Feel the same way now. I no longer trust any of these vaccines after the shocking amount of fraud that has been perpetrated with the COVID vaccines.

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When I was a kid, way back, we had 5 doses of vaccines. That's all. Now kids are taking 70+ vaccine doses. That's insane. And to what end? I used to think anti-vaxxers were a bit eccentric, until I learned how much has changed since I was a kid. People use anti-vaxxer as a pejorative, that's a shame. I am now quite firmly anti-vaxxer. Add that to my tin foil hat and crazy cat lady pejoratives. I'm used to it.

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Lol, I am in the Tin foil hat grouo too...if you ask or listen to a few of my Adult children. They say it lovingly and chuckle but I do believe I am "over the top" but if you are part if this group, you understand. I used to try to explain with logic but now I tell them that some day soon they will be ASKING me fir that "tin foil hat" Knowledge 💖

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I identify as a coincidence theorist, and I'm not a fan of souled out "freemason" faggots.

At least I didn't say they're gay, right?

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Our truth telling "HIPPOCRATIC OATH HERO'S!" May God Bless and Protect them and their loved one's now and always. ZEV was and still is too. God rest his soul. Hope his family recieves the Nobel Prize he was nominated for someday soon.

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HCQ and IVM are peddled based on the same fraud to peddle vaccines, are associated with big pharma, based on the same BS pasteur methodology principles, unnecessary, toxic synthetic derivatives and part of that same agenda.

So I need to ask you, why should I respect Zelenko? I don't mean harm, but I can't respect that.

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Jul 14, 2022Edited
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Obviously I wouldn't use (any) vaccines either.

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You are free to believe that, I sure don't.

Would never use pharma synthetics based on pasteur methodologies' backwards principles, which I know worsen common issues, which are additionally peddled based on the fraud of covid, by the likes of Bayer and Merck.

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Good for Dr. McCullough! The public needs two things: to be educated on all things vaccine, and more healthful living, which I know is difficult because of the massive ongoing censorship, and a divorce from our sick care system and big pharma. I know that neither will happen...

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Excuse me, have you seen the pharma garbage (based on fraud) McCullough has tried to peddle?

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Sure, monoclonal antibodies (worthless toxic derivatives), his failure of addressing the fraud of covid, him saying (paraphrasing) "Oh I know if I use these untested pharmaceuticals it'll be helpful".

He's a souled out POS associated with peddling pharma garbage and he had better change his tune *real* quick.

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My father-in-law had 3 shots, Covid then monoclonal antibody infusion...dead 3 weeks later. His only Covid symptom was a bad cough...similar to the bronchitis he would get every year. His oxygen level steadily declined after the infusion. Doctor said he died of post Covid pulmonary fibrosis...how do you develop pulmonary fibrosis in four weeks. Monoclonal antibody infusion did something bad to his body...it is an EUA so untested and definitely not safe.

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I am sorry to hear about that Madison, my condolences.

But yes, avoid monoclonal antibodies, they are intermediary toxic products. Pharma tries to suggest damage is protection.

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BTW, I truly appreciate the information you gather and put out there. Thank you!

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my 89 year old healthy mother, who walks every day and still plays golf, has never taken any flu shot (and will never take this covid bioweapon shot!). Her motto is, "I don't doctor". Sound advice for all of us.

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The Depopulation Industrial Complex: FDA Licensed Vaccines Are Not Evaluated for Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment of Fertility

The truth is hidden in plain sight on the FDA website


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I have always taken my dogs for their annual rabies jabs. Now I am not so sure.

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Please, DON'T! I have been doing research on this the past 25 years. I realized as a Mother/ Grandmother and Registered Nurse many years ago when childhood vaccines went from 5 or 6 to 20 it was Wrong and Something was Fishy!! Started digging and STOPPED vaccinating. When I was required to get a Hep B "vaccine" and had a 3 day coma with life threatening fevers followed by a Diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis I KNEW in my heart of hearts it was from that damn shit even though I was "assured" it wasn't!!

Animals do not need them anymore than Humans for the same reasons. They have a wonderfully made body that IF the immune system "needed help" preventing disease the species would not have survived. The more medical "Science" advances the increase in illness, fatal disease and dependency in medications increases. Interestung how that works...

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No vaccines, none. Every vaccine is based on fraud and is toxic BS with no potential benefit whatsoever.

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Btw, I had a Catalonian/Portuguese sheepdog (+ some Labrador or something) from the streets living with me, he reached around 20/21 years of age. Kept him away from pharma.

A big reason why he didn't live longer is because he was killed and I wasn't good enough.

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And yet he will not think that the MMR shots are a huge part of causing autism. Watch vaxxed Dr!

These doctors need to wake up and realize that any vaccine has toxins, as preservatives and adjuvants. Directly injecting them into your body means they bypass your digestive system which would normally filter most of them out.

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And yet somehow, the rapidly developed Covid vaccine has an effective rate of over 91%? Who are they kidding?!?

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McCullough has been trying subversive garbage.

He even tried to peddle untested pharmaceuticals. I don't respect him, while he perpetuates what allows for covid, tries to market pharmaceutical garbage, I cannot respect him.

Yes, vaccines (all vaccines) should be abolished, but what's the peddling of vaccines and worthless pharmaceuticals based on? Coz McCullough has been trying to perpetuate that, GVB and such too, I cannot allow them and I determine that they are cretins.

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When did he say what? And what untested pharmaceuticals did he push? Can you give us the rundown on using the basic interrogatives on each of them?

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I went looking for the efficacy data for the PCV15 pneumaccocal vaccine, which replaces the PCV13, and found this. LMAO. There is none. "The lack of immune correlates of protection against pneumococcal disease in adults did not allow for use of a clinically relevant biomarker to assess potential efficacy of PCV15." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6605726/

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McCullough says that the PCV13 vaccine has an efficacy of 9%, but it is no longer recommended. Now it's the PDV15. Perhaps the low efficacy is the reason that the the PCV13 is no longer recommended.

"What are the major changes in the ACIP recommendations for pneumococcal vaccination of adults published by CDC on January 28, 2022?

Two new pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCV15 and PCV20) are now recommended as pneumococcal vaccination options for all adults age 65 and older and for adults age 19 through 64 with certain medical conditions or other risk factors for pneumococcal disease; ACIP no longer recommends PCV13 for adults. When PCV15 is used routinely, it should be used in series with PPSV23 given one year later."


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I went to Dr. McCullough's twitter page but could not find the data he cites on the efficacy of the pneumoccocal and flu vaccines. Does anyone have a link, please?

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A link to that 9% study would be much appreciated

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