Awesome...I'm already registered as independent because I see everything he does...and as far as I can tell, he's the most-honest and real candidate we have. At the moment, he has my vote, whether it matters or not (due to the scam voting system we have). I'm also still looking into whether he's the real deal, since the Kennedy's are part of the 13 Illuminati family bloodlines...and there are some red flags. The deception is massive and we have to be very careful and very diligent about not being misled. God help us.


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Freemasons are all over the world - most of Hollywood now - they are on the move. Somone needs to confront Kennedy on his involvement with freemasonry.


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Everyone who decides to stay in masonry needs serious judgment. The days of "not knowing" what you belong to and subscribe to are over. These lower level masons should know that their good-boy-club and good-works are the cover for a satanic upper-level agenda. If they choose to stay in it, and support the destruction of humanity and the rise of the AC, no mercy. Yes, I watched Altiyan Childs entire video. Shocking stuff -- sadly, most people won't turn off Netflix to learn the truth, or they'll just dismiss it as "conspiracy". Spiritual blindness is a real thing. God Bless Ken.

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too many red flags with the kennedy TROJAN HORSE

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Thank you. Wish Bobby defended Gaza more but it's a kiss of death to call out the apartheid, genocidal, mechanical slaughterhouse that Israel has done for 75 years to the Palestinians

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False flag psy-op? Is this a directed event to escalate it into WW3, by a pre-emptive strike on Iran so that the Islamic countries would erase Israel from the face of the earth?

One of the objectives of the globalists, as proven by the Holocaust or the Pfizer-haccine-caust targeted to Israel… considering Netanyahu signed the exclusive deal with Pfizer to cull Israel through the injection of the bioweapon🤔

Rep Ritchie: “the largest single-day mass murder of Jews since the Holocaust.”


Wrong! The largest mass murder of Jews since the Holocaust, single-day or not, is definitely the Pfizer-caust !!! Millions killed or handicapped with myocarditis, clots, turbo cancer...

How is it possible that Israel intel didn’t see that coming?

• In spite of border and sea blockade, smuggling and moving thousands of missiles into launch position…

• Hundreds of paragliders...

• Hundreds of fighters without repeal...

• No warning to civilians about the wall and air breach...

“At least 300 Hamas terrorists breached the border fence in multiple places completely unimpeded… infiltrated a significant number of dryland outposts as well as a naval infiltration point in Zikim. As we speak, Israel is actively engaged in combat in n 22 outposts. This is from the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) statement.

A year ago there was a military operation in Gaza to prepare for such events, and ongoingly there are trainings for these kinds of scenarios. This raises serious questions about Israeli intelligence.

Two years ago there was a successful deployment of underground barriers in with sensors - to alert terrorists breaches. Israel has one of the most advanced and high tech armies, how come there was zero response to the border and fence breaching?

I served in the IDF, 25 years ago in the intelligence forces. There’s no way, in my view, that Israel did not know what’s coming. A cat moving alongside the fence is triggering all forces. So this?

What happened to the “strongest army in the world”? How come border crossings were wide open?? Something is VERY WRONG HERE.”


“How did the iron dome fail in Israel and allow all those rockets through? How did so many Hamas soldiers get past the most militarized and protected border in the world to slaughter innocent civilians? Israel is incredibly advanced with some of the best military and surveillance technologies in the world.

Is there any chance this is like operation northwoods and the attack was orchestrated or allowed to justify an escalation of war? Could forces above both the US, Israel, and Palestine be manipulating them both for an agenda ahead of the elections?

There are levels and complexities to what's happening right now, and you all have to start thinking like they do with strategy and special interests in mind. You can't just immediately accept the narrative being spoonfed to you by governments, intelligence agencies, and MSM like it's the only objective truth that you accept without question.

Have none of you learned your lesson in the past few years with COVID?

THEY ALL LIE CONSTANTLY. All governments. All militaries. All news organizations. They all lie as a point of baseline policy and have worked in lockstep together throughout the entire pandemic psyop, but now that it involves war and conflict in Israel, we just forget all that and go back to believing them?”

I'm not falling for this charade again. I learned this lesson years ago investigating 9/11.”


Just in case you still don’t know about the truth of the false flag psy-op 9/11 and the lies of the narrative, watch amazing short and more evidence here:


Nothing condones killing innocent victims on either side. NOTHING! Yet, it's true that Israel denies a 2 state solution, backed by the vote of almost all nations in the world.

If you want peace you need to seek justice first.

Palestinians don't deserve Israeli occupation and slow-mo extermination. Don't get me wrong: nothing justifies terrorism.

