized to cull the population, as well as food and water in slo-mo:
What’s your best way to wake-up those who don’t want to open their eyes?
Please share your most effective wake-up strategies.
The more the awakened, the sooner this nightmare will be over!
The most effective strategy is asking about the person’s opinion on some of these topics:
Would you be interested in the story of how a father got 20 million dollars from the Government?
Or, show the video of the baby seizures:
That usually works, especially with young couples having children.
If the person doesn’t want to discuss injections, then food is a good start:
Why is food poisoning legal?
How Rumsfeld forced the approval of Aspartame.
Artificial sweeteners, MSG, PFAS, Glyphosate ... go organic!
Then I’d follow with "Are you opened to see if the actual data matches your opinion?"
Then I start showing some of the shortcomings of the Pharma industry:
Then, show that every single person on the planet should be suing Pfizer and Moderna for deliberately hiding human DNA in their vacicnes, and Pfizer, for injecting an undisclosed carcinogenic monkey virus (SV40) sequence into the cell nucleus of the clueless biohacked, as officially recognized by Health Canada !!!
Not like the topic? I’d show this video (all you need is 10 secs in the middle, who doesn’t have 10 seconds for you):
(caveat about the beginning: pot destroys your brain + “Raises Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke”)
9/11: two "planes", yet the third tower (WTC7) imploded, free falling on its footprint like in a controlled demolition. It was out of reach, and all 7 World Trade Center towers needed to be rebuilt, not the closer towers not belonging to World Trade Center... and the “owner” took an insurance policy for the WTC against terrorism, just months before, when no one was taking them … he didn’t show up for work precisely on 9/11 … just as his 2 grown up siblings. The inside information about the FUTURE 9/11 event helped masons make trillions by shorting the stock exchange: the records were deleted by the SEC so they wouldn't be prosecuted !!!
There's a plan to murder 95% of the global population by 2050… written on the masonic Georgia guide-stones: “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 … ”:
- J6: The false flag operation of the fake riot was planned, incited and guided by FBI mason agents, who broke into the Capitol !!! All intel agencies (CIA, FBI, NSA) were founded by masons and are run by them for their own nefarious goals.
The same mason-plot was copy-pasted to disband the demonstrations against the stolen elections in Brazil through the rigged voting machines owned by mason Soros:
All political parties are compromised/infiltrated. For example, Italy supports vax pass and WHO Pandemic Treaty !!! Meloni's Government! People voted her for being against that!
- At least since the 90s, vaccines are weaponized to reduce the population, for example:
1. Adding hCG to infertilize women: lab detected in 30 countries
2. Overpassing the FDA 10 ng limit to human DNA “contamination” by 2000%, thus causing neuro-damage (autism, asperger, tics, dyslexia in 29% of kids, etc.) and childhood cancer epidemic (n.b. leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas)
Check soundchoice.org or videos at bottom of next link:
Free 100 redpill movies and documentaries:
(don't miss the 1st one, 10 min at 2x, an amazing tool to start a discussion):
- COVID was designed as a primer for even more lethal COVID haccines:
- You’ll go nowhere and you’ll be happy:
Elon's top secret: EVs cause cancer
Go green with gasoline!
- It's genocide for depopulation:
Depopulation or EXTERMINATION? (finest quotes):
https://scientificprogress.substack.com/p/depopulation-or-extermination https://scientificprogress.substack.com/p/depop-vaccines-no-myth
- You are the carbon they want to exterminate!
1. No one denies there's man-made climate change but scientists disagree on the cause and remedies.
Prehistoric data from ice cores proves that temperature rise precedes carbon release in the atmosphere, not the other way around.
2. There's proof of deliberate geoengineering to increase global temperatures and droughts and decrease albedo by dissolving clouds with satellite Electro-Magnetic Frequencies.
3. Life involves a carbon cycle. A war on carbon is a war on life, causing food scarcity, increase in food prices and famines. Decarbonization is part of the plan to exterminate 95% of the population.
