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I Asked MEP Christine Anderson What She Thinks About Donald Trump: Here’s What She Had to Say

One of the bravest of all freedom fighters weighs in on Trump.

Originally Published on Vigilant News

Earlier this week, I interviewed the legendary Christine Anderson, a German member of the European Parliament and one of the few politicians who stood up to the COVID nonsense. I asked her many questions on the topics of COVID tyranny, climate change, bad actors, and more, but her comments about Donald Trump were especially noteworthy.

I asked, “What do you think about Donald Trump?”

Here’s what she had to say about the 45th US President:

Oh, I love him. I absolutely love Donald Trump. And you know why? Because he just doesn't give a damn. And that really makes him unique. And they could slander and slap him with whatever name they could come up with. He just didn't care. And that's actually been an inspiration for me. And I was like, “Yeah, whatever name they want to call you, fine. What's the problem?”

So, he was so refreshingly blunt and honest. Does he lack diplomatic skills? Oh, absolutely. But in this world, where everyone is always concerned about not offending anyone and blah, blah, blah. That was so refreshingly honest. And yeah, that's what the people want. That's what people want. They just want the truth. Whether you articulate it clumsily or sophisticated, people want the truth — point blank. So, I just love him.

On October 17, Trump made some strong statements about the World Health Organization.

In a viral Truth Social video, the 45th US President said, “The World Health Organization has become nothing more than a corrupt globalist scam paid for by the United States but owned and controlled by China … [The WHO] deserves to be completely abolished and replaced.”

I asked MEP Anderson for her response.

She said:

He [Trump] has been right on with so many things. I can't really intelligently speak about that [the comments about China] because I don't have that much of an insight as he does. But I absolutely agree. It's a globalist scheme. It has nothing to do with health. It's more about piling and lining the pockets of pharmaceutical companies.

Just think how many billions and billions of dollars they made on these despicable mRNA shots. So, yeah, he's probably right. Whether or not that has something to do with China. I wouldn't be surprised if it did. But I really don't know. I seriously do not know. But like I said, I wouldn't be surprised if it were the case.

Just think when this whole "pandemic" started, like in January, February 2020, I was stunned by how many democratically-elected leaders actually admired China and their approach to tackling the pandemic. I was like, seriously? This is where we want to go now? So, yeah, it [WHO in China’s control] might be true.

MEP Anderson is the real deal.

Christine was everything I imagined she would be in a one-on-one conversation, and it was a real honor and pleasure to be able to speak with her. If you would like to commend Christine Anderson for her efforts, please give her a follow on her various social media platforms:

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), Telegram, Youtube, Gettr, and Rumble.

My full interview with MEP Christine Anderson is available to watch in the video below:

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