Thank you very much. For those of us who do not have bank account still, smart phones to make payments or subscriptions, no cip id , biometric password or certificates even they urge here also this technology it is a help to have access and diseminate your work, thoughts and insights from Western front battle field. Thank you again. I have to make a correction- we are not children that can not afford all of these- we are orthodox first and try sometimes even exagerating to oppose and fight New Digital Mark Sistem. Soon they will impose to us only digital even here in an orthodox country, they pushed ,,vaccines,, on 42 % we fought and stop them on Covid Work Certificate..we will see. So we do not accept and do not receive all this new imposed soul reapers. Lord Mercy on all, stay ferm, forgive all, love your enemy but stay ferm with a clean heart and a wise mind in front of all this last times wickedness. Come all if you can to Lord, we invite whoever search to orthodoxy. Lawrence Romania
Using this reasoning we should all do exactly what the consensus experts tell us to do. I believe this is the "Appeal to Authority" fallacy.
There are worse arguments such as "the unjabbed don't regret their decision" (yeah, because if they did they'd get jabbed) or the "prove me wrong" to an impossible proposition (so it's my job to prove something that is purely fantastical? How about you disprove it while I have a nap?).
Bill Gates should be barred from buying US farmland and forced to sell what he has.
ChiComs shouldn't just be barred from owning farms, they should be barred from owning *any* US real estate. Not just ChiComs. *Any* foreign nationals. "Domestic" mutual funds like Blackrock & Vanguard too. And funds should be barred from voting the shares underlying mutual funds (why so many corporations went "woke").
The "Libertarian" anything-goes agenda is national suicide. They claim to be for free markets & property rights, but their "laissez faire" immigration, 1-way "free trade" & pro-oligopoly polices yield:
*Massive redistribution of voting control & wealth -- globalism, socialism
*Miserable rat race/sardine can quality of life
*Destruction of liberty, security, dignity, freedom of movement (gridlock), culture
*Darwinian cost of living-housing-food, homelessness
*Destruction of jobs, industries and real median income
*Big Pharma tyranny
And that's just Libertarian-Light as practiced by "Libertarian" RINOs & corrupt GOP establishment beltway types. Full "Libertarianism" is vastly worse. Imagine no numerical limits on legal immigration:
"Welcome to the [Former] USA. Population 3 BILLION." LOLibertarian nirvana!
The Federal Trade Commission & "Antitrust" Divn of the DO"J" are infested with LOLibertarians & businesswhore RINOs. That's why Microsoft wasn't broken up & Bill Gates can buy all that land and conspire to inject us all with deadly "vaccines". Also why other tyrannical big tech & social media oligopolies get to abuse market power to censor & cancel, virtually never broken up anymore.
Bill Gates, George Soros, Bloomberg,Fauci,Collins,Birx,Grady,Milley,Blinken,Avril Haines,Haspel,Comey,Mueller,Kissinger,Barr,Rosenstein,Fink,Garland,Clapper,Wray,Brennan,Baker,Zuckerberg,Biden,Graham,Cheney,Bush,Kramer,Podesta,Hillary,,Pelosi,Romney,Mitch,Zients,Pienka,Bright,Wallensky,Woodward,Bernstein,Paul Ryan, Newsome,Nuland,Kerry,Podesta,Petraeus,Hotez,Azar,Gottlieb,Rice,McCaul,Cotton,Omar,Tlaib… should be exiled from the U.S,
My additions: Gen Kelly, Gen Mattis, Rex Tillerson, AZ ex-Gov Doug Ducey, AZ ex-AG Mike Brnovich, GA Gov Brian Kemp, GA SecState Ratburger, Pierre Delecto, every "Republican" who voted to certify The Big Steal on 1/6, every "Republican" who voted for secret ballot and then voted to put Mitch McConnell back in leadership, every delegate who reelected Ronna Delecto-Romney, John Bolton, Mike Pompeo, Mike Pence, Elise Stefanik, Kevin McCarthy, Nikki Haley, too many more to remember. The traitors in our own tent are more destructive than the open enemies outside.