Yet, we need to understand that severe injustice makes Palestinians claim that they are fighting for freedom not revenge! A 2 state solution would bring peace and leave Hamas without a narrative for terrorism! Why is Israel refusing peace? If Hamas doesn’t appear to be strong and very threatening, the Israeli government has a hard time keeping their support to oppress and kill Palestinians.

Please read:


According to UN documents, Palestinians have a right under international law to armed struggle against Israeli colonialism, just as South Africans did against apartheid. Gaza suffers under an Israeli blockade that even a British PM admitted is a "prison camp".


Please pray for the innocent victims on either side and for the end of the global digi-tatorship:


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While I agree with you on most of your POV, respectfully a two state solution would never work because most Palestinians will never accept anything less than all Israelis eradicated from Israel/Jerusalem.

Every time Israel has given up land for peace they have received the exact opposite.

Bill Koenig’s book: “Eye to Eye” gives excellent historical facts about that.

Secondly, the Palestinians & nobody else really cared about the land of Israel & few lived there when Britain annexed the land to them. (Yes a few who were antisemitic objected).

But after many Jews migrated back into the land & rebuilt it into a paradise & discovered a massive amount of natural gas, now everyone wants the land & many nations back terrorists to harass Israelis & Arabs & many others that have migrated to Israel from all over the world.

All that said, I do believe the WEF, UN, WHO & other elite tyrants are the ones really calling all the shots & have installed their evil puppets in the highest positions of power in most governments worldwide, and no coincidence that they are forcing globalization on almost all countries worldwide either?

If you believe the Bible then you know to look up because everything predicted about the End Times is shaping up exactly as predicted.

I pray for peace, Justice, love thy neighbor & a miracle from God to help us stop the elite tyrants.

Blessings to all. 🙏🏼

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Exactly right. There has never been a country called Palestine until the State of Israel was born and that was 20 years later when they magically claimed they had their "homeland" stolen. There is no Palestine. They are blood thirsty, murdering demonic Arabs. Gaza hit them. Gaza allowed the Jews to be paraded down the streets. So Israel gets vengeance? Israel has always shown you do not mess with them because you will pay. Good for them. These terrorists and all those who support them want to exterminate the Jews no differently than Hitler. What they have done over 4 days is pure demonic.

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'every time israel has given up land for peace' lol you were being sarcastic, right?


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Oct 10, 2023
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Wow. You are really steeped in the Jew hating propaganda. There is no such thing as a Palestinian. They are Arabs. There is no country ever called Palestine. Someone yesterday posted on Twitter a map claiming that it showed Palestine. It was a map of the tribal Israelite allotments of land from God and the Philestines to the West.

I guess when the attacks start happening in the West after Israel has had BABIES, CHILDREN, WOMEN and the ELDERLY were kidnapped, torture, murdered, paraded through the streets of Gaza while those blood thirsty savages cheered and spit on them is okay. You support, encourage, house and participate in terrorism to exterminate a race and then you get retaliation? Too bad. You slaughter innocent human beings like they are rats then you get what's coming to you.

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I don't agree 100% with your assessment of Israel, Gaza, the blockades, etc...although I do somewhat. But Israel vs Hamas isn't even relevant here, in my opinion, because I do think this is orchestrated by the ones above Israel, Palestine, US et al. It's one more step toward a global digi-tatorship, and G-d help the innocent victims in all of this, and may he open more people's eyes to what is really going on. And yes, the Pfizer-caust, sanctioned by Bibi himself, is the largest mass murder of Jews since the Holocaust.

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and the "6 million" was a huge LIE the ashkenazis pushed so they could infiltrate the world and silence all dissenters...

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It's impossible for the Palestinians to militarily or in any other way defeat Israel let alone the Diaspora that runs the western world. IMHO, the only rational thing to do is to surrender ALL Land and demand in return, full Israeli citizenship. Then they will have a better life and over time the demographics to overturn the apartheid regime. It might not be justice but it would save and improve the lives of the Palestinian people and even the Israelites.

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How do "Palestinians" do anything? They do not exist. The country has never existed until Arafat invented it. They are Arabs.

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Interesting idea but it is unlikely to happen when Netanyahu's father taught him the racism ingrained in his very being

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And what are YOU freaking doing? Look in the mirror, dear, and see the fingers pointing back at you.

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The globalists need a world war to cover up their COVID-19 genocide (and possibly to prevent Trump from winning in 2024).

Albert Pike's 1871 letter to Giuseppe Mazzini:


"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of the Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other."

The claim that the attack was a surprise is the biggest tell that this war was contrived by Israel. Indeed Netanyahu called it a "Pearl Harbor moment" referring to another false flag used to justify the US entry into World War Two. Is this war designed to touch off WW3?

Veterans of Israeli intelligence say there is no way this attack was a surprise. The Israelis have informers in Gaza. They monitor it electronically. They must have known this was coming and decided to sacrifice hundreds of Israelis for political ends. They did the same thing in 1973.

