Local pharmacist told a few customers in private, to not go to hospital for covid. ( under any circumstance!) He later provided Ivermectin & HCQ if needed. Beautiful man saved many lives. 😇
I read your comment and Dee Dee's.. and Gandalf's words to Frodo came to mind: "They tried to pierce your heart with a Morgul knife which remains in the wound. Had they succeeded, you have have become as they are, but weaker and under their command. You would have become a wraith under the dominion of the Dark Lord..."
Describes the contemporary Medical and Big Pharma rackets, entirely too well.. 🤔
Huh? That’s all I’ve been doing and am still doing today! Been passing out ivermectin like tic tacs. And I never ever refer anyone to hospitals, ER’S or allopathic sick care docs.
Most health care professionals are debt slaves paying off the exorbitant cost of their education. Leaving puts their families in a precarious state. Some states threatened their licensure.
Many health care professionals really don't understand enough biochemistry, virology, microbiology, immunology, so that they could not critically evaluate what they were being told, and became as brainwashed as regular TV watchers. My colleagues didn't pay much attention to the oldest unjabbed person in their midst. But I was able to help people get religious exemptions. COVID policy is not the only malpractice going on. There are much more egregious and cynical practices. Some institutions are much worse than others. I left practice in order to assist people with gaining more independence from these institutions.
I agree with your analysis of “ most doctors.” I’m not defending all of them ( Fauci 😡), but most are just getting through the day to day, heavy with paperwork, insurance hassles, different patient’s issues, and then family & all that stress. Doctors don’t all live the life you see on tv. They don’t have time to stop and research independently. And if they did have a question about protocol, like why antibiotics aren’t used more, etc., their questions would have been considered insubordination or “ unprofessional conduct”. Ex.:(failure to meet the standard of care, in a state)
This entire plandemic was new and unprecedented. And fear is a motivating factor. Not just fear of the virus, but fear of losing your job, etc. We need to give Grace to many forced to make unconscionable decisions. Not to Fauci though. 😡 Or Bill Gates. Someday I’ll forgive them & accept that God will judge their eternal souls. ( I’m not quite there yet)
Why weren’t there mass walkouts by the nurses and doctors witnessing this? If the vast majority hadn’t gone along with it, it could have been stopped immediately.
There were many that retired and quit as the 2019 pandemic began. Mainstream media never covered this, of course, and the result was the slowing down of efficient medical care. Remember when hospital emergency rooms were packed & normal appointments, lab results, and phone calls to medical facilities took forever? They said it was “Covid related”, making us think Covid was bad. It was actually caused by the great exodus of Dr.s, nurses, & medical staff.
Thousands left, NOT only because of burnout, trauma from watching people die, & not wanting to get vaxed. ( probably 20%) In the beginning, how do they leave from burnout?
Look up : aspe.hhs.gov if you can’t click above. Tons of articles at the end. Read cautiously. ( beware of gov. narrative 🙈)
I hate showing gov. data but this looked accurate. The words aren’t accurate, but the numbers give an idea of the thousands that left. They KNEW things weren’t right with the protocols. Too many stories came out in the beginning to corroborate this. Dr.s & nurses that loved their professions ( & patients), walked away because they saw the beginning of a horror show they wanted nothing to do with. Others may have blindly followed protocols without question, much like our relatives, blindly go get boosters. Should they know? Hell yes! And finally, some are scared of losing everything they own, medical licenses, & pensions, etc., and be blacklisted from every medical job available forever. This can happen, and did. I’m sure “ trauma” doesn’t begin to describe their guilt & pain. They’re only human. Some are possibly heartless monsters ( Fauci) but most were doing the best they could, at the time. God will be the ultimate judge. 😇
I know nurses that told my best friend’s 85 year old mom to not get vaxed, & stay out of the hospital. That was my first jolt of reality & incentive to research more.
Morality needed to start with the DOD & Pfizer. One is military so that wouldn’t happen. They are trained to do what their told. The other is a money making industry that hasn’t had a soul since it’s inception. Board of Directors in hospitals & Big Pharma, are the same. FDA KNEW these shots were harmful & deadly, and approved the emergency use anyway. They also knew, including Fauci & Gates, that Ivermectin was a successful repurposed drug that potentially could ruin everything if word got out. They had to squash any and all that promoted it. Even making FDA say it wasn’t effective against Covid & provided flawed studies with megadoses, etc.
All that to say, there’s a lot of guilty people involved, not just the medical staff. I read an article- study today from Penn. State ‘2022, that the MRNA was in the making for decades. I knew this, just hadn’t seen it in print yet. Also talked about Covid 19 not being “ novel”. Yet in the HHS article I cited in a reply, they talk about the “ novel” virus, etc. It’s all a web of lies & deceit. They didn’t expect us to untangle the mess so fast. No wonder they want to take the internet away next. The chemtrails toxins aren’t working fast enough. Be mad, but then be productive in getting the truth out. Do no comply. Push back hard. Love God, they hate that. ( corporate elite planners of genocide) And love others. 💕 They hate that too. 😂
We all were, including Dr.McCullough and Dr.Malone. Youtube, Twitter, Facebook all fact checked, striked and banned these people and statements. As well as the MSM spreading the disinformation about Hydroxychloriquine and Ivermectin. Dr.Zelenko as well was the one championing the use of Quercetin in place of banned Hydroxychloroquine. Instead of blaming people for actually doing what they could, maybe blame all the social media and MSM collusion in silencing the truth. Stupid statement to make.
No, you all were not. Most were parroting the lies and denigrating those of you who spoke up. Most hospital staff aided the killers. If that had not been the case, we wouldn’t have all those deaths.
I understand your anger, we are all angry. Use your anger to help stop these shots. Write legislators, anyone that you can. I just wrote to the Supreme Court today. We need some serious warriors to swing the pendulum & create the tipping point. Media is useless except here on Substack. I refer people here daily.
My son-in-law lost his dad after he was admitted to the hospital with Covid. He was given Remdesivir and in 24 hours he was in complete renal failure. He refused ventilation but after two rounds of dialysis he gave up the fight. He was gone in 10 days. My horror about what happened in hospitals is turning into a simmering fury. As a nurse I consider those workers “my people.” I will never understand what happened. No explanation is sufficient.
If you read about the Inquisition, Salem Witch trials, Nazis, etc. you see the same behavior. Humans have an unlimited capacity to justify heinous crimes in pursuit of a “higher purpose”.
Humans are the same everywhere. Remember a large proportion of medical staff are democrats who considered Trump to be Hitler incarnate. They would do anything to make sure their party won the election. The financial incentive was icing on the cake. Hospitals are run by administrators, not doctors.
I’m so sorry for your heartbreak. I had the same experience with teaching and teachers— I thought we were the 1st line of inquiry. Turns out the administrations have turned schools into the 1st line of indoctrination.
How about the Canadian Government? Or the British? Or the French? Or German? When do we get it, that our governments are not our friends, are not there to serve us?
Thank you very much for the kind words. I agree wholeheartedly and know that she’s in Heaven with the Lord and my grandparents. That’s what gives me comfort... knowing she’s with Him.
ERIN: Hi, My name is Erin [inaudible]*. I am mom of nine children and 11 grandchildren.
Sept 20, '21 my son Daniel was under a doctor's care at home. He was being treated for pneumonia. The doctor had warned them not to go to the hospital. People were not coming out. But at the time the doctor had prescribed him Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine and the pharmacy could not fill the script, or would not.
It would be several days or weeks before they could get it. His wife and inlaws took the Ivermectin and recovered, and we knew many more who did.
They had no choice to call the paramedics, his oxygen had dropped below 70. He was struggling to breathe.
I got on the next flight to Kentucky. My son and his wife Chrissandra were well aware of the protocols of the hospital and verbalized they would not take Remdesivir treatment or any ventilation treatment. They were strongly against it and made that very clear.
Once Daniel was admitted, they did not let his wife into the hospital with him. After a period of time his wife was able to go back in but for 30 minutes a day. Not into his room. Standing outside his room to pray over it.
After a period of time I was allowed in there and the same restrictions, and the times were very restrictive for me but I was only allowed outside.
We received a frantic phone call, they had to vent my son. He was struggling to breathe. After speaking with the doctor we knew the percentages of people that walk out of the hospital, that don't walk out of the hospital after being vented. And we told them that. And he said, well, your son has no chance to live right now, so at least give him that. We said no. We are on our way.
When we get there, Daniel is vented. Again, against his will.
I asked the doctor to read me the list of medications my son was on. I was shocked to hear that Remdesivir was on the list. I immediately told him to take my son off and to please refer to the records that him and his wife signed regarding the medication when admitted.
No Remdesivir, the doctor promised me he would.
Daniel's wife Chrissandra followed up with the doctor about this subject and she was lied to, and lied at the actions taken.
He stated that he was following protocol. I asked him, what about Ivermectin? Through tears. He responded to me with the statement: I know it works, I have used it, but my hands are tied. And I would have to go to the administration to speak with them.
I was screaming at them. I had a lawyer on my phone. I had my phone up, I've got my lawyer on my phone, which I did. And—
I am going to the administration immediately, here is his script.
At that moment a kidney specialist joined us outside his room. He was one of the doctors that was treating my son. He said, I'm very sorry, it's too late. We stood in disbelief and questioned, what are you even talking about? He said that Daniel's kidneys were shutting down, a side-effect of using Remdesivir.
That was when I found out that my son was on the hospital CDC protocol, totally against his will. And within minutes, they ran out of his room, screaming, all hands on deck!
My heart was crushed, I was confused. Daniel was one of seven people that coded in front of us in one evening.
The nurse ran out and asked me, Do you want to come in and watch us resuscitate your son? The same nurse that would not allow me near my son. I said to her, we have been here for 10 days and you have not let me near my son. Now you want me to come into the room and watch you resuscitate him? How dare you.
I was standing in the hallway looking through the door and just praying. It was his bare feet I was able to see from my vantage point and I prayed into them with every intention. My baby boy was so close. I could sense him breathing, his body rising and falling. I traveled over 700 miles only to come against an evil no parent should have to face. A hospital, a place of healing, became a prison. And I was one moment away from being forcibly removed from that hospital for just wanting to be with my baby.
All I felt was helpless standing outside that door, barred from entering the room where my child was laying 10 feet from me. They physically won't let me near him. This is criminal! All's I wanted to do was touch Daniel, to let him hear my voice, to soothe his spirit and speak life into him. God's holy word. To treat him with Ivermectin because I knew that it worked, to restore this young man's glorious God frequency!
To be denied the opportunity to be healed was pure evil. Everyone who knew and was part of this is complicit. And you are responsible, they are so responsible, for every murder.
This time it was my precious boy. It could be anyone, easily anyone that's listening to this story right now.
Daniel was a light in this world. He walked in faith, he loved his family passionately. My husband and I gave Daniel God's inheritance and legacy and in turn, Daniel gave it to his children. And in the end God wins. But the torture of this journey is a heavy burden. With all of my heart I know where my son is and we will be together again.
The inhumane treatment of patients and families has got to come to an end!