They are despicable! I also believe Mitch pushed SCOTUS to take the Mississippi abortion bill, not to rule on Dobbs, which was not extreme and would have garnered fleeting attention, but to overturn Roe for the purpose of sabotaging the midterms. Then blame it on “ bad candidates”. Meaning any candidate endorsed by Trump. He knew damn well they would campaign on extreme abortion restrictions that would make them unelectable for many who were leaning R or on the fence. Otherwise, he’d have warned against running on such an unpopular, polarizing issue. He’d kill two birds with one stone. Take out Trump and his better policies that benefitted the middle class and working poor…. Which limited the pocket lining grifting UniParty Kleptocorporate multinational donor ownership, I.e. military industrial complex, Pharma, big tech, deep state globalist NWO… and Mitch & Co would remain in power as the minority party. That way, they could continue feigning opposition and shaking hands behind the curtains. When pressured by their constituents, Mitch & Co can use the cover “ We can’t do anything because we’re not the majority”. Bottom line, they can’t govern when given the majority. Trump won the Presidenct, House and Senste and they sabotaged his every move. Thwarted him.
I don’t want Trump in 2024z. He needs to go away. He’s far too damaged and now, toxic and ruinous. But it did not have to be this way and unfortunately, Trump shoulders much of the blame.
You nailed it. John Obamacare Roberts & Trump's 3 unvetted LOLibertarian Fed Soc nominees could've delayed the decision until after the midterms, but they helped Mitch sabotage them. Same "justices" joined the communist wing to subvert the Republic and deny "standing" to Texas et al's challenge to The Big Steal. The only loyal Americans on the court are Thomas & Alito.
I agree on Trump. I was a Trump donor-volunteer since 2015. He raised key issues, then Pfucked them up too many times. Besides 100s of treasonous unvetted nominees, hires & endorsements...
The designer virus ChiCom attack wasn't his fault, but he babble-bungled right into the trap. Being a narcissist, he couldn't say "we're taking that very seriously, the CDC & top medical professionals are looking into it, and we'll have more information soon". Instead he lied about it being no big deal, "to avoid panicking the public", bragged that it was under control.
He let traitor Pence head the task force & load it with assholes. Instead of overriding Pence to add good scientists to the task force, he mugged for camera time, played Dr & babbled about HCQ, enabling its immediate demonization. Then whored out to Big Pharma.
Jump started inflation with his bailout that paid folks more not to work than work. Idiocy. Usually inflation is "more money chasing the same goods & services. This was a double whammy: "More money chasing *fewer* goods & services", forever, creating tens of millions of new loafers. Even Lindsey Graham said it would be a disaster & should be fixed before passage. Trump told everyone to shut up & vote for it, viciously attacked Massie for demanding a record vote.
Being extremely overconfident prior to covid, turned out he'd done nothing about the vote fraud despite the extensive theft in 2016. Unlike Bush in 2000 Trump wasn't remotely ready for a legal challenge. Panicked the last few months, hired the B team, Giuliani & "The Kraken". Stupid GA SecState phone stunt. Bungled right into the FBI's Jan 6 agent provocateur trap with another stupid Trump-worship narcissist rally, in the capitol, without first discrediting "pro-Trump" Q-Anon & other psyops. His arrogant narcissism destroyed 100s of lives & families for ever. Didn't even have the decency to pardon them on the way out, or Snowden & Assange, though without Wikileaks he never would've been president. Part of the problem was babbling about how he was thinking about pardoning Snowden & Assange instead of just doing it. The heads up enabled Mitch & Co to threaten to convict on impeachment if he did it. Typical Trump babble-telegraphing. But he wasn't too busy to pardon celebrities, bank robbers & drug dealers. It's all about loyalty to Trump, never the reverse.
He endorsed Oz, an anti-gun dual-citizen vax-pimp child-sex-change groomer. Pimped the Johnson & Johnson family at an Oz rally. Still lies about "Safe & Effective".
I'd go for DeSantis/Someone. Unlike Trump, DeSantis ACTS, then talks, coherently. Even has a covid fraud grand jury going. I don't trust Tulsi's Road to Damascus conversion, or her concern face. She's for real on wars, but I think she's just saying what conservatives want to hear on the other issues to be a viable Trump pick. FoxNews is owned by globalists. They aided The Big Steal. Even Tucker was in on it, muzzling Trump's election attorneys, which he never did to leftists. The Fox spin is there was no decisive vote fraud in 2022. They took a big hit in viewership for that. They can't afford to have Tucker repeat that spin or they'd lose the rest of their audience to OAN, Newsmax etc. If that issue is discussed, they have Tulsi do it, and she tows the "no decisive fraud" line.
