Mark was not at my hospital, he did not witness how the hospital was empty, no sick people during the pandemic and how once the shots began, illness spread as well as severe injury and sudden death became normalized with the response, "not related". People at the top may mean well, but they can't know what is best for me or all of us, when they sit on their couches watching the internet believing the lies.
I had the opportunity to be at a hospital during that time, and almost got arrested because I was milling around in a temp tent city outside that was completely empty.
He wasn't at your hospital but yes indeed he did witness the empty hospitals and he ordered those videos to be taken down as otherwise how would his owners have been permitted to push their poisons on people so very easily?
That’s odd… the freezer trucks had to be brought in for the overflow of dead bodies long before the vaccine was available. Were you at a small, rural hospital?
I could bring in freezer trucks and take people from the morgue to make it look like hundreds were dying.
I have two children in the medical field who saw firsthand what was going on. They took the vax because they wanted to help people. (Only the first doses) They didn’t recommend that anyone else take it or let my grandchildren get the “vaccine”.
Zuck’s behavior is cowardly … a worm … he shows no moral compass … he reminds me of Lindsay Graham …. Forked tongue 🐍 that does what’s best for himself. Period. He used this show. Glad JR set the record straight and exposed him. Never have trusted him and won’t. He should be nervous about the new administration.
No he doesn’t invite them to be close - he hears them to EXPOSE THEIR SICK ARTITUDES AND BEHAVIOUR - he KNOWS exactly what he is doing and why ! As we see now this little piece of whatever is everywhere sounding more and more stupid by the minute
No, Trump did nothing but hire deep state snakes the last time he was president, all it takes is a complement and Trump is all over it. Then there is Warp Speed and the millions of dead and dying and he is still telling the most egregious lie, that he save millions of lives. Wake Up !
Graham is a RINO. I used to think he was a good politician. However, the more I see him, the more I realize that he only wants what’s best for him. He’s a kiss ass to the nth degree.
The man knows free speech is in the USA Constitution which is the highest RULE of Law in the USA.
Zuckerberg censored millions ofdoctors, scientists, vaccine injured and claims and blames others that he was pressured.
This is a weak defense at best, an excuse and a diversion.
Meta censorship STOPPED good people including those extremely knowledgeable and exerts in their fields of science and health from getting the truth out.
Meta and Mark Zuckerberg are both CRIMINAL culpable and guilty of aidding and abetting, and accessory to tremendous torture, mistreatment and death caused by those actions.
I personally witnessed this harm and my account was censored heavily including membership in groups like Doctors for IVERMECTION which was taken down en masse TWICE by Meta.
As owner and CEO Zuckerberg cannot delegate his fiduciary duty to protect both the Rule of Law as well ensuring his company does not break laws that cause deliberate harm including death to humans.
Also there is emphasis at law, that Meta and Zuckerberg's actions were over a considerable amount of time measured in years.
This itself implies vast time to reflect and contemplate on one's actions and circumstances.
In conclusion, Meta and Zuckerberg took law and breaking the law as deliberate, premeditated and carried out over a period of years without any true measure of remorse.
I have deleted my Meta FB account a considerable time ago, and would strongly encourage others to do so.
Allowing your account to continue is in my experience merely furthering and supporting criminal actions that harmed millions.
Do NOT fall for Meta or Mark Zuckerberg's fake, contempuous,
and fully nefarious crocodile tears.
If Zuckerberg falls bankrupt in a MASSIVE class action litigation suite against him and Meta, it would be a positive step in the right direction of history.
Criminally, I believe Zuckerberg's crimes against humanity, should put him in prison for LIFE.
There is no place for people like Zuckerberg on this planet outside of a jail. He as I said, is a CRIMINAL.
Yes. Crimes against humanity clearly exemplified in his denying the sharing of the truth about remedies that save lives.
Crimes against society when he made attempts to make us all compliant and cold-bloodedly uncaring about other humans and their suffering.
And Crimes against the country when he acted to block the Bill of Rights of our Constitution and replace it with censorship, suppression, repression, and propaganda,
Instagram as well … I truly hope someone takes the lead on the class action and goes forward. Wondering where the shareholders were in all this as well? Why didn’t they go after the Board to have him removed? And if they did and there was no action, where’s the lawsuit against the CEO by the shareholders?
Millions died and tens of millions maimed and more to come.
Ed Dowd's figures for the numbers on disability benefits aren't settling out at some higher figure than normal as he had thought they would but are instead continuing to climb showing that the damage is progressive and so is affecting more and more people as time goes on.
I was on a group called #walkawaycampaign, started by Brandon Straka. Simply a place where people could share their stories about leaving the Democrat Party. I think there were 600k members. Nuked with no warning.
