Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea and other researchers have been analyzing both “vaxxed” and “unvaxxed” blood for many months now, publishing photographic and video evidence of these hydrogels here on substack. They are also found in the blood of people like me, who sacrificed everything by refusing the shot, yet are still contaminated via shedding. I encourage anyone who wants more info on this topic to look up the work of these researchers.

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Bienvenue au Club ! Welcome to the Club... I suffer or from shedding or from dental anesthesics or from both... and my blood is full of Rouleaux ! I asked a biologist to watch my blood and she immediatly saw them in spite of the fact that she has no darfiels mic in her lab ! Pauvre France !

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Try "Cat's Claw" (griffe de chat), this plant (it's a vine) is very efficient at cleaning the blood, i think it could help you. If you're in France you can order it here for example:


Il suffit de faire un thé avec l'écorce. Bonne chance !

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Pauvre France et le monde! There are many detox protocols out there that are worth trying. A good rule of thumb is to support the body’s natural detox processes and adopt practices that increase autophagy (such as intermittent fasting). The human body has miraculous capacity for self-healing when given the proper nutrients and support via supplements, adequate sleep (when most detox and repair occurs) and lifestyle modification.

I have more cancer patients now than I did a year ago, and I see a lot of rouleaux when examining peripheral blood smears for many of these patients. This is using bright field microscopy and it is not live blood analysis.

My French is rusty, mais... Je vous souhaite une bonne santé.

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Votre français est parfait... Moi aussi, j'ai les fameux Rouleaux ! Je suis dans la merde. Je ne sais pas si jeûner (fasting) serait une bonne idée... ??? Le jeûne n'a pas d'effets positifs pour moi. J'ai essayé... plusieurs fois. Vous êtes médecin ? La France est un pays quasi mort. Nous n'avons plus aucune inventivité. Les cliniques de chélation sont en Suisse ou en Allemagne. Mais elles ne me répondent pas quand je parle des dégâts de la Vaxx... et en France, la chélation IV n'existe pas...

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Je comprende... but I have lost too much over the years to reply adequately en Francais. I am not a doctor, I am a medical laboratory scientist. I perform analysis of biological specimens to give diagnostic information to the doctors. When I speak of intermittent fasting, it is for short periods. For example, I only eat during a 6 to 8 hour window each day. Not less food, just during a shorter window. It can be very therapeutic, but you may not notice a difference immediately. Also, much of the benefit is at a cellular level, and hormonal.

Marty is correct that other things can cause rouleaux, it is not only because of these issues. (Sometimes it is due to increased proteins in the blood.) I see why chelation therapy is not an option if you would have to travel to la Suisse ou l'Allemagne. Though I am not familiar with the benefits of cat's claw, I am a proponent of natural medicine and do not take pharmaceuticals. Certainly you should explore natural remedies and also supplements to aid your body's natural detox processes. I regularly take supplements such as NAC (N-acetyl l-cysteine), milk thistle, and glutathione. Marty mentioned turmeric, but I suggest curcumin instead, which is the therapeutic component of turmeric. Look for one with 95% curcuminoids. I take this daily for my autoimmune arthritis and it is highly effective at reducing inflammation. An anti-inflammatory diet would also be beneficial. Chronic inflammation is one of many problems caused by "vaccines", diet, and environment that impacts every aspect of health.

As Marty also pointed out, it is good to reduce EMF exposure as much as possible. My fiancé is very sensitive and experiences many side effects from exposure.

I am sorry it took me a while to get back to this, so I am glad to see Marty provided so much information!

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Merci. Justement vous devez pratiquer votre français. C'est très bon pour le cerveau ! J'ai appris l'italien et l'anglais, langues que je parle correctement, et j'apprends l'allemand maintenant que je suis vieux. (avec l'italien, je comprends aussi assez bien l'espagnol écrit)

Moi aussi, je pratique le "jêune intermiitent" (fast) but I am still a big fat. Je suis français, so I drink too much Bordeaux !

