LOVE LOVE LOVE TRUMP. No one is perfect. Fauci was on him and all the health people. He did not know that Fauci and Burke were being directed by Satan’s WEF and the WHO . He had to trust someone because people were so afraid and democrats on TV were feeding the hysteria. HE was against mandates and mentioned Hydroxychloroquine and the left went crazy because that would have cured everyone. Fauci freaked because Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin would have kept us all well. I took Ivermectin. Doctors got it from Tractor Supply and took it themselves while they worked. NO DEATHS if they (media) had let Trump rule and let the smart docs do what they knew was best! It was a planned murder scheme. Evil Dems and Media. They wanted depopulation from Bill Gates. EVIL

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If you actually believe that, then I have beach front property in antartica to sell you. Has Trump taken ANY responsibity for the death and carnage coming from his supposed great achievent in operation warpkill? Not one bit. I can't believe that people don't see the truth about all this. It's crazy. If you think Trump didn't know, then you're really fooling yourself. You need to understand who he really is, where he came from, who funded him, who he had in his cabinet, and what he actually did, vs. what he said on a lot of topics. If you look at things on the surface, then, yeah, it looks great! Dig deeper and the ugly truth reveals itself. You have to want the truth however, vs the "good vs evil", "hero fighting the globalists" theatrical narrative that's being fed to you.

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I love Trump

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Stockholm syndrome.

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Oh great, now we get psychiatric diagnoses from Trump haters....

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If the shoe fits….

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Here is a list.

Go ahead take them one by one and tell me what "really" happened what he "really" did who he "really" is.

Start at the top.


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DAVID, Thank you so much for this list. I have it saved in some far off place on my computer. I want to read every word again. He worked like crazy to help this country and ignorant folks like some of my Dem friends and relatives have no clue. It is so terribly sad what people don’t know. Their minds are in the dark. Wish they’d take up the Clintons. Now there is A LOT of BAD in that area. Do you think I can print your list out? Will try. I want to share it 🥰

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I literally LOL'd. Good luck with Trump.

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Whats typical David, are Trump supporters, who come back with replieslike that. You are so surface level and believing what you see and are told about Trump, without doing any deeper discovery. There's little to nothing to say to someone, who comes at me with the Trump whitehouse accomplishments page...and is that ill-informed and deceived. I wish you the best but I'm not going to attempt to try to explain it all to you. Nor am I going to spend time debating trumps accomplishments page. Sure, there are things he did that are good...and appear to be good...but when you look more deeply and understand how the world's really run, how politicking is done...you start seeing through the surface level theater and start to wake up. I encourage you to think deeper....think bigger. Do some real homework, so you're not further deceived by what is coming. God bless.

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Don't go away mad.


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It appears that we have two options for 2024, Trump and Biden. Kennedy doesn’t have a chance in hell of winning and based on his liberal views I wouldn’t vote for him anyway.

Based solely on their records as President, Trump should win hands down.

He was a far, far better President than Biden even though he was undermined by the bureaucracy and much of his own party (and even himself).

2024 will be a choice between Donald Trump and a Biden/Democrat semi-dictatorship with more of the same: incompetence and bad policies leading to a poorer country, more foreign policy disasters, and ever closer to a hot war and economic collapse.

One can argue around the edges about Trump’s accomplishments, and people will be fighting about that for many years to come.......

but the fact is that there is a stark difference between Trump’s America and Biden’s America......

Biden’s America sucks and I (and millions of others) want Trump’s America back .....

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There were some good things he did. But sadly, they were far outweighed by the evil he’s done. I won’t be accepting him as my lord and savior as so many have.

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You shouldn’t “accept him as your lord and savior “, that would be idiotic.

It’s very simple. You don’t have to like him, you just have to decide who will be better for the country......

Joe Biden


Donald Trump

I’m firmly convinced that Trump will do a better job. Therefore I will vote for him.

Easy pick for me.....

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What were some of the good things he did?

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Agreed! So refreshing to hear another rational voice. I am just learning about his betrayal of the Palestinians, and Gaza in particular. Disgusting.

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Outstanding interview 💪🏻. Thank you

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Thanks, Deb! I am glad you enjoyed it!

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I enjoy your substack

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I enjoy your presence. Thank you for being here!