The Ivermectin was being withheld from people. People were being sent away from the hospital until they were so so sick that they had no recourse but CDC Protocol.
The patients are alone, scared, having no family to advocate next to them, to protect their rights.
What is truly going on?
When we went to the hospital to pick over a thousand pages of medical records, the medical lady who handed us the big box of papers printed them out, you know, have to pay per page, handed them to us, said, "These are free. And I do not work at this hospital, I am only subbing in today. I need you to take my cell number." She said, "For anything, please take this, please do something about this. They are killing people here."
Our medical rights are being taken away. We couldn't stay with him and state his wishes. We couldn't make the choices we had the right to make for him. And how dare they take that from us.
In closing, I'm so grateful for the continued stand of support for my family and friends, [inaudible] words are inadequate, all of my friends who I see here today. I am thankful for our governor who fights for families and fought to make sure that your family will not be dying in Florida alone.**
In a million years I could not have thought that this would be my son. I was fully informed, and it was still happening to me and my family. I hope that by sharing my story that it will encourage you to share yours.
Research these things!
Learn the truth and fight for it!
Our rights as Americans are being taken away.
And I will end in scripture. Psalm 34:18: The Lord is close to the broken-hearted. And saves those who are crushed in spirit.
And I am so thankful that I do not walk alone. Thank you.
# # #
*I was unable to verify the spelling of her last name.
**On April 6, 2022 Governor of Florida Ron DeSantos signed the No Patient Left Alone State Bill 988 that guarantees visitation rights of patients and their families. See
PATTY MYERS [holding up photograph]: My name is Patty Myers and I'm from Winter Garden, Florida, and I drove my husband of 31 years to the death chamber. They used to call those hospitals.
The government, hospitals, and some doctors, are out there trying to put fear into people to do what they want them to do and I am frankly tired of it. They bullied me in the hospital by asking me over and over, was I in the medical field? They mandate protocols, Fauci in particular, I won't even refer to him as a doctor, and ignore any of the patients' rights.
My husband Tony went into the hospital just to get a little oxygen. He was dipping in the 80s for his oxygen. While he stayed in the ER for more than 12 hours with no oxygen given, he sent me a text saying, quote, they are trying to figure out a reason to keep me here.
He said his oxygen was OK in the 95s and 98s. His hospital records show that as well.
Why did they keep him? Well, they figured out the reason. That was Remdesivir. He got it early the next morning. Within 48 hours he was getting worse. They kept giving him more oxygen, flooding his lungs. They didn't allow me to see him for 5 days.
Hmmm, Remdesivir is a treatment for 5 days.
Hospitals isolate. This is not misinformation!
I demanded to be let in to see him when he was steadily getting worse those next four days. They let me in. I couldn't believe how he looked. He looked exhausted. They weren't letting him get up at all, he was using bed pans, he had not been bathed that whole time. He was also sleeping on a ripped, holey mattress.
Hospitals neglect! That is not misinformation!
That day, I demanded Ivermectin and they made fun of it. They said they didn't have it. They said it's not an approved medicine for covid. All were lies.
He was increasingly getting worse on BiPAP* and high-flow oxygen. After a week of being there they were pressuring hard to have him get on a ventilator. He wasn't even on the most oxygen at that point. They kept saying, We have done the protocol, there is no other meds to give you. The ICU doctor later said, He should have been placed on the ventilator when he was doing better.
My husband was panicking.
Doctors lie about meds that are available. That is misinformation how they say that those aren't available.
I finally got a doctor to say yes Ivermectin after he was there in the hospital 10 days. He made major improvements after getting his lifesaving medicine. The day he got it, he couldn't eat, he couldn't sit up, he was on 100% high-flow oxygen. Within 3 days he was off the high-flow oxygen and he was only on 6 liters of regular oxygen. He shaved, he asked me to bring Chipotle, and he told me he was healed. They said he would be going home in a day or two. Three days before this, they don't wasn't going to make it and he had to be vented right away.
Doctors say the only way to live is to be vented. This is misinformation!
I'm almost done. Sorry.
He was moved to ICU right after because he had a shortness of breath episode which he had in the early morning. He was pushing the button to say help and the nurse wouldn't answer, no one came, he kept pushing the button, over and over, no one came, so he had to start screaming for people. After that they stopped the Ivermectin and they were hard and strong now about the ventilator and how he wasn't going to make it. He was only on 40% high-flow at that point.
He was in the hospital another 10 days, they wore they wore him down by their words and actions. He saw bodybag after body bag pass his room. One day it was five. He begged me to call the nurses and close his blinds. He begged for ice and water over an hour, no one came to bring him some. The last week he wasn't given food, either.
The doctors wouldn't give vitamins C, D, or zinc, they said it was not proven to work. We both begged for Ivermectin to be continued and increase the milligrams, but they stayed hard and strong about him not getting it anymore.
Hospital administrators said Ivermectin is not proven to work, as well as high dose vitamins. This is misinformation!
Hospital administrators are telling doctors what they can and can't prescribe. That is truth!
I met his doctor after my husband passed away and he said, quote, He died because he didn't get the vaccine. In my husband's ICU half of the people that were in there, I asked each family, they were vaccinated, they were boosted and they still died. That is truth!
The government incentivizes the hospitals to use these things that kill. That is truth!
The hospitals are profiting from the murders of our family members. That is truth!
They murdered my Tony, they refused to honor his patient rights, and right to try. He called [?], he called the governor, he emailed the news media, including Channel 9—- that I appreciate they were here earlier, but left. There is no other local news media here right now. And you're cowards! To tell the truth!
No one responded. My husband was only 55 years old, and I have known him since I was 19. He was funny, he was the love of my life. In less than 4 weeks from having no problems at all he was gone. He died on September 9, 2021.** I watched him slowly suffocate as many doctors and nurses stood there saying that there's no more meds to give him.
Stop the fear tactics! Stop the lies! Let's show our loved ones' faces and remember how brave they were to sit there and watch doctors and nurses not give proper care and needed meds to heal.
We are not standing for it anymore. My husband didn't deserve to die, and he certainly didn't deserve to be treated the way he was for weeks in the hospital.
And I want to read Luke 18: 7-8. Will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones who cry out to Him day and night? Will He keep putting them off? I tell you He will see that they get justice and quickly.
Today we are here to share the truth and I hope you'll stand with me. Thank you.
# # #
*BiPAP is a form of noninvasive ventilation therapy.
**Joseph Anthony "Tony" Myers' obituary is at this link:
TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: Unfortunately when the speaker came to the microphone to introduce herself, the microphone was at some distance, so I could not catch her name nor the first words of her testimony.
NEIL'S WIDOW: [inaudible] married for about 11 1/2 years when he passed away June 29h at at Citrus Memorial Hospital, Inverness, Florida. Unfortunately he was a victim, a hospital hostage if you want to call it that.
But first of all I would like to thank Nicole, Rachel, Laurie, and Amy for inviting me here today. And I most definitely want to thank my friend Kathleen Holbrook for putting me together with these wonderful people at Truth for Heath.* And I want to thank you all for being there for us.
My husband Neil was my soulmate and my road trip buddy. He was from New York. I'm a Florida cracker. I was born in Coral Gables, so New Yorkers was for me, oh, no, it's a Yankee! But I loved my Yankee. And he had shoulder surgery that was supposed to happen the day after he went into the hospital. Why he didn't make it was because no one would listen when we kept trying to tell them, look at his shoulder. He had a diseased shoulder from years and years of construction in New York, and he needed surgery.
Well, they kept delaying and delaying because of covid, so we were never really able to get it set up. He was due to have the surgery June 7th. Upon being admitted to the hospital, they always tested for covid. He was not in there for covid. He was in there for shortness of breath caused by bacterial pneumonia, which all of us had seen [inaudible] is the bacterial pneumonia.
They even had a test that was done of his sputum that took 8 days before the infectious disease doctor, after talking with me, and then asked me, Well, what kind of bacteria did he have? I said, I'm not the doctor, you are! The test results are right there, they've been there since the 10th of June!
Finally on the 15th is when they started him on the correct medication to take care of the situation, but by that point it was a little bit too late because the infection was so bad that he had bloody sputum and the hospital totally ignored him for that and just kept telling us, oh, he has covid pneumonia. He has crystalled lungs. That's what they it, isn't it? Dr. Guffanti? [turns around to Dr. Stephen Guffanti, who is seated behind her on the stage]
DR. STEPHEN GUFFANTI: They call it lots of things.
NEIL'S WIDOW: Yes lots of things. I fought with those doctors tooth and nail to tell them it was not covid. In fact to the point, I was sneaking in Ivermectin horse paste and giving it to my husband while he was in the hospital. That's not what he had, he didn't have covid because he had covid the year before. We were on all the protocols of vitamin D3, high vitamin C, zinc, quercetin, everything imaginable that we were following with American Front Line Doctors I had him on. And they kept telling me, it's covid, it's covid.
Well it wasn't covid because I finally ended up at the end having an autopsy done which is the the best thing I could have done because I wouldn't have had a leg to stand on. And I still don't have a correct autopsy. Why? Because the hospital keeps telling me they can't find his records! We're now three and half months to waiting for Citrus Memorial to send me the records! Because my autopsy, my forensic investigator can't finish the report. But what he does have so far is that his lungs were so degraded by the lack of the correct medication, and also the hospital leaving him in his room, making him fend for himself when he couldn't even get up because his shoulder, they wouldn't even look at it, in pain, swollen, which caused his bacteria, they didn't want to admit.
So he ends up unfortunately passing away, after the nursing home decided they didn't want him there anymore because they get tired of trying to figure out what his oxygen levels are supposed to be. He had white blood cell count as Dr. Guffani mentioned, constantly 18 and higher every single day and I was told, Oh, it's OK, that's from the steroids.
I'm not stupid by any means. But you have to be careful in these hospitals because if you raise any questions or any kind of situation that they would feel that you're coming after them, they immediately send in security because I watched it happen to an older male that was in there with his wife. He raising Cain, they didn't like it and they had security come in and they walked him all the way to his car and watched him drive away and would not let him come back in. So I didn't want that to happen to me because I wanted to be in there with my husband. Because he needed me. Just like all of our family members needed us. And I was one of the fortunate ones that was able to stay with him up until the day he died.
Again I want to thank everybody for coming here and for helping to get the word out. We need to do this so much. And I'm going to be in The Villages.** I'll be there. Thank you everyone. And God bless.
CHRISTINE OLIVERA: Hello my name is Christine Olivera. I just found out about this a couple days ago, so I just kind of briefly wrote something. I didn't go into great details like some [inaudible]. But my husband's name was Wayne. We were married just under 45 years.
We met in England, he was in the military. I got married at 18, he was 21. We had two kids, we have four grandchildren. He beat cancer twice! Naturally. And he was a pretty healthy guy. He had had blood work and everything about four months before he got sick. And when we moved here to Florida he wanted to a part-time job so he went to work at Universal. And he loved it. Kids loved him.