Killing me softly with green songs:
Carbon reparations:
Climate deaths:
- Their main source of power apart from sin-empowered demons? NOT a coincidence that the USA left dollar convertibility to gold in 1971, precisely triggering the exponential government deficit coupled with the trade deficit and inflation.
This is the Achilles’ heel of all nations: masonic and satanic secret societies counterfeit paper money and launder trillions with which they buy Banks, seats in the Federal Reserve (the only private run Central Bank in the world), political careers and parties, puppeticians, listed corporations, media, healthcare corporations and organizations, universities, foundations, judges, etc.:
Illuminati David Rockefeller (quotes):
Ex illuminati Ronald Bernard:
Illuminati Attali (quotes)
The way out of this mess:
1. Create an easy system for real money: private currencies/warrants based on real assets, goods, services, etc. (gold, corn, oil, distance/volume/weight transportation, labor human hour/minute, etc.)
2. Ban legal tender. Let the free markets decide which real-currencies/valuables/warrants they prefer to trade with
3. Ban paper-backed currencies (unlike real-backed ones of point 1.)
4. Enforce a Legal Banking Reserve of 100% of deposits (so banks don't create money based on air) and therefore there's no excuse for a Central Bank, because there would be no risk of bank-runs since all their loans are fully backed with deposits
Anything else you might think of?
Now, are you really ready for this?:
The full PLAN exposed:
16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet
President John Quincy Adams: “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”
If you are a mason or know a mason, ask him to ask his 33° master to put in writing and sign it, who is "the great architect" and that he is not Lucifer. If he refuses, then he’ll know who he is really serving, Satan: tell him to get out of masonry NOW. Sooner or later he’ll be required to trample on a cross to get to a higher degree.
Ex mason Serge Abad-Gallardo:
Mason confession: we worship deities/demons
Thank you for a treasure trove of information 🙏 I would also add geoengineering causing mass poisoning of the earth and all living things. Geoengineering is also being used to kill and destroy using weather warfare. Then they blame it on “climate change”. Also frequencies can kill outright while also being used for slow kill and to cause all kinds of illness for the medical mafia to profit off of.
Changing the climate through satellites and huge radar weather stations:
God willingly, I'll soon publish about the weather radars: amazing lethal EMF readings!
I can’t believe you received so many likes after this comment. Who is the world do you think will help reverse this horrible medical catastrophe? Your car mechanic?
If you think the government and the medical mafia are on your side it is hopeless.
Bots and paid trolls who don't WANT any catastrophe to be reversed, and in fact pretend that nothing happened and "the pandemic was fake" so that no one is held accountable for the vaccine deaths/injuries and hospital protocol deaths. (I wouldn't trust siRNA as a solution, but I KNOW that these droves of posters all spouting the same "viruses are fake" nonsense are not to be trusted one iota).
The “pandemic” has already been proven to be fake. All of it and the medication and tests were used for depopulation by democide. Please do some research. Viruses have NEVER been proven to exist.
People have a really hard time considering this. There are so many lies we’ve been told and done if them are so deeply embedded in us, it’s hard to accept. I’ve been listening to Dr. T Cowan about this and still learning - considering this entire realm of thought. And I think it’s quite possible viruses have always been a scam.
Who cares?
Again, that’s like saying your shoes are melting on your feet and you’re complaining abt the fireman ruining your garden but the BABIES are in the burning house! Deal with the bigger problem at hand. Who cares abt your shoes and your garden? Get to the babies!
That’s exactly what is being sold here. Complete BS. Sorry but this stuff in your system is permanent. There is no antidote.
That is the best course of action.
This is from 2020?
I don't think an experimental concoction is the answer to the original experimental jab.
People are tired of being experimented upon so blatantly.