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I think I like Christine but this is hogwash...and before I go any further, I voted for the guy TWICE. Then I did real homework for years and woke up to the truth. He's not who people think he is. On the surface, everything he says and seems to do looks great...dig deeper and you see it's all mostly empty promises, lies and acting.

Trump stopped giving money to the WHO but he still funneled $1.16B to Gates via GAVI when he pulled out of the WHO, who in turn, just gave the money to the WHO anyway! He also inked a deal with Pfizer directly. Total farce and cover up of what really happened. Part of the deceptive theater. People need to do their homework against some of these Trump narratives.

Ask yourselves, Why does he do the endless attacking of China?? Covid virus was designed and developed in a US laboratory. By our own government! Fauci funded Peter Daszak to create the virus in Wuhan. It's hardly just China's fault. In fact, it's mostly Fauci's fault, and the friggen US DoD/DARPA behind Fauci.

China was basically just a low-cost contractor for bio-weapon research that is illegal in the US. Why is he not calling that out, if he’s truly fighting for us?

As far as bragging about his deal he inked with the WHO — Why would we want to join for any amount? “It's a terrible organization, but I'm such a great deal maker, I could have gotten you in cheap!' Utter nonsense. Typical doublespeak.

Sometimes the simplest logic is the most powerful logic, all too often passed over for unnecessarily complex theories. Ok, so Let’s look at institutional exemptions shall we?

What could be more important than the health of the President and his cabinet, and yet the White House had no vaccine mandate? How about the CDC? Turns out, they were all exempt too.

If the Covid was really an existential threat to mankind, then why these carve outs? Why indeed; the question answers itself. The very existence of ‘exemptions’ of any kind, is itself an admission of the hoax. A hoax designed to sterilize or kill plebes, by the billion. They clearly knew it from the beginning...

Trump loved the WHO-endorsed fake vaccines -- even to this day. He hasn’t taken responsibility at all for the injections. Not one bit. Still Won’t talk about them truthfully. Blames China.

He won’t even talk about all the other three letter agencies that were involved. He dances around the truth, and people eat it up.

Trump says whatever he thinks will get him more money and adoration from his worshippers. Now that the pressure is there, he is changing his tune like he will fight the mandates. All fake two sided theater. While he has been “fighting for us against the globalists”, he has really done little more than assist the agenda. It marches onward. It is as plain can be to me, that He is part of the cabal NWO plan and always has been.

Do you think he took the injections that he was so gracious in warpspeeding into your family member's arms? No, no he didn’t.

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Can't entirely DISAGREE with you about Mr T however I stress to all Trump haters, who did we have as a choice? We got that PODS* Biden and his crew of insects. Trump I guess is the lesser of the two EVILS. Our whole country has been a LIE for decades run by criminals in Congress and none of us geniuses were catching on to it, we were so immersed in our own sorry-assed lives to focus. Hell, if wasnt for the internet and its use as a communications medium, we'd still be in dark about everything. I've got vehement Trump haters in my circle but they never offer anyone or anything to offset Trump.

p.s.- in defense of Trump, his life is threatened and that of his family almost daily, we can't know what that's like to endure, maybe there's a reason he doesnt throw rocks. *Piece of Dog Shit

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Trump worked 24/7 to help this country. His policies were fabulous. He saved us from the Obama reign . That is why they fear and hate him so. America has been a light to the world. Of course there are bad things in America, but it has been the best country to give people freedom to learn and invent. I love this country with all my heart and so does DJT. I thought the Bush’s were great people, and it turns out they are part of the WEF. That hurt my heart so much. They did things to hurt our country. I still can’t believe what they did. The Clintons and Obama are just Marxist. Too sad to think about. I’ve been naive thinking leaders loved this country, when so many only loved themselves. Narcissist. Reagan was fabulous. He loved America, too, like DJT. I’m praying every day, and I know God will do with us as we deserve. America has turned its back on God. I’m a retired teacher and a favorite quote I have is “ You don’t dump garbage in your living room; don’t let TV do it.” TV programing has brought our country down so far. NO respect, manners, caring about neighbors, and low class language everywhere, and no going to church to praise God for this free country and all our blessings. The people in our beautiful country have become so narcissistic . All about self. We have destroyed ourselves with greed.. May God have mercy on us. 🙏

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First of all, I'm not a Trump hater. I'm just sad and concerned about all who are deceived by him. I'm concerned that people don't see what he really is. People really need to study Trump more deeply and more carefully. There is a lot out there on him now.