Around the beginning of August he got sick. We didn't even test for covid because we didn't really believe it existed. I mean, SARS-2 is real but covid I don't believe is real. So we didn't even test. But he had a cold, it turned into a cough, and he was sick for a couple weeks at home. And I could tell he was getting worse and worse and wasn't getting better. His doctor only gave him a Z-Pack. Great, that worked. Um, and so on August 14th, I said, you have to go to the hospital.
So he knew about Remdevisir. And he was terrified, absolutely terrified to go to the hospital. So I said well look, we'll write up a letter saying that you refuse it, you don't want it, don't give it. And so I wrote it up. He signed it, I signed it. I called the ambulance.
I actually went in another ambulance to make sure that we didn't get separated. So I had to pay 700 dollars now for an ambulance I didn't need.
But the ER accepted the letter, said that he wouldn't get the Remdesivir, but his O2 stats were very low, they put him on a BiPAP machine, which his stats went up to 98 percent on. The BiPAP machine. So I thought he was good. I thought well, he's not going to get the Remdesivir. His oxygen levels are up.
I left him there. I never talked to him or saw him again. Dead or alive. Never saw him again.
And I think that's the hardest thing of all of this, is we take them to the hospital to save their lives. And we never get to see them again. You know, we can't hold their hand, hug them, kiss them, love them. It's like, they're just they're stolen and killed.
And so here I am, he's not going to get the Remdesivir. So they admitted him to ICU. I got a call the next morning from the nurse practitioner, she said he agreed to the full ICU protocol and the Remdesivir.
And I said, Oh my God, you're a liar! He would never have agreed to that. I said, you better not give it to him.
They said, he already got it.
He already got it! And I was so mad. I said, don't you dare give him another dose, or I'm bringing over the army, you know?
And so she said, I'll discontinue it since it's really not going to help him much anyway. You know?
That night I got the call that they needed to vent him. He was struggling. And I couldn't talk to him. So I just thought, they had to do it. You know? So they vented him.
The very next morning they called and said he needed dialysis. His kidneys had shut down.
And I was like, Oh my God. This is it. He's not going to make it.
Well then the next couple days they turned the vent too high, both of his lungs collapsed. He had to have chest tubes in both lungs.
I'm sorry. What happened after that? Um, Lungs collapsed. I mean just everything that you can imagine went wrong.
Then they said they couldn't keep him, he was two different drips to try and keep his blood pressure up. They had to reventilate him. Finally I said, if his heart stops, let him go.
And very joyfully they let him go within a couple hours. I think they turned the drips off when I said that. And he just passed. And I never saw him. I never saw him again.
But I got his medical records. And not only did they do all that but they broke his jaw twice, ventilating him. They never told me. His jaw was broken twice.
I worked in hospitals my whole life. As a [inaudible] secretary, someone who processes all the doctors orders. I worked in ERs, ICUs, trauma units, I've never seen the state of health care that it is right now.
There's something very, very bad going on. Very, very bad.
And you know what, we can stand here and tell our stories, but the doctors need to fight to stop the protocols and to let them be doctors again.
You know, doctors aren't doing this, protocols are.
But you know what, I went to my nurse practitioner a few days ago because she wouldn't refill my script unless she saw me, we talked about this. And I said to her— she's like, you don't have any idea the trauma that the nurses are going through because they saw so many people die.
I said, did they never once, for one minute stop to think that maybe they're the ones giving the meds that kill the patients?
[loud clapping]
The doctor is ordering it, but they're the ones giving it. They can say no. They have a right to say no, they won't give a drug that they know will hurt a patient.
So everybody just needs to stop this killing spree and stand up for what they took an oath for. You know?
And I just, I don't know. But anyway. So instead of planning our 50th anniversary trip this year I'm planning a memorial service for my husband's family and friends to come up in December.
RACHEL: Hello everyone. I want to get my dad's picture. My daddy. [passes the photograph to another speaker.] Can you hold it for me?
My name's Rachel [inaudible]. I'm here on behalf of my father. I'm also the Florida State Co-Chair and paralegal for FormerFeds Group Freedom Foundation.*
On October 13 [2021] my father was admitted to Broward Health in Fort Lauderdale. He entered the hospital with strict instructions by me because I'm informed. I said no Remdesivir, no ventilation.
My father was forcefully given Remdesivir and placed on ventilation by the fourth day of admission. He was murdered by November 9th. Before ventilation my father called me twice. These were his words:
Rachel! Get me out of here! They're trying to kill me!
Do you know what that feels like? Knowing, I knew very well what they were doing in the hospitals, and my dad cried out, Rachel, get me out of here! That was the last conversation I had with my father.
My mother, sister and I were on the phone every day day, four times a day. We were pleading with the staff, we needed to see my dad because he needed our touch, he was lonely. And they always had excuses.
My father tested negative after three weeks in the hospital, from covid, yet they refused to remove him from the covid ICU, extreme isolation, behind a glass. My nephew was able to go into the hospital. He got himself certified as a chaplain, just to go see my dad. Certified. He's got a job [?] but he did whatever because he wanted to see his grandfather.
Broward Health betrayed my family. They betrayed my father. And my father, they murdered him for profit, and you need to know that. They are murdering our loved ones for a profit.
His medical records showed a list of 32 different medications including Fentanyl, Vencomycin, Vicodin, [inaudible] steroids and anti-psychotic medications after he was placed on ventilation. He was dehumanized. He was refused anything that we would ask for. Ivermectin, he was already on Ivermectin before he got into the hospital. We tried desperately to get it for him. He asked for his notebook and he asked for a Bible. We slipped it in the Bible but they never gave it to him.
His kidneys began to shut down, and he was on dialysis although we asked every day, every day we asked, how are my father's kidneys? Because I knew Remdesivir, I knew what it was doing.
My father was a victim because he was unvaccinated. He was denied his right to select a medication, or experimental drugs.
He was married 56 years and left a very large family behind. I miss my dad. He should be here today. Especially his great grandson who still runs into the house calling Papa, Papa, still looking for him.
I'm also representing another family. Thomas Leonardi, 72 year-old, married 40 years, who was murdered at Woodmont Hospital, Tamarac, Florida. He was given 49 excessive toxic doses of Remdesivir for 45 days.
Forty-five days!
He was given an injection of Haldol on the second day and because he refused a pneumonia vaccine while in ICU. We all know Haldol should never be administered to a mild-mannered 72 year old with heart stent. On day 9 an infectious disease doctor wrote, poor prognosis, yet continued to push the death protocol onto his veins every day until his death.
I stand here for my dad and for the countless others that have lost their loved ones. This has got to stop.
In closing, we have heard many, many stories today. And many of us have witnessed unspeakable horrors carried out by ostensibly well-intentional professionals in the name of public health. We have watched our fundamental, once inalienable rights gutted before our eyes. We have seen our elders locked away or wrapped in plastic just to have a hug. We have seen our dying depart this world via FaceTime or Zoom, deprived funerals while the ruling the class that issued these edicts, we were forced to abide rough elbows, unmasked, at lavish parties or fancy restaurants most of us could scarcely afford.
Many of us have complied with everything we have [been] asked. When we suffered as a result, we were lambasted, slandered and ridiculed. We were even censored for simply talking about the experience.
So today I'm sounding the alarm. And I'm calling everyone in Florida. It is time to rise up! I'm asking you today, will you fight with us? Will you fight for loved ones and fight for the next generation?
So it's time, Floridians, to take a stand, place boots on the ground. You can no longer sit and watch and wait for us to do it. We can't do it alone, we need you, every one of you! We need you! So it's time to join forces. There are many, many organizations that are out there, that need volunteers, that need help. Join one of them! We have a Monday night we have a support group, we have over 90 people on these calls every Monday night. A FormerFedsGroup. We have plenty, plenty of work, and we need volunteers. So join the fight people! Because we need to take America back and we need to take Florida back.
You can no longer sit back and watch. You can no longer just watch! It's time! So I even declare into 2023, over Florida, that this will be a year of divine recovery. It is going to be a year of divine recovery, we are going to take back our territory, we are taking back Florida. We are not going to allow this anymore. And I know that I'm going to keep fighting until my last dying breath! I will stand!
So God bless the great state of Florida, and God bless America. Thank you.
SHARON SMITH: Hello everyone. My name is Sharon Smith. [Holds up photograph] This is my husband Jeff Smith. We were married 42 years. We have two sons, two daughter in-laws, and four grandchildren, one he didn't meet. She was born a week after he died.
Jeff was always the guy that walked into the room with a big smile on his face and he made everybody feel like they were important. He was just that guy. That guy. And he was very loved and respected.
I could never, ever have dreamed that I would be standing here today telling you that my husband was killed in the hospital. Never, never. But that's exactly what happened.
We both had covid for 10 days and we were coming out of it, and on July 4, 2021 I insisted, and trust me I regret that, I insisted that Jeff go to the hospital and get a chest x-ray. I was just concerned about his breathing. It wasn't bad. But I was concerned and that was just me, a worry wart.
So we went to ER, they took him back to do a simple chest X-ray. They told me come back in 2 hours. I said OK. Thirty minutes later he called me and said, They want to keep me over night and give me a little oxygen.
That turned into 5 1/2 weeks.
In the ER they started him on the deadly drug Remdesivir. Unknown to us. But that was the protocol. By midnight I got a call that they were moving him into the covid ICU just to be able to give him a little more individual attention and care.
How many of us have heard that story?
Now you have to understand that we both trusted the hospitals, the doctors, the nurses, that they were doing their very, very best to get him better and send him home to his family. Why would I think anything different?
They started talking about putting him on a vent in the first three days. Why? Why? He surely didn't need that. He was barely sick. Jeff was still taking care of business, calls in the hospital, talking to me and his family and friends, texting, doing FaceTime chats with our grandchildren, sending pictures back and forth, and telling us every day, he's OK, he's going to fight because he's got a reason to live. He's got grandchildren!
I could not see my husband. I was never asked for my consent to do anything, never consulted about his care, even though I requested to meet with the doctors to come up with a care plan.
His basic needs were not met. Food, water, bathing, shaving, bedding changed, changing his clothes, nothing.
I wanted to be with my husband to comfort him and help him. We were married 42 years. We always took care of each other. He needed me! And they wouldn't let that happen.
But again, I was still trusting them that they were helping him to get better and were going to send my husband back home to me.
Why would I stand here and share this with you today? Because I have to be my husband's voice because they took it away. Because I never want this to happen to any of you, to your families, and I don't want it ever to happen to my family again, or my grandchildren.
My husband is not a statistic. He was my best friend, he was my everything. I miss him and I love him every day of my life. So I stand here before you now and I vow that I will not stop fighting justice for my husband, Jeff Smith— or any of our loved ones.
God bless all of you, each and everyone of you. Thank you.
DAUGHTER OF REBECCA STEVENS: I want to thank everybody for the opportunity for letting me speak today. [Indicating photograph] So this is my mother. Her name was Rebecca Stevens, she was a 59 year-old grandmother to five grandsons. She was a victim of covid hospital protocol and Florida Free Kill.*
My mother was admitted to AdventHealth Hospital in Altamonte Springs on September 27 of last year [2021]. She was the perfect victim for the hospital's deadly covid protocol. She was unvaccinated, a Medicaid patient, and suffered with COPD [chronic obstructive pulmonary disease] for over 15 years, and was well aware of the correct treatment for her COPD.
