Can we only hope for General Flynn to become Secretary of Defense or head of the CIA? Putting people like that in positions (Dan Bongino in charge of the SS is another) would be the ultimate double finger! I still say though the demons are too quiet for my comfort. After all the screaming, crying and yelling, they have gotten so quiet and passive. No riots? No women wearing pussy hats? Something is going on.

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And RFK as health czar (jail for Fauci and Birx)

Vivek as secretary of state,

Elon as science czar

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Nov 8Edited
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Carl, just how many times are you going to continue to post this? Just curious.

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Big protest coming up in Chicago. Lots of crying 20-something women who think all their rights will be taken away. Videos with libtards screaming into pillows, black girls saying they always lose, salty Jenn Psaki says Twitter "or whatever they call it these days" needs to be reeled in. But you are right about deep staters Barry O, Killary, Majorkas, Blinkin and others... they are hiding out. Jill Biden btw wore a flaming red outfit on election day.

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Did you see the TikTok (I don't use TikTok, but saw someone else share it) of the woman literally in hysterics that she thought she was going to wake up on Wednesday as a slave? If anything shows how stupid people have become, that is it.

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Have seen plenty with that same sentiment. Young American women in large numbers, have been gaslit beyond beyond. Saw a trans man (so a bio woman) who dates men (she's deep down hetero but gay in current scenario) and got pregnant before and had an abortion so was voting for Kamala to keep that right. Otherwise you know... it would be a travesty.

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Alex Jones for Attorney General !

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Oh hell yeah! The Cabal would FREAK OUT! Cut Alex Jones loose on them...🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿

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Definitely believe something is going on. And Flynn would be better than Pompeo that’s been floated. But I would prefer Tulsi. He ran against the wars so now’s the time to show he deserved to be reelected.

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Pompeo better not be anywhere NEAR the administration.

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Pompeo as you likely know by now, was (thank you Jesus), not invited to join the fun this time around.

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Yes. Thankfully. That he supposedly was being considered was bad.

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I think it was Elon put the kabosh on Pompeo.

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Which women and children is Jimmy Kimmel talking about?? Obviously not those who have been sex trafficked by the cartels, because of this Administration’s open door policy! Obviously not those single women who are trying to support a family on one income with inflation as high as it is. This guy is sick and drunk on the koolaid!

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Plus HE is not affected by ANY of this...

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He’s not even worth our time.

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Biden didn't win in 2020 and we all know it.

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God showed up for us and will continue to fight for us if we continue to praise and worship him.

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Yes that is correct! Praise God!

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16 million extra votes came after Hillary didn't cheat enough.

That's why she spent a week locked in her hotel room, she realised she didn't cheat enough.

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Nov 7Edited

If Arizona takes weeks to counts votes, how did Fox news call Arizona before AZ polls closed in 2020?

Maricopa County to Cook County - Hold My Beer

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They were in on the steal…

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Exactly, and regardless of what people think of Lake, there was major cheating there.

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What's sad is that they're probably affecting Kari Lake chance of winning.

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Which was ALWAYS suspicious to me.

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Maxine is as ugly on the inside as she is on the outside. Cares not one bit for ALL working class people. And Stephanie Ruhle - yikes - how delusional.

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Nice of Rogan to catch up. Seems a lot of folks are finally questioning this issue.

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Ah, come on man! Brandon had nearly 15 million more votes than Kamala or any other president in history. It was the most secure election ever 🤣

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Trump had better STOP the ADD DRUGS in every school that I believe are laced with hormones and other drugs like COCAINE. 60 mandated vaccines from birth to 18. Every kid has an inhaler in the playground, not normal, steroids which causes DIABETIC over time. Parents are brainwashed by their doctors who make a literal killing and CASH in the millions per year to push BIG PHARMA drugs. Teachers are trained to IDENTIFY kids who they deem ADD and refer them for drugs. They are not qualified to do this and they (most) ive met are on antidepressants themselves with clouded judgement to boot. Gates pours Millions into the schools of America, pushing his agenda. Medical books controlled by same Vermin who have trained them to prescribe diagnose and drug drug drug. Boys growing breast in 4th grade after being on ADD meds for 4 yrs. Yes I believe they are laced with female hormones. Public private and Charter, and gives Big Pharma nurses for free to administer the drugs. From kindergarten, kids are sugared up and then drugged. STOP drugging children and labeling them ADD when the schools push sugars on them day after day. Party party party!!! Get back to learning. Schools in America should be under investigation for child abuse! PARENTS, WAKE THE HELL UP! Maybe their attention spans are short and maybe its from the video games or the garbage they eat or the fluoride in the water or the vaccines?? Maybe you should find out and not throw another drug into the mix Parents? Schools should not be taking the MILLIONS gates is giving them to have access to your children. This is the man who flew to Epstein Island over 20 times on record. He should not have access to your child. 1.7 billon bill gates gave to control his interest in your kids and his return on investment.