People really need to study the history of the global cabal that is behind all of this...and is pushing the NW0. How they own and architect the two sided conflict and have done so across history for many hundreds of years -- in order to bring about the outcome they want. Ordo Ab Chao (Order out of Chaos). Divide and Conquer. People really need to better understand history the history behind owning both sides, funding both sides, in order to achieve the outcome you desire.

If people think Trump is fighting the NWO and the Globalists, they simply haven't done enough homework. He is OWNED BY THE SAME PEOPLE HE CLAIMS TO BE FIGHTING. Even the people behind the NWO, have their own two sides -- nationalists and globalists -- one side appears to love Trump and the other to hate him. It's all a ruse. It makes the appearance that the globalists are truly against him and Trump is fighting them. Meanwhile, both of those sides are actually pushing towards the same ultimate outcome in the NWO. I understand how it looks on the surface, but we all have to dig deeper. The truth is much deeper than people realize and what is playing out is way more architected than people realize.

People have to understand how ancient, powerful and masterful the true puppetmasters are at the top...and who they truly/ultimately serve. That leads us to realizing how this all could be so architected. Study the history of the Black Nobility, their bloodlines and history...and where they came from. Who they worship. How they've built thier power and control over the world. Think Biblical. Ephesians 6:12.

Trump is not the "lesser of two evils". He just appears to be. He's actually one side of the same coin, that is working to lead us to the same destination. The surface narratives and appearances are deceiving. Time for all of us to awaken. There is not top-down solution, only a bottoms-up one, by humanity waking up, coming together, critical-mass-non-compliance...all rooted in God's commandments.

God Bless.

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Ah, but to the Trump deluded, there are only two possibilities. Give him your unqualified support or you hate him.

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I get it and am very much aware of all that you say, however DO WE HAVE A GODDAMM CHOICE? No and folks yourself never can offer a rebuttal. We'll have to coast along with Trump and maybe it'll get better but from what Ive researched most if not all of our presidents have been globalists whether they knew it or not. Possible exception Jimmy Carter but who knows...Eicke's Hidden Hand may be all over our daily lives..

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You’re right, most of the people dumping on Trump have no reasonable answers about what would be better , it’s all: Trump Sucks, Trumps a globalist, Trumps really controlled opposition, etc..... but when you ask them what would be better you just get more of the same.

I KNOW that things were better under Donald Trump.

I KNOW that things won’t get better under Biden.

I KNOW that Kennedy has no chance of becoming president (and he’s too liberal for me to vote for anyway)

That leaves only one logical choice.

And that’s Trump

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Proves you don't understand what we're dealing with. Both sides are owned and controlled and you still believe we have free and fair elections, and/or that either party being in charge is going to stop the march of the NWO. Not with the candidates and two party (uniparty) system we have in place. People just still don't get it. "Who would be better than Trump?!?" Good lord, wake up. Two sides of the same evil/NWO coin, all marching towards the same outcome. They both suck and they both are sold out to the NWO. Instead of focusing on the idea of "lesser evil" (and once Trump is selected and put back in office, going back to your NFL and hot dogs), perhaps see how it all really works and consider how we get out of this BS two party trap we've been in for far too long. I don't have all the solutions but I know the solution isn't Donald Dump.

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“I don't have all the solutions but I know the solution isn't Donald Dump.”

You haven’t proposed ANY solutions, just continued Trump bashing...... without any criticism of Joe Biden’s actions.

That tells me all I need to know......

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This “BS two party trap” is unfortunately what we have to work with until someone spends the time and money to establish a viable 3rd party. That will take years.

Again, it’s very simple. We have no idea how badly the election system is corrupted, so:

We have two real choices for President and we have to pick one.

From what you’ve written, I assume that you will either vote for Joe Biden or sit at home.

I’m going to do what I believe is best for my country (and it’s citizens), I’m voting for Donald Trump.

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Jimmy Carter was an idiot..... I remember how bad things were..... and just like Biden, most of it was his fault.