I was well aware of the deadly toxic experimental protocol drug Remdesivir. Because my mother refused Remdesivir and ventilator, she was left to suffer without any care at all. She was starved of oxygen, denied breathing treatments, ignored, ridiculed, mocked and severely neglected. My mother was held hostage. The hospital refused to release her to me. I called the police, many attorneys, nobody would help me.
After my mother refused Remdesivir, which shows 5 times according to the medical records, she was given this deadly drug without her knowledge and consent, after refusing it for 10 days. After 17 days of extreme neglect my mother was terrified and transferred to ICU.
Through medical records I found the document that shows a pulmonologist had already requested for my mom to begin end of life care. We were forced into hospice where my mother was given a date and time to be executed.
On October 22nd of last year at 1 o'clock PM my mother was overdosed on extremely high doses of Dilaudid, Adavan, and morphine. As the nurse began emptying cartridge after cartridge of narcotics into her IV, I squeezed my mother's hand. She opened her eyes and realized what was happening, she shook her head, no, with a look of absolute terror in her eyes. The nurse emptied more than 10 vials and while emptying the final one, the nurse looked at me and said, Just to be sure.
My mother's oxygen was then taken away. I sat there for an hour watching my mother gasp for air and took her final breath at 3:58 PM.
Since my mother's final breath, I've dedicated my life to not only getting justice for my mother, but all of the families who I've met through this nightmare. While fighting for justice, I've realized just how deep the corruption is, and also how deep the pockets of the lawmakers and everyone who completely disregarded, dismissed and continues to stay quiet really is also.
And I'm going to end this with a quote I find really fitting, and I'm sure everybody's heard this quote before, but:
The world will not be destroyed by those do evil but those who watch them without doing anything.
# # #
* "Florida Free Kill" refers to section 768.21 of Florida's Statues
Misplaced faith is best destroyed. The carefully crafted image of the wise and benevolent doctor is most often just PR. There are some really good ones out there, but they are the exception, not the rule.
I'm so so very sorry. They had to have known and still know what they did or are still doing. My god I can't believe such things have been going on but I lost relatives and people I love suffering with all kinds of conditions now. Thank you for sharing your heartbreaking ordeal. It has to be heard.
Covid was our country’s most shameful era. The depths to which our officials and trusted institutions sank will forever be a terrible stain on our nation that we should never forget.
White people were slaves too. It was practiced all over the world, not just in US. Every single people group has at one time been enslaved, and every people group practiced slavery. It is still practiced in Arab countries. Our government’s destruction of Libya led to slave markets reappearing there. Yet not a peep about this from those who are so fixated on it in US history.
My wonderful husband was MURDERED in the hospital for money and greed! We BEGGED them to let us try ivermectin and HCQ and were denied without a court order! My husband suffered on life support, ECMO, Dialysis, chest tube, etc for a month before his body just gave out!!!! He passed away on August 31, 2021 and I will fight to my dying day for justice for him and THOUSANDS more that went thru this same thing!
Thank you! I take solace in knowing so many strands with me, my family and SSSSOOOO many more whose families were destroyed for NOTHING! I honestly don't know how these people sleep at night knowing they have lied, deceived, and murdered thousands of people. There truly is a special place in HELL for these people!!!!
My father had a stroke (7) years ago and has had trouble breathing since damage to the vocal cord area (not badly, but uses a CPAP). He had Kidney Stones and needed to get them removed.
He went to the hospital where they tested him for COVID, before his procedure, he was negative. He then goes through the procedure and has trouble coming off the anesthesia.
He was having "breathing difficulties." So, they test him for COVID again, as part of the their protocol, and then claim he’s POSITIVE! He was tested (5) hours earlier and he was negative. You can’t become ill with symptoms in (5) hours!
I was out of state at the time. I told him to get the hell out of the hospital! Because they were going to blame his breathing trouble on COVID. I told him to sign out AMA (Against Medical Advise) I'm so glad he listened to me. He got out and is doing fine now. He never had COVID. They were trying to cash in on him, because he has a lot of other comorbidities, and his death would be easy to disguise as something else.
Had he NOT gotten out AMA, it most likely would have resulted in his death.
Kudos to your father for listening to you. Your advice and his willingness to listen to it saved his life. Never go to the hospital unless you are dying, and even then think twice.
My friend was supposedly the third death from COVID in Hawai’i. What really happened was they put him in the ICU, wouldn’t let me come in to see him or speak with the physicians, put him on Remdesevir and when his organs started failing they said he had to be intubated. He actually FaceTimed me from the ICU before they intubated him and told me, while breathing and talking normally, that they were putting him on the ventilator and he said goodbye. I am devastated.
In the opening video Renz says the concept of using vents comes from China. This is total bullshit.
Vents were being widely used in Italy right before being used in NYC and elsewhere and was also promoted in Germany and the UK.
This garbage about China being "in the lead" on covid has got to stop. This was an operation that was entirely led by Western forces mainly US/UK/German intel and military.
People who keep perpetuating this rubbish about CCP this, CCP that, know nothing or less about how deeply enmeshed Western biosecurity interests are with many places throughout the world.
China was and is a player in a global game of chess. We are literally the pawns. The irony is there are real Kings and Queens involved. While more and more people are waking up to the truth, so many are still at the second step (after their eyes being opened as the first) to believing the “it’s China’s fault!” lie. The next step is for people to realize how global and painstakingly slow their insidious plan has been to take over everything. Maybe this can help: the reason we are being attacked so mercilessly is because the globalists know if the US goes down, the world falls like dominoes to them. I often say when people are also still stuck on “it’s Biden/the democrats fault!” look behind the curtain in true Wizard of Oz fashion. One key piece: there is a reason Obama stayed in DC unlike every single President before him and they have the bumbling idiot Walter (a la Jeff Dunham - which if you haven’t seen that character you must!) out in front for distraction.
Finally….remember. Every single time “Walter” goes off script he’s telling the truth (remember what he said about their voting plans? Well?)
China bought up the ventilators back in 2019 along with most of the protection before any other country knew. I was an Administrator in Private Practice and January 2020 we could not find masks and gloves, all our vendors were out.
I do not see how wars are any different today than 50 thousand years ago. Wars were also fought first in the mind then as well. WE WERE nanotechnology then. We are still nanotechnology. The way to kill is to shut down our mitochondria and we run out of ATP instantly and the cells die.
What has changed is the vast increase in the amount of energy a single person can direct quickly at targets and multiple targets.
What has changed is the types of poisons we can make that can be directed at specific groups of people.
What has changed is we lost our gods and the noise is so loud we can no longer hear them.
Fight back. Unplug a couple of days a month. It is for return to sanity and communion & meditation with the gods who are still there.
Fortunatley we grow our own food. All our meat and vegetables are raised organicaly. If we need flour, honey ,or some other staples we buy them from a proven seller that only produces organic products. Unfortunatley, there are those people that can't afford organic products and are faced with shopping at the grocery store. If there is anything I could wish for,it would be to rescue all the people from these murderous hospitals and the medical staff , and to see those thaat are responsible for these murders brought to justice.
Grace Schara is a nationally known case of a Down syndrome young adult who was murdered by doctors, nurses and the hospital. You cannot hear about what happened to her without simultaneously crying tears of sadness and being filled with rage.
My 66yo husband (at that time) was nearly murdered by hospital protocol two yrs ago. After ten days of battling Covid at home, his O2 was under 90. We even did ivermectin. It helped me. It did not help him. I now know he should have taking it longer. 🤷♀️ The first doc on day 1 said he’d likely need the vent. I told him absolutely NOT. And so did my husband. He got VERY agitated at the push back. He mysteriously disappeared and my husband had a new attending physician. We did not know, however, about the harms of remdezavir yet and he was on that for 5 days. After a week they sent him home 30lbs lighter! He looked like a skeleton. If he wasn’t in such a work out fanatic I’m sure they would have killed him.
Infuriating. Saw a dear old friend for the last time in March 2020. He told me of his escape from the nazis through Europe and to America to create a successful business, the American dream.
He went to a local hospital, the only person to die from the business. He was denied HCQ or a good protocol.
All that adventure only to be killed by nazis in the end. RIP, old friend.
Local pharmacist told a few customers in private, to not go to hospital for covid. ( under any circumstance!) He later provided Ivermectin & HCQ if needed. Beautiful man saved many lives. 😇
if only this father of 5 had a brave pharmacist in his town, like i had in Rimbey alberta . https://danielnagase.substack.com/p/a-deadly-day-in-the-er
Sadly, up in canada most pharmacists were part of the problem, reporting doctors who tried to prescribe ivermectin.
There must be more "Oscar Schindler's " out there, who are saving ppl from the claws of the Cult acolites.
An ICU RN told me ZERO % survival rate, she quit.
Many of us did.
I read your comment and Dee Dee's.. and Gandalf's words to Frodo came to mind: "They tried to pierce your heart with a Morgul knife which remains in the wound. Had they succeeded, you have have become as they are, but weaker and under their command. You would have become a wraith under the dominion of the Dark Lord..."
Describes the contemporary Medical and Big Pharma rackets, entirely too well.. 🤔
Too bad more of you didn’t warn people to seek early treatment and refuse the hospital.
I warned every person I knew...even my own family didn't listen and walked away....my own mom placed Fauci over me and took 4 of them plus others.
People were blinded, I tried to talk to people, to no avail. God Bless you. I'm sorry you had to go through that.
I’m so sorry to hear this - thank you for trying!
Me too😪
Huh? That’s all I’ve been doing and am still doing today! Been passing out ivermectin like tic tacs. And I never ever refer anyone to hospitals, ER’S or allopathic sick care docs.
I find your comment a bit insulting.
What are you doing?
Go get’em Nanc. And thank you for your work.
Yes, but you were in a small minority. My comment was lamenting there were so few of you.
Yes, but the majority went along with it.
Most health care professionals are debt slaves paying off the exorbitant cost of their education. Leaving puts their families in a precarious state. Some states threatened their licensure.
Many health care professionals really don't understand enough biochemistry, virology, microbiology, immunology, so that they could not critically evaluate what they were being told, and became as brainwashed as regular TV watchers. My colleagues didn't pay much attention to the oldest unjabbed person in their midst. But I was able to help people get religious exemptions. COVID policy is not the only malpractice going on. There are much more egregious and cynical practices. Some institutions are much worse than others. I left practice in order to assist people with gaining more independence from these institutions.
I agree with your analysis of “ most doctors.” I’m not defending all of them ( Fauci 😡), but most are just getting through the day to day, heavy with paperwork, insurance hassles, different patient’s issues, and then family & all that stress. Doctors don’t all live the life you see on tv. They don’t have time to stop and research independently. And if they did have a question about protocol, like why antibiotics aren’t used more, etc., their questions would have been considered insubordination or “ unprofessional conduct”. Ex.:(failure to meet the standard of care, in a state)
This entire plandemic was new and unprecedented. And fear is a motivating factor. Not just fear of the virus, but fear of losing your job, etc. We need to give Grace to many forced to make unconscionable decisions. Not to Fauci though. 😡 Or Bill Gates. Someday I’ll forgive them & accept that God will judge their eternal souls. ( I’m not quite there yet)
Too bad you didnt put much thought into your comment before posting it.