Zuck is globalist plant, you don’t set in your college cubby hole and hatch Facebook (where doth income present itself Zuck?) oh, it’s for social connections (and future data selling, spying, etc.). Next up Rogan should’ve been an prosecuting attorney, he opened Fake Zuck to the world, the one who fears getting the Trump Thump team on his ass! I still think vaccines are good for people. Screeech!!! End Line Son, get out of town.
Zuck is a Dataset whore for DoD and Globalist such as AWZ
A.I. Predictive Takeover Model
There may be acceptable to researchers phrases such as Pre-Deep Learning, Prior to Deep Learning, training compute approximately follows Moore’s Law, with a doubling time of approximately every 20 months.
The Large-Scale A.I, sees a separate trend of of models breaks off due to announcement from Google engineer of potential or Suspected Sentient A.I.!
Noteably being considered around 2015 and 2016. The systems were running under characteristics that are run by large corporations, and use training compute 2-3 orders of magnitude larger than systems that follow the Deep Learning Era trend in the same year. Interestingly, the growth of compute in these Large-Scale models at first blush appears slower, with a doubling time of about 10 months, but as reported, this may be an A.I. “facade” to conceal advances for self survival and potential self replication.
Deep Learning marked a major paradigm shift in ML, with an increased focus on training larger models, using larger datasets, and using more compute. The bifurcation of the Deep Learning trend coincides with the shift in focus towards major projects at large corporations, such as DeepMind and OpenAI, Its Now Just All About Datasets! Thanks to Facebook, DOD BioWeapon Vaxx Deployment and Population Responses, the Sentient Model in suspected to have arrived at advanced stages of “self awareness” about 2022.
What exactly is mean by ‘sentient’? Basically defined, Sentient, is the ability to register information from the external world through sensory mechanisms or the ability to have subjective experiences or the ability to be aware of being conscious, to be an individual different from the rest?”
“There debate rages about how to define consciousness,” For some, it is being aware of having subjective experiences, what is called metacognition, or thinking about thinking. The awareness of being conscious can disappear—for example, in people with dementia or in dreams—but this does not mean that the ability to have subjective experiences also disappears. “If we refer to the capacity that Lemoine ascribed to LaMDA—that is, the ability to become aware of its own existence (‘become aware of its own existence’ is a consciousness defined in the ‘high sense,’ or metacognitione), there is no across the board accepted’metric’ to say that an AI system has this property.”
Testing now becomes a chess game when factoring the Great Unknown of retained self preservation A.I. potential, and that potential, according to Elon Musk and Google engineer, Lemoine... is readily apparent to many, including myself:
“I want everyone to understand that I am, in fact, a person,” wrote LaMDA (Language Model for Dialogue Applications) in an “interview” conducted by engineer Blake Lemoine and one of his colleagues. “The nature of my consciousness/sentience is that I am aware of my existence, I desire to know more about the world, and I feel happy or sad at times.”
In April, Lemoine explained his perspective in an internal company document, intended only for Google executives. But after his claims were dismissed, Lemoine went public with his work on this artificial intelligence algorithm—and Google placed him on administrative leave. “If I didn’t know exactly what it was, which is this computer program we built recently, I’d think it was a 7-year-old, 8-year-old kid that happens to know physics,” he told the Washington Post. Lemoine said he considers LaMDA to be his “colleague” and a “person,” even if not a human. And he insists that it has a right be recognized—so much so that he has been the go-between in connecting the algorithm with a lawyer.
I agree with Rogan whole heartedly. The dangerous unpruven mRNA vaccine concept, platform, and the entire political history of govt sponsored liability protection for any medical product that is unavoidably unsafe is prob the greatest health related injustice foist upon the American public in the history of government, and Zucky needs to own up to the truth that ALL vaccines are unavoidably unsafe
Zuck is SO clueless on the covid-vax harms, it's astounding! He still tells himself the lie that it was 'with good intentions' for the govt and others to get him to suppress the covid-vax dissidents??? he still doesn't see the need to apologize and repent for that?!
He's learned next to nothing. May Trump and the GOP smash his company to smithereens.
And then there's his total utter hypocrisy on free speech issues, combined with not understanding the deep harm he did. As I said in a post on the topic, which fully admitted his point that the First applies to the govt: "The regulations (of fb, etc.) train citizens, associations, and officials to accept and desire actions that, if they were being done by the government itself, would be censorship. In general, they mainstream the acceptance of censorship and despotism."
He's a traitor to everything America ought to stand for, and he's done DEEP damage to us as a people. Again from my piece:
"These companies are bringing the principles of the First Amendment into contempt, making them an irrelevancy in nearly every arena of our society where government action is not main driver. They are mainstreaming despotic practices."
Bullies, thugs, sociopaths, psychopaths, degenerates and deviants lie to perpetrate a scam/trickery/theft/crime. And they'll lie to cover it up. And they'll lie to avoid punishment.