I agree. It really does seem like human experiments are becoming very casual and being normalized. No thanks, didn't get the experimental toxic concoction and I won't be getting any in the future. I avoid doctors and hospitals like the plague unless absolutely necessary for an emergency. I don't think the medical field will ever recover from their self-inflicted wounds
It's the classic Big Pharma rolling train-wreck business model - first injure you, then offer a "solution" that injures you some more.
It IS classic. Preying on the desperation of the masses
Well if you are dying and have complications from the vax, it’s worth a try. Nothing to lose
I am so sad to read Dr McCullough compromised his reputation with the public in this way. Perhaps it has something to do with his affiliation with Malone?
Dr Malone, an MD and researcher who claimed he developed the mRNA but got no credit who is also an alleged MD BUT admits he believed these intramuscular covid jabs stayed in the deltoid muscle ?
As a mere RN , that statement , was a dead give away there was another agenda going on here.
MCCULLOUGH and his Wellness company push was the BIG tell !!
They all ultimately fall prey to the almighty $$$ !
If they, the presumed good guys, come up with a solution of getting an mRNA poison neutralized or eliminated, what do you think big pharma is gonna do? They are gonna go back to the lab and make these poisons foolproof...meaning they will become irreversible death potions.
They don't need to do that, it's already been done... decades of bio-weapons research, time, money has been expended to culminate in this Convid Pentagon slow-kill Juice.
It's already foolproof.
Already accomplished. Attacking humans at the DNA/micro ione level IS the final frontier.
Dear M Henry
What book of crap are you reading from? Big Pharma notes on honesty!!!
Malone can’t stand Peter so this is certainly has nothing to do with Malone who has deceived & mislead the public from the beginning.
Dr. Malone is indeed an MD and is the inventor of this MRNA technology. There was so much fighting about who should be able to patent MRNA and the money, that he walked away from the whole mess. I honestly can't fault doctors who early in the pandemic believed what we were all being told. It wasn't until Byram Brydle FOIA's Japan for their biodistribution study results that people knew it did not stay in the arm, that is traveled all over the body, organs, brain, epithelium. I am an RN as well.
No, Hilary. I was first; not the researchers and not Dr. Bridle. I can show you the screenshot from a video I made before the vaccines came out.
I was invited on one of Dr McCullough's private blogs for healthcare professionals because I sent him the translation of a Japanese post from Pfizer relating what was in their vaccines and then posted it on the same private blog .
Someone in Japan wanted everyone to know at the time back in 2021.
Point being .......so what we are all in this together .Too bad Dr McCullough appears to be a dyed in the wool Allopath and posted Fauci's Paxlovid in his covid Protocol advice also.
Please do. Have you written about this? I have seen your name recently but not familiar with your story.
Sure I wrote about it before the vaccines came out. How can I send you a screenshot? Email Mine is Rsheftall@gmail.com (so you don't have to share yours with the world). Just write me. It's going to be in volume 2 of five volumes that make up "SANCTIONED: The COVID Murders" if you want to get it/them. Volume Two, "If Only They Had Listened" will be available in late July. Volume One, "A Tale of Two Narratives" will be out in about 8 days.
Thank you very much. I look forward to hearing from you.
Obviously you do not know much about his activities to silence truth tellers.
I’m not the one who was saying it was going to stay in the arm, which was idiocy. I’d need to see where Malone said it stayed in the arm. I’ve looked into the Breggins and their feud with Malone. I’ve watched some of the Breggins discussions of their issues with him. The Breggins relentless attacks on Malone are bizarre. I know Malone’s cases were thrown out. So suddenly we are trusting a federal court to make an impartial judgement? Malone repeatedly asked them to stop attacking his name and reputation, sent cease and desist letters. The Breggins persisted. He sued to try to get them to stop. This whole COVID nightmare has brought out the crazies.
The Breggins and Dr Ruby had the data to prove their statements.
Dr Ruby points out that Malone's lawyer was suspended for other frivolous lawsuits.