Why weren’t there mass walkouts by the nurses and doctors witnessing this? If the vast majority hadn’t gone along with it, it could have been stopped immediately.
There were many that retired and quit as the 2019 pandemic began. Mainstream media never covered this, of course, and the result was the slowing down of efficient medical care. Remember when hospital emergency rooms were packed & normal appointments, lab results, and phone calls to medical facilities took forever? They said it was “Covid related”, making us think Covid was bad. It was actually caused by the great exodus of Dr.s, nurses, & medical staff.
Thousands left, NOT only because of burnout, trauma from watching people die, & not wanting to get vaxed. ( probably 20%) In the beginning, how do they leave from burnout?
Look up : aspe.hhs.gov if you can’t click above. Tons of articles at the end. Read cautiously. ( beware of gov. narrative 🙈)
I hate showing gov. data but this looked accurate. The words aren’t accurate, but the numbers give an idea of the thousands that left. They KNEW things weren’t right with the protocols. Too many stories came out in the beginning to corroborate this. Dr.s & nurses that loved their professions ( & patients), walked away because they saw the beginning of a horror show they wanted nothing to do with. Others may have blindly followed protocols without question, much like our relatives, blindly go get boosters. Should they know? Hell yes! And finally, some are scared of losing everything they own, medical licenses, & pensions, etc., and be blacklisted from every medical job available forever. This can happen, and did. I’m sure “ trauma” doesn’t begin to describe their guilt & pain. They’re only human. Some are possibly heartless monsters ( Fauci) but most were doing the best they could, at the time. God will be the ultimate judge. 😇
I know nurses that told my best friend’s 85 year old mom to not get vaxed, & stay out of the hospital. That was my first jolt of reality & incentive to research more.
I have put much thought. How do you explain all these murders? If there had been moral and decent professionals, this could not have occurred.
Morality needed to start with the DOD & Pfizer. One is military so that wouldn’t happen. They are trained to do what their told. The other is a money making industry that hasn’t had a soul since it’s inception. Board of Directors in hospitals & Big Pharma, are the same. FDA KNEW these shots were harmful & deadly, and approved the emergency use anyway. They also knew, including Fauci & Gates, that Ivermectin was a successful repurposed drug that potentially could ruin everything if word got out. They had to squash any and all that promoted it. Even making FDA say it wasn’t effective against Covid & provided flawed studies with megadoses, etc.
All that to say, there’s a lot of guilty people involved, not just the medical staff. I read an article- study today from Penn. State ‘2022, that the MRNA was in the making for decades. I knew this, just hadn’t seen it in print yet. Also talked about Covid 19 not being “ novel”. Yet in the HHS article I cited in a reply, they talk about the “ novel” virus, etc. It’s all a web of lies & deceit. They didn’t expect us to untangle the mess so fast. No wonder they want to take the internet away next. The chemtrails toxins aren’t working fast enough. Be mad, but then be productive in getting the truth out. Do no comply. Push back hard. Love God, they hate that. ( corporate elite planners of genocide) And love others. 💕 They hate that too. 😂
Let’s stop these shots!
Morality starts and ends with each individual.
We all were, including Dr.McCullough and Dr.Malone. Youtube, Twitter, Facebook all fact checked, striked and banned these people and statements. As well as the MSM spreading the disinformation about Hydroxychloriquine and Ivermectin. Dr.Zelenko as well was the one championing the use of Quercetin in place of banned Hydroxychloroquine. Instead of blaming people for actually doing what they could, maybe blame all the social media and MSM collusion in silencing the truth. Stupid statement to make.
No, you all were not. Most were parroting the lies and denigrating those of you who spoke up. Most hospital staff aided the killers. If that had not been the case, we wouldn’t have all those deaths.
I understand your anger, we are all angry. Use your anger to help stop these shots. Write legislators, anyone that you can. I just wrote to the Supreme Court today. We need some serious warriors to swing the pendulum & create the tipping point. Media is useless except here on Substack. I refer people here daily.
See the Milgram Experiment and the Solomon Asch Experiments.
Many left the Corporate Hospitals, organized, and fought back.
Oxygen: a kill box in plain sight!
“We breathe air not oxygen” is a must read on this topic of ventilator culling.
Oxygen is not recommended for breathlessness
Usually prescribed with ‘end of life’ care
Oxygen is toxic to lungs and always causes harm
Oxygen can kill!
Want to know WHY?
Lungs require 100% humidity at the alveoli sacs.
Air is measured by its moisture content, its humidity.
Oxygen is a manufactured product of air, stripped of moisture, compressed and contained.
Oxygen is calibrated by its dryness.
Medical oxygen has 67ppm of water contamination!
Can you see the problem?
I trust curiosity will lead you to read my article
My son-in-law lost his dad after he was admitted to the hospital with Covid. He was given Remdesivir and in 24 hours he was in complete renal failure. He refused ventilation but after two rounds of dialysis he gave up the fight. He was gone in 10 days. My horror about what happened in hospitals is turning into a simmering fury. As a nurse I consider those workers “my people.” I will never understand what happened. No explanation is sufficient.
If you read about the Inquisition, Salem Witch trials, Nazis, etc. you see the same behavior. Humans have an unlimited capacity to justify heinous crimes in pursuit of a “higher purpose”.
But health professionals? In my own country? I am shell-shocked.
Humans are the same everywhere. Remember a large proportion of medical staff are democrats who considered Trump to be Hitler incarnate. They would do anything to make sure their party won the election. The financial incentive was icing on the cake. Hospitals are run by administrators, not doctors.
But the nurses who went along....I am heartbroken. It is truly ontological shock.
The brain washing is pretty systematic and thorough, and starts from Kindergarten. Start reading John Taylor Gatto.
I’m so sorry for your heartbreak. I had the same experience with teaching and teachers— I thought we were the 1st line of inquiry. Turns out the administrations have turned schools into the 1st line of indoctrination.
Ever heard of Joseph Mengele? How about Ewan Cameron? Or H.H. Holmes? Possession of an MD degree is no guarantee of virtue.
PS And I'm sorry to add.. Being American is no guarantee of virtue either.. 😥
US government are the baddies.
How about the Canadian Government? Or the British? Or the French? Or German? When do we get it, that our governments are not our friends, are not there to serve us?
Inversely proportional
Unfortunately, your people are murderers. Yet, I’m sure, fear, blackmail and big bucks had a lot to do to incentivize them.
Best friend was murdered by covid measures.
Act like montoya and do the deed
Looking for the six-fingered perpetrator(s) now.
I just had my 12 and 10 year old watch that movie last week..BTW!!
Ps, I realize the spelling is different but 'Inugo' has been my golfing nickname for decade(s).
Like In-u-Go (when I make a crazy lucky putt or chip etc.)
LMAO. That's funny. I played yesterday at a couse I've played about 30x. Yesterday was the FIRST DAY, I didn't lose a ball!!!
They murdered my mom via Remdesivir back in January 2022! 😢🤬
Thank you very much for the kind words. I agree wholeheartedly and know that she’s in Heaven with the Lord and my grandparents. That’s what gives me comfort... knowing she’s with Him.
Kissimmee, FL Press Conference: Your Story Counts — The Untold Atrocities of COVID-19
October 13, 2022
ERIN: Hi, My name is Erin [inaudible]*. I am mom of nine children and 11 grandchildren.
Sept 20, '21 my son Daniel was under a doctor's care at home. He was being treated for pneumonia. The doctor had warned them not to go to the hospital. People were not coming out. But at the time the doctor had prescribed him Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine and the pharmacy could not fill the script, or would not.
It would be several days or weeks before they could get it. His wife and inlaws took the Ivermectin and recovered, and we knew many more who did.
They had no choice to call the paramedics, his oxygen had dropped below 70. He was struggling to breathe.
I got on the next flight to Kentucky. My son and his wife Chrissandra were well aware of the protocols of the hospital and verbalized they would not take Remdesivir treatment or any ventilation treatment. They were strongly against it and made that very clear.
Once Daniel was admitted, they did not let his wife into the hospital with him. After a period of time his wife was able to go back in but for 30 minutes a day. Not into his room. Standing outside his room to pray over it.
After a period of time I was allowed in there and the same restrictions, and the times were very restrictive for me but I was only allowed outside.
We received a frantic phone call, they had to vent my son. He was struggling to breathe. After speaking with the doctor we knew the percentages of people that walk out of the hospital, that don't walk out of the hospital after being vented. And we told them that. And he said, well, your son has no chance to live right now, so at least give him that. We said no. We are on our way.
When we get there, Daniel is vented. Again, against his will.
I asked the doctor to read me the list of medications my son was on. I was shocked to hear that Remdesivir was on the list. I immediately told him to take my son off and to please refer to the records that him and his wife signed regarding the medication when admitted.
No Remdesivir, the doctor promised me he would.
Daniel's wife Chrissandra followed up with the doctor about this subject and she was lied to, and lied at the actions taken.
He stated that he was following protocol. I asked him, what about Ivermectin? Through tears. He responded to me with the statement: I know it works, I have used it, but my hands are tied. And I would have to go to the administration to speak with them.
I was screaming at them. I had a lawyer on my phone. I had my phone up, I've got my lawyer on my phone, which I did. And—
I am going to the administration immediately, here is his script.
At that moment a kidney specialist joined us outside his room. He was one of the doctors that was treating my son. He said, I'm very sorry, it's too late. We stood in disbelief and questioned, what are you even talking about? He said that Daniel's kidneys were shutting down, a side-effect of using Remdesivir.
That was when I found out that my son was on the hospital CDC protocol, totally against his will. And within minutes, they ran out of his room, screaming, all hands on deck!
My heart was crushed, I was confused. Daniel was one of seven people that coded in front of us in one evening.
The nurse ran out and asked me, Do you want to come in and watch us resuscitate your son? The same nurse that would not allow me near my son. I said to her, we have been here for 10 days and you have not let me near my son. Now you want me to come into the room and watch you resuscitate him? How dare you.
I was standing in the hallway looking through the door and just praying. It was his bare feet I was able to see from my vantage point and I prayed into them with every intention. My baby boy was so close. I could sense him breathing, his body rising and falling. I traveled over 700 miles only to come against an evil no parent should have to face. A hospital, a place of healing, became a prison. And I was one moment away from being forcibly removed from that hospital for just wanting to be with my baby.
All I felt was helpless standing outside that door, barred from entering the room where my child was laying 10 feet from me. They physically won't let me near him. This is criminal! All's I wanted to do was touch Daniel, to let him hear my voice, to soothe his spirit and speak life into him. God's holy word. To treat him with Ivermectin because I knew that it worked, to restore this young man's glorious God frequency!