I can’t stand the sight or sound of him anymore. He is so toxic at this point that he will forfeit America ( or whatever the hell is remaining) to “ get even” with his perceived disloyalists. Regardless of his role in the destruction. Especially the very avoidable , self-inflicted damage. I really hoped he’d act as an independent pragmatist that would ditch the stale ideological constraints and obsolete Conservative homogeny and “ Gold Standard”requisite and use his NY “ shrewdness” to appeal to Americans who weren’t crazy, but sick of failed policy and the divide created by both parties. I really believed he’d expose the UniParty and get rid of the extremes of both parties , immediately cleaning house from the inside out. Instead, he overfilled the Swamp, fortified the extremists and preemptively alienated anybody who could become an ally… including his former friends across the aisle. And continued the attacks, expanding them to his own party, but seemingly singling out those who were not working against him, but didn’t cheer his policies in lockstep agreement on every issue.
The idiotic tweets replete with exclamation points, puerile nicknames and insults, doubling down on the most offensive. And then it became pandering solely to the Evangelical fundamentalist religious right, ignoring everybody else who voted for him believing he would be inclusive and representative of all decent Americans who hoped for a broad, welcoming umbrella, minus the crazy. He chose to act as the craziest and now we have no representation . And we cannot even talk to each other.Obama created the divide by using the Communist propaganda of separating by race and , tribe and socio-economic blame stoking. Trump made it about blaming every consequence of his own poor judgement and lack of impulse control on everybody but himself.And now we have a decomposing, artificially breathing corrupt puppet doing the bidding of humanity’s worst
An unexpected bipartisan/Independent leaning ticket. Two strong, honest, younger players without baggage that can take the hits and hit back without resorting to puerile, partisan crap. Maybe DeSantis/ Gabbard. They’ve definitely become the outsiders and aren’t afraid of the pack- left , right or UniParty. Neither support interventions, are honest and pragmatic, good messengers, put our citizens and children first, have been accused of everything under the sun and have a weird crossover appeal. Both have openly called out the WEF and DeSantis has taken action. They’re smart. DeSantis wouldn’t have to answer to the “ Party”. Tulsi no longer answers to the party. DeSantis works with the Dems in Fl. I’m a Miami native, Independent and no matter the screaming, accusations and bitching from the mockingbird left and miserable Establishment and too far right, life here is awesome! He took on the Covidians and he’s making Trump even more unacceptable. He chose Dr. Joseph Ladapo, a Nigerian born black Dem as Surgeon General- the best choice any of the shitheels, left or right would even dare consider. Ladapo is brilliant, kind, incredibly strong yet kind. One afternoon, during the midst of Covid hysteria, lockdowns, mask mandates, forced gene therapy jabs, testing destroying the human spirit globally, I was driving around and the city was bustling. Shops were open, restaurants, people laughing… I called my husband, expressing how bizarre it was to live normally . Can you imagine? That “ normal” was “bizarre”? How we had ceded what we always timed for granted without question? My husband said,” That’s because we( Floridians) are now living in a bubble. Thank God for that bubble!
And then I saw the school curriculum, tests and hideous propaganda our kids were being fed. Seeing was believing.
Remove the comfort, food, power, let them survive how they planned for us, they destroy everything with Military Complex Genocide of our planet and weather. Go to their bunker, we have Mad Max life.
Is this a term paper your quoting, trying to impress your leftist political science professor? From libertarian you launch into “globalism, socialism, massive redistribution of voting control & wealth through deluge immigration, miserable rat race conditions, destruction of real per-capita income, liberty, security, dignity, freedom of movement (gridlock), and culture, Darwinian cost of living-housing-food, homelessness, destruction of jobs and industries by one-way "free trade" etc” manic mumbo-jumbo. You likely have some important things to say but you need to improve your writing skills. “Simple and Direct” is best. Thanks. 
I'm surprised you didn't write "you're writing skills".
You're apparently too "educated" to see how mindless "Libertarianism"-light* has already led to all those evils, or maybe you've been in a coma these last 40+ years. Others had no problem seeing it. I don't intend to waste a minute explaining it to a snarky cheap-shot ignoranus. That's right, I spelled it ignoranus just for you.
Banning FN's from owning real estate goes both ways and when you play that game, you lose potential investment in your country, lose jobs, lose the flow on jobs that come from that the economic flow on effects to the rest of the population.