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I hope he stops the poisoning of our children with drugs. Unneeded shots, poisoning from the planes, flouride in wster, mrna/nano in food, etc. But I'm not holding my breathe.

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Excellent points made !!!

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Thank you John. I volunteered in Private schools for years and watched kids line up on the playground for their "MEDICATIONS". Reminded me daily of the movie "One Flew Over the Coocoos Nest". Ive seen so much and made calls, wrote letters and made my concerns known. The schools dont want parents around. You are told today to drop your babies off at the front door and then line up in cars to pick them up at the same door. It makes me sick to see this get worse and worse over the years. I opted to homeschool my only daughter. Graduated her at 14, put her in College at 15, only to realize that these fresh college students are all addicted to the Adderall for ADD they were prescribed as 1st graders. I have a nephew who was one of the youngest to graduate HOMESCHOOL HS at 9 yrs old and became a neurosurgeon at 23. He not only cured cancer in mice and rats several times, only to be warned that he cant do that. He has examined the effect of these ADD drugs on the brain. They are a brain killer according to him. How does that help attention disorders? I pray for a day that this entire scam goes under scrutiny and is stopped. In Ohio, Gov Dewine RINO, announced that clinics are going right into the schools now. He made it sound so great, like it will save the parents time taking them to their doctors. CRAZY! You might as well say you're dropping your kids off at a mental institution for 6 hours a day. While there, they may learn a thing or two, while they are studied like a lab rat.

Gates foundation controls ALL of BIG PHARMA worldwide


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Growing up and going to school in the 60s and graduating high school in the mid 70s I can relate very well with your story. Unfortunately I have friends and family members that have children who are on these horrible drugs. It amazes me they don’t think about when we all grew up none of this was going on. They just listen to the doctors and teachers and think they are trained to know best despite my warnings.

Growing up I didn’t know anyone who was autistic and didn’t even know what it was until a few years ago. Now I know three children in my neighborhood who have it.

Good for you for doing right by your daughter and your nephew, wow !!!

Thanks for sharing your story, concerns and the link.

Oh. I will never forget that movie either. At the time it really made me ponder on such things.

Praying you and your family will stay healthy and safe.

Thanks again for your reply.

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My oldest brother actually lived the movie back when your wife could commit you. He spent 10 years in a mental ward, shock treatments and all just like that movie. It fried his brain. Im #13 of 15 sibling. I graduated in 76, so I agree with your assessment and identify with the family members who bought into the ADD scam. Its a damn shame what they're doing now. Praying for better to come. I just hope it changes someone's mind who is thinking this is the way to go.

Wishing you and yours all the best also. God Bless

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Why in the world are we giving any platform to CHRIS CUOMO? And I knew the second Kamala was installed as the candidate that when she lost they would scream "racism! women haters!" That is why her "accent" kept changing to people. It didn't to me. She was making a pathetic attempt again and again to sound black. Go back and listen to her before a black audience or church.

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Cuomo has been a very strong voice for Ivermectin. I forgive him for admitting as such. Not sure if you understand how normies get red pilled. Well that’s how it happens. Be a gracious winner. We are all very lucky.

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You make a good point.

My super liberal extended family members have never listened to or looked at anything my wife and I have said or sent to them because the information came from a conservative source etc.

If they start to see their liberal heroes starting to say just a few things we have been telling them, they might, just might start to see the light.

I sure hope they do.

Bad habits are hard to break.

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What about Facebook. Zuckerberg is in cohorts with Biden,Harris,and their paymasters at The World Economic Forum and the World Health Organisation Zuckerberg is the mouthpiece for the global cabal. Censorship of the truth,Facebook even bans people for posting the truth about the covid scam, and the vaccines, which are bio weapons.

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There is a strong whiff of hypocrisy when Democrats complain about other parties' billionaire influencers

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Do you think Zuch is actually human? I could visualize him peeling off his synthetic skin.

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Facebook should have been shut down years ago. Any other business doing what they do would have been. If everybody would quit, the commie zucker would go away. I guess its more important for people to take pictures of their dinner and find their 1st grade teacher.

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If you ask me, it looks more like they f'd around and found out! Trump #47, 2024, USA!

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Where was Rogan after the last election and why didn't he question ol' Bidens 80 million votes at the time?

Anyone of sane mind at the time knew it was a fix.

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I often think he's controlled op.

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In todays media world, one just doesn't know.

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Very true, but i would remain cautious. The way they're thrust out at us when they've been silent prior, makes me wonder. They always need a good guy, bad guy, and hopeful heroes.

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Interesting that the news woman says X is a propaganda machine. It was born out of the lack of representation of conservative voices that mainstream corporate media refused to cover. They wouldn't let us join in their club so we moved forward with our own (thanks Elon) and didn't forget. We couldn't join them but we sure beat them.

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JB and Jennifer Pritzker, Trump is looking at you and your bank deposits. You have profited off child mutilation for too long, and the party is about to end.

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