All digital "smart" appliances and phones are nothing more than surveillance tools. The goog, microsoft and apple could write your bio in a heartbeat using A/I and there would be things in it you wouldn't believe or recognize or remember.
Make sure to turn auto-updates off AND keep the Google Play Store app disabled. I only enable it when I am intentionally installing or updating an app. FYI, you can also make emergency calls on a "smart" phone without a SIM card.
Would you be surprised to learn that the head of the Shah of Iran's SAVAK secret police that terrorized Iranians, created a massive surveillance and control system, the powerful arm of oppression that drove westernized Iranians into the arms of Islamic fundamentalists - as an improvement - played a large role in the development of the contact tracing system, phone apps, etc all over the nation, including MassNotify?
Parviz Sabeti. One of the "most feared men in Iran:
"is an Iranian American computational biologist, medical geneticist, and evolutionary geneticist. She was then a Rhodes Scholar at New College, Oxford, and completed her doctorate in evolutionary genetics in 2002, and graduated summa cum laude with a Doctor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School in 2006."
She gets a lot of great press for “saving the world”: the onset of a declared pandemic because she did such a great job during the Ebola outbreak and she prescribed the same type of surveillance and population control for pandemics. She even helped universities develop contact tracing surveillance apps like Lookout, student population control:
The Future of Virus Tracking Can Be Found on This College Campus
About that MassNotify connection to Pardis Sabeti. Meet Meagan Burns. One of the primary developers of the contact tracing app. Worked with Pardis Sabeti on several papers related to the subject. And Meagan Burns worked with Pardis Sabeti in Africa for Bill Gates and his Ebola bioweapon and containment (imprisonment) and vaccination (bioweapon) mass death campaign, Beta test for Covid:
The surveillance and control police state that the Shah of Iran imposed on Iranians (with CIA assistance) has been imported and imposed on Americans (and the world) using "public health" as cover. With the same exact people, bloodlines, behind it.
No doubt that one of the reasons to do away with a land line, Cell phones give the demons easier access to everyone. Also EVERYTHING else "smart" Thank you!
I have a pixel with CalyxOS installed. Apps are downloaded via F-Droid (open source app store) or Aurora (anonymous way to access google play store). It uses MicroG, an open source implementation of of google services. Brave is a fork or chrome, nothing to do with google at all.
All digital "smart" appliances and phones are nothing more than surveillance tools. The goog, microsoft and apple could write your bio in a heartbeat using A/I and there would be things in it you wouldn't believe or recognize or remember.
Make sure to turn auto-updates off AND keep the Google Play Store app disabled. I only enable it when I am intentionally installing or updating an app. FYI, you can also make emergency calls on a "smart" phone without a SIM card.
Would you be surprised to learn that the head of the Shah of Iran's SAVAK secret police that terrorized Iranians, created a massive surveillance and control system, the powerful arm of oppression that drove westernized Iranians into the arms of Islamic fundamentalists - as an improvement - played a large role in the development of the contact tracing system, phone apps, etc all over the nation, including MassNotify?
Parviz Sabeti. One of the "most feared men in Iran:
Torture and Denials of Rights Laid to Iran by Jurists’ Group
New York Times, May 29, 1976
SAVAK: A Feared and Pervasive Force
Washington Post, May 9, 1977
His daughter, Pardis Christine Sabeti:
"is an Iranian American computational biologist, medical geneticist, and evolutionary geneticist. She was then a Rhodes Scholar at New College, Oxford, and completed her doctorate in evolutionary genetics in 2002, and graduated summa cum laude with a Doctor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School in 2006."
She gets a lot of great press for “saving the world”:
...pushing for aggressive surveillance and quarantines. But pleasant quarantines. A “superhero without a cape.” Pardis Sabeti was in great demand: the onset of a declared pandemic because she did such a great job during the Ebola outbreak and she prescribed the same type of surveillance and population control for pandemics. She even helped universities develop contact tracing surveillance apps like Lookout, student population control:
The Future of Virus Tracking Can Be Found on This College Campus
NY Times, May 17, 2021
Pardis has produced plans to make sure all of the future regularly scheduled plandemics follow the same model: Covid - but faster, better enforcement! Using early warning systems: shut a community or the world down the moment anything is detected:
And very powerful people have taken note of her talent and totalitarian impulses:
The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans, 2001, Pardis Sabeti,
About that MassNotify connection to Pardis Sabeti. Meet Meagan Burns. One of the primary developers of the contact tracing app. Worked with Pardis Sabeti on several papers related to the subject. And Meagan Burns worked with Pardis Sabeti in Africa for Bill Gates and his Ebola bioweapon and containment (imprisonment) and vaccination (bioweapon) mass death campaign, Beta test for Covid:
The surveillance and control police state that the Shah of Iran imposed on Iranians (with CIA assistance) has been imported and imposed on Americans (and the world) using "public health" as cover. With the same exact people, bloodlines, behind it.
Babylon, the great whore, mother of all deceptions, beast system of lies and sorcery. In your face!
Above Phone link won’t open.
Simple solution. Just have a land line.
FYI - No one is even remotely surprised by this.
Which is why I never installed updates for over 4 years on my iPhone.
No doubt that one of the reasons to do away with a land line, Cell phones give the demons easier access to everyone. Also EVERYTHING else "smart" Thank you!
If the reports of nanochips , biometric stats and tracing are real, then the signals needed to be paired with a device that had ID and user details.
The contact tracing might have been an identification process for live stats and the 5G network.
Played a vital role…pfft.
Is that a joke
Can anyone reading this article answer this:
I buy a de-Googled phone, then am forced to use the Google Play Store to acquire apps. I use Google products such as Brave (Chrome) for web searches.
By taking those two actions, do I RE-INSTALL Google surveillance on my Above Phone? And if not, why not? Thanks!
I have a pixel with CalyxOS installed. Apps are downloaded via F-Droid (open source app store) or Aurora (anonymous way to access google play store). It uses MicroG, an open source implementation of of google services. Brave is a fork or chrome, nothing to do with google at all.
And then there's Big Mike!