I don't know if you've noticed, but "free trade" is pretty much one-way. We've been playing that game for 30-40 years and lost our industry to China. What were those jobs replaced with? Some service industry jobs, Walmart jobs, and over 100 million able bodied Americans on unemployment, welfare etc, $30 trillion in debt, ChiComs owning our farmland etc.
If you ban FNs from buying our real estate, the only thing they can spend dollars on is our products and services. Then it's truly free trade. Actual classic *trade*, like an Edgeworth box. Not "we buy your trinkets, you buy our land, resources, companies, mortgages, politicians, souls." The "Libertarian" dogma has huge gaping flaws.
I'm sure non- disclosures were signed. Also there are the kids to think about, first. I think Melinda comes off as a bit different as well, an intellectual herself attracted to an enigma. And they can turn on the charm when it suits them.
Gates made his money from fraud. As a true sociopath he stole the software for his computers from IBM etc. Then had people design virus after virus so they could sell the solution. The innocculation. Thousands of business went bust and people lost time and money then he met Fauci..and the virus began all over again. Killing millions with his jabs , he does not care , nor Fauci and the rest all psychopaths. Time people all started looking up the sociopaths in banks, government, corporates and removed them. Or they will destroy humanity and the planet. ' ISLOS LAW '
ibm was on the game ... they gave the contract to gates knowing full well what was going. plus they give him licensing fees instead of just buying the software like what they proposed to kiddall. all fixed ... i suppose someone wanted to give him plenty of taka for some reason ...
Out of curiosity, I searched the virus timeline to compare with bill gates entering the world of international public "health".
According to this article in Forbes, (The Second Coming of Bill Gates, Mathew Herper Nov 2, 2011) Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation entered the public health scene in 1997 with a focus on birth control, then did a 180 in 1999 and "moved pretty heavily into vaccines", stating "The magic tool of health is the vaccine". Interesting article.
1918-Spanish Flu
1957-Asian Flu
1968-Hong Kong Flu
1976-Swine Flu
1999-West Nile Virus
2020-Covid 19
2022-Monkey Pox
I don't know what this means, but it appears the worlds Virus Frequency accelerated once he entered the vaccine scene. Coincidence?
The apple didn’t fall far from the tree. His papa was a depopulationist. Billy boy is as well but is using “technology” he found hanging around in the world. His papa would be proud.
Comments are now enabled for free subscribers. Apologies for not doing so when the initial email went out.
Thank you very much. For those of us who do not have bank account still, smart phones to make payments or subscriptions, no cip id , biometric password or certificates even they urge here also this technology it is a help to have access and diseminate your work, thoughts and insights from Western front battle field. Thank you again. I have to make a correction- we are not children that can not afford all of these- we are orthodox first and try sometimes even exagerating to oppose and fight New Digital Mark Sistem. Soon they will impose to us only digital even here in an orthodox country, they pushed ,,vaccines,, on 42 % we fought and stop them on Covid Work Certificate..we will see. So we do not accept and do not receive all this new imposed soul reapers. Lord Mercy on all, stay ferm, forgive all, love your enemy but stay ferm with a clean heart and a wise mind in front of all this last times wickedness. Come all if you can to Lord, we invite whoever search to orthodoxy. Lawrence Romania
I don't think this is a good argument.
Using this reasoning we should all do exactly what the consensus experts tell us to do. I believe this is the "Appeal to Authority" fallacy.
There are worse arguments such as "the unjabbed don't regret their decision" (yeah, because if they did they'd get jabbed) or the "prove me wrong" to an impossible proposition (so it's my job to prove something that is purely fantastical? How about you disprove it while I have a nap?).
Bill Gates should be barred from buying US farmland and forced to sell what he has.
ChiComs shouldn't just be barred from owning farms, they should be barred from owning *any* US real estate. Not just ChiComs. *Any* foreign nationals. "Domestic" mutual funds like Blackrock & Vanguard too. And funds should be barred from voting the shares underlying mutual funds (why so many corporations went "woke").
The "Libertarian" anything-goes agenda is national suicide. They claim to be for free markets & property rights, but their "laissez faire" immigration, 1-way "free trade" & pro-oligopoly polices yield:
*Massive redistribution of voting control & wealth -- globalism, socialism
*Miserable rat race/sardine can quality of life
*Destruction of liberty, security, dignity, freedom of movement (gridlock), culture
*Darwinian cost of living-housing-food, homelessness
*Destruction of jobs, industries and real median income
*Big Pharma tyranny
And that's just Libertarian-Light as practiced by "Libertarian" RINOs & corrupt GOP establishment beltway types. Full "Libertarianism" is vastly worse. Imagine no numerical limits on legal immigration:
"Welcome to the [Former] USA. Population 3 BILLION." LOLibertarian nirvana!