Je prends NAC Vit C D Zinc... depuis 2 ans. Ca ne marche pas !!! Justement, je viens de commencer la chélation EDTA par suppositoires. C'est violent. Aujourd'hui, ça va un peu mieux mais pendant 3 jours, j'ai cru mourir. Que faire ? Continuer ou non ?

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L'effet rouleaux sur les globules rouges peut être causé par différents facteurs et pas seulement par une contamination par cette nanotechnologie (qu'elle soit transmise par "shedding" ou ingérée via l'eau et la nourriture), par exemple il a été prouvé que les ondes wifi, 4g et 5g causent l'effet rouleaux sur les globules rouges après une exposition prolongée, mais qu'ils tendent à revenir à la normale lorsque vous n'êtes plus exposé aux ondes.

Si vous n'êtes pas exposé au wifi ou smartphone au quotidien mais que vos globules rouges sont toujours anormaux et que l'analyse au microscope montre des structures nano, alors la chélation peut être recommandée mais si j'étais vous je commencerais par essayer le thé (ou teinture) de griffe de chat et également curcuma (pris avec du poivre noir) tous les jours. Sur le substack d'Ana, une personne raconte avoir guéri quelqu'un (injecté) avec seulement de la teinture de griffe de chat, et le sang est revenu à la normale. Si ce protocole marche, alors vous le saurez rapidement, car l'oxygénation sera rapidement améliorée au fur et à mesure que les globules rouges sont restaurés.

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oh la la ! alors il va falloir que je stoppe mon expo a mon ordinateur en effet en wifi...!!!!

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"Exposure to electrosmog generated by electric, electronic, and wireless technology is accelerating to the point that a portion of the population is experiencing adverse reactions when they are exposed. The symptoms of electrohypersensitivity (EHS), best described as rapid aging syndrome, experienced by adults and children resemble symptoms experienced by radar operators in the 1940s to the 1960s and are well described in the literature. An increasingly common response includes clumping (rouleau formation) of the red blood cells, heart palpitations, pain or pressure in the chest accompanied by anxiety, and an upregulation of the sympathetic nervous system coincident with a downregulation of the parasympathetic nervous system typical of the "fight-or-flight" response."

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Nanotech, i.e., hydrogel/self-assembling polymers circulating in the peripheral blood could very well be activated by EMF as has been demonstrated in research. It’s no coincidence that 5G was quietly rolled out while most of the world was locked down. (Not to mention that 5G is a military-grade weapon in its own right.) Prepare to shut off ALL electronic devices 10/4 and possibly 10/11 as well. Even if you are skeptical about this, it definitely will not hurt to power off on those days and may help prevent or minimize serious consequences. Though I still have many unanswered questions, I’m approaching this like I did the fake vaccines: until I have way more data, I’ll assume it can harm me. Unfortunately, I work that day and have no control over EMF in my lab, so, while I can turn off my personal devices, it may not do much good. I’ll do it anyway.


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I agree with you. I am unplugging everything as well and putting my phone in a faraday bag. They have made cell phones now so you cannot remove the battery. I am just going to shut off the power at the main box to the house. I am praying for everyone. Most people are jabbed and clueless though and they will be the ones who bring everything down. Pray Pray Pray for Divine Intervention.

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It's our collective duty to spread the message far and wide so that as many people as possible can be saved.

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Agreed. Duty to Warn!

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I recall reading something that said hydrogels could act as like weapon

payloads containing whatever pathogen and these payloads could be ruptured via RF bursts. They could also supposedly contained encoded mRNA to then hijack the body's cells into producing whatever pathogen, not just the spike. The implications of that are truly horrifying.

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Yes. And FEMA is going to send a broadcast out on October 4th to test how it works. May God help us all. I am disconnecting everything and putting my phone in a faraday bag.