In his OWN words He sued to "put a chill on the naysayers" referring to mRNA technology.
Dr John Campbell alerts all to the new jabs in the pipeline.
nota bene: what he says he will NOT be taking !
BTW Malone's lawsuits were thrown out by the Federal Judge.
..... Hillary anyone who studied Micro should know IM injections eventually drain into the Lymph . That was my point.
Malone is an MD too.
No one with a professional degree in Healthcare would have needed a Japanese paper to explain that !
M (at least I include my full name) Get off your high horse. If you choose to believe the Breggins and Jane Ruby that is your prerogative. We are all seeking the truth, if it is to be found. Keeping track of who the good guys are, who is 'controlled-opposition', who is part of the cabal etc is practically a full-time job. My litmus test is, anyone shaming, blaming or defaming Ryan Cole is persona non grata. I spent a lot of time listening to Jane Ruby and Stew Peters. At some point their strident histrionic commentary wore me out and they lost their credibility. If you are suspicious of Dr. McCullough, again, that is your call to make. I have two friends that are seeing him as patients and I think he truly has a heart for helping those that are suffering. He stuck his neck out and provided early treatment and he was sounding the alarm when everyone else was telling patients to go home and come back when they couldn't breathe.
Just a suggestion. Stew Peters is Not a good source to get your medical information from.
I sincerely apologize if you believe I was trying to make you look uneducated , I was not seeking to offend ,just enlighten.
I do not care what your last name is and I am sure you do not want to know mine.
Believe me it is no big secret to anyone who reads substack articles.
I have no problem with you taking any mRNA injections you want, as long as you have full informed consent.
However, as Dr William Makis, Dr Bhakdi ,Dr Chetty, Dr Stephanie Seneff and many other have pointed out repeatedly, it is a FAILED TECHNOLOGY.
This claim is suspicious in EVERY POSSIBLE WAY.
Problem. Reaction. Solution.
Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
I thought Peter was a good guy. The creation of The Wellness Company gave me pause, but I still thought he was decent.
So now you are asking the jabbed to take another jab?
And it is safe and effective?
I'm not sure the general jabbed will go for that - unless they are sick or getting sick.
It's a great idea but I'm not sure you can overcome the resistance to getting ANY jab - of any kind - for any reason.
But i hope it works for those in need.
No one is eating anyone lefty. It is only you who are trolling here. As usual, there are people who are understandably cautious about an untested substance being injected into them. And, also as usual there are people like you, who use false equivalencies to try to disparage any words of wisdom. The choice is not between getting turbo cancer or injecting more drugs. Also, no one for even one second, believes that you, lefty, are even remotely capable of feeling genuine sadness about anything, so perhaps take a break from lying and creating trouble.
Who was this rude comment aimed at?
This comment is nowhere near as rude as the comment it was aimed at, the comment you just deleted Debbie Beatty.
You are unfamiliar with the figure of speech? It doesn’t mean literally eating. It is referring to the way so many disparage others on their team. Unlike your very rude comment with infantile name calling (completely inaccurate, by the way). I am the furthest thing from a collectivist . I believe in self ownership.
It seems you deleted that comment because, after reading my comment, you realised how bad yours sounded. However, most people would have left it there, and just quietly walked away. Incredibly, you then post a comment demanding who the comment is aimed at, dishonestly pretending not to know which comment I am referring to. Thank goodness for substack we can all see when a comment has been 'deleted'.
There is no doubt in my mind Debbie Beatty that if I hadn't used your name in my comment, you would have pretended to be merely some innocent bystander calling out posting etiquette.