The Federal Trade Commission & "Antitrust" Divn of the DO"J" are infested with LOLibertarians & businesswhore RINOs. That's why Microsoft wasn't broken up & Bill Gates can buy all that land and conspire to inject us all with deadly "vaccines". Also why other tyrannical big tech & social media oligopolies get to abuse market power to censor & cancel, virtually never broken up anymore.
Gate’s should be in a dungeon for his crimes against humanity/ murder/ sterilization
Fact Check: TRUE
Joe Rogan's comments apply in spades a year later. All that diet Coke hasn't done him any good, that's for sure.
What comments? Not familiar. Thanks
Scan way down in the article to a clip of Joe Rogan's podcast last year.
Thanks. I saw it. Thought maybe he had talked elsewhere about the other issues I raised.
See video.
Bill Gates, George Soros, Bloomberg,Fauci,Collins,Birx,Grady,Milley,Blinken,Avril Haines,Haspel,Comey,Mueller,Kissinger,Barr,Rosenstein,Fink,Garland,Clapper,Wray,Brennan,Baker,Zuckerberg,Biden,Graham,Cheney,Bush,Kramer,Podesta,Hillary,,Pelosi,Romney,Mitch,Zients,Pienka,Bright,Wallensky,Woodward,Bernstein,Paul Ryan, Newsome,Nuland,Kerry,Podesta,Petraeus,Hotez,Azar,Gottlieb,Rice,McCaul,Cotton,Omar,Tlaib… should be exiled from the U.S,
Fact Check: TRUE!
My additions: Gen Kelly, Gen Mattis, Rex Tillerson, AZ ex-Gov Doug Ducey, AZ ex-AG Mike Brnovich, GA Gov Brian Kemp, GA SecState Ratburger, Pierre Delecto, every "Republican" who voted to certify The Big Steal on 1/6, every "Republican" who voted for secret ballot and then voted to put Mitch McConnell back in leadership, every delegate who reelected Ronna Delecto-Romney, John Bolton, Mike Pompeo, Mike Pence, Elise Stefanik, Kevin McCarthy, Nikki Haley, too many more to remember. The traitors in our own tent are more destructive than the open enemies outside.
They are despicable! I also believe Mitch pushed SCOTUS to take the Mississippi abortion bill, not to rule on Dobbs, which was not extreme and would have garnered fleeting attention, but to overturn Roe for the purpose of sabotaging the midterms. Then blame it on “ bad candidates”. Meaning any candidate endorsed by Trump. He knew damn well they would campaign on extreme abortion restrictions that would make them unelectable for many who were leaning R or on the fence. Otherwise, he’d have warned against running on such an unpopular, polarizing issue. He’d kill two birds with one stone. Take out Trump and his better policies that benefitted the middle class and working poor…. Which limited the pocket lining grifting UniParty Kleptocorporate multinational donor ownership, I.e. military industrial complex, Pharma, big tech, deep state globalist NWO… and Mitch & Co would remain in power as the minority party. That way, they could continue feigning opposition and shaking hands behind the curtains. When pressured by their constituents, Mitch & Co can use the cover “ We can’t do anything because we’re not the majority”. Bottom line, they can’t govern when given the majority. Trump won the Presidenct, House and Senste and they sabotaged his every move. Thwarted him.
I don’t want Trump in 2024z. He needs to go away. He’s far too damaged and now, toxic and ruinous. But it did not have to be this way and unfortunately, Trump shoulders much of the blame.
You nailed it. John Obamacare Roberts & Trump's 3 unvetted LOLibertarian Fed Soc nominees could've delayed the decision until after the midterms, but they helped Mitch sabotage them. Same "justices" joined the communist wing to subvert the Republic and deny "standing" to Texas et al's challenge to The Big Steal. The only loyal Americans on the court are Thomas & Alito.
I agree on Trump. I was a Trump donor-volunteer since 2015. He raised key issues, then Pfucked them up too many times. Besides 100s of treasonous unvetted nominees, hires & endorsements...
The designer virus ChiCom attack wasn't his fault, but he babble-bungled right into the trap. Being a narcissist, he couldn't say "we're taking that very seriously, the CDC & top medical professionals are looking into it, and we'll have more information soon". Instead he lied about it being no big deal, "to avoid panicking the public", bragged that it was under control.