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Yep, 2:20 pm... Everyone please turn off all smart TV, computers, tablets, Phone, Everything smart, TURN OFF!! TY

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Given how much we have yet to understand, I rule nothing out. If I have learned anything as a scientist, it is how little we actually know. I strive to remain open-minded about everything until I see a preponderance of evidence to support a conclusion.

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Dr. Ana Mihalcea is a Human Angel! Anamihalceamdphd. substack. com and on FB see Alternative Roots (a live blood analyst) for corroboration.

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Dr. Ana has also posted and crossposted much research from other scientists. Reproducibility of results by independent researchers supports data validity.

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Were you ever swabbed? Swabs are also able to deliver a payload. On Rumble just type in "swabs" in the search engine.


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I refused to be "tested". Having studied molecular diagnostics, including NAAT methodologies, I knew PCR was being used inappropriately and is not diagnostic. Unfortunately, I was compelled to perform PCR as part of my employment. Repeatedly, I pointed out to coworkers that we were running at high threshold cycles and that a "positive" PCR result was not synonymous with infection, but no one else seemed to "get it" despite our similar educational backgrounds. I endured insane levels of stress every day knowing I was helping to falsely inflate case numbers, but I could not afford to lose another job. I nearly had a breakdown over it, because even though I was not directly harming people, I was part of the machine perpetrating this deadly hoax. Thankfully, I am no longer in that situation.

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I just now texted this article to the two state senators I met with months ago when I presented them with 400 pages of evidence as to the harms of the shots. I did not need to convince them - they already knew. Neither of them or their family members got the shots. They are BOTH on Ohio’s Health Committee.

I said, do the right thing. STOP THE SHOTS.

Im sure they are seriously regretting giving out their cell numbers to me.

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This breaks my heart. I’ve read too many of these stories. My own brother now suffers from myocarditis due to these shots. I have friends that continue to deny that there are injuries from these shots. They also continue to boost, etc. Two have AFIB, still doesn’t matter. One tells me that his Dr wouldn’t lie to him, and this doctors father is a cardiologist. I asked him if he has inquired as to whether the cardiologist has seen an increase of heart issues in his patients. My Dr has now admitted that there are increased cases of heart issues, and more. There are still many that don’t believe they injure OR don’t care to know and tell the truth. This sickens me. Im one of two people in my entire family that didn’t take them. I dealt with a lot crap from people and businesses but will never regret my decision. Thankfully my daughter did not vaccinate my grandkids.

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The narrative is hard to break: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-power-of-narratives-and-how-they

A midwestern doctor just had a post about this and why we are not listening to those vaccine injured: https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/why-are-vaccine-injured-patients

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The vaccine injured are the visible signs of the collapse of western civilization. The reductionist thinking protecting the public body subject from germs/virus via the faux vaccine/object is their life preserver from the psychosis western thinkers go through when confronting quantum reality where subject/object are one.

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Thank you! So interesting.

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Yep I go to pulmonologist and cardiologist docs with a family member. They are packed full all the time. Also the oncologist office down the street is overflowing every week.

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by The Vigilant Fox


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Are any big pharma products healthy? Did you get sick or injured or even dead because you did not take enough big pharma poison drugs? If you are not avoiding vaccines and mRNA gene altering substances, your death is imminent. Just as gates, the WEF, CDC, FDA, DoD, WHO and HHS, have planned all along.

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Working as intended.

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When I read through the commentaries it's clear that what is happening is our extermination ,by a number of means .Murder in hospitals is now official policy .My brother was murdered with the deadly treatment most of us are now familiar with ,when going in there with a flu .In the fifteen unit apartment I live in four people died recently .Two with cancer and two died on the job ,working for the post office SUDDEN DEATH They where my neighbors and I did see them wearing masks even when driving or when coming out of the apartment .No doubt fanatical mask wearers also take all the shots they can get .Where they victims of Big Pharma ?? and ignorance ?? Has most of our planet now become one big concentration camp ??

