Sep 10, 2023Liked by The Vigilant Fox

I knew it was a scam from the start and no way was I going to be jabbed with their bio-weapon. Never masked, never tested, never jabbed and proud of it.

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Ditto for me and my husband. We were already weekly watchers and supporters of The Highwire before the Plandemic was launched. So we were well aware of what was happening. And then found Mikki Willis and the Plandemic documentaries and listened to David Icke calling out the scam in April 2020.

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Same here! In fact, I've been involved in vaccine issues for years, back at the launch of Children's Health Defense and NVIC. I'm 77 and my parents had me vaccinated as a kid, but thank God there were only 3 mandatory vaccines back then. I did get a tetanus shot back in the 90's before I was aware of its dangers, but now I would never get vaccinated unless someone holds me down and jabs me by force. We MUST fight this before THAT happens!

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Yes me too at 78! I did take a couple of flu shots and pneumonia shots, but that was many years ago!

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Please don't take anymore. We need people like YOU on our side :-) +

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I wouldn't touch them now, but was a sporadic user of vaccines, if I thought to... I was silly enough to get flu jab in 2019... I never suspected anything till they said they were using mRNA. My old microbiology uni studies came flooding back to me... There's no way anyone alive knows enough to mess with such an important and delicate system successfully, all for a virus akin to a bad flu??

What the hell is going on??

I said no thanks and took the job loss rather than take that crazy potion , as it sounded like (and is) a genetic poison... Only then did I start to think about traditional vaccines, and uncover a host of nasties in those as well...

Why the URGE for EVERYONE to take it too? So out of the ordinary, yet again for a virus continually getting weaker, that at worst was a bad flu... So suspicious..

If it was voluntary, I wouldn't be so on alert as I am now...

At my "Fairwork" tribunal mediation my workplace's lawyer got worked up yelling and calling me an "antivaxxer", which is odd, because I never considered that I was given my history...

I found it amazing someone smart enough at law, and paid big dollars for it, was so dumb when it came to science...

Of course the mediator allowed him to call that name out without reprimand, as she was so deep in the psyop herself...

Crazy times, with even so called smart people hypnotised into hysteria...

Even when science is presented they default to the catchphrase they've been brainwashed with "safe and effective"... Like a sci fi movie...

I still hope most people got a dud, but my main fear is in eight years time, when genetic dysfunction becomes more apparent...

Of course if this happens the deaths will be unconnected to the vax, as they already are...

I picture it being called "Ze Great Die Off" due to "Climate Change" in the mainstream media... As they started to try and do with heart issues and blood clots already.

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Ditto, never isolated or locked down, lived my regular life and never had Covid either. Go figure!

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Ditto except for being told to stay home from work!!! It was a taste of heaven!!

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Ditto here as well. Glad to be in the know about what is going on in our world.

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Yep Me too! I'd seen the results of one animal (ferrets) trial where they developed antibodies with the lab version, but when exposed to the wild virus. they all died! That was enough for me to say WHOA!! Not me!

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I saw that as well, and it told me everything I needed to know!

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Sep 10, 2023Liked by The Vigilant Fox

Thanks for taking us down memory lane. What a nightmare, still ongoing but more stealthily now. But how beautiful was that convoy? That is the best of us, the best of humanity.

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The Canadian Convoy was inspiring. Yes, the best of us......I was brought to tears every time I watched videos of what was taking place there. And horrified at what the tyrannical Trudeau government did to them.

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Freedom Convoy leaders Tamara Litch and her partner are in court right now. There is a GiveSendGo fundraising for their court costs. Look up rebel news or The Defence Fund if you want to help!

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The convoy was amazing! So proud of my fellow Canadians!

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The trunk horns brought joy to my heart! Biden’s speech as pleasant as nails screeching down a chalkboard quite frankly, and I literally turned volume down after his first few words.

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Edit: Truck horns

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Every day is 'do not comply day in my Life!

But I don't think the threat of Germany 2.0 has passed. The new nazis might not be able to lose at this point...

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Sep 10, 2023Liked by The Vigilant Fox

Never complied.

Never will comply.

Convince me, yes.

Coercce me, get lost.

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Sep 10, 2023Liked by The Vigilant Fox

Back at ya!

And thanks for your persistence in the face of Social Discrimination!

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Sep 10, 2023Liked by The Vigilant Fox

I did not comply, and have no intention of complying. Beware of variant BS.24.7!

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For all of us to Remember: these vaccines did not stop transmission or infection. Unvaccinated people who had recovered from Covid gained natural immunity which is superior to any temporary benefit from any of these vaccines. All cause mortality from the vaccines is much higher than from Covid. The idea of segregating people based on vaccine status is evil. Do not comply. Thank you.

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....and they always knew it.

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Yes! Thank you, SimulationCommander.

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Sep 10, 2023Liked by The Vigilant Fox

No vaccines in 30+ years 🙌

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None in 30+ years as well. Thanks for not complying.

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God bless you and yours! Courage is in short supply these days, and it's inspiring to see yours. I. too, recognized the scam almost immediately, being 74 and having experienced the Wuhan virus in January 2020. I thought I just had a serious flu, and recovered in a few days. I did lose 80% of my taste and smell, though, and it never returned.

I lived through the Vietnam years, when lying was epidemic throughout Washington D.C. , and our generation learned to never fully trust government. Sadly, like a wheel that has to be rediscovered with every generation, Truth is always in endangered. Vigilant adherence to it is vital.

The scale of this brazen crime is monumental, damaging the whole globe. Only Sweden escaped the worst of it, because they have an enviable sense of personal responsibility and social cohesion.

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Sep 10, 2023Liked by The Vigilant Fox

Was one of the scariest moments for me too. That and watching normies fall in lockstep with their covid mandate orders. We really do deserve a victory lap after hanging tough for so long. I don’t think I could have held out without people like you guys.

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💯 agree it has been lonely in my end but having people here aware has kept me going! Thank you all 🙏

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Sep 10, 2023Liked by The Vigilant Fox

Great piece!

While I didn't travel to Ottawa, I remain unvaxxed.

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“I believe we are living here now at this crossroads for a reason. I believe we are meant to be here; that we are being given a chance to be the right people in the right place at the right time. I believe that we can end this evil, but only if we dare to try. It begins with one simple step: Telling the world “We Will Not Comply!”

--Brandon Smith

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Sep 10, 2023Liked by The Vigilant Fox

Wow. Powerful review. Felt that same rage well up in me reading this. Clearly they do not care if it’s killing and maiming people. Now, it appears, we must “do not comply” again.

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Sep 10, 2023Liked by The Vigilant Fox

Awesome Post VF!

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Sep 10, 2023Liked by The Vigilant Fox

Thank you for exposing the Medical tyranny and may we never forget the evil that the WEFWHOUNCCPNIHFDA CDC EcoHealth Alliance NIAID GatesClinton Foundations were complicit in this Genocide and unethical forced vaccination that has no long term safety Data and the Data they had they tried to hide for 75 years

We all know someone or of someone that died or suffered adverse reactions from these injections

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I know several people that have, and the medical professionals just turn a blind eye to it and make excuses for it.

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