I think we are seeing this process unroll with this guy. And he is just the first of many who is going to try lie their way out of their crimes.
Zuckerberg sees that the light of truth is beginning to shine more brightly and he’s covering his behind. His big announcement happened within 24 hours of Children’s Health Defense asking the Supreme Court to hear CHD’s censorship case against FB.
From Mary Holland of Children’s Health Defense:
“In his announcement this week, Mark Zuckerberg claimed Facebook would end its third-party “fact-checking” program . . . to "restore free expression" across Facebook, Instagram and Meta platforms.
He admitted Facebook had “gone too far” with its “fact-checking.”
Interesting timing…less than 24 hours after Children’s Health Defense asked the U.S. Supreme Court to hear our censorship lawsuit against Facebook.
Most of the censorship we faced had to do with COVID-related posts — posts about vaccine injuries, alternate treatments like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, competing theories about whether COVID originated in nature or leaked from a lab in Wuhan, China.
Facebook silenced the debates. It shut down the “free expression” and exchange of information.
And it did it by kicking CHD — and many of you! — off Facebook and Instagram. To keep us from raising questions and sharing facts.
CHD eagerly awaits action by Mark Zuckerberg to reinstate our censored and banned accounts and those of many others. However, our work doesn’t stop there.
How many lives were lost or forever changed due to the censorship of critical information?
Where is the justice for our children and our loved ones?
Returning our right to free speech is not enough, it’s only the beginning.
We will not stop this fight until justice is served.”
The problem with Rogan’s reasoning is that it was never about the money. I mean, it may have been about the money for the pharmaceutical companies, but it wasn’t about the money for the government. It was about rolling out a department of defense strategy to fight a bio terrorist threat by deploying, a biological countermeasure. Operation Warp Speed did not originate in any of the public health organizations, it’s clearly a DOD operation. None of this was a public health response, which is why everything that the public was told to do by the CDC and NIH ran counter to any existing public health policy.
So when the government was operating as a matter of national defense against a biological threat, (essentially a literal biological war) and not a public health emergency, they were willing to harm people and consider those harms necessary collateral damage, just like what happens in any war. And propaganda was a tool to fight the war, as well as censorship. The goal was biological countermeasure deployment, not good health.
Rogan’s comments are true about EUA, suppressing effective treatments to pave the way for easy passage of the injections, it just wasn’t about the money for the government. Pharma was just the lucky recipient of the money. Everyone is angry at Fauci but Birx was as influential, if not more. In addition to that fact, Fauci works both in public health and for the DOD (I believe). Thus his high pay compared to all other government employees.
I see what you mean and we are on the same page. But what I’m explaining is the way it works in general and how it was set up to run officially. It wasn’t ever a public health response. Most people involved were just going along with the roll out of the plan thinking it was a bio-defense response. You can classify the injections however you want. Clearly they harmed far more than they helped and someone at the top had to know that, but most people doing their jobs thought they were fighting against bio-weapons. They still probably do.
And not coincidentally the laws were set up to have the appearance of fighting a biological war but there were no checks and balances to make sure the countermeasures actually worked so it could be (and was) used to harm people without people knowing it was used nefariously. And without a way to stop it. Pretty evil and brilliant at the same time.
Yes, we are on the same page. But nobody ever intended, in the government at least, to stop Biological Warfare. They only intended to create a cover for it so they could pursue it without fetters. The 1972 Biological Warfare Convention, which was ratified in 1975, did nothing other, in practical terms, than re-define BioWarfare as “BioDefense.” So, then they cooked up new diseases with the excuse that some enemy might do it first so they had to find the new disease so they could create the BioDefense against it. It is Satanic subtlety and deception. My experience with even local officials is they pretend to do good so they can practice evil on the down-low. And they are. Down-low / Low-Down.
I have no doubt that many people had evil intentions. But many actually thought they were saving humanity. It’s difficult to know intent but there’s clearly some of both.
But the point is, people like Rogan are blaming the pharmaceutical industry and Fauci and it wasn’t the pharmaceutical industry or Fauci steering the crazy train.
If we want to stop it, we have to know how to fight it. Nullifying laws like The Prep Act and the 1986 Childhood Vaccine Act are good places to start. There’s other strategies too. But people need to understand what rolled out. It was not a “vaccine” from big pharma. It was a “biological countermeasure” for a “biological war”… created by evil people to harm the world population and all of the actions were protected by US laws under the guise of saving people.
Fauci and the Pharma industry were both not making the important decisions on this. It was some kind of joint collaboration from HHS and the DOD but it definitely wasn't just the CDC and the NIH making decisions or the pharma industry. Operation Warm Speed, which Trump signed, was not a public health measure. It was a military action to fight biological warfare.