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There is a horrific and deadly agenda driving current events, but I disagree that it’s about extermination. The hyper-wealthy ruling class behind these events requires servants. Population reduction and creation of a two-tier society? Certainly. Smaller populations are easier to control, especially when composed of the very rich and the very poor. Elimination of the middle class is one of the goals of this incomprehensibly immense plan that has been many decades in the making. More than a century even. Additionally, there is the implementation of a transhumanist agenda in all this, with a goal of creating biohacked humans that interface with technology. According to The Day Tapes, this was predicted in 1969 as the creation of “biorobots”. If it’s achievable, it would make for a very efficient and easy to control slave race.

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So far we now ,at least I know ,that world wide some millions where killed with injections and hospital treatment protocols .My brother was murdered in six days ,when he went to a hospital with a flu for a large payout to the hospital . I dare you to go to a hospital with a cold or flu ,you may come out as a small bag full of ashes .The future may be worse than the past in that regard .even if they murder''only '' a million or most of us its still extermination ,of whatever number they manage to kill off .

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I agree. One person murdered is too much. I am sorry for the loss of your brother. The government-mandated “treatment” protocols were undoubtedly meant to harm, given the known toxicity of drugs like remdesivir and the risks of mechanical ventilation (which was completely unnecessary). Many, if not most, who died from “covid” were actually killed by the drugs and/or secondary bacterial infections from the intubation.

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The covid vaccines are a genocide agenda. They knew this even before the covid scam started. It was always about coercion from the start.they are all in on it.The Pharmaceutical companies, Bill Gates, George Soros, Klaus Scwarb and his shysters at the World Economic Forum, The World Health Organisation, The Chinese government, the Doctors, Scientists, the Judges,the police, and all other government run departments..this is a well planned scam that took decades of planning. Not one of them will get prosecuted, because they own the corrupt system from top to bottom.

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Yes. I hope people will listen to what you are saying. I know it is true. They have planned this for a long long time. https://odysee.com/@JOSE:f1/JacquesAttali:8

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What a sad state of affairs but thankfully Lindsey has Dr Kory helping her. I just think of the millions out there just like this and no one will ever acknowledge them or admit the "vaccine" is the cause. If these bioweapon shots are not pulled soon I believe the injured are going to literally go to war with those monsters that did this to them, I, as an un-injected person will stand with them.

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There are no more injected/non injected... we are all polluted...

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The injected are more severely polluted. If something comes into your normal immune system it can be fought off. If it is directly injected there is no hope of fighting it off. Ask God and Jesus Christ for protection and rebuke all of the evil technology in His name.

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This applies to the childhood vaccine schedule as well...Look at the epidemic of childhood disease; adhd, autism, allergies, autoimmunity. Our kids are loaded with toxins...The covid vaccine reactions may be more dire and more immediate but let us not forget our children are being poisoned as well.

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A huge portion of Elvil comes from them. Le diable est j.uif !

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Merci Kundalini... I am going through a Kundalini process (accidental) for ages...

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I agree Lucy. I don’t know any unvaccinated people with serious bizarre health conditions. ONLY the Covid vaccinated.

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You agree ? Not me ! I am unvaxxed and in a bad condtion...

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I am sorry. I will pray for you@ To remove all the evil technology if it has invaded your body. We need to pray for all of humanity. This is pure unadulterated evil and it is a spiritual war. God Bless You

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Foutaise !, BS ! My goodness, sh.ut up with your Jesus ! You are a liar. Millions have already died. And my own Blood is full of Rouleaux !

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Do you get freezing injections at the dentist?

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I don’t. Those are also full of hydrogel and nanotechnology. I’ve seen Dr. Mihalcea’s darkfiekd slide videos. Apparently all injections are modified RNA now. Even insulin and all childhood jabs. I have my own dental equipment at home. Haven’t seen a dentist or any medical professional since 2018

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What about Lidocaine dental anesthetic. Does it have mRNA and/or hydrogel?