It's a cliche that politicians start wars to effect change. Netanyahu needed a war to unite a nation badly divided by his judicial reforms. The WEF/Rothschilds/Communists need a war to evade responsibility for the creeping COVID-19 genocide and to stop Trump in 2024. They also need a distraction from the fact that the banking system is bankrupt and broken, and the Ukraine war has been a debacle.

The worst-case scenario is that Israelis will overreact and arouse the anger of the Muslim world who would then intervene, and fulfill Albert Pike's prophecy.


We should distinguish between the policies of the right-wing Israeli government and the beliefs of individual Israelis who have no more control over their government than we do.

We have been fed a daily diet of Israeli abuse of the Palestinians - settlers burning olive orchards, snipers shooting children.

An Israeli mob just overran the Al Aqsa mosque.

I think most Israelis would adopt a two-state solution given the chance.

Israelis are being victimized again by their own government. Jews had to be tricked into invading Palestine by the Zionists who sponsored anti-Semitism and Hitler.

Jews never needed a "Jewish homeland." Antisemitism was caused by Organized Jewry. The people of the West needed national homelands that were/are being destroyed by Masonic Jewish globalism.

The best course would be for Israel to exercise restraint and compromise to save the hostages and avert a wider war.


Related - Was one of the most technologically advanced and genetically modified nations on the planet somehow unable to detect and prevent the various exceedingly crude Hamas attacks?


Kevin Barrett- Palestinians break out of world's largest concentration camp


First Comment from Edward Menez -

It is another "Pearl Harbor" as Jonathan Conricus, a former international spokesman for the Israeli Defense Forces said. The same phrase the Project For A New American Century used before the 9/11 attacks--that America needed "a new Pearl Harbor". It seems the phrase "Pearl Harbor" has now become synonymous in elite-speak with "false flag".

To me this is such obvious BS that it is maddening. We're supposed to believe Israel had no clue about the attacks?! Now Israel will obliterate Palestine and take over in the next few weeks. This is the beginning of their long-planned-for "Greater Israel" that will encompass all of Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan, and parts of Egypt, Turkey, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia.

I have no words for what a "Gulf of Tonkin" fake this was--how anyone can not see through this ridiculous theatre is beyond me.

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Thank you for this courageous post.

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Hate and lies are "courageous?" Wow.

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Bravo! Amazing points here!!

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He'll have a better shot after his inauguration.

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That was my weak point for him and he let me down, seems just like all other pocketed politicians on that issue.

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My feeling is it is a game and many cards need to be held close.

Some say he's not to be trusted. But I am also tired of the finger pointing and the division.

Thank you Fox for pulling out your favorite pieces.

Impassioned! ❤️

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And since there has nor ever will be a country called "Palestine" how are they Palestinians. They are Arabs. Period. And I guess the children who were beheaded or parents who hid or threw themselves over their children to save their lives while they were killed is okay, huh? You are just another Jew hating demon.

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but by not calling it out he exposes who he is...also he wants MORE LOCKDOWNS and he wants ISREAL to rule the world...

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God speed RFK

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Great speech....but, still believes in Democrat policies. Still a card carrying member of the climate cult that’s killing American energy driving prices up. Hard no, UNLESS he’d run as VP, set policy differences aside and join DJT in annihilating the 4th unelected, unaccountable branch of Government. Together, they know all the dark & dirty little DC secrets.

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Seems like Kennedy has bipartisan respect

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And maybe more importantly, bipartisan hate from the 'right' people.......

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These are all true but what is he going to do about it? Stop the hemorrhaging of fake money to Ukraine et al? Call out the farce of green energy? Start pumping oil? Reverse OBiden’s 30x30 plan to confiscate private land? Purge the military of obvious traitors? On and on. No evidence he’ll fix anything. A legacy Democrat. Never.

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Will vote for President Trump & John F. Kennedy, Jr. Period. President Trump is the best President Ever.

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Wondering who you mean by John F. Kennedy, Jr.? RFK Jr. is not interested in running with Trump. RFK, Jr. said he wants to be the one who makes the plans, not the one who follows someone else's agenda.

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I meant John F. Kennedy Jr. Yes, he is alive.

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JFK, Jr. is D.E.A.D. And Trump is R.E.D. Red or Blue, it's us they screw.

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My, my, my. Ignorance is bliss to you. You would not recognizer truth if it slapped your ass.

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OMG! What a farking Lunatic you are.

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Really nuttin changed in his four years and matter of fact , he folded line a cheap deck of cards under the Pharmaceuticalcartelism deep state keep hero worship it aint werkin

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Exactly. He created massive debt and failed miserably when it mattered most. AND he refuses to admit any wrongdoing. Phuck him.

