My biggest frustration has been seeing those I care about get the bioweapon shots, plus boosters when I spent an inordinate amount of effort and time sending them information on reasons not to!!! Now, most of those that got it anyway are sick, or sicker, or dead.

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Yeah same here. I’m at the point where I think I should just switch tactics and push for more of these morons to get vaccinated.

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I myself have been at this for years...since 2010...some get it , some don't sadly...it's a spiritual awakening for many of us but a silent darkness for others....I couldn't share this info any sooner, no one would have believed it.

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I have not trusted Western Sick Care, nor Big Pharma for 25 years. I am mostly a holistic minded person, with turning to Western Sick Care as a last resort. Plus, I'm too strong minded to be manipulated or induced with fear. #fearless #warrior

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@FrogLady Warrior, Bravo, that's what I love to hear, confidence, strength and holistic healing knowledge. I am the same...reducing drastically my use of any form of dangerous drugs. Too many naive and ignorant people, especially in US, count on this corrupted for profits death medicine system. Now they are really ramping up the doctor assisted killings of innocents via hospital care and treatments. Medical doctors are being threatened by the pharma mafia cartels if they try to treat or heal people instead of poisoning them. I can't imagine being in their shoes. My immortal soul is not for sale, I would never ever continue to intentionally murder people to save my medical career or pension, medical licenses, etc...God records all of our actions, words, He has it all stored and waiting for our coming judgment. Many will perish and be thrown into hell...I just posted my latest post. It's not worth it...turn to God, Jesus and ask for forgiveness.

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Biden circa 9/21: “what more do you need to see?”

We are seeing all we need to see now. Young healthy people dropping dead, all cause mortality on the rise, fertility rates dropping, giant blood clots, etc. I just wanted to see some long term data. I know, call me crazy.

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one day many will hang their heads in shame when they realise the evil they defended

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I hope so, but my faith in humanity and the ability for those people to accept responsibility and admit they were wrong is pretty low.

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I have no faith in the "medical experts."

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i have absolutely zero respect for 99% of doctors, they are pharma trained cockatoos with not an ounce of curiosity about real health

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Neither do I. Including my own brother inlaw who continues to push at us to vaccinate. It's disgusting.

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Nah...they won't have any remorse for the way they treated us.

It will be just like the Nazis after the war saying, "I was just following orders."

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plenty of germans regret their involvement, i had a german student who apologised to me repeatedly for his grand parents actions even though neither of us were alive at the time.

i felt embarrassed and confused that he felt this need to apologise to me, as far as i was concerned he did nothing wrong. i dont take any responsibility for anyones actions but my own even if they are of my blood

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I'm still pissed at the Germans for trying to kill my dad at Normandy.

They are only 2 generations away from pushing people into ovens.

Germany was the original warmongers of the 20th century...DNA runs deep.

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governments start wars not people, perhaps we need a better system of society

maybe thats the lesson we should take from the 20th century

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I often wondered how the "average" German complied with such a murderous regime.

After the harassment, intimidation, and violence I saw against people who refused the death shot, I started to understand.

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have you ever read about the Reserve Police Battalion 101 and how they used comradeship and nudging to turn ordinary germans into killers?

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Covid is a bioweapon funded by the US government.

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The people in charge of the government departments, CDC, NIH, FDA, Fauci Surgeon General all pushed, There were Senators who did NOT and addressed Fauci vigorously about Immunity.

BUT don't forget the BIG PHARMA and the Wuhan Lab in China who only wanted to see destruction while gaining billions.

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It amazes me that hospital systems, government agencies, the military and companies... continue to mandate these vaxxes... when they are NOT approved ! They only have Emergent-Use- Authorization. I believe that it's illegal to attempt to mandate something, a vaccine, that is not fully approved ? But it's happening anyway. And what does this say about our Government ? It sure seems that they are following the dictates of Big Pharma. So who's really in charge...?

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VA is still pushing covid shots.

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I am a retired RN and hospitals keep trying to recruit me and I won't work as long as they say you have to have the vaccine. They did that with the flu shots for 40 years and probably still are.

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Thank you. It's been super hard but then again not. Could not take that Vax. Did lose friends and relatives. I'm still not feeling vindicated though, until mainstream comes right around and tells all those guys. They still believe that bullshit. I'm still the crazy conspiracy lady in their eyes. I'm not crazy, I'm super intelligent!

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Same here.

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And the words, actions, inaction by some and the venomous hate, bullying and shaming by excommunicated family and former friends and associates will never be forgotten or forgiven. This has definitely separated the wheat from the chaff. We are stronger mentally, physically and emotionally after surviving the past year.

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by The Vigilant Fox

Firstly thank you for what you do. So many of us would have felt incredibly isolated had it not been for courageous information sharers like yourself.

I live in a society where 96% of 16+ are vaccinated, many through coercion but also many through uneducated & government propaganda instilled fear of Covid.

We were banned from work, restaurants, travel, entertainment & initially even shops by the government. The government, MSM, community and sadly in some cases friends & family shunned, ridiculed, abused us, calling for us to refused medical treatment and to be forced to stay locked in our home.

What most never understood is that many of us who are unvaccinated, were initially so due to our doctors advising us that the vaccines were a high risk due our pre-existing conditions. There were no exemptions.

Now the facts that we already saw are becoming more prevalent and I feel incredibly lucky and am incredibly grateful to the amazing information sharers who kept us informed and made us feel less alone. Thank you.

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by The Vigilant Fox

Great Email!

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They’re the reason why when I tested positive, I went grocery shopping and carried about my normal life. Don’t worry, it’s a small town, and no one died from my “reckless behavior”.

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I know what they’re thinking: More messaging!

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“It is not the responsibility of the unvaccinated to protect the vaccinated - that is the vaccine’s job!”

Anonymous quote from Pandata.org

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Never felt better! Its also nice to show the path to health to others. Be kind.

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Oh so hard to be kind after getting my teeth kicked in and my butt kicked down the stairs.

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Only slightly broken!

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Cheers to the shrews!🥳🎉

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Me and mine will never succumb. Never.

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