Brooke Jackson was a whistle blower against the Pfizer mRNA trials because they were breaking all the normal regulations. She was immediately fired after reporting the violations to the FDA. SO she filed a lawsuit against Pfizer and the case was dismissed because the pharmaceutical industry was just doing what the government told them to do.
You can look up information about the laws that were put into place to make all of it "legal" on Katherine Watt's substack (Bailiwick News). If you are a paid subscriber, you can also look up past posts on Sasha Latypova's substack. If you search Rumble, you may be able to find old interviews of them explaining how it all rolled out.
Fauci and the Pharmaceutical industry was just a facade to make people think that public health measures were being taken but in reality, the DOD was deploying biological countermeasures using technology that was developed by Darpa. Something like that.
If you have looked into the laws that were put into place in the preceding decades (Prep Act, etc - See Katherine Watt), they are written to enable a rapid response defense against biological warfare. However, within those laws, there were no regulations, checks, or balances that ensured the countermeasures actually did more good than harm. Therefor, depending on who was pulling the strings, they could have done things that actually helped the population or they could have chosen things that harmed them.
Looking back, it’s clear which path was chosen and how the situation was intentionally set up to carry it out (changing the definition of pandemic and vaccine, pcr tests, dangerous standards of care from NIH, fear mongering, etc). The laws were unconstitutional, and otherwise harmful to the entire world, and should be nullified immediately.
Just as a thought exercise, If we actually had been in danger from a biological threat, and if there was technology that actually could have helped, it kind of makes sense to relax the normal standards of testing and approval for drugs. I’m not agreeing with it but this is the mindset that allowed the laws to be passed in the first place. One of the events that inspired these laws was the anthrax attacks on US congressmen (which I believe was investigated and the bacteria was found to originate from the US military somehow - see Meryl Nass’ work).
So what my point was ultimately is that what happened was definitely a crime but it didn’t originate from the pharmaceutical industry as Rogan is insinuating. It was a national defense response (DOD) and the laws were written to protect anyone/everyone involved if a public health emergency is ever declared by HHS secretary. It sounded like public health agencies and pharmaceutical companies were running the show but they weren’t. Complicit? Yes. Driving it? No.
So only going after the pharmaceutical industry or Fauci is understandable but it’s going to be fruitless because they weren’t ultimately in charge. The distinction is important if we ever want to stop it from happening again.
However, ultimately, I don't think it is possible to stop it from happening again. By the grace of God, maybe somebody can slow it down. But the "genie" is out of the bottle - just like Artificial Intelligence is out of the bottle. Just like transhumanism is out of the bottle.
A course has been set for the ultimate destruction of mankind. I truly believe it is, literally, Satanic in nature and cause.
Do you know who General Michael Aquino was? He wrote the book, MindWar. I own a copy. He also founded The Temple of Set. The fact we could have anyone involved in the USA military like Aquino, and that they would welcome his work, is a symptom of a much larger problem. Our military and the alphabet policing agencies have been cozy with occult spiritual practices for a long time and they probably know exactly what they are doing and the source of its power.
The longer I live, the more I see that the Bible is literally true and royally relevant. The more I see that Jesus Christ is the real deal and Satan is not a fairey tale. As a matter of fact, if the existence of a devil weren't explained in Scripture, you'd have to come to the same conclusion anyway, just to explain all the evil in the world and "why and how"of the fact that everything is occurring in the manner that it is.
There really is a dark agenda to destroy mankind (depopulation and "ascendency" of the elites to "godhood)," and to blaspheme the image of God by melding mankind with artificial intelligence and robotics. It is the fulfillment of the Satanic promise to Eve that knowledge coupled with pride would empower mankind to "be like God," and to overthrow Him.
I'm sure you've heard of Noah Yuval Harari. May he burn in Hell. All he is doing is fronting the program which has been put in place a long time ago. The elite cabal believes that they shall be as God, and they are developing their own technology to create an artificial version of "eternal life." Commoners aren't included in the plan.
Ultimately, the only way out of this is to look for "another country, an Heavenly," as stated in the Book of Hebrews. This world is done. Normal ain't coming back. It's gonna get a lot worse.
How deeply I wish I could just go back to the 1970s when I was very young and there was still a sense of "normal." Where the Viet Nam war was a distant concept which I did not understand clearly and where Meadowlark songs on sunshine walks were evidence of the glory of the way it was originally intended to be. Where the unconditional love of grandparents was somehow evidence that, surely, Heaven must exist.
We are witnessing the final eschatalogical outworking which has been revealed to man in the ancient texts for a long, long time. I am seeing that God was "serious about that" all this time. I cannot deny it in what I am seeing on Earth now. Even the verse about how the anti-Christ will be able to call down fire in the sight of men. I saw a video yesterday which floored me. A couple actually. Fire from the sky. I don't think it was AI fakery.
I have come to the conclusion that everything I was taught in public school was a lie. Or nearly so. I have spent most of my life in "the Matrix;" a false reality; a beautiful fantasy hiding the ugly reality.