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The laugh is on you!

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Sadly, you're just very, very uninformed and are being deceived. Please, I voted for Trump TWICE. Then I studied thousands of hours, to uncover the truth...which also led me to the sad truth about Trump. I get it, we like to believe in what we see on the surface, and want a top-down, seemingly heroic leader. Praying for you, and all others deceived by the theater, to wake up. God bless.

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Praying for you. You don’t know me, yet judge me. That is sad. God Bless You. End of Conversation.

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If you think that was judging you, then you also don't know what judgment is. I was stating the facts, based upon truths that you have yet to discover (therefore incorrect beliefs and assumptions on your part). If you believe Trump is the best president we've ever had and is fighting for America, you are incredibly, I mean stupendously uninformed and are therefore, yes, deceived. It is what it is. I say that caringly but the truth is harsh sometimes. Again, no judgment, only truth, care and blessings to you. Thank you, I could certainly use the prayers.

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I will pray for you.

Trump was asked to run for President by the Military.

For the last seven years he’s has been fighting for America and the world. I have read all of his executive orders. I have read the Law of War Manual. I have downloaded a Military Flight app. I am on Truth Social, Gab, subscribe to substacks, on Rumble, know how GITMO has been expanded. Know about the Military standing with him during his inauguration. Know about the watermarked ballots. Know how many assassination attempts on his life. Etc. Etc.

Yes, you are judging me and making assumptions about me. I am grateful for the US WhiteHats, the Global Military Alliance. The National Guards. The Veterans. President Trump. I am grateful for their families and all those who are dying for us, taking down the Deep State, The Corruption.

Take care.

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John F Kennedy was the best president after Eisenhower. Robert F Kennedy Jr is running for President. JFK Jr died in a plane crash mysteriously

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He’s got my vote

Is he perfect? No

Is he the best choice out there - and a pretty good choice? I do believe so

Go RFK Jr!

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A very powerful speech. I wish him well.

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RFK Jr. words are music to hear. God sped, protect all of the sovereign citizens of this country and take to heart to protect the aging and children in any conflicts to come. All together, none alone! Lets get this done.

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Does he stand for freedom of the right to keep and bear arms? I can’t vote for anyone that doesn’t support the entire constitution.

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He does.

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He does NOT. People - listen to him carefully. Bottom line: He does not support TAKING your guns, but he does support more restrictions on getting them. Re-read 2A. Then think about what "shall not be infringed" actually means.

This quote below from this link: https://bearingarms.com/tomknighton/2023/06/29/rfk-jr-gun-control-n7206 .

. . . . Further, he’s also offered support for more restrictions on gun purchases. Universal background checks, anyone?

Yeah, I get it. The Kennedy family has a history of gun violence. Kennedy’s father and uncle were both shot and killed by assassins. He’s got a reason to be skittish regarding firearms.

But my issue is that he’s talking out of both sides of his mouth. He’ll support restrictions on gun sales and assault weapon bans, but he doesn’t think that gun control will reduce gun violence in any meaningful way? Then why support the restrictions in the first place if you don’t believe they’ll do anything? . . . ?

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What i have heard from him, he sounds pragmatic on the issue, HOWEVER, in the last two days I wonder if I am seeing his true colors. This guy has a good talk and has the road mileage to prove a lot of it. The No Agenda guys have him dubbed "Bobby the Op".

2024 is loading up to be a most fucked up year.

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Trust only movement. Listen very carefully and watch what he DOES.

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That’s all dead center insightful. My personal preference is for Trump to empower RFK Jr. and Ramaswammy to help him slay the Deep State. This has already been one hell of a fight but, when you obliterate the DoInjustice, FBI, DHS (what a criminal farce)this is going to get vicious. Once rechartered the DoInjustice, FBI and DHS should "never again" be able to be harnessed AGAINST We the People.

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keep the Ramaswamy out..He can go back to his pharma biz. The man just showed up out of know where...He's trouble. don't be fooled by him!

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I hope

1) he means all that and

2) he has a lot better security than his deceased relatives

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Well I will officially be joining the independent party. I have been waiting for this and hoping.. The Democratic and Republican parties were set up in the beginning to do exactly what they are doing, but at least in the old days they play acted better LOL, now its pretty obvious to anyone with an open mind and who critically thinks anymore, and not operating on Bias and emotion which is a leash they put on you, so they can lead you around.. The Democratic and Republican parties are like opposite sides of a triangle, that lead to the same point.

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Saw a guy with a sign- We Deserve Better Pysops. Yup

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Terrific points there that we all need to hear. If put through even better. And the one to do it would be Bobby!

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He has my vote! And my family’s vote. It's the perfect way to vote for who we want and not via one of the two crooked political parties.

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