No problem, Pfizer has a new drug to treat myocarditis!

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The CIA pharma military industrial complex are experimenting with self-assembling nanoparticles. Are they causing the massive bloodclots we have been seeing worldwide?

More here; https://wakeuppeople.substack.com/p/self-assembling-nanoparticles-causing

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Dr in Canada reports being able to help myocarditis.. take a look. Vigilant Fox you should contact him and get his story. https://arrowd.substack.com/p/the-cure-for-genetically-damagedtranscribed

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That is very interesting. Organotherapy has been successful as a complimentary form of medicine known to many in the homeopathy / naturopathy fields (vastly underutilized however) but he is definitely taking it to the next level, or so it seems to me.

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Yes it is organotherapy but Dr Goyechete prefers to use the other name.. he explained why once but I've forgotten the reason now.

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People should remember that Dr. McCullough lost many prestigious positions, such as Vice-Chief of Internal Medicine at Baylor University, in order to get this information out. Naomi Wolf also lost writing spots many places. I've lost friends and clients and much money to get this information out via McCullough and others in the amusing film Shots: Eugenics to Pandemics (2022).

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Analysis of VAERS data as far back as February, 2022 demonstrated a dose related increase in myocarditis in children and young adults. McCollough's report comes as no surprise.


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The Vaccinated Are To Be Judged By The Sickness

Of Their Behavior In Society Among Us.

Their Physical Suffering Is Not The Issue.

Their Own Government

Used Their Own Minds Against Them.

If You're Not On That

Your Own Government

Will Use Them Against You.


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Well said and to the point in regards to the big picture. I personally think you make a very important and valid point that really says it all.

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Hey, lets ask fauci and gates what is going on. They are the master vaccinazis and surely must have logical answers.

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It's a crime that our beautiful, vigorously healthy young people are dying because they got the shot, whether it was forced or not it was all induced by fear. It's grievous.

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Fear pushed by all the lying legacy media, even when the actual facts were available.

But more than that - MONEY. Big Pharma planned this scheme years in advance, in collusion with the CDC and the W.H.O. and the WEF. It was part of their planned Great Reset, which was actually a GENOCIDE agenda.

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I send this blog to people who have woken up a bit. A couple of them are now wondering, as they are in their 40s and worried about the effects of vaccine from two years ago may have had on them, how is it possible to evaluate whether or not your heart is okay and whether or not something bad might happen?

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the twitter feed had been deleted - any backups around?

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look at the patents, statistics, and videos. The stealth nervous sytem manipulation is the main goal(zombification)

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They’re killing us 💔 And they’re getting away with it.

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Thanks VF. Terrifying indeed.

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I know what you say is true.

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