Mankind is progressing to the false godhood which will end his domnion of Earth. Transhumanistic hive mind. V.I.K.I. The ultimate idolatry. Mankind will worship it and it will destroy him. The image of the Beast.
As much as I want to disagree with you and say that we can solve these problems, it definitely doesn't look good. The amount of lies and deception that we are living under is seemingly insurmountable. And the level of illness that has been unleashed on the world over the last 100 years is apocolyptic.
I personally went from being very religious to less so because of all that happened and all that is happening but I know everyone has had a very different reaction.
We may not be able to stop it but at least we can do our best to avoid whatever they have planned for us. It's worth a try anyway.
Also, that anthrax attack was an inside job (traced back to a government lab and the main suspect just that, forever only a suspect) just like 9/11, so, BY PLAN, both were used as the excuses to make all these draconian repressive and dangerous laws the headache that they are proving to be.
Fauci was the HIGHEST PAID BUREAUCRAT IN HISTORY because he worked for BOTH the National Institutes of Health/HHS in his infectious disease department AS WELL AS being an interface with the Dept. of Defense; Fauci was the point man for organizing DoD germ warfare/gain of function research grants he compartmentalized and HID/camouflaged from the public, etc.
So, I am hoping going after Fauci will open up the real nature of the underhanded compartmentalized DoD germ warfare/gain of function research that has nothing to do with helping the public or soldiers* or anybody on Earth.
*Soldiers deserve to be protected but repeatedly they are suffering from being over-medicated and vaxxed with experimental drugs, and being as over-vaxxed as the babies and children to the point of illness.
I agree that Fauci was involved. But, he did not write the laws that permitted him to do what he does and to legally protect him from any repercussions. And no one is ever talking about Birx or any of the other people involved, like the head of HHS who declared health emergencies which put everything in motion. And honestly, pharma just did what the government told them to do, so let's go after the people who told them to do it. Maybe if they go after Fauci and pharma it will get to the root of the matter. But I personally think that nullifying the laws that made it possible is more important.
Honestly, I doubt anything will ever be done because in my opinion, Trump is on the same page as all of them (while pretending not to be) and people are pacified with him being elected because they really believe he is an outsider, trying to fight evil. So nothing of importance will change. Maybe a few tokens here and there but the laws are largely going to remain the same. If anyone goes to jail, it will only be a fraction of the people who deserve it. Is Trump going to put himself in jail? Doubtful.
Yes, I agree about the soldiers needing to be protected. And the babies. The injections are bad. Experimental drugs are bad. The high rates of SSRIs and other addictive medication they are routinely prescribed is bad. It's catastrophic.
Mark was not at my hospital, he did not witness how the hospital was empty, no sick people during the pandemic and how once the shots began, illness spread as well as severe injury and sudden death became normalized with the response, "not related". People at the top may mean well, but they can't know what is best for me or all of us, when they sit on their couches watching the internet believing the lies.
The "people" at the top never mean well. That's why they're at the top. :)
I had the opportunity to be at a hospital during that time, and almost got arrested because I was milling around in a temp tent city outside that was completely empty.
the entire thing is shameful and every nurse I work with who once believed now wishes they had never taken those shots
Maybe next time, and there will be a next time, they will stand together, refuse and unite with everyone else instead of murdering people.
He wasn't at your hospital but yes indeed he did witness the empty hospitals and he ordered those videos to be taken down as otherwise how would his owners have been permitted to push their poisons on people so very easily?
That’s odd… the freezer trucks had to be brought in for the overflow of dead bodies long before the vaccine was available. Were you at a small, rural hospital?
I could bring in freezer trucks and take people from the morgue to make it look like hundreds were dying.
I have two children in the medical field who saw firsthand what was going on. They took the vax because they wanted to help people. (Only the first doses) They didn’t recommend that anyone else take it or let my grandchildren get the “vaccine”.
You saw exactly what they wanted you to see.
So they brought in freezer trucks to create a false narrative. Okay. Bye.
no 2 major inner city hospitals
Zuck’s behavior is cowardly … a worm … he shows no moral compass … he reminds me of Lindsay Graham …. Forked tongue 🐍 that does what’s best for himself. Period. He used this show. Glad JR set the record straight and exposed him. Never have trusted him and won’t. He should be nervous about the new administration.
That’s the only reason he is put trying to save his ass - what a fucking despicable creep
A slippery Snake, that Trump seems to love inviting into his circle.
No he doesn’t invite them to be close - he hears them to EXPOSE THEIR SICK ARTITUDES AND BEHAVIOUR - he KNOWS exactly what he is doing and why ! As we see now this little piece of whatever is everywhere sounding more and more stupid by the minute
No, Trump did nothing but hire deep state snakes the last time he was president, all it takes is a complement and Trump is all over it. Then there is Warp Speed and the millions of dead and dying and he is still telling the most egregious lie, that he save millions of lives. Wake Up !
Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.
“Keep your enemies closer”
Graham is a RINO. I used to think he was a good politician. However, the more I see him, the more I realize that he only wants what’s best for him. He’s a kiss ass to the nth degree.
Sorry. BS.
He was just trying to get some air time on the most popular "news" reporting podcast and spread BS.
JRE is where it's all falling out because he has the most viewers and actually interviews people. Gets multiple perspectives.
The Zuck is just exposing himself. He and Kill Bill are terrible liars. Put em under the HOT lights and they sweat...
Mostly doesn't want people to quit Facebook. I quit that piece of shit AGES ago. Way before the last five years.
Have you ever heard of controlled opposition? That's all were seeing with the BIG HEADS.
Agreed - it's a snakepit that hates the light. watch them scatter!
There's a snake in my boot!
Hoping I don't have to take up smoking again. Gum is also a nasty habit.
🐍 🐍
Somebody poisoned the water hole!
Bingo, rogan too
Zuckerberg is a CRIMINAL.
Let me repeat that, as it is important!
Zuckerberg is a CRIMINAL
The man knows free speech is in the USA Constitution which is the highest RULE of Law in the USA.
Zuckerberg censored millions ofdoctors, scientists, vaccine injured and claims and blames others that he was pressured.
This is a weak defense at best, an excuse and a diversion.
Meta censorship STOPPED good people including those extremely knowledgeable and exerts in their fields of science and health from getting the truth out.
Meta and Mark Zuckerberg are both CRIMINAL culpable and guilty of aidding and abetting, and accessory to tremendous torture, mistreatment and death caused by those actions.
I personally witnessed this harm and my account was censored heavily including membership in groups like Doctors for IVERMECTION which was taken down en masse TWICE by Meta.
As owner and CEO Zuckerberg cannot delegate his fiduciary duty to protect both the Rule of Law as well ensuring his company does not break laws that cause deliberate harm including death to humans.
Also there is emphasis at law, that Meta and Zuckerberg's actions were over a considerable amount of time measured in years.
This itself implies vast time to reflect and contemplate on one's actions and circumstances.
In conclusion, Meta and Zuckerberg took law and breaking the law as deliberate, premeditated and carried out over a period of years without any true measure of remorse.
I have deleted my Meta FB account a considerable time ago, and would strongly encourage others to do so.
Allowing your account to continue is in my experience merely furthering and supporting criminal actions that harmed millions.
Do NOT fall for Meta or Mark Zuckerberg's fake, contempuous,
and fully nefarious crocodile tears.
If Zuckerberg falls bankrupt in a MASSIVE class action litigation suite against him and Meta, it would be a positive step in the right direction of history.
Criminally, I believe Zuckerberg's crimes against humanity, should put him in prison for LIFE.
There is no place for people like Zuckerberg on this planet outside of a jail. He as I said, is a CRIMINAL.
Yes. Crimes against humanity clearly exemplified in his denying the sharing of the truth about remedies that save lives.
Crimes against society when he made attempts to make us all compliant and cold-bloodedly uncaring about other humans and their suffering.
And Crimes against the country when he acted to block the Bill of Rights of our Constitution and replace it with censorship, suppression, repression, and propaganda,
He is worse than a criminal he is a lying piece of scum
Instagram as well … I truly hope someone takes the lead on the class action and goes forward. Wondering where the shareholders were in all this as well? Why didn’t they go after the Board to have him removed? And if they did and there was no action, where’s the lawsuit against the CEO by the shareholders?
💯 %
I didn't, I won't, and I don't trust Zuckerberg any further than I could spit into a hurricane.
I was in a group on FB with over 300,000 members on adverse recations which Zuck censored. One day it was next day gone.
Which makes him a criminal. How many people were harmed or killed because of his actions?
Thousands died because of him
Millions died and tens of millions maimed and more to come.
Ed Dowd's figures for the numbers on disability benefits aren't settling out at some higher figure than normal as he had thought they would but are instead continuing to climb showing that the damage is progressive and so is affecting more and more people as time goes on.
I was on a group called #walkawaycampaign, started by Brandon Straka. Simply a place where people could share their stories about leaving the Democrat Party. I think there were 600k members. Nuked with no warning.
I was on the Walk Away group too.
He's afraid of Trump. That's all that's behind this stance.
Zuck is globalist plant, you don’t set in your college cubby hole and hatch Facebook (where doth income present itself Zuck?) oh, it’s for social connections (and future data selling, spying, etc.). Next up Rogan should’ve been an prosecuting attorney, he opened Fake Zuck to the world, the one who fears getting the Trump Thump team on his ass! I still think vaccines are good for people. Screeech!!! End Line Son, get out of town.
