Sep 11, 2022Liked by The Vigilant Fox

It does take a big man to own up to what he did. I chose not to get vaccinated. I haven't even tested for Covid and I won't. I'm 68 years young and I know when I'm sick and when I'm not. A conspiracy is no longer a conspiracy when the TRUTH emerges. The truth is now out about the death vaccines.

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It takes a big person to admit a mistake.

I'm not holding my breath for an apology from former employers, co-workers, friends and family.

Now that I'm permitted to flee tyranny, I'm getting OUT of Canada before Turdeau revokes my freedom of mobility, again, for exercising my constitutionally protected freedom of bodily autonomy.

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Do it. I left America for Asia, where.my poverty-level pension actually allows me a decent comfort level as uncivilization implodes..

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You're fortunate.

I don't have much $, and no pension, but I have skills which will (hopefully) allow me to survive.

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Peruse this YT Channel, for tips & tricks.


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You don't need the YT app or to use the search engine to find it., merely a link, which I provided.

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First of all, I'm glad that this apology has come out. I'm glad the people are starting to realize that they messed up and apologize for it.

But here's the cold part of my response: I don't want apologies. I want my career back. I want some introspection on the part of family and friends who have disowned me in the last 18 months to figure out why they got duped and how to avoid getting duped again. An apology is meaningless if there's no plan to figure out how to avoid repeating this. I'm not worried about being made whole for everything I've lost in the last 18 months, I just want a plan to make sure that it never happens again, to me or anyone else. Because right now, I still think the best thing I've ever done with my life is to not have kids. I cannot in good conscience bring new life into a world where we "other" the people we don't agree with 100% and then have genocides and then repeat it all again and not even realize it. I'm grateful that this person has taken the first step and put his apology out there, but this is just the first step. We need to figure out why people just blindly follow the government and never asked any questions or pushed back, and what do we need to do to make sure this doesn't happen again?

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Exactly. Here’s the simple and brutal answer. 50+ years of government schools, 50+ years of getting people to take crazy meds, 50+ years of Marxist infiltration into every corner of society (Lenin’s Long March) has led to this:

A population made up of mostly feeble minded, barely functional idiots, incapable of critical thinking or independent thought.

Sorry if that is harsh. The truth can be harsh. Now you know, if you didn’t already. Based on your writing, I think you knew.

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Yeah, I knew it, but you stated it better than I could. This is why I'm not holding my breath for any real change despite any apologies that might come out.

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While there may not be real concrete, everlasting, change. It's good to hear something good every now and then. The US government, and all the other globalist beasts, are trying their damnedest to create a slave society.

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I knew you knew. LOL. As to the rest of it, sadly, exactly.

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I respect your decision & hate that you even needed to weigh all that up & reach “no”.

Furthermore, if it would otherwise have been your sincere wish to bring children into the world, I hope you get a chance to try. That’s what I’m fighting for. I have had a good life & I’m unafraid of death (dying, another matter & I’m with Woody Allen in this).

But to leave this world with my tiny grandchildren en route to a life eating crickets, too tragic.

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i feel the same way about it.

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Here, here!!!

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I had my tubes CUT TIED AND BURNED


I was 18

Last year of high school. LEGAL


My grandmother said that as well, as she

lived post 1917 Russian revolution!!

WHY DON’T people ADOPT the ZILLIONS OF KIDS in sex slave shitholes and the other unwanted ones???


I KNOW the answers.......

Re a Ly ???

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🤔... mmmk. I think it's gross you re describing things in the way you are😆...ya...saying tubes and burning etc...

Still sound like you re not too bright also. Same as at 18😃💯

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What does this have to do with vaccines?

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I think old Randall there is a troll. Usually I don’t feed the trolls. But every now and then I can’t help it.

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I could agree with Randy being a "troll". It was a weird post.

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Ya. Not that many trolls on ST. Thankfully.

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Sep 11, 2022Liked by The Vigilant Fox

I am so terribly sorry for all of you that were misled and have got jabbed. I truly hope wholeheartedly that you are safe.