To be denied the opportunity to be healed was pure evil. Everyone who knew and was part of this is complicit. And you are responsible, they are so responsible, for every murder.
This time it was my precious boy. It could be anyone, easily anyone that's listening to this story right now.
Daniel was a light in this world. He walked in faith, he loved his family passionately. My husband and I gave Daniel God's inheritance and legacy and in turn, Daniel gave it to his children. And in the end God wins. But the torture of this journey is a heavy burden. With all of my heart I know where my son is and we will be together again.
The inhumane treatment of patients and families has got to come to an end!
The Ivermectin was being withheld from people. People were being sent away from the hospital until they were so so sick that they had no recourse but CDC Protocol.
The patients are alone, scared, having no family to advocate next to them, to protect their rights.
What is truly going on?
When we went to the hospital to pick over a thousand pages of medical records, the medical lady who handed us the big box of papers printed them out, you know, have to pay per page, handed them to us, said, "These are free. And I do not work at this hospital, I am only subbing in today. I need you to take my cell number." She said, "For anything, please take this, please do something about this. They are killing people here."
Our medical rights are being taken away. We couldn't stay with him and state his wishes. We couldn't make the choices we had the right to make for him. And how dare they take that from us.
In closing, I'm so grateful for the continued stand of support for my family and friends, [inaudible] words are inadequate, all of my friends who I see here today. I am thankful for our governor who fights for families and fought to make sure that your family will not be dying in Florida alone.**
In a million years I could not have thought that this would be my son. I was fully informed, and it was still happening to me and my family. I hope that by sharing my story that it will encourage you to share yours.
Research these things!
Learn the truth and fight for it!
Our rights as Americans are being taken away.
And I will end in scripture. Psalm 34:18: The Lord is close to the broken-hearted. And saves those who are crushed in spirit.
And I am so thankful that I do not walk alone. Thank you.
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*I was unable to verify the spelling of her last name.
**On April 6, 2022 Governor of Florida Ron DeSantos signed the No Patient Left Alone State Bill 988 that guarantees visitation rights of patients and their families. See
Kissimmee, FL Press Conference: Your Story Counts — The Untold Atrocities of COVID-19,
October 13, 2022
PATTY MYERS: This is really hard.
FEMALE VOICE: You can do it.
PATTY MYERS [holding up photograph]: My name is Patty Myers and I'm from Winter Garden, Florida, and I drove my husband of 31 years to the death chamber. They used to call those hospitals.
The government, hospitals, and some doctors, are out there trying to put fear into people to do what they want them to do and I am frankly tired of it. They bullied me in the hospital by asking me over and over, was I in the medical field? They mandate protocols, Fauci in particular, I won't even refer to him as a doctor, and ignore any of the patients' rights.
My husband Tony went into the hospital just to get a little oxygen. He was dipping in the 80s for his oxygen. While he stayed in the ER for more than 12 hours with no oxygen given, he sent me a text saying, quote, they are trying to figure out a reason to keep me here.
He said his oxygen was OK in the 95s and 98s. His hospital records show that as well.
Why did they keep him? Well, they figured out the reason. That was Remdesivir. He got it early the next morning. Within 48 hours he was getting worse. They kept giving him more oxygen, flooding his lungs. They didn't allow me to see him for 5 days.
Hmmm, Remdesivir is a treatment for 5 days.
Hospitals isolate. This is not misinformation!
I demanded to be let in to see him when he was steadily getting worse those next four days. They let me in. I couldn't believe how he looked. He looked exhausted. They weren't letting him get up at all, he was using bed pans, he had not been bathed that whole time. He was also sleeping on a ripped, holey mattress.
Hospitals neglect! That is not misinformation!
That day, I demanded Ivermectin and they made fun of it. They said they didn't have it. They said it's not an approved medicine for covid. All were lies.
He was increasingly getting worse on BiPAP* and high-flow oxygen. After a week of being there they were pressuring hard to have him get on a ventilator. He wasn't even on the most oxygen at that point. They kept saying, We have done the protocol, there is no other meds to give you. The ICU doctor later said, He should have been placed on the ventilator when he was doing better.
My husband was panicking.
Doctors lie about meds that are available. That is misinformation how they say that those aren't available.
I finally got a doctor to say yes Ivermectin after he was there in the hospital 10 days. He made major improvements after getting his lifesaving medicine. The day he got it, he couldn't eat, he couldn't sit up, he was on 100% high-flow oxygen. Within 3 days he was off the high-flow oxygen and he was only on 6 liters of regular oxygen. He shaved, he asked me to bring Chipotle, and he told me he was healed. They said he would be going home in a day or two. Three days before this, they don't wasn't going to make it and he had to be vented right away.
Doctors say the only way to live is to be vented. This is misinformation!
I'm almost done. Sorry.
He was moved to ICU right after because he had a shortness of breath episode which he had in the early morning. He was pushing the button to say help and the nurse wouldn't answer, no one came, he kept pushing the button, over and over, no one came, so he had to start screaming for people. After that they stopped the Ivermectin and they were hard and strong now about the ventilator and how he wasn't going to make it. He was only on 40% high-flow at that point.
He was in the hospital another 10 days, they wore they wore him down by their words and actions. He saw bodybag after body bag pass his room. One day it was five. He begged me to call the nurses and close his blinds. He begged for ice and water over an hour, no one came to bring him some. The last week he wasn't given food, either.
The doctors wouldn't give vitamins C, D, or zinc, they said it was not proven to work. We both begged for Ivermectin to be continued and increase the milligrams, but they stayed hard and strong about him not getting it anymore.
Hospital administrators said Ivermectin is not proven to work, as well as high dose vitamins. This is misinformation!
Hospital administrators are telling doctors what they can and can't prescribe. That is truth!
I met his doctor after my husband passed away and he said, quote, He died because he didn't get the vaccine. In my husband's ICU half of the people that were in there, I asked each family, they were vaccinated, they were boosted and they still died. That is truth!
The government incentivizes the hospitals to use these things that kill. That is truth!
The hospitals are profiting from the murders of our family members. That is truth!
They murdered my Tony, they refused to honor his patient rights, and right to try. He called [?], he called the governor, he emailed the news media, including Channel 9—- that I appreciate they were here earlier, but left. There is no other local news media here right now. And you're cowards! To tell the truth!
No one responded. My husband was only 55 years old, and I have known him since I was 19. He was funny, he was the love of my life. In less than 4 weeks from having no problems at all he was gone. He died on September 9, 2021.** I watched him slowly suffocate as many doctors and nurses stood there saying that there's no more meds to give him.
Stop the fear tactics! Stop the lies! Let's show our loved ones' faces and remember how brave they were to sit there and watch doctors and nurses not give proper care and needed meds to heal.
We are not standing for it anymore. My husband didn't deserve to die, and he certainly didn't deserve to be treated the way he was for weeks in the hospital.
And I want to read Luke 18: 7-8. Will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones who cry out to Him day and night? Will He keep putting them off? I tell you He will see that they get justice and quickly.
Today we are here to share the truth and I hope you'll stand with me. Thank you.
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*BiPAP is a form of noninvasive ventilation therapy.
**Joseph Anthony "Tony" Myers' obituary is at this link:
Kissimmee, FL Press Conference: Your Story Counts — The Untold Atrocities of COVID-19,
October 13, 2022
TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: Unfortunately when the speaker came to the microphone to introduce herself, the microphone was at some distance, so I could not catch her name nor the first words of her testimony.
NEIL'S WIDOW: [inaudible] married for about 11 1/2 years when he passed away June 29h at at Citrus Memorial Hospital, Inverness, Florida. Unfortunately he was a victim, a hospital hostage if you want to call it that.
But first of all I would like to thank Nicole, Rachel, Laurie, and Amy for inviting me here today. And I most definitely want to thank my friend Kathleen Holbrook for putting me together with these wonderful people at Truth for Heath.* And I want to thank you all for being there for us.
My husband Neil was my soulmate and my road trip buddy. He was from New York. I'm a Florida cracker. I was born in Coral Gables, so New Yorkers was for me, oh, no, it's a Yankee! But I loved my Yankee. And he had shoulder surgery that was supposed to happen the day after he went into the hospital. Why he didn't make it was because no one would listen when we kept trying to tell them, look at his shoulder. He had a diseased shoulder from years and years of construction in New York, and he needed surgery.
Well, they kept delaying and delaying because of covid, so we were never really able to get it set up. He was due to have the surgery June 7th. Upon being admitted to the hospital, they always tested for covid. He was not in there for covid. He was in there for shortness of breath caused by bacterial pneumonia, which all of us had seen [inaudible] is the bacterial pneumonia.
They even had a test that was done of his sputum that took 8 days before the infectious disease doctor, after talking with me, and then asked me, Well, what kind of bacteria did he have? I said, I'm not the doctor, you are! The test results are right there, they've been there since the 10th of June!
Finally on the 15th is when they started him on the correct medication to take care of the situation, but by that point it was a little bit too late because the infection was so bad that he had bloody sputum and the hospital totally ignored him for that and just kept telling us, oh, he has covid pneumonia. He has crystalled lungs. That's what they it, isn't it? Dr. Guffanti? [turns around to Dr. Stephen Guffanti, who is seated behind her on the stage]
DR. STEPHEN GUFFANTI: They call it lots of things.
NEIL'S WIDOW: Yes lots of things. I fought with those doctors tooth and nail to tell them it was not covid. In fact to the point, I was sneaking in Ivermectin horse paste and giving it to my husband while he was in the hospital. That's not what he had, he didn't have covid because he had covid the year before. We were on all the protocols of vitamin D3, high vitamin C, zinc, quercetin, everything imaginable that we were following with American Front Line Doctors I had him on. And they kept telling me, it's covid, it's covid.
Well it wasn't covid because I finally ended up at the end having an autopsy done which is the the best thing I could have done because I wouldn't have had a leg to stand on. And I still don't have a correct autopsy. Why? Because the hospital keeps telling me they can't find his records! We're now three and half months to waiting for Citrus Memorial to send me the records! Because my autopsy, my forensic investigator can't finish the report. But what he does have so far is that his lungs were so degraded by the lack of the correct medication, and also the hospital leaving him in his room, making him fend for himself when he couldn't even get up because his shoulder, they wouldn't even look at it, in pain, swollen, which caused his bacteria, they didn't want to admit.
So he ends up unfortunately passing away, after the nursing home decided they didn't want him there anymore because they get tired of trying to figure out what his oxygen levels are supposed to be. He had white blood cell count as Dr. Guffani mentioned, constantly 18 and higher every single day and I was told, Oh, it's OK, that's from the steroids.
I'm not stupid by any means. But you have to be careful in these hospitals because if you raise any questions or any kind of situation that they would feel that you're coming after them, they immediately send in security because I watched it happen to an older male that was in there with his wife. He raising Cain, they didn't like it and they had security come in and they walked him all the way to his car and watched him drive away and would not let him come back in. So I didn't want that to happen to me because I wanted to be in there with my husband. Because he needed me. Just like all of our family members needed us. And I was one of the fortunate ones that was able to stay with him up until the day he died.