I will do my best to remember what you comment said - since you deleted it, I am relying on memory. Your comment was in the general tone of the rest of the copious comments you have made on this post - "this is a proposal' etc. You then proceed to say something like 'its up to you if you want to get turbo cancer, or have this product...'. Whether or not this was the exact wording, this was its impression for me. A entirely disingenuous statement. As to the name calling...the part of your comment that absolutely encumbered me to respond, was where you said 'so sad to see that the right always eat each other'. This is not about left and right. It is about those people who trust what man has in store for them, who trust that little understood isolates can solve a problem of (relatively) zero understood, infinite complexity, and those people who do not believe this, and would rather place their trust in something else. If I call you a lefty, this is what your post implied to me, and frankly it appears you have now demonstrated the dishonest, controlling, accountability avoiding behaviours that are rife on the left.
Comments say it all. So glad people are seeing through this bs.
I don't know if many have watched videos of Geert Vanden Bossche? I watched his videos at the beginning of the plandemic regarding the mrna rna on Big Deltee the Highwire. There were a few that lasted 60 minutes, very informative and it all has come true and still is. His knowledge , explanation sealed the deal for me and others to stay away from the jabs, also the late Dr. Zelenko many interviews, his more with what to take to keep yourself from getting the death jab. I am sorry I respected Dr. McCullough in regards to invermectin, hcq, but this new experimental thing, no thank you, just another experiment. I thank God every day that my family and some friends stayed away from the scam jabs. To those that want to go ahead, I say proceed with caution.
I know exactly the videos you're talking about. I'n in the process of uploading a massive video archive with backups ans backups of backups, that would include those videos as well. If that interests you, check out thepeasanttimes.substack.com/t/video-archive. You can always just bookmark that, or if you want to follow/subscribe that's always welcome too.
Thank you, I will read, follow and subscribe. I love the comments, always get informed with important things. Cheers from a rainy day in Ontario Canada.
Here is one with Dr. Zelenko: https://thepeasanttimes.substack.com/p/dr-zelenko-speaks-to-rabbinical-court
The truly great and heroic Dr Bhakdi traveled the world alarmed by the mRNA technology and how he saw it would harm humanity .He was accused of antisemitism by his German nation in order to arrest and shut him up. He returned to hundreds of applauding people in the airport and all fake charges were dropped. Now he is considered by most Germans to be a genuine hero.
Personally I think anyone here is illiterate to believe anything remotely similar about Malone.
Sasha Latypova has commented at length here:
That should be St. Sasha. She's one of the best at plowing through the crappola.
We hope! Some have said she's controlled opposition also. Hard to believe anyone these days..
I had not finished reading this post from Sasha, but just did.
WOW, DR M. - let’s see you explain away /respond to EVERY valid point made.
Good luck.
Whoa! Take a pause on this boys! McCullough also says Statins are great! They don’t cause dementia & everyone with high cholesterol or heart disease should be on one. That’s a hard nope! Categorically false info. there. Something’s definitely up with this doc. In addition, the human body is NOT DEFICIENT in Statins nor MRNA LNP gene altering witches brew. The “antidote” he is recommending is also encased in poison LNP stuff. That, too, is a hard NO! Be careful out there folks! Even the nice ones are steering ya wrong. Scary!
The LNPs are a big nope!
Dr Vernan Coleman has been warning people in his books for decades, about vaccines, statins, 'how to stop doctors from killing you' etc.
I was really pleased to learn recently that the tiktok generation know him as the 'Old Man in a Chair', which according to his blog, he rather likes. 🙂
Love Dr. Vernon Coleman! Yes, he helped me wake up to how corrupt everything truly is. 👍🏻
Exactly ! They are removing white clots from the jabbed in the living as well as the decreased. i personally know a woman who had white clots occluding her coronary arteries. She was told by her Cardios that this was from the covid shots. now she gets regular angiograms so they can make sure, "No rubber bands are growing in any of my other blood vessels." which is what she told me as her eyes filled up with tears.
Dr Chetty of S Africa who treated as many or more patients than Dr Zelenko here who never died from covid revealed that in studying these so called "clots" they contained tin, which he has only seen in the production of PVC pipes.
