WE DO NOT HAVE A DEMOCRACY FORM OF GOVERNMENT. Our founders hated the democracy (mob rule) form of government. I am so sick of people using Democracy and America in the same sentence.

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"Why do we allow that to continue?"

Because no decent person is in charge anymore. The systems allows only selfish scumbags to rise to the top. Decent people starting at the bottom get either corrupted, blackmailed or get out before there soul is destroyed. It is systematic.

The system itself is now more powerful than the people working in it. I can't see how the current system can ever be reformed successfully. It seems everything has to collapse first and a fresh start under a new paradigm will bring back decency one day.

This will take decades if not centuries. Accepting that, frees up our energies that are concerned with this and can redirect our energies to what really matters: To find our real self and the happiness and contentness that comes with that.

The materalistic-scientific-greed-and-power path is stuck in a dead end and will die. Let it die. It's ok. I don't need it.

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They should read A Nation under Blackmail by Whitney Webb. Truly shocking.

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Tucker's account rings true ... I remember the WEF's academic android, Yuval Noah Harari saying that once you have enough data, you don't need to send soldiers, as you have all the data on every politician, judge and journalist including all their sexual escapades, all their mental weaknesses and all their corrupt dealings... Will it still be an independent country? Or will it become a data colony? It's never been easier with the internet documenting everything... This is one method how you control a country... First 60 seconds says it all...


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Nothing to corroborate, but the suspicion is that Mike Johnson is being blackmailed. he has reversed himself on several key issues and is now compliant with democrat (America last) objectives. Have operatives threatened to expose his (if) illicit behavior or harm his family ? Why, why, oh why ??? It is circumstantial only, but it seems too damn convenient for the democrat machine.

And if this is true, then the US gov't in its entirety, is a fraud-based entity.

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PLEASE, STOP referring to US as a "Democracy"!!!

I'm SO SICK of that inaccurate term!!!

Use the word FREEDOM, if you dare!!! In case you actually don't know, we are a Constitutional Republic!!!! The 2 terms are mutually exclusive and it's obvious that the LEFT is running their terminology into the ground, probably to brainwash the ignorant. Why can't those of us who know better STOP using the FALSE descriptor and actually state the ACCURATE one?!?!? I CRINGE every time someone deliberately mistates our form of government!!!!

Please, just STOP IT!!!

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Correlates with what I was told over a decade ago by someone in a DHS unit assigned to protect or prosecute elected officials for (often) sex-related crimes. When I flippantly said I'd run for congress, they warned me not to do so, as I'd be destroyed.

Oh, and don't forget, Clinton grabbed the FBI files of all members of congress shortly after becoming president. He was able to get a lot of things pushed through congress, and Newt played nice.

If only they could resist the gravitational pull of zippers...

Societally, if so much is "normalized" won't people just say "meh" to anything the government holds that could destroy the elected officials?

It's too bad we don't have more people who are "clean" making it through the ranks of lower positions and rising into congress.

I heard a recent talk mentioning just how quickly infidelity can complicate relationships. "Thinking celestial will also help you obey the law of chastity. Few things will complicate your life more quickly than violating this divine law." https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/general-conference/2023/10/51nelson?lang=eng

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Remember what Trump lawyer Lyn Wood said? If you wanna work in Washington DC you have to abuse a baby and then murder it. We can’t trust anyone. (I think Trump was able to avoid this trajectory)

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You recall Madison Cathorne? He came out about the orgies going on and he was blackballed.

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Of course they know !!!


So why don’t they Ban together to OUT the BLACKMAILERS !!!

And bring THEM DOWN!!!

Of course to keep their SINS Hidden….

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> "Why do we allow that continue?"

Who's going to stop it? What are you gonna do, vote harder next time?

The only option left on the table for dealing with it is the option nobody wants to use.

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As if Carlson is a credible source?


My expectations were low but, holy phuk!

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Politicians blackmailed by intels....and the dead? The treasons have no end, worse t han in the worst of the Roman times.

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Horrible metaphor and major manipulation by Tucker.

It's not parent/children between congressmen and the spy. Forget that crap. A better analogy or metaphor is this: the politicians are inmates in a psychiatric hospital, at the "delusions of grandeur" arm, and the spies are psychiatrists disguised as janitors, trying all the tricks they teach a PSYCH (as a verb) school to get the inmates into problems, to increase the medication and the expenditure of the hospital.

In this analogy, the general population are the willow trees, the ducks, the beetles, the flowers, the frogs, the pond and a gentle stream of water outside the hospital.

Mr. Carlson is losing his edge. Maybe he should run for POTUS. If he wins, please make Rogan Chief SCOTUS. That would be EPIC!

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Money is the root of all evil and to some corrupt, morally bankrupt people money is more important than humanity. All of these people who commit sins against our nation and the world will rot in hell. God will do His judging and will do with their soul what He will.

In the meanwhile, the bigger question is how do we clean house with stolen elections and fraudulent criminals running our country? Free 1st world nations are quickly falling and devolving into a 3rd world banana republic and until 99.9% of the people of these 1st world nations stand up to and refuse to comply, we will continue to fall flat on our faces to communism, Marxism and socialism.

Have the answer handy? Ill listen. But don't say voting because it is all fake and rigged.

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The USA is a representational, constitutional REPUBLIC, not a democracy. A democracy is nothing more than 3 cannibals and two missionaries voting on what to have for dinner. In a democracy there is no protection for minority rights. Why is this so hard for intelligent people to understand?

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