Again I want to thank everybody for coming here and for helping to get the word out. We need to do this so much. And I'm going to be in The Villages.** I'll be there. Thank you everyone. And God bless.
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*Truth for Health Foundation
**The Villages is a retirement community in central Florida.
Kissimmee, FL Press Conference: Your Story Counts — The Untold Atrocities of COVID-19,
October 13, 2022
CHRISTINE OLIVERA: Hello my name is Christine Olivera. I just found out about this a couple days ago, so I just kind of briefly wrote something. I didn't go into great details like some [inaudible]. But my husband's name was Wayne. We were married just under 45 years.
We met in England, he was in the military. I got married at 18, he was 21. We had two kids, we have four grandchildren. He beat cancer twice! Naturally. And he was a pretty healthy guy. He had had blood work and everything about four months before he got sick. And when we moved here to Florida he wanted to a part-time job so he went to work at Universal. And he loved it. Kids loved him.
Around the beginning of August he got sick. We didn't even test for covid because we didn't really believe it existed. I mean, SARS-2 is real but covid I don't believe is real. So we didn't even test. But he had a cold, it turned into a cough, and he was sick for a couple weeks at home. And I could tell he was getting worse and worse and wasn't getting better. His doctor only gave him a Z-Pack. Great, that worked. Um, and so on August 14th, I said, you have to go to the hospital.
So he knew about Remdevisir. And he was terrified, absolutely terrified to go to the hospital. So I said well look, we'll write up a letter saying that you refuse it, you don't want it, don't give it. And so I wrote it up. He signed it, I signed it. I called the ambulance.
I actually went in another ambulance to make sure that we didn't get separated. So I had to pay 700 dollars now for an ambulance I didn't need.
But the ER accepted the letter, said that he wouldn't get the Remdesivir, but his O2 stats were very low, they put him on a BiPAP machine, which his stats went up to 98 percent on. The BiPAP machine. So I thought he was good. I thought well, he's not going to get the Remdesivir. His oxygen levels are up.
I left him there. I never talked to him or saw him again. Dead or alive. Never saw him again.
And I think that's the hardest thing of all of this, is we take them to the hospital to save their lives. And we never get to see them again. You know, we can't hold their hand, hug them, kiss them, love them. It's like, they're just they're stolen and killed.
And so here I am, he's not going to get the Remdesivir. So they admitted him to ICU. I got a call the next morning from the nurse practitioner, she said he agreed to the full ICU protocol and the Remdesivir.
And I said, Oh my God, you're a liar! He would never have agreed to that. I said, you better not give it to him.
They said, he already got it.
He already got it! And I was so mad. I said, don't you dare give him another dose, or I'm bringing over the army, you know?
And so she said, I'll discontinue it since it's really not going to help him much anyway. You know?
That night I got the call that they needed to vent him. He was struggling. And I couldn't talk to him. So I just thought, they had to do it. You know? So they vented him.
The very next morning they called and said he needed dialysis. His kidneys had shut down.
And I was like, Oh my God. This is it. He's not going to make it.
Well then the next couple days they turned the vent too high, both of his lungs collapsed. He had to have chest tubes in both lungs.
I'm sorry. What happened after that? Um, Lungs collapsed. I mean just everything that you can imagine went wrong.
Then they said they couldn't keep him, he was two different drips to try and keep his blood pressure up. They had to reventilate him. Finally I said, if his heart stops, let him go.
And very joyfully they let him go within a couple hours. I think they turned the drips off when I said that. And he just passed. And I never saw him. I never saw him again.
But I got his medical records. And not only did they do all that but they broke his jaw twice, ventilating him. They never told me. His jaw was broken twice.
I worked in hospitals my whole life. As a [inaudible] secretary, someone who processes all the doctors orders. I worked in ERs, ICUs, trauma units, I've never seen the state of health care that it is right now.
There's something very, very bad going on. Very, very bad.
And you know what, we can stand here and tell our stories, but the doctors need to fight to stop the protocols and to let them be doctors again.
You know, doctors aren't doing this, protocols are.
But you know what, I went to my nurse practitioner a few days ago because she wouldn't refill my script unless she saw me, we talked about this. And I said to her— she's like, you don't have any idea the trauma that the nurses are going through because they saw so many people die.
I said, did they never once, for one minute stop to think that maybe they're the ones giving the meds that kill the patients?
[loud clapping]
The doctor is ordering it, but they're the ones giving it. They can say no. They have a right to say no, they won't give a drug that they know will hurt a patient.
So everybody just needs to stop this killing spree and stand up for what they took an oath for. You know?
And I just, I don't know. But anyway. So instead of planning our 50th anniversary trip this year I'm planning a memorial service for my husband's family and friends to come up in December.
So thank you.
Kissimmee, FL Press Conference: Your Story Counts — The Untold Atrocities of COVID-19,
October 13, 2022
RACHEL: Hello everyone. I want to get my dad's picture. My daddy. [passes the photograph to another speaker.] Can you hold it for me?
My name's Rachel [inaudible]. I'm here on behalf of my father. I'm also the Florida State Co-Chair and paralegal for FormerFeds Group Freedom Foundation.*
On October 13 [2021] my father was admitted to Broward Health in Fort Lauderdale. He entered the hospital with strict instructions by me because I'm informed. I said no Remdesivir, no ventilation.
My father was forcefully given Remdesivir and placed on ventilation by the fourth day of admission. He was murdered by November 9th. Before ventilation my father called me twice. These were his words:
Rachel! Get me out of here! They're trying to kill me!
Do you know what that feels like? Knowing, I knew very well what they were doing in the hospitals, and my dad cried out, Rachel, get me out of here! That was the last conversation I had with my father.
My mother, sister and I were on the phone every day day, four times a day. We were pleading with the staff, we needed to see my dad because he needed our touch, he was lonely. And they always had excuses.
My father tested negative after three weeks in the hospital, from covid, yet they refused to remove him from the covid ICU, extreme isolation, behind a glass. My nephew was able to go into the hospital. He got himself certified as a chaplain, just to go see my dad. Certified. He's got a job [?] but he did whatever because he wanted to see his grandfather.
Broward Health betrayed my family. They betrayed my father. And my father, they murdered him for profit, and you need to know that. They are murdering our loved ones for a profit.
His medical records showed a list of 32 different medications including Fentanyl, Vencomycin, Vicodin, [inaudible] steroids and anti-psychotic medications after he was placed on ventilation. He was dehumanized. He was refused anything that we would ask for. Ivermectin, he was already on Ivermectin before he got into the hospital. We tried desperately to get it for him. He asked for his notebook and he asked for a Bible. We slipped it in the Bible but they never gave it to him.
His kidneys began to shut down, and he was on dialysis although we asked every day, every day we asked, how are my father's kidneys? Because I knew Remdesivir, I knew what it was doing.
My father was a victim because he was unvaccinated. He was denied his right to select a medication, or experimental drugs.
He was married 56 years and left a very large family behind. I miss my dad. He should be here today. Especially his great grandson who still runs into the house calling Papa, Papa, still looking for him.
I'm also representing another family. Thomas Leonardi, 72 year-old, married 40 years, who was murdered at Woodmont Hospital, Tamarac, Florida. He was given 49 excessive toxic doses of Remdesivir for 45 days.
Forty-five days!
He was given an injection of Haldol on the second day and because he refused a pneumonia vaccine while in ICU. We all know Haldol should never be administered to a mild-mannered 72 year old with heart stent. On day 9 an infectious disease doctor wrote, poor prognosis, yet continued to push the death protocol onto his veins every day until his death.
I stand here for my dad and for the countless others that have lost their loved ones. This has got to stop.
In closing, we have heard many, many stories today. And many of us have witnessed unspeakable horrors carried out by ostensibly well-intentional professionals in the name of public health. We have watched our fundamental, once inalienable rights gutted before our eyes. We have seen our elders locked away or wrapped in plastic just to have a hug. We have seen our dying depart this world via FaceTime or Zoom, deprived funerals while the ruling the class that issued these edicts, we were forced to abide rough elbows, unmasked, at lavish parties or fancy restaurants most of us could scarcely afford.
Many of us have complied with everything we have [been] asked. When we suffered as a result, we were lambasted, slandered and ridiculed. We were even censored for simply talking about the experience.
So today I'm sounding the alarm. And I'm calling everyone in Florida. It is time to rise up! I'm asking you today, will you fight with us? Will you fight for loved ones and fight for the next generation?
So it's time, Floridians, to take a stand, place boots on the ground. You can no longer sit and watch and wait for us to do it. We can't do it alone, we need you, every one of you! We need you! So it's time to join forces. There are many, many organizations that are out there, that need volunteers, that need help. Join one of them! We have a Monday night we have a support group, we have over 90 people on these calls every Monday night. A FormerFedsGroup. We have plenty, plenty of work, and we need volunteers. So join the fight people! Because we need to take America back and we need to take Florida back.
You can no longer sit back and watch. You can no longer just watch! It's time! So I even declare into 2023, over Florida, that this will be a year of divine recovery. It is going to be a year of divine recovery, we are going to take back our territory, we are taking back Florida. We are not going to allow this anymore. And I know that I'm going to keep fighting until my last dying breath! I will stand!
So God bless the great state of Florida, and God bless America. Thank you.
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* https://formerfedsgroup.org/about/
Kissimmee, FL Press Conference: Your Story Counts — The Untold Atrocities of COVID-19,
October 13, 2022
SHARON SMITH: Hello everyone. My name is Sharon Smith. [Holds up photograph] This is my husband Jeff Smith. We were married 42 years. We have two sons, two daughter in-laws, and four grandchildren, one he didn't meet. She was born a week after he died.
Jeff was always the guy that walked into the room with a big smile on his face and he made everybody feel like they were important. He was just that guy. That guy. And he was very loved and respected.
I could never, ever have dreamed that I would be standing here today telling you that my husband was killed in the hospital. Never, never. But that's exactly what happened.
We both had covid for 10 days and we were coming out of it, and on July 4, 2021 I insisted, and trust me I regret that, I insisted that Jeff go to the hospital and get a chest x-ray. I was just concerned about his breathing. It wasn't bad. But I was concerned and that was just me, a worry wart.
So we went to ER, they took him back to do a simple chest X-ray. They told me come back in 2 hours. I said OK. Thirty minutes later he called me and said, They want to keep me over night and give me a little oxygen.
That turned into 5 1/2 weeks.
In the ER they started him on the deadly drug Remdesivir. Unknown to us. But that was the protocol. By midnight I got a call that they were moving him into the covid ICU just to be able to give him a little more individual attention and care.
How many of us have heard that story?
Now you have to understand that we both trusted the hospitals, the doctors, the nurses, that they were doing their very, very best to get him better and send him home to his family. Why would I think anything different?
They started talking about putting him on a vent in the first three days. Why? Why? He surely didn't need that. He was barely sick. Jeff was still taking care of business, calls in the hospital, talking to me and his family and friends, texting, doing FaceTime chats with our grandchildren, sending pictures back and forth, and telling us every day, he's OK, he's going to fight because he's got a reason to live. He's got grandchildren!