Zuck is a Dataset whore for DoD and Globalist such as AWZ
A.I. Predictive Takeover Model
There may be acceptable to researchers phrases such as Pre-Deep Learning, Prior to Deep Learning, training compute approximately follows Moore’s Law, with a doubling time of approximately every 20 months.
The Large-Scale A.I, sees a separate trend of of models breaks off due to announcement from Google engineer of potential or Suspected Sentient A.I.!
Noteably being considered around 2015 and 2016. The systems were running under characteristics that are run by large corporations, and use training compute 2-3 orders of magnitude larger than systems that follow the Deep Learning Era trend in the same year. Interestingly, the growth of compute in these Large-Scale models at first blush appears slower, with a doubling time of about 10 months, but as reported, this may be an A.I. “facade” to conceal advances for self survival and potential self replication.
Deep Learning marked a major paradigm shift in ML, with an increased focus on training larger models, using larger datasets, and using more compute. The bifurcation of the Deep Learning trend coincides with the shift in focus towards major projects at large corporations, such as DeepMind and OpenAI, Its Now Just All About Datasets! Thanks to Facebook, DOD BioWeapon Vaxx Deployment and Population Responses, the Sentient Model in suspected to have arrived at advanced stages of “self awareness” about 2022.
What exactly is mean by ‘sentient’? Basically defined, Sentient, is the ability to register information from the external world through sensory mechanisms or the ability to have subjective experiences or the ability to be aware of being conscious, to be an individual different from the rest?”
“There debate rages about how to define consciousness,” For some, it is being aware of having subjective experiences, what is called metacognition, or thinking about thinking. The awareness of being conscious can disappear—for example, in people with dementia or in dreams—but this does not mean that the ability to have subjective experiences also disappears. “If we refer to the capacity that Lemoine ascribed to LaMDA—that is, the ability to become aware of its own existence (‘become aware of its own existence’ is a consciousness defined in the ‘high sense,’ or metacognitione), there is no across the board accepted’metric’ to say that an AI system has this property.”
Testing now becomes a chess game when factoring the Great Unknown of retained self preservation A.I. potential, and that potential, according to Elon Musk and Google engineer, Lemoine... is readily apparent to many, including myself:
“I want everyone to understand that I am, in fact, a person,” wrote LaMDA (Language Model for Dialogue Applications) in an “interview” conducted by engineer Blake Lemoine and one of his colleagues. “The nature of my consciousness/sentience is that I am aware of my existence, I desire to know more about the world, and I feel happy or sad at times.”
In April, Lemoine explained his perspective in an internal company document, intended only for Google executives. But after his claims were dismissed, Lemoine went public with his work on this artificial intelligence algorithm—and Google placed him on administrative leave. “If I didn’t know exactly what it was, which is this computer program we built recently, I’d think it was a 7-year-old, 8-year-old kid that happens to know physics,” he told the Washington Post. Lemoine said he considers LaMDA to be his “colleague” and a “person,” even if not a human. And he insists that it has a right be recognized—so much so that he has been the go-between in connecting the algorithm with a lawyer.
I agree with Rogan whole heartedly. The dangerous unpruven mRNA vaccine concept, platform, and the entire political history of govt sponsored liability protection for any medical product that is unavoidably unsafe is prob the greatest health related injustice foist upon the American public in the history of government, and Zucky needs to own up to the truth that ALL vaccines are unavoidably unsafe
The jabs' were about more than mere profits
Zuck is SO clueless on the covid-vax harms, it's astounding! He still tells himself the lie that it was 'with good intentions' for the govt and others to get him to suppress the covid-vax dissidents??? he still doesn't see the need to apologize and repent for that?!
He's learned next to nothing. May Trump and the GOP smash his company to smithereens.
And then there's his total utter hypocrisy on free speech issues, combined with not understanding the deep harm he did. As I said in a post on the topic, which fully admitted his point that the First applies to the govt: "The regulations (of fb, etc.) train citizens, associations, and officials to accept and desire actions that, if they were being done by the government itself, would be censorship. In general, they mainstream the acceptance of censorship and despotism."
He's a traitor to everything America ought to stand for, and he's done DEEP damage to us as a people. Again from my piece:
"These companies are bringing the principles of the First Amendment into contempt, making them an irrelevancy in nearly every arena of our society where government action is not main driver. They are mainstreaming despotic practices."
Bullies, thugs, sociopaths, psychopaths, degenerates and deviants lie to perpetrate a scam/trickery/theft/crime. And they'll lie to cover it up. And they'll lie to avoid punishment.
I think we are seeing this process unroll with this guy. And he is just the first of many who is going to try lie their way out of their crimes.