He let traitor Pence head the task force & load it with assholes. Instead of overriding Pence to add good scientists to the task force, he mugged for camera time, played Dr & babbled about HCQ, enabling its immediate demonization. Then whored out to Big Pharma.
Jump started inflation with his bailout that paid folks more not to work than work. Idiocy. Usually inflation is "more money chasing the same goods & services. This was a double whammy: "More money chasing *fewer* goods & services", forever, creating tens of millions of new loafers. Even Lindsey Graham said it would be a disaster & should be fixed before passage. Trump told everyone to shut up & vote for it, viciously attacked Massie for demanding a record vote.
Being extremely overconfident prior to covid, turned out he'd done nothing about the vote fraud despite the extensive theft in 2016. Unlike Bush in 2000 Trump wasn't remotely ready for a legal challenge. Panicked the last few months, hired the B team, Giuliani & "The Kraken". Stupid GA SecState phone stunt. Bungled right into the FBI's Jan 6 agent provocateur trap with another stupid Trump-worship narcissist rally, in the capitol, without first discrediting "pro-Trump" Q-Anon & other psyops. His arrogant narcissism destroyed 100s of lives & families for ever. Didn't even have the decency to pardon them on the way out, or Snowden & Assange, though without Wikileaks he never would've been president. Part of the problem was babbling about how he was thinking about pardoning Snowden & Assange instead of just doing it. The heads up enabled Mitch & Co to threaten to convict on impeachment if he did it. Typical Trump babble-telegraphing. But he wasn't too busy to pardon celebrities, bank robbers & drug dealers. It's all about loyalty to Trump, never the reverse.
He endorsed Oz, an anti-gun dual-citizen vax-pimp child-sex-change groomer. Pimped the Johnson & Johnson family at an Oz rally. Still lies about "Safe & Effective".
I'd go for DeSantis/Someone. Unlike Trump, DeSantis ACTS, then talks, coherently. Even has a covid fraud grand jury going. I don't trust Tulsi's Road to Damascus conversion, or her concern face. She's for real on wars, but I think she's just saying what conservatives want to hear on the other issues to be a viable Trump pick. FoxNews is owned by globalists. They aided The Big Steal. Even Tucker was in on it, muzzling Trump's election attorneys, which he never did to leftists. The Fox spin is there was no decisive vote fraud in 2022. They took a big hit in viewership for that. They can't afford to have Tucker repeat that spin or they'd lose the rest of their audience to OAN, Newsmax etc. If that issue is discussed, they have Tulsi do it, and she tows the "no decisive fraud" line.
I can’t stand the sight or sound of him anymore. He is so toxic at this point that he will forfeit America ( or whatever the hell is remaining) to “ get even” with his perceived disloyalists. Regardless of his role in the destruction. Especially the very avoidable , self-inflicted damage. I really hoped he’d act as an independent pragmatist that would ditch the stale ideological constraints and obsolete Conservative homogeny and “ Gold Standard”requisite and use his NY “ shrewdness” to appeal to Americans who weren’t crazy, but sick of failed policy and the divide created by both parties. I really believed he’d expose the UniParty and get rid of the extremes of both parties , immediately cleaning house from the inside out. Instead, he overfilled the Swamp, fortified the extremists and preemptively alienated anybody who could become an ally… including his former friends across the aisle. And continued the attacks, expanding them to his own party, but seemingly singling out those who were not working against him, but didn’t cheer his policies in lockstep agreement on every issue.
The idiotic tweets replete with exclamation points, puerile nicknames and insults, doubling down on the most offensive. And then it became pandering solely to the Evangelical fundamentalist religious right, ignoring everybody else who voted for him believing he would be inclusive and representative of all decent Americans who hoped for a broad, welcoming umbrella, minus the crazy. He chose to act as the craziest and now we have no representation . And we cannot even talk to each other.Obama created the divide by using the Communist propaganda of separating by race and , tribe and socio-economic blame stoking. Trump made it about blaming every consequence of his own poor judgement and lack of impulse control on everybody but himself.And now we have a decomposing, artificially breathing corrupt puppet doing the bidding of humanity’s worst
Hear hear!
Who then?