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i'm not so sure Carter was an idiot, i think he might have been perceived as such because he was a man of conscience, morals and principles...It seems that the POTUS's that we'v been programmed to believe were superior, were self-serving only. Unfortunately like MOST politicians. I genuinely think the more honest you are the less favorably you'll be seen as a leader currently or historically. .Just look at the scum bags we have in "leadership" today....they are vermin. The fake 'COVID' hoax has done more to open my eyes to the truth about what politics is all about than anything else experienced in my life. I was naive in spades!

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Let me revise and extend my remarks.

Jimmy Carter was NOT an idiot. Carter was a very smart man who implemented bad policies and had absolutely no management skills.

He, and the Democrats in Congress, wrecked the economy and, through his (perceived ?) weakness, totally screwed up US foreign policy.

Carters incompetence is why Ronald Reagan won in a landslide..... twice.

Reagan was able to fix Carters mistakes.

I am obviously not going to be starting a Jimmy Carter fan club. I remember the misery that he and the Democrats caused the American people. In fact, there was even a “misery index” that was reported every month. (I knew that Biden was going to be a disaster, there were too many similarities with Carters policies)

By the end of his term he had become quite unpopular, and his administration was widely viewed as a failure. He appeared be mean and vindictive, with a huge chip on his shoulder regarding Reagan’s successes.

After Carter’s Presidency, there was a concerted effort by the Democratic Party and the mainstream press to restore his image and his legacy and to whitewash his failures as President.

I’ve seen it happen over the last 30+ years and it’s been very successful.

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Find me someone perfect and I’ll listen. Do you think you’d be the choice?

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Something tells me you wouldn't...

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They don’t offer anyone else because they don’t have anyone else to offer.

They continually trash Trump and very rarely, if ever, criticize Biden.

That’s why I think that half of them are working for Biden’s campaign......

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I don’t hate Trump. I just believe in honestly dealing with his actions and their impacts on Americans. Why telling the truth about him gets me accused of hating him or TDS should give his supporters pause.

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There is no doubt. But most of these monkeys need a savior. Jesus Christ who most of them follow isn't good enough.

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A golden calf, just like the Israelites.

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There was no engineered virus, it was a fake, a scare tactic to get people to take the truly engineered vaccines, although like all vaccines they are crap and only harm and kill as poisons do.

I say say China made vaccines for other companies as it makes lots of stuff for other companies in the west, much of it poor quality. But then the companies want cheap as people want cheap so cheap is what we get.



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I really like her. In a lot of ways, she's like the female version of Trump. All the people want is a strong leader, and tells it like it is. That's when you know they will take action.

A liar and BSer you can never trust. They flip flop and wait for something else, so they can duck out. They can never be trusted. They could never be a strong leader because they're not telling the truth. The left is pissed off because Trump can't be bought, and they know it! 😅

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Now Obama , is Satan’s Lieutenant.

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I don’t believe the negative about Trump. He’s human but not evil like all the rest!!!!

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You need to look a lot more closely...and then examine that against what the Bible says.

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Spot on commentary by Christine Anderson.

No surprise that she “gets" DJT and his critical leadership. Two warriors!

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I really enjoy The Vigilant Fox!

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Yeah but Trump added 10T to the debt twice as fast as Obama and praised the death shots. Yeah. NO

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Umm. Biden/Trump clone. I was stupid like you and voted for him twice. I'm just a me to realize I was wrong. TDS is a label that's doesn't apply. But you're a two party bot so it fits.

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TDS is reserved for people who are emotionally brain dead leftists, who hate Trump for all kinds of less-discerning and MSNBC narratives sort of ways. Conservatives and Republicans who are awake, dislike Trump for completely different reasons...and it's more accurate to call it TTS. (t=truth) Blind, half-informed, surface-level-narrative-believing Republicans who think Trump is doing God's work or is some sort of savior of our country, are suffering from TRS. I bet you can guess what the R stands for there.

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We simply don’t have a choice unless we want four more years of the same or worse.

Trumps administration was far better than Biden’s ...... and everyone knows it. All you have to do is watch a news broadcast.

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....and another one that misses the point. The news broadcast is surface level theater. Sure there are some great things trump does and appears to do...but you must look deeper and understand who owns him and who he serves. Who is behind the NWO agenda. You'll find they're the same people, and that leads you straight to the truth. That we're being fed Ordo Ab Chao, divide-and-conquer tactics...and all of this is theater.