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Okay ! I agree. It is not Jesus who is saving you, it is your own good sense. I had dental anesthesics in 2020. End 2022, fatigue and high blood pressure started. And I manage to get up in the morning, because I swallow a lot of Vit C and Nac ! But my blood is screwed !

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It is very unfair what these evil psychopaths have done to all of us. I was forced to get vaccines to go to school as well. God only knows what was in them. I am still going to pray for you to get that evil stuff out of your body. I will never stop praying for all of humanity. I am not giving up! I take all the vitamins and NAC too. I try my best to stay healthy. Sounds like you are trying your best too.

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Agreed 💯

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What gets me is that almost all of her former "colleagues" seem to have turned their backs on her and back Pfizer not her or the millions of others they have poisoned. Are there going to be enough lamposts in hell for these people?

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I just don’t understand why Lindsey got a third shot if she already had horrific symptoms after the first shots. Was ot not evident right away that she was putting her health and life on the line for what, her job? I don’t mean to be unsympathetic but I just can’t wrap my head around such strange obstinacy.

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I have trouble with that too. I know at least eight people who have been adversely impacted by the shots (and one passed away from vascular issues) and almost all have gotten additional shot(s) after getting very sick from the first or second dose.

Not only did they get additional shots, but most of them are very reluctant to blame the “vaccine” for their illness(s).

There is obviously a huge bias towards believing almost anything that a doctor tells them.

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My 81 year old aunt was playing golf this spring.

She now crawls. And she'll crawl for her seventh jab because the TV told her the jabs were SAFE, EFFECTIVE and FREE!

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This is why I blame the doctors. They know, but they care more about their careers than their patients.

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The cognitive dissonance is deafening. I know a woman in her eighties who told me she went into anaphylactic shock after her first shot but she was going to get her next and when I suggested she should not take the jab she immediately ended the conversation and she won’t speak to me now.

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There is so much paid disinformation out there, fake studies, fake statistics, that the thing is a swirl of plausible deniability, and people are rewarded financially for not listening to their intuition, with plenty of cheap, fraudulent reasons to deny what they must know, at least in some inchoate sense, to be true. This is why Nuremberg type accountability will be so hard to come by. How do you sort out the truth when 95% is fiction?

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Just awful. It’s that mass formation psychosis. I’ve seen some also that just can’t reason that they are harming their bodies.

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Ouch. :)

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I understand what you're saying. I resisted the injection though I was coerced (illegally), reprimanded, sent home w/o pay for insubordination, ambushed by my bosses, lied to and about, shamed by my co-workers and treated as if I were infectious and dangerous, etc. Which finally resulted in losing my job and being given a very negative job performance report by HR.

Everyone where I worked was completely and utterly indoctrinated almost from the very beginning in 2020. It was very hard to swim against the current and I didn't work in healthcare as this nurse did where I can only imagine the pressure she was under.

So, I'm still very grateful God gave me the strength to resist and stand firm, but I do understand how people caved to the pressure. I saw it everyday for a year.

I live in poverty now and have a mistrust of people that I'm not sure I will ever get past. The lack of integrity broke my heart.

I was able to persuade my employers to stop pressuring the pregnant employees and I inundated them with protests and information on why the injections were a death sentence. Mainly to little effect.

Anyway, I see now most people will bow under tyranny of any kind that comes their way. I don't have a rosy outlook for the future of humanity and I don't think we are going to save ourselves.

Jesus is the only escape. My hope is you find Him now. We are flat out of time.

God Bless.

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Your story is so deeply affecting. My sense of suffering as a result of this evil has saddened me and made me distrustful of humanity’s trajectory and moral compass, but it pales in comparison to your story.

God bless you with His infinite mercy and I pray you find peace in this time through your faith in Christ.

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I am filled with a peace beyond understanding. What Jesus promises to each of us is true.

While my faith in mankind has dwindled to nothing, my faith in God has grown so large. I never imagined it could grow so large.

I do think we have a tremendous opportunity to turn to Jesus with everything in us. I don't think anyone is going to find a way out of our dilemma except through Jesus.