I hope that we all find a way to respectfully reconnect and help eachother recover from the trauma that has been forced on both, the unvaxed as well as the vaxed.

If we all can find a way to recognise that we were all victimised, we can reach out to each other and slowly start our own healing process

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That's the 2nd apology I have seen from the vaccinated. One was fr Australia although it could not be confirmed.

More and more are waking up. And I heard only 16% are now going to vote for Biden. 😁😁

But he could do a lot of damage by then.

The Americans are asking for multi-parties like here in the UK.

Good work again mate. Well done

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No Party’s we only need a small government

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You had better wake the hell up if you think we vote or have...EVER ...😅😃..ridiculous. This delusional crap is why we re in the place we are in this world.

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I'm not sure if everyone has misunderstood my comment. I was simply saying what was on a poll. I don't vote

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That's good ...whole pos system needs to be eradicated.

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I am from Western Europe also and a multi party system has some severe drawbacks too. There are pluses and minuses everywhere.

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All parties in the UK are the same. Out for themselves. The rich are always looking for more money at any cost

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Good on this fella for his heartfelt apology. I'm one of those who never got the jab, or the "testing". This all seemed very surreal given the Fedgov, state & local govs were all pulling our chain about getting the vac, and it seemed odd that EVERYONE had to get the jab. Sounded a lot to me as if they were trying to de-populate. Covid was a dud because with all the "gain of function" applied to it, the bug still wasn't killing enough, so they went to plan B for the "vaccine" to do the killing. It worked and what we're seeing now is "Sudden Adult Death Syndrome" (what a bullshit phrase). Never seen anything like this since the polio vaccine when I was a tot.

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Children who die from SIDS are really dying from the DPT shots they get. My youngest son suffered from brain damage and lived just barely for 29 years with daily seizures. They started 2 days after the second series of vaccines when he was 9 months old. They had been slowly depopulating us useless eaters for years.

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So very sorry to hear about your tragedy, Constance. Good of you to stand by your son through all of this.

Thought you might also be interested in this unexpected *benefit* from the lockdowns: SIDS cases *dropped* significantly when the little ones missed their "well baby" visits!

> https://www.lewrockwell.com/2020/08/joseph-mercola/striking-decline-of-premature-births-and-sids-during-covid/

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Thank you so much for sharing this information. I really appreciate your support.

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I think you're absolutely correct, Constance. I have a grandson who is in the Autism spectrum and it's out belief he had a negative reaction to the DPT shots. Doctors try to bully you into taking vaccines and we all should resist.

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Thank you for your kind words. I understand what you're going through. My grandson has autism as well. My youngest son died last year. I'm so very angry at the doctors and Big Pharma. We searched for answers for years and the only one that said anything close was our Pediatrician and he has a nephew with Autism. May God give you and your family many blessings.

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And you as well, Constance!

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Have either of you looked into the detox options for autism? I've read that some parents are seeing great improvements by reducing the total toxin load . . . .

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Thanks for your comment. We've tried about everything and he is improving and is slowly becoming "verbal". Can you be more specific on the "detox" regarding what is involved? We're open to whatever can work.

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🥲💜💫💜🙏 thank you. They need to know this...by they I mean anyone who currently does not hold this knowledge.

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LOVE IS ACTUALLY UNCOMPROMISING when you really think about this...

OUR behaviors SHOULD BE each other’s BEST interests, so when you THINK ERRONEOUSLY, that you ARE SAVING your neighbors, in THIS CASE YOU’RE ALL DYING by the DAMNED SOB’S who CREATED the PLAN!!!



I would LOVE to HEAR HOW this wonderful Gentleman REALIZED the TRUTH. EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!!!

Thank You so much !!!

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I guess some of us don't realize just how bad it's been for others. I'm in rural Missouri and we did none of the crazy shit here. Our lockdown was 3 weeks in early Spring 2020. By late Spring it got sweaty under the masks so most everyone tossed them. Some of us never wore them. By Fall, the kids went back to school as usual, no masks, no distancing. My wife works at a nursing home and is unvaXXXed. The manager/admin accepted every religious exemption even when he knew the person wasn't all that religious. People are independent here and we trust observation more than the 'experts' or msm who loathe us flyover state people.

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Hey there... I'm Missourian too... Pretty much the same in my neck of nowhere. No one here gave two flips

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It was the exact opposite in Cali.

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Yes, understand that spirit of independence - a good thing. But when something is as powerful and ascendant as the rise of global fascism - shown in the forceful, impotent reactions to Covid we all recognised as ridiculous - we need to pay attention as Americans. Worrying about wearing a mask or maintaining social distancing will be the least of our concerns.

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Sep 11, 2022·edited Sep 12, 2022Liked by The Vigilant Fox

His apology means a ton. Many of us lost our jobs for standing fast. I lost two personally. This means a lot. I warned so many people and they all mocked us. United we stand, divided we fall. There are more of us than them, and it's now time we all stand together. I wish I could have gotten the word out to more before they were harmed by these toxic jabs.

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Accept the apologies of those who are sincere. We need as many people on our side as possible. We have to prevent this from ever happening again, and it hasn't even stopped happening yet. Politicians, public health officials and people in management/HR who have violated Nuremberg need to be held accountable for their crimes before we can even consider whether or not any of them should ever be forgiven (children are dead, families are wiped out, life savings erased, suicide, cancer, drug/alcohol/spousal/child abuse) they had a hand in all of it. For the average useful idiot who wants to atone and help fight this evil, we should extend the olive branch and welcome them to the battle.

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This was mine. Coming out for the unvaccinated. And publicly. And I've lost friends, colleagues for this position. But it's how i saw the evil and I wouldn't stand by quiet. And I cried trying to do this for you the un bleeped. https://youtu.be/Jy0EHlEkLHw

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Well done

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Thank you. I've never looked back and never stopped trying.

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Thanks Lisa.

You're a woman with a strong sense of "right and wrong".

I bet your clients appreciate you, as do I.

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Sep 11, 2022·edited Sep 11, 2022Liked by The Vigilant Fox

Very appreciated share. Thanks Vigilant Fox. I spent 3 weeks virually in Canada. Supporting All. Dr A, Dr H ect. Saw Mr K get his Canupa ~ Peace Pipe from my Native Relatives. Saw the Bouncy Castles and the awesome techno street dances. Saw All the Love and Peacefully Unity. Saw the horrors too. Un id'd infilrators and human hurters. Saw the weather -16 F and the boarder crowds and the Cowboys and the beautiful children. It was a sight to behold. Best of All It brought the Whole World Together.

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#holdtheline 🇨🇦

#truckfraudeau 🚛

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Get it??? INTERNALIZE IT !!!




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Apology accepted. We need to dethrone the fascists in power who did this. Find #PlanB with my name and call your Senator and Congressional rep. I intend to fund independent scientists and doctors at independent institutions across our nations and get science back on track.

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Well... Commies will Commie! That's who really needs to apologize!! But... they NEVER will!!!

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Procecute them... nobody cares for bullpucky apologies

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not many things more beautiful than a sincere apology.

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This is a good thing to share. We must be willing to forgive and forget as many will discover they made a mistake. Of course none of us unvaccinated have ever made a mistake? Yes, it is a terrible thing that has happened but we need to be the light and not add to the darkness.

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I really think the establishment over played their hand and it will come back to haunt them. This has a lot to do with misunderstanding the actual dangers of COVID, the jackass decisions to combat it and the complete lack of critical analysis of the vaccines, which no doubt were designed using info fed to big pharma by the CDC and/or FDA. Their coverup is so paper thin as to be laughable.

Everyone who counted on and trusted in these agencies and companies (at least those not profiting from them) have been disappointed time and time again. A lot of the covidians are starting to change jerseys.

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Got another eye-opener for ya.

Covid was never a real thing. It never existed. They made the whole thing up.

Know what people were getting sick from? Colds and flu.

The same flus that routinely come around every year. No different. Just another flu strain.

Did you notice that when covid popped up, records of the flu seemed to 100% disappear, like magic? Flu just wasn't a thing for 2 whole years!

Amazing, isn't it??

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