While you think you are fighting the agenda by picking the "better" side, you're actually still under the illusion that the sides make any difference. It doesn't really. They're both captured now. They're both marching towards the same NWO drum...it's all BS. Until American's wake up to this fact, nothing will change.

Trump is owned by the very cabal he claims to be fighting. The "globalists" are only one side or faction of the NWO agenda, but both the globalists and the nationalist communists are pushing towards the same ultimate goal. The decline of the west and the rise of the WEF-marketed NWO. An eventual one world government and one world religion.

He is not the "lesser of two evils". He's on the same team as the NWO and is just playing his side of the deceptive, devisive theater meant to keep you distracted and deceived. While it may seem better under Trump and things will look like they're swinging back -- his presidency will only setup the final levels of division and chaos needed to implement the government "solutions" that lead us to the NWO.

You'd be wise to turn off the news and study this a lot more deeply, before you get even more deceived in these times. I say that not to insult but to warn and hopefully encourage. No, Trump is not the solution that he seems to be. He will be put into office to be the final nail in the coffin. Keep your eyes and ears open and look at things through the right lens and everything starts to totally make sense. You see the plot, the actors, the script and the agenda unfolding.

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President Trump accomplished more by accident than all the critics in the universe. Your condescension seems to overlook he kept Killary from her doomsday-vanity project.

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Look deeper. All scripted. All theater. All planned. If you don't wake up to that fact, you'll continue to be completely deceived with what's coming...

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Thank you for pointing out the facts. Sadly, it seems that the forever Trumpers are suffering from mass psychosis, just as the Covidians are. It is so much harder to convince them they are being deceived than it was for Trump to deceive them.

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They re suffering from TDS!!! Hahahha

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Wow. Look at you. A person that uses his head of course it's staged. 2 steps forward 10 back. Keep the dummies confused Trump. LOL yeah right they put Biden or his clone on the other side to make this bullshitter Trump seem more legit.

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⬆️ Trump Deluded Syndrome

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So you’d rather have 4 more years of this administration????

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What??? This is the problem. All you people are programmed left snd right is a scam. They are destroying the country it downstairs matter whose president. Theyre selected. Not elected. Come on Mark. The guy is a pedophile criminal. So what they are all disordered Liars.

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Who are you calling a “pedophile criminal “?

I hope that you have proof - no matter who it is....

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So, once again, no real answers. Just your opinion of reality.

All I can do is go on history. There is a huge difference between right and left, just ask the millions who live or have lived under socialism or communism.

The fact is that things in the US were demonstrably much better under Donald Trump than under Joe Biden.

I’ll take Donald Trumps America over Joe Biden’s America anytime.

And if my vote can help make Trump President again, then he’s welcome to it.

Neither one of us knows for certain the extent of the vote fraud or if the president is ‘selected’ as you contend..

But Democrats seem to think that every vote counts.... they certainly buy and falsify enough of them.

Forgive me if I don’t just give up and sit at home bitching on Election Day.

I m going to at least try and do something about it......

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There is history, and there is narrative. Sadly, you seem to have them confused.

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Exactly why I stop talking to these idiots they'll never get it.i don't waste the time.

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Trust me, I feel exactly the same way about you.....

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I reply in the hopes that others who are less deep into psychosis may see another perspective and escape.

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Many of those Democrat men don’t stand up like real men! They act soft, sketchy, fake, and don’t speak in a straight forward way. I always feel they are lying, and I think they really are.

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She may love Donald Trump but I bet there are millions including myself that love Christine.

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Love her for her honesty and grit - she is cut from the same mold as Trump. Speaks from the heart, speaks her truth, take no prisoners and "ef" 'em if they don't like it !!

Hood call on your part, VF, speaking with HER.

She is rock solid - and a few of her peers are also known to speak truth to power.....we SHOULD be seeing the same in the USA - but it is woefully absent. Too many talk the talk, but won't walk the walk. Shameful.

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And to think, I was a fan of hers! Ah well, just another of life's little dissilusionments.

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She should check out his operation warpspeed injections

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Well she is obviously a nazi.

Because, ya know, Trump is Hitler

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