I keep praying, Please, Jesus, let me put ALL my eggs in your basket holding nothing back. I live for you and I will die for you. I don't desire anything more.

Thank you so much for your kindness. God Bless. All Glory to God.

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God has made that decision for me since I put myself in His hands. No friendship or job or any close contact with other people has worked out at all. I accept what He's doing because I know with everything in me He only has love for me. Even if I don't understand His love. I trust Him.

Now, I pray and say, If there's anything you want me to do, God, I'll do it. His answer is always the same, WAIT. So I'm waiting. Until He tells me otherwise. I'm practicing being in as close contact with Him as much as I can. When my mind wanders into evil, I am practicing catching it and bringing it back to Him. When my heart is weary and grows cold, I practice opening it up and letting Him in.

It's been an incredible time. I don't regret a thing and would never go back.

I hope I get to see Jesus coming in on the clouds, but if I don't, that's fine, too. As long as I'm with Him, everything is better than I ever dreamed possible.

All Glory to God. I love you, Jesus.

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I appreciate your story@ The same thing happened to me as I was in the healthcare system at the onset. I was a pharmacist for 30 years. I started realizing the true objectives of health "care" after 5 years. Started counseling people not to take drugs unless they were desperate at that time. Refused to inject any patient with anything my entire career as I was always especially suspicious of vaccines, just by reading the package insert it is obvious that they contain poison. When this forced jab was initiated I refused to participate. Told everyone I knew, including family, what this was. Got complete rejection and mocking. This democide has been planned for decades at least. Do an internet search for "The Idiots Will Go To The Slaughterhouse On Their Own" https://odysee.com/@JOSE:f1/JacquesAttali:8 I too have completely turned to Jesus Christ and our Creator for sustenance. I was always interested in the Bible as a historical reading, but it is now obvious that it is the absolute truth. You are correct. It is our only escape from this evil situation.

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There is no way to know how much pain and suffering you have helped others to escape.

My heart says enough to make God smile.

God Bless you.

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I am concerned for you, My Friend. You know what you're saying goes completely against what Jesus teaches.

I think He might say, David! Get behind me, Satan!

Please pray for guidance and obey. No matter what.

I'm saying this not to tell you what to do, but what Jesus tells us is True.

You know His two commandments. Don't break them.

God Bless.

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It is not obstinancy, it was a choice between being fired and starve or getting the jab. She is not the one to blame-it is the idiots who mandated all Health Care workers in her hospital get the updated shots. Learn to put the blame where it really lies and not on the innocents!!!

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I’m not an advocate for blaming the victim. She is a victim of this nefarious plot to murder and disable us all. It is heinous.

This is a spiritual battle and the testing is severe. That is a hard fact.

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Then your comment about "obstinancy" on the part of the nurse was way off!!!!!!

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I see your point. My choice of words was poor. There is, however, an element of misplaced trust that I see in case after case. We have free will and to use it rightly is our challenge. “Those who seek to save their lives shall lose them.”

These are hard lessons which Jesus taught us.

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I don’t know how many lampposts there are in hell, but there are certainly a whole bunch here..... not that I’m suggesting anything ;)

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Sep 25, 2023·edited Sep 25, 2023

Every time I read an article like this where the fake Covid vaccine is exposed for what it is .. and it is many not-very-nice things .... I feel smart and vindicated for refusing to comply from day one. This whole thing stunk to high-heaven. When big guv and big Pharma unite to inject the entire population by force ... Yes, they used force ..... SOMETHING IS VERY WRONG. I pity the poor saps who went for it. Most of my friends and family did what I did .... we are all healthy. Covid was just another mild flu with. 99% SURVIVAL RATE .. Unless you were already nearly dead from other causes.

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Look up on sub stack Frances Leader info on 5g radiation. No virus but consequence of poisoning.

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We need to realize that:

- Big Pharma created "Health Care"

- Health Care then pushes Big Pharma

This isn't a conspiracy. This is a fact:


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My acquaintance at 76, just the new jab and was bed ridden for two days. These people crazy

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Hope they are ready for dying.

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I was hollered at 72 😏

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Yes, more people need to know about this. The true threat we face isn’t some virus, it’s nanotechnology.

Me and my research partner have found similar structures and hydrogel islands in the blood of not just the injected, but the non-injected as well:



Even an ER visit is no longer safe, as our former control patient found out after testing his blood a few weeks ago:


We are still in the process of testing detox regimens and solutions:


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People were contaminated before the shots. You don't find what your not looking for.

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Absolutely, Morgellon's is almost certainly the precursor to the tech we now see in people's blood.

And it's not just the "COVID" shots anymore either: inhalers, nasal sprays, eye drops; all are potential vectors for this weapon platform.

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We see you and hear you Lyndsey!

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And the next shoe to drop?? (Sorry this is long but I believe worth your time...info on Rife also here)

First I watched this:


Then I wrote this:


Who knows if the above will happen?...They know. This is a war so YES the enemy will absolutely throw out decoy info. Do NOT be afraid of looking like an 'idiot' for turning off your phone or for trying to figure out their next step and take as many precautions as possible. One thing is for sure...the technology that they have vs. what we know of is light years apart. They have only given us the technology that will serve them...the phone has been a data mining gold rush for them. They give us a little so they can take a lot. The official narrative is officially complete bullshit so we must think in terms of conspiracy because conspiracy is MUCH closer to the truth.

Then I read this:

FEMA plans to test national alert system on Oct. 4

Sep. 24, 2023 at 2:22 pm

By Cindy Krischer Goodman

South Florida Sun Sentinel

Get ready for an alert on your cellphones, televisions and radios on Oct. 4. At 2:20 p.m, the federal government will test its nationwide Emergency Alert System and Wireless Emergency Alerts. The purpose is to ensure that the systems continue to be an effective means of warning the public about national emergencies. Cell towers will broadcast the test for approximately 30 minutes. All wireless phones should receive the message only once. People will cell phones will get a message that reads: “THIS IS A TEST of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. No action is needed.”To help ensure that these alerts are accessible to the entire public, including people with disabilities, the alerts are accompanied by a unique tone and vibration." <<<< !!

Then I wrote this because I used a Rife machine for Lyme. I got 75% better, and knew a bit about the fact that frequency science works.



It is widely accepted that, in 1920, Royal R Rife began his experiments using electronic frequencies on viruses and bacteria. Previous to that time, microbes were invisible, but using his own powerful microscopes, he was able to see them. By 1933, he had built what was called the Universal Microscope. This microscope was amazingly powerful and complex with its 6,000 parts. Dr. Rife claimed that his microscope could magnify an object to 60,000 its size. Royal Rife explained what was so useful about this microscope. It could observe the microbes while they were still alive. This was different from the electron microscopes which destroyed the viruses and bacteria. Virus and Bacteria Could Be Killed. What Dr Rife claimed is that each microbe has its own resonance frequency. With the Rife technology, he bombarded the microbes with light frequency which matched that of the microbe at an intense level. He called his machine the Beam Ray machine. What he said happened was that the microbes would explode or shrivel up and die. Some researchers today are reported to be corroborating Royal Rife's discoveries. It is reported that in 1960, John Crane's laboratories were raided. Although there was no search warrant, Rife and Crane were arrested and released on bail. Rife, who was then 72 years old, escaped to Mexico and went into hiding. John Crane was put on trial in the spring of 1961. None of the large amount of scientific evidence which supported the effectiveness of their technology was allow to be presented. Crane's lawyers went to Mexico and interviewed Royal Rife. They asked him 137 questions, however, the deposition was not allowed as evidence. John Crane was sentenced to ten years in prison. He served three years and one month. Two of the three convictions were overturned by the California State Supreme Court on appeal. Dr. Rife died in 1971 at the age of 83. He had been hospitalized for alcoholism and was given valium. A mixture of valium and alcohol is lethal. It has been reported that in 1980, the American Medical Association was found guilty by a US Court of Appeals of "conspiracy<< to restrain competition. . . New methods of health care have been discouraged, restricted and in some instances eliminated."