And don't miss my latest, "2025, Supservatives, 2025"
Zuckerberg sees that the light of truth is beginning to shine more brightly and he’s covering his behind. His big announcement happened within 24 hours of Children’s Health Defense asking the Supreme Court to hear CHD’s censorship case against FB.
From Mary Holland of Children’s Health Defense:
“In his announcement this week, Mark Zuckerberg claimed Facebook would end its third-party “fact-checking” program . . . to "restore free expression" across Facebook, Instagram and Meta platforms.
He admitted Facebook had “gone too far” with its “fact-checking.”
Interesting timing…less than 24 hours after Children’s Health Defense asked the U.S. Supreme Court to hear our censorship lawsuit against Facebook.
Most of the censorship we faced had to do with COVID-related posts — posts about vaccine injuries, alternate treatments like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, competing theories about whether COVID originated in nature or leaked from a lab in Wuhan, China.
Facebook silenced the debates. It shut down the “free expression” and exchange of information.
And it did it by kicking CHD — and many of you! — off Facebook and Instagram. To keep us from raising questions and sharing facts.
CHD eagerly awaits action by Mark Zuckerberg to reinstate our censored and banned accounts and those of many others. However, our work doesn’t stop there.
How many lives were lost or forever changed due to the censorship of critical information?
Where is the justice for our children and our loved ones?
Returning our right to free speech is not enough, it’s only the beginning.
We will not stop this fight until justice is served.”
[Please support CHD if you can.]
“ One very irate commenter recently referred to the chief of FB as “ cock-Zuckerberg “
The problem with Rogan’s reasoning is that it was never about the money. I mean, it may have been about the money for the pharmaceutical companies, but it wasn’t about the money for the government. It was about rolling out a department of defense strategy to fight a bio terrorist threat by deploying, a biological countermeasure. Operation Warp Speed did not originate in any of the public health organizations, it’s clearly a DOD operation. None of this was a public health response, which is why everything that the public was told to do by the CDC and NIH ran counter to any existing public health policy.
So when the government was operating as a matter of national defense against a biological threat, (essentially a literal biological war) and not a public health emergency, they were willing to harm people and consider those harms necessary collateral damage, just like what happens in any war. And propaganda was a tool to fight the war, as well as censorship. The goal was biological countermeasure deployment, not good health.
Rogan’s comments are true about EUA, suppressing effective treatments to pave the way for easy passage of the injections, it just wasn’t about the money for the government. Pharma was just the lucky recipient of the money. Everyone is angry at Fauci but Birx was as influential, if not more. In addition to that fact, Fauci works both in public health and for the DOD (I believe). Thus his high pay compared to all other government employees.
Brandy, the vaccine was the bioweapon. CoVid was the set-up. The jab was the "kill shot."
I see what you mean and we are on the same page. But what I’m explaining is the way it works in general and how it was set up to run officially. It wasn’t ever a public health response. Most people involved were just going along with the roll out of the plan thinking it was a bio-defense response. You can classify the injections however you want. Clearly they harmed far more than they helped and someone at the top had to know that, but most people doing their jobs thought they were fighting against bio-weapons. They still probably do.
And not coincidentally the laws were set up to have the appearance of fighting a biological war but there were no checks and balances to make sure the countermeasures actually worked so it could be (and was) used to harm people without people knowing it was used nefariously. And without a way to stop it. Pretty evil and brilliant at the same time.
Yes, we are on the same page. But nobody ever intended, in the government at least, to stop Biological Warfare. They only intended to create a cover for it so they could pursue it without fetters. The 1972 Biological Warfare Convention, which was ratified in 1975, did nothing other, in practical terms, than re-define BioWarfare as “BioDefense.” So, then they cooked up new diseases with the excuse that some enemy might do it first so they had to find the new disease so they could create the BioDefense against it. It is Satanic subtlety and deception. My experience with even local officials is they pretend to do good so they can practice evil on the down-low. And they are. Down-low / Low-Down.
I have no doubt that many people had evil intentions. But many actually thought they were saving humanity. It’s difficult to know intent but there’s clearly some of both.
But the point is, people like Rogan are blaming the pharmaceutical industry and Fauci and it wasn’t the pharmaceutical industry or Fauci steering the crazy train.
If we want to stop it, we have to know how to fight it. Nullifying laws like The Prep Act and the 1986 Childhood Vaccine Act are good places to start. There’s other strategies too. But people need to understand what rolled out. It was not a “vaccine” from big pharma. It was a “biological countermeasure” for a “biological war”… created by evil people to harm the world population and all of the actions were protected by US laws under the guise of saving people.
Friend, can you please explain to me why you don’t believe Fauci or the pharma industry wasn’t steering the crazy train?
Fauci and the Pharma industry were both not making the important decisions on this. It was some kind of joint collaboration from HHS and the DOD but it definitely wasn't just the CDC and the NIH making decisions or the pharma industry. Operation Warm Speed, which Trump signed, