Oct 28, 2022Liked by The Vigilant Fox

The suppression of HCQ in March 2020 was my first indication that I should ask A LOT of questions before getting a covid vaccine. Glad I asked those questions. Prior to 2020 I got every vaccine that I was offered. I look at my vaccine injured friends and think, "There, but for the grace of God, go I."

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My first clue about the safety of the jab was when it was pushed down out throats by Big Pharma and the governments. Never never before had ANY jab been pushed this way! Then we know its all about money and not about health!

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We knew way before that. In March when the whole world was screaming foul.. but who in the world? Despots and media stations. Anything they say in force is a lie. The whole thing was easy to spot.

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The biggest lie is a pandemic itself. There was no pandemic. It was a PSYOP planned decades in advance. Fake virus, fake tests, real mass murder via lockdowns and nano bioweapon jabs

A Pandemic of Deceit


SHOCKING - Here is What Really is in the Vaccines

Evidence presented by La Quinta Columna shows forced Trans-humanization of society is happening now.


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Exactly. There was NEVER any pandemic. The data have proven that. The proof is that they would not define "pandemic" and how it was measured.

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You misdirect and can't answer my questions, troll.

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Know that I've been reading FULL-TIME since 1 Jan 2020 - yes, nearly 3 years ago - and I've debated and encountered people of your ilk. So,. don't try lame tricks and projections on me unless you can come up with your own. Talking of your own, one of their tricks to mask their colours until they engage in debates.

Do you think I take what you, or any one else, say at face value? What? Am I a dem voter? Did you read what your HRC said about your lot? She said, I paraphrase, that you lot are very low IQ and are easy to manipulate. For once, your HRC was truthful and correct.

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Were there hundreds of thousands of deaths in the US FROM covid? Yes.

Were deaths in the 85+ y.o. group "pulled forward" in 2020? Yes.

Was there transmission of covid from travelers? Yes.

Is your assertion reasonable? No.

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1. How often did you vote for bidenxi in 2020?

2. What did you loot from the Capitol on that J6?

3. How are you liking the higher prices and shortages? (Remember that Putin,Trump and climate change are only 95% responsible!)

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1. I voted for Trump and his Operation Warped Greed. Now I bid No Trump.

2. What is the price of tea in China? How are your investments in China doing?

3. 200,000 Americans weren't too keen on your choice. They won't vote for Trump next election. Because they are dead from Trump's clotshots.

How is you qAnon source?

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1.When something looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck - then it is a DONKEY!

2. Don't drink tea. Ask your big man bidenxi

3. See 1 above.

qAnon was a punk that came from your people.

You are working too hard - at Dominion and donkeying votes in your spare time, you don't have much time for sleep. Lack of sleep idles your brain!

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This needs to be repeated over and over and over again.

This is THE single biggest lie as Lioness states and it is vitally important to challenge every time it is stated as it is this lie that covers up the mass medical murders which occurred in March/April 2020 and served as the catalyst for all of the draconian polices of the Biosecurity State.

There are many, in fact I would say the majotiy of, Covid sceptics which give credence to this lie. The likes of Malone, Kirsch, RFK, Mikovits, McCullough, Bhattacharya, Rose, Risch, Kulldorff, Kory, Cole all repeat this rubbish and cannot back it up with evidence. That is a huge problem that needs to be corrected.

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Only morons fall for his lies.

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Is the CIA paying you to make vax skeptics look like cranks, or are you just a useful idiot?

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'Useful Idiot" - a person who is eating up lies by controlled opposition instead of researching publicly available studies and patents, and unable to express his evidence free opinion without being rude. Your troll like behavior speaks volumes. Have a nice day

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Unlike you, I actually sift data. You throw out baby with bathwater. Rat poison is 99% healthy food, but you would say that the food is poison.

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"Unlike you, I actually sift data...."

LOL. Did you mean to say "shite"? LOL

You don't need to know no data to donkey votes, comrade!

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I think it is you who are getting paid to sow confusion. You also can't do basic logic and avoid evidence at all costs.

The controlled opposition argument would be SUPPORTED MUCH BETTER by the Lab Leak Theory as it maintains the Covid Narrative as a deadly pathogen for which draconian measures including the suspension of basic civil liberties were "necessary." It maintains the notion the "novel" virus was "unprecedented" and therefore a "New Normal" raft of invasive policies would be justified (like mandatory vaccines, vaccine passports, condemnation of using cash, the systematic attack on free speech in the form stopping "misinformation", truly unprecedented censorship, the roll out of CBDC's, I could go on.

However, if there was no pandemic, no evidence for a virus, what do we do then? Well, we'd have to hold our government, our health regulatory agencies and our Media to account. The whole system would collapse as the corrupt house of cards it is. So, no, the Lab Leak Theory keeps the whole charade alive and well.

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Ok, Barry. Be sure to finish your scan of CDC emails.

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Hogan. you are no hero. However, it is fun to have libs like you here to serve as punching bags.

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Ok, deep state troll.

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Didn't you say "Unlike you, I actually sift data...." So, do you have "data" to support your accusation?

btw, what do you think of my handle, donkey Hogan?

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Alas, Dr Harvey is another brave doctor who had to quit his academic job. Since he had tenure, the pressure and atmosphere must have been insufferable for him to quit.

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Sharing information on hydroxychloroquine was the first time I was censored. I was not thrown in fb jail or banned, my video just would not post. So I figured ways around the censoring. Sharing images instead of text. rotating or inverting images, putting links in comments, placing spaces or characters in text l.i.k.e t.h.i.s or l i k e t h i s . The only way I got howbadismybatch.com not to get censored in Y T comments was spelling it backwards. Maybe pig latin next. I haven't tried. Then there's the old-fashioned way of texting, calling, or meeting up for coffee or lunch. Where there is a will, there is a way.

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Everyone who died from...


2. Delayed treatment for other issues

3. Withheld COVID treatments

4. mRNA Injections

5. Suicide

6. Other

...was murdered by these liars.

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I love and appreciate these brave doctors that are Standing Tall! And I love the people that bring us their information:)

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And again, HCQ had to be suppressed to allow an EUA to be granted to the untested mRNA concoctions that, as with the French rebranding of HCQ in 2019, was quite likely in planning prior to the pandemic's official declaration.

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An article published in Off Guardian today pretty much blows the door off the pandemic narrative. The level of sourcing in this article is extremely thorough.

I challenge anyone to read this piece, and the multiple embedded links which cover virtually all aspects of the fraud, and contend there was a pandemic.

Covid-19: A Universe of Questions In a Time of Universal Deceit:


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Thank you! Well worth a read

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Also, people were FIGHTING the hospitals to give HCQ to their loved ones!

So what was the CDC even observing?

They weren’t administering HCQ!

I’m guessing all the CDC had on this (which The Lancet published and had to retract) was the fake, phony and false conclusions they reached when the VA, in desperation, gave HCQ to already-dying patients.

Yet we know it was too late.

It has to be taken as soon as symptoms arise.

G I T M O !

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HCQ was administered in VA settings in tests designed to fail. They gave higher than recommended doses to patients in end stage COVID and also alone instead of part of an array of drugs as recommended in the suppressed protocols.

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Oh, that’s right...

the toxic doses.

I forgot about that part.

Thanks for adding that in, friend.

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HCQ only works in outpatients to prevent progression.

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Absolutely physically jail them try them and seize all assets. We can right this and rid the people of the poison snakes. Making sure that no one steps in to take their place. Eradicate these criminals

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The "pandemic" was invented by some very evil, NWO people who want to end America and kill a great number of us, to be replaced by all the illegals. Millions have needlessly died as a result of the clot-shot and the bioweapon. This is serious....time to wake up!

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I've never gotten why Bill Gates thinks he's some sort of authority on anything medical or health related. Of course rumors of nanotech that self-assembles post clot shot makes me question his role in all this, since his knowledge of software and hardware is considerable.

And all this is wrapped with a bow from the WEF and that bastard Schwab.

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An EXTRAORDINARY good news !!

The Consortium Imposing the Growing Censorship Regime -- and Our New Live, Prime-Time Rumble Program – Glenn Greenwald - Oct. 28, 2022

We are launching a new live, one-hour, prime-time news broadcast. Armed with cable-sized budgets, it will be part of a network that Russell Brand has already debuted.


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Bravo !! IF indeed Ivermectin works as more and more reports confirm AND

• we have 900,000 thousand deaths and thousands of lung transplants AND

• Ivermectin (used for more than 1 billion times for other purposes, is harmless in correct dose and inventor received Nobel prize for it) AND

• is VERY inexpensive BUT can't be easily obtained -- THAN

WHO is responsible for a CRIME of a CENTURY???

PS: Ivermectin pill for human consumption costs less than 50 cents. What are possible negative effects of its use -- mortality rate, for example?

Or was it ALL really a protection of either

-- drug industry (really crime organizations) or

-- of US population control – by SAME lying War-party team (CIA, FBI, Obama, Hillary, Biden) that has concocted the Russia-gate hoax and organized 2014 coup in Ukraine (and Georgia) and more recently failed, thanks heavens, coups in Belarus and Kazakhstan?

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To me, the biggest lie was that we are all at risk, and all at *equal* risk, from a deadly new virus that does not discriminate ("even healthy, young people are dying of COVID"). That was demonstrably untrue from the get-go, but it is the basis for every universal mandate: social distancing, stay-at-home orders, isolation of infected and exposed individuals, masking, and vaccination. It's the third of the equipotent lies about the COVID vaccines: that they are safe, effective, and necessary. They are none of those things, the last in particular.

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2nd biggest lie was also put out by the FDA and is demarcated by '_':

"_Hospitalized patients were likely to have greater prospect of benefit (compared to ambulatory patients with mild illness)_ and could be more closely monitored for potential toxicity, although it was recognized that enrollment in a clinical trial would be the best option when using these drugs so that data on safety and effectiveness could be obtained."

The purpose of HCQ was to prevent progression, which means that treatment with HCQ must be given before hospitalization.


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The topic of the mass murders must be discussed over and over again.

I pray every night for a spotlight to continue to expose all their many crimes, so that the many criminal institutions -- FDA, CDC, NIH, NIAID, Pfizer, Moderna, the Gates Foundation and their bought-and-paid-for media companies -- as well as the individual criminals -- Bourla, Bancel, Baric, Birx, Collins, Gates, Walensky, to name just a few of the serial killers, and last but not least Dr. Anthony "Gain of Function" Mengele Fauci himself-- may be brought to justice eventually ... and so the people of the world may know that early treatment with HCQ and IVM was always the correct approach to defeat the bioweapon.

The 5 minute video interview with Dr. Harvey Risch stands as an accurate, eloquent summary of the lies propagated to smear early HCQ treatment ... The many liars who were involved in this smear are guilty of the mass murder of hundreds of thousands of innocent people worldwide ... and deserve to be prosecuted.

Thank you, Vigilant Fox, and Dr. Harvey Risch, for this most EXCELLENT substack post!

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Fauci's should have known HCQ works against SARS-COV-1.

August 22, 2005, Fauci publishes article on "Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread." It's in the "Virology Journal". That's why Democrat governors, and only Democrat governors, banned HCQ to treat SARS-COV-2.

Here is the study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16115318/ and https://archive.ph/KHLFR Since Fauci is the director of NIAID, part of the NIH, he should have known about this study.

Citation: Vincent MJ, Bergeron E, Benjannet S, Erickson BR, Rollin PE, Ksiazek TG, Seidah NG, Nichol ST. Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread. Virol J. 2005 Aug 22;2:69. doi: 10.1186/1743-422X-2-69. PMID: 16115318; PMCID: PMC1232869. One scientist in this study was associated with the CDC.

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