NOW MANY DECADES LATER we can be more than suspicious that this technology has been advanced and may be used as a potential depopulation weapon...esp. when the SHOCKING documents re: depopulation are here:


Then I added this comment :


And for those who have noticed the importance of 11 in what they (globalists) do …

1) The time of this emergency test is 2:20. 11 + 11. (Notice the time posted of the reporting of this article 2:22)

2) world trade buildings 9/11... Buildings themselves '11' symbol .

3) On the morning of 11/11/18 , just before 9:30 UT, a mysterious rumble rolled around the world.The seismic waves began roughly 15 miles off the shores of Mayotte, a French island sandwiched between Africa and the northern tip of Madagascar. The waves buzzed across Africa, ringing sensors in Zambia, Kenya, and Ethiopia. They traversed vast oceans, humming across Chile, New Zealand, Canada, and even Hawaii nearly 11,000 miles away.

4) Japan earthquake and tsunami of 2011, also called Great Sendai Earthquake or Great Tōhoku Earthquake, severe natural disaster that occurred in northeastern Japan on March 11, 2011.

5) What We Know About the Earthquake That Devastated Morocco Sep 12, 2023 Around 11:11 p.m., 11 feet below surface, on Friday, an earthquake with a magnitude of at least 6.8 tore through the countryside near Marrakesh to devastating effect.

I haven't fallen deep into this 11 rabbit hole but the coincidences are already too many to be ignored. So why 11? Here's one explanation: The Number 11 is a “Sacred Number in the Occult, Witchcraft, and Satanism”.

You may see all this as 'Tin Hat News' but to leave your phone on, on Oct 4th seems to be as naive as letting those in the position to make BILLIONS, put an untested 'vax' in your arm.

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updated privacy policy for patreon on oct 4- all your info/ data/ comments everything will b seen.

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There was a discussion a few days or a week ago on Ray Horvath's SS that the same is happening here on substack as well. All subscriber lists are now accessed.

I think it was Ray Horvath's SS. I might be mistaken. It didn't surprise me, so I read it and moved on.

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Then I’m glad that I’ve never used Patreon...

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Link to this notice? Thanks !

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Its probably a coalescing of all your data to tie you to your computer as your life with biometric ID for access . {no public internet/ censorship/ personal banking} someone made a comment calling it quantumnet. i agree. all your data to your computer as your new beast life.

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i just got email that its new patren privacy policy for oct 4. i only have 1 patreon for 3 dollars.

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US crime against humanity -- 18M+ dead, global lockdowns -- for a virus designed and developed in a US lab.

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A virus ? They do not exist... poisons, yes...

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Viruses don’t exists? Oh boy -- and Earth is flat. How old are you?

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Please do some research and learn the truth. How old are you?

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Have you ever heard about iron lungs and polio vaccine !?

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It’s no use. These people are certain that they are right, and no amount of evidence will convince them otherwise.

Electron microscope pictures, 80+ years of research, and overwhelming evidence for the existence of viruses will not sway them from their beliefs.

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You say 18 million but on a BRIGHTEON video I heard 1 billion. Either way if it were 18 million it is still mass murder. In Australia a minister for Health here is thinking of creating another LOCKDOWN. A certain famous female doctor here forget her name came forward on media to say she and her wife yes wife got very sick from a COVID shot. My heart goes out to the brave nurse.

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I see who you mean... she is an important dr in Australia... and pushed for vaccination !

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You mean 18 millions dead worldwide from the shots ? The most recent data on excess deaths suggests it's more likely to be in the hundreds of millions ...

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No - I mean what I said -- from US-designed and developed virus -- just in US more than 1 million people murdered.

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