Surprise surprise, TIN is present in bio hydrogel . Hydrogel just happens to be in LNPs because it makes it easier to carry the payload into the cells in mRNA technology.
A never ending stream of income !!
Correct. AND cross the blood brain barrier. That barrier is God given protection for our brain & nervous system. They shouldn’t want to breech that, but yet, they aimed for it!
Wow! Really? I have not come across that but if that is the case then he is hopeless!! The relative risk used to twist the absolute risk is scientific fraud. Statins are rubbish and have been shown by dozens of MDs & scientists for at least a decade. I’m done with Peter. It’s clear he is pushing an agenda.
Really? I did not know this about him! Anyone who pushes statins, except in the very rarest of cases, under very particular circumstances, is not with the health program. Thank you for posting.
People can be sincerely wrong about one thing and not be evil. I’m sure if you are honest you can think of times you have been wrong about something too.
There’s a difference between being wrong & being murderous. I’m sure you’d be fairly pissed off if you had to deal with “vaccine” injury or death from this MRNA LNP bio weapon they rolled out as “safe & effective”. Only now to admit it is neither. Just sayin.
I can understand people’s mistrust of even this. On the other hand, it is not really intended for the unvaccinated. Is the reward greater than the risk for those who had Covid shots? Who knows?
Common sense (and e performed) dictate less is more. And unless it has been proven to be safe and effective I would still only consider it only in a life and death situation.
That sounds like good news, but it also sounds risky to add more RNA to fight the mRNA injections. I'm just glad that I didn't go for any of that.
It is possible that the same technology can have both good and bad uses, like nuclear reactors.
NOT in human bodies!
Why not?
..."could prevent uncontrolled spike protein production and reduce toxicity."...in typical medicalese, the operative words are "could" and "reduce". Why not WILL and ELIMINATE? This is what modern medicine is all about...maybe, possibly, could, should, probably, perhaps, might, potentially, etc...nothing definite except that you did get an mRNA injection and it is a certainty it has had some effect upon your Heavenly, if not abused, body.
And the grand cost of this "possible" cleaning out of your system, mind you after much damage has already been done? Is the damage reversible? How would you test to discover how much mRNA poisons are still active/inert in a person? The test to conclude if anything has changed after getting this therapy?
Nothing more than mumbo-jumbo and the marketing of some cure for stupid medical decisions made by people who often claim they knew nothing about anything other than what the "experts" told them.
This is a proposal, could is the appropriate word because they won’t know until they test it.
So inject with another gene therapy. I no longer trust Dr McCullough.
Thanks but I'll wait this one out and see how others make out first ... best of luck ...
Good point.
I'm going to stay mum on this as I'm not jab-injured (refused the jab). But I don't walk in the shoes of another. These experimental technologies scare the shit out of me 🤐🤐
Indeed me too. Have a friend she has been and still is on an experimental study for MS the last 13 years, in Toronto, Ontario an hours drive from Hamilton where we both reside. Her husband has to drive her, it used to be monthly, now it is every 5 or so months. Finally there is a medication out there she takes, very expensive $30,000. a year. So far the company is paying for it, but that will be ending in a few months. I really don't see much of a difference and asked her, she herself does not see much change. I do see that her speech, memory is not good, she has become incontenant, along with other side effects. I myself would not have gone for it, but to each their own. Compare this one study with the jabs. Lord help those that decided to get the gene therapy.
Fear is SO fucking powerful! Look what we do to ourselves just to stay on this unacceptable plane.
Make peace with mortality, I say!
The saddest part is, MS is caused by artificial blue light and lack of healthy sun exposure.
The fuck! Y'all think ANOTHER mRNA shit shot "may" repair the damage of the Doctors Death Shots??? I can not fukn believe this shit. Just another BigSick Agender Bender... NO mRNA shots EVER. WTF.
Indeed- sounds like a cruel joke, doesn’t it?
You clearly weren’t paying attention. He did NOT say another mRNA.