I could not see my husband. I was never asked for my consent to do anything, never consulted about his care, even though I requested to meet with the doctors to come up with a care plan.
His basic needs were not met. Food, water, bathing, shaving, bedding changed, changing his clothes, nothing.
I wanted to be with my husband to comfort him and help him. We were married 42 years. We always took care of each other. He needed me! And they wouldn't let that happen.
But again, I was still trusting them that they were helping him to get better and were going to send my husband back home to me.
Why would I stand here and share this with you today? Because I have to be my husband's voice because they took it away. Because I never want this to happen to any of you, to your families, and I don't want it ever to happen to my family again, or my grandchildren.
My husband is not a statistic. He was my best friend, he was my everything. I miss him and I love him every day of my life. So I stand here before you now and I vow that I will not stop fighting justice for my husband, Jeff Smith— or any of our loved ones.
God bless all of you, each and everyone of you. Thank you.
Kissimmee, FL Press Conference: Your Story Counts — The Untold Atrocities of COVID-19
October 13, 2022
DAUGHTER OF REBECCA STEVENS: I want to thank everybody for the opportunity for letting me speak today. [Indicating photograph] So this is my mother. Her name was Rebecca Stevens, she was a 59 year-old grandmother to five grandsons. She was a victim of covid hospital protocol and Florida Free Kill.*
My mother was admitted to AdventHealth Hospital in Altamonte Springs on September 27 of last year [2021]. She was the perfect victim for the hospital's deadly covid protocol. She was unvaccinated, a Medicaid patient, and suffered with COPD [chronic obstructive pulmonary disease] for over 15 years, and was well aware of the correct treatment for her COPD.
I was well aware of the deadly toxic experimental protocol drug Remdesivir. Because my mother refused Remdesivir and ventilator, she was left to suffer without any care at all. She was starved of oxygen, denied breathing treatments, ignored, ridiculed, mocked and severely neglected. My mother was held hostage. The hospital refused to release her to me. I called the police, many attorneys, nobody would help me.
After my mother refused Remdesivir, which shows 5 times according to the medical records, she was given this deadly drug without her knowledge and consent, after refusing it for 10 days. After 17 days of extreme neglect my mother was terrified and transferred to ICU.
Through medical records I found the document that shows a pulmonologist had already requested for my mom to begin end of life care. We were forced into hospice where my mother was given a date and time to be executed.
On October 22nd of last year at 1 o'clock PM my mother was overdosed on extremely high doses of Dilaudid, Adavan, and morphine. As the nurse began emptying cartridge after cartridge of narcotics into her IV, I squeezed my mother's hand. She opened her eyes and realized what was happening, she shook her head, no, with a look of absolute terror in her eyes. The nurse emptied more than 10 vials and while emptying the final one, the nurse looked at me and said, Just to be sure.
My mother's oxygen was then taken away. I sat there for an hour watching my mother gasp for air and took her final breath at 3:58 PM.
Since my mother's final breath, I've dedicated my life to not only getting justice for my mother, but all of the families who I've met through this nightmare. While fighting for justice, I've realized just how deep the corruption is, and also how deep the pockets of the lawmakers and everyone who completely disregarded, dismissed and continues to stay quiet really is also.
And I'm going to end this with a quote I find really fitting, and I'm sure everybody's heard this quote before, but:
The world will not be destroyed by those do evil but those who watch them without doing anything.
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* "Florida Free Kill" refers to section 768.21 of Florida's Statues
For more about Florida Free Kill, see for example:
and see also:
This story just destroys my faith in the medical profession.
Misplaced faith is best destroyed. The carefully crafted image of the wise and benevolent doctor is most often just PR. There are some really good ones out there, but they are the exception, not the rule.
I see you are documenting. Thanks so much for doing this work.
Thanks for reading.
I'm so so very sorry. They had to have known and still know what they did or are still doing. My god I can't believe such things have been going on but I lost relatives and people I love suffering with all kinds of conditions now. Thank you for sharing your heartbreaking ordeal. It has to be heard.
Covid was our country’s most shameful era. The depths to which our officials and trusted institutions sank will forever be a terrible stain on our nation that we should never forget.
Look up Fauci and the AIDS “crisis” and his role in AZT
And Bill Gates too. If “ The real Anthony Fauci” isn’t true, why wouldn’t Fauci & Gates sue for defamation??!! Because it’s all true.
Absolutely unconscionable acts of evil.
You're right! Covid is our most recent shameful era - and possible affected more people this time, but I fear it's just the beginning.
I think slavery was our most shameful era. But this one happened to mostly white people so it gets lots of outrage.
White people were slaves too. It was practiced all over the world, not just in US. Every single people group has at one time been enslaved, and every people group practiced slavery. It is still practiced in Arab countries. Our government’s destruction of Libya led to slave markets reappearing there. Yet not a peep about this from those who are so fixated on it in US history.
My wonderful husband was MURDERED in the hospital for money and greed! We BEGGED them to let us try ivermectin and HCQ and were denied without a court order! My husband suffered on life support, ECMO, Dialysis, chest tube, etc for a month before his body just gave out!!!! He passed away on August 31, 2021 and I will fight to my dying day for justice for him and THOUSANDS more that went thru this same thing!
Sandra, it seems so teeny to say “I’m sorry” for what you and your husband went through, but know so many of us out here are with you.
Thank you! I take solace in knowing so many strands with me, my family and SSSSOOOO many more whose families were destroyed for NOTHING! I honestly don't know how these people sleep at night knowing they have lied, deceived, and murdered thousands of people. There truly is a special place in HELL for these people!!!!
I am so sorry. The frustration and helplessness you must have experienced. I hope you are healing from the trauma.
Thank you- it's a long road for sure!
My father had a stroke (7) years ago and has had trouble breathing since damage to the vocal cord area (not badly, but uses a CPAP). He had Kidney Stones and needed to get them removed.
He went to the hospital where they tested him for COVID, before his procedure, he was negative. He then goes through the procedure and has trouble coming off the anesthesia.
He was having "breathing difficulties." So, they test him for COVID again, as part of the their protocol, and then claim he’s POSITIVE! He was tested (5) hours earlier and he was negative. You can’t become ill with symptoms in (5) hours!
I was out of state at the time. I told him to get the hell out of the hospital! Because they were going to blame his breathing trouble on COVID. I told him to sign out AMA (Against Medical Advise) I'm so glad he listened to me. He got out and is doing fine now. He never had COVID. They were trying to cash in on him, because he has a lot of other comorbidities, and his death would be easy to disguise as something else.
Had he NOT gotten out AMA, it most likely would have resulted in his death.
Kudos to your father for listening to you. Your advice and his willingness to listen to it saved his life. Never go to the hospital unless you are dying, and even then think twice.
My friend was supposedly the third death from COVID in Hawai’i. What really happened was they put him in the ICU, wouldn’t let me come in to see him or speak with the physicians, put him on Remdesevir and when his organs started failing they said he had to be intubated. He actually FaceTimed me from the ICU before they intubated him and told me, while breathing and talking normally, that they were putting him on the ventilator and he said goodbye. I am devastated.
Saying “I am sorry” seems so completely inadequate for the loss of your friend and the heartbreak of him knowing what they were doing to him.
In the opening video Renz says the concept of using vents comes from China. This is total bullshit.
Vents were being widely used in Italy right before being used in NYC and elsewhere and was also promoted in Germany and the UK.
This garbage about China being "in the lead" on covid has got to stop. This was an operation that was entirely led by Western forces mainly US/UK/German intel and military.
People who keep perpetuating this rubbish about CCP this, CCP that, know nothing or less about how deeply enmeshed Western biosecurity interests are with many places throughout the world.
US government are the baddies.
China was and is a player in a global game of chess. We are literally the pawns. The irony is there are real Kings and Queens involved. While more and more people are waking up to the truth, so many are still at the second step (after their eyes being opened as the first) to believing the “it’s China’s fault!” lie. The next step is for people to realize how global and painstakingly slow their insidious plan has been to take over everything. Maybe this can help: the reason we are being attacked so mercilessly is because the globalists know if the US goes down, the world falls like dominoes to them. I often say when people are also still stuck on “it’s Biden/the democrats fault!” look behind the curtain in true Wizard of Oz fashion. One key piece: there is a reason Obama stayed in DC unlike every single President before him and they have the bumbling idiot Walter (a la Jeff Dunham - which if you haven’t seen that character you must!) out in front for distraction.
Finally….remember. Every single time “Walter” goes off script he’s telling the truth (remember what he said about their voting plans? Well?)
China bought up the ventilators back in 2019 along with most of the protection before any other country knew. I was an Administrator in Private Practice and January 2020 we could not find masks and gloves, all our vendors were out.
In the 21st century wars are fought in the mind using mass hypnosis and nanotechnology. Brains are the battlefield, and the spoils of war.
More here; https://wakeuppeople.substack.com/p/the-first-world-mind-war
I do not see how wars are any different today than 50 thousand years ago. Wars were also fought first in the mind then as well. WE WERE nanotechnology then. We are still nanotechnology. The way to kill is to shut down our mitochondria and we run out of ATP instantly and the cells die.
What has changed is the vast increase in the amount of energy a single person can direct quickly at targets and multiple targets.
What has changed is the types of poisons we can make that can be directed at specific groups of people.
What has changed is we lost our gods and the noise is so loud we can no longer hear them.
Fight back. Unplug a couple of days a month. It is for return to sanity and communion & meditation with the gods who are still there.
Fortunatley we grow our own food. All our meat and vegetables are raised organicaly. If we need flour, honey ,or some other staples we buy them from a proven seller that only produces organic products. Unfortunatley, there are those people that can't afford organic products and are faced with shopping at the grocery store. If there is anything I could wish for,it would be to rescue all the people from these murderous hospitals and the medical staff , and to see those thaat are responsible for these murders brought to justice.
Grace Schara is a nationally known case of a Down syndrome young adult who was murdered by doctors, nurses and the hospital. You cannot hear about what happened to her without simultaneously crying tears of sadness and being filled with rage.
Some Doctors shouted from the roof tops way back in 2020 that this protocol was killing people & they were moved to other departments & silenced.
Murder by Daylight
My 66yo husband (at that time) was nearly murdered by hospital protocol two yrs ago. After ten days of battling Covid at home, his O2 was under 90. We even did ivermectin. It helped me. It did not help him. I now know he should have taking it longer. 🤷♀️ The first doc on day 1 said he’d likely need the vent. I told him absolutely NOT. And so did my husband. He got VERY agitated at the push back. He mysteriously disappeared and my husband had a new attending physician. We did not know, however, about the harms of remdezavir yet and he was on that for 5 days. After a week they sent him home 30lbs lighter! He looked like a skeleton. If he wasn’t in such a work out fanatic I’m sure they would have killed him.
Infuriating. Saw a dear old friend for the last time in March 2020. He told me of his escape from the nazis through Europe and to America to create a successful business, the American dream.
He went to a local hospital, the only person to die from the business. He was denied HCQ or a good protocol.
All that adventure only to be killed by nazis in the end. RIP, old friend.