An unexpected bipartisan/Independent leaning ticket. Two strong, honest, younger players without baggage that can take the hits and hit back without resorting to puerile, partisan crap. Maybe DeSantis/ Gabbard. They’ve definitely become the outsiders and aren’t afraid of the pack- left , right or UniParty. Neither support interventions, are honest and pragmatic, good messengers, put our citizens and children first, have been accused of everything under the sun and have a weird crossover appeal. Both have openly called out the WEF and DeSantis has taken action. They’re smart. DeSantis wouldn’t have to answer to the “ Party”. Tulsi no longer answers to the party. DeSantis works with the Dems in Fl. I’m a Miami native, Independent and no matter the screaming, accusations and bitching from the mockingbird left and miserable Establishment and too far right, life here is awesome! He took on the Covidians and he’s making Trump even more unacceptable. He chose Dr. Joseph Ladapo, a Nigerian born black Dem as Surgeon General- the best choice any of the shitheels, left or right would even dare consider. Ladapo is brilliant, kind, incredibly strong yet kind. One afternoon, during the midst of Covid hysteria, lockdowns, mask mandates, forced gene therapy jabs, testing destroying the human spirit globally, I was driving around and the city was bustling. Shops were open, restaurants, people laughing… I called my husband, expressing how bizarre it was to live normally . Can you imagine? That “ normal” was “bizarre”? How we had ceded what we always timed for granted without question? My husband said,” That’s because we( Floridians) are now living in a bubble. Thank God for that bubble!
And then I saw the school curriculum, tests and hideous propaganda our kids were being fed. Seeing was believing.
Excellent Post!
Who wants these demons. No one.
Send em to their bunkers.
Remove the comfort, food, power, let them survive how they planned for us, they destroy everything with Military Complex Genocide of our planet and weather. Go to their bunker, we have Mad Max life.
Let’s send em to their Hell now.
Amen, Baby!
That's a good start!
Is this a term paper your quoting, trying to impress your leftist political science professor? From libertarian you launch into “globalism, socialism, massive redistribution of voting control & wealth through deluge immigration, miserable rat race conditions, destruction of real per-capita income, liberty, security, dignity, freedom of movement (gridlock), and culture, Darwinian cost of living-housing-food, homelessness, destruction of jobs and industries by one-way "free trade" etc” manic mumbo-jumbo. You likely have some important things to say but you need to improve your writing skills. “Simple and Direct” is best. Thanks. 
🤡👞s LOLibertarian ad hominem deflects:
"Is this a term paper *your* quoting"
"you need to improve your writing skills"
I'm surprised you didn't write "you're writing skills".
You're apparently too "educated" to see how mindless "Libertarianism"-light* has already led to all those evils, or maybe you've been in a coma these last 40+ years. Others had no problem seeing it. I don't intend to waste a minute explaining it to a snarky cheap-shot ignoranus. That's right, I spelled it ignoranus just for you.
You’re unquestionably a genius!!
Banning FN's from owning real estate goes both ways and when you play that game, you lose potential investment in your country, lose jobs, lose the flow on jobs that come from that the economic flow on effects to the rest of the population.
I don't know if you've noticed, but "free trade" is pretty much one-way. We've been playing that game for 30-40 years and lost our industry to China. What were those jobs replaced with? Some service industry jobs, Walmart jobs, and over 100 million able bodied Americans on unemployment, welfare etc, $30 trillion in debt, ChiComs owning our farmland etc.
If you ban FNs from buying our real estate, the only thing they can spend dollars on is our products and services. Then it's truly free trade. Actual classic *trade*, like an Edgeworth box. Not "we buy your trinkets, you buy our land, resources, companies, mortgages, politicians, souls." The "Libertarian" dogma has huge gaping flaws.
He invested in the same crystal ball as Nancy for stocks eh …
He grew up with a Daddy working on the Master Race plan with his buddy Marge Sanger .
He’s connected with Master Race perv Epstein.
He’s connected with WEF.
Gates is a lunatic Psychopath, installed by whom?
He’s not that intelligent, he’s just void of all human empathy, hence, a perfect tool for evil.
The Dark Triad.
Gates has zero charm.
I believe, without any schooling , autodidact.
Gates issues are deeper, and different.
Propped up with dads? Money. Installed in business.
Remember those Micro Soft ( named after Gates ;-). Hearings where he rocked back and forth, disconnected, wouldn’t answer simple questions.
He must have hired a Personality Trainer, but his lack of humanity continues to shine through.
I can’t even imagine a woman being attracted to him other than wanting his money, talk about selling one’s soul.
I want Mrs Gates to testify about that lunatic.
It’s bigger than the tidbit she leaked.
Gates has all the charm of the pencil eraser he chewed in math class.
I’d rather chew the eraser
I'm sure non- disclosures were signed. Also there are the kids to think about, first. I think Melinda comes off as a bit different as well, an intellectual herself attracted to an enigma. And they can turn on the charm when it suits them.
I’m sure ND were definitely signed.
But it would be interesting.
I agree, she seems off too.
Whether by being in an abusive Gaslighting relationship with Bill or by birth or both.
People are fascinating. But from personal experience, I can say that line of thinking I just described can get a person in a lot of trouble ! :)
According to his inner circle, those kids aren’t kids, they’re adults. I think they can handle the truth about their child diddler daddy.
Gates made his money from fraud. As a true sociopath he stole the software for his computers from IBM etc. Then had people design virus after virus so they could sell the solution. The innocculation. Thousands of business went bust and people lost time and money then he met Fauci..and the virus began all over again. Killing millions with his jabs , he does not care , nor Fauci and the rest all psychopaths. Time people all started looking up the sociopaths in banks, government, corporates and removed them. Or they will destroy humanity and the planet. ' ISLOS LAW '
maybe even worse than a sociopath..."Without Conscience", Robert Hare PhD.
Psychopath, dyed in the wool
That’s a very good book - I’ve had it for years! In it he describes Trudeau…….
Gates stole CP/M from Digital Research/Gary Kildall via a clone called QDOS, not IBM.
ibm was on the game ... they gave the contract to gates knowing full well what was going. plus they give him licensing fees instead of just buying the software like what they proposed to kiddall. all fixed ... i suppose someone wanted to give him plenty of taka for some reason ...
yeap, gary kidall and got him killed most likely.
Out of curiosity, I searched the virus timeline to compare with bill gates entering the world of international public "health".
According to this article in Forbes, (The Second Coming of Bill Gates, Mathew Herper Nov 2, 2011) Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation entered the public health scene in 1997 with a focus on birth control, then did a 180 in 1999 and "moved pretty heavily into vaccines", stating "The magic tool of health is the vaccine". Interesting article.
1918-Spanish Flu
1957-Asian Flu
1968-Hong Kong Flu
1976-Swine Flu
1999-West Nile Virus
2020-Covid 19
2022-Monkey Pox
I don't know what this means, but it appears the worlds Virus Frequency accelerated once he entered the vaccine scene. Coincidence?
The apple didn’t fall far from the tree. His papa was a depopulationist. Billy boy is as well but is using “technology” he found hanging around in the world. His papa would be proud.
Fauci started his reign of Terror in 1984.
Vax for children went from 5? To 75?
Autism 1-1000 to 1 in what? 4, 5. Not sure.
So Gates and Fauci hooked up somewhere along this line.
Epstein was involved too
1 in 30 today.
Forbes is selling its publication to China. Surprised?
Piggybacking off Joe spot on comment.
Gates is a specimen of bad health, including mental health.
His weird hand gestures, grinning at inappropriate times, giggles at tragedy.
He’s not stable.
Should never have any say in world affairs.
Considering what he grew up with, a dad that believed Blacks should be eradicated.
That is some sick shit.
Corbett Report does an excellent exploration of Bilbo Gates - lord of the Rx.
Ps, everyone should follow James Corbett...
Mr. Moobs has a god complex. And he appears to not have a conscience. And he's powerful and filthy rich. That is not a good combination.
Thank you for opening the comments! ❤️
Damn straight Jimmy! And that's putting it nicely. Imo, Billy Goat Gates of Hell. Thanks V.
Bravo !! And -- Russian Ukraine Endgame: End of Russia or end of Globalism?
OUTSTANDING – A must listen.
Spread the truth!!
The devil looks after his own!
The Potato in Chief has been reading from his script over a year ago warning about food shortages. Bill gates keeps warning about more pandemics.
These control freaks with a god complex are either clairvoyant, or they have plans for us.
My bet is on the latter.
“Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, three times is enemy action.”
Arrest Birx, Fauci and all CDC, NIH, WHO, FDA and big pharma and big tech. executives involved.
Fraud and homicide are not included in the total immunity from legal liability agreement under the PREP Act for the big Pharma criminals!
RICO laws apply now! The DOJ better wake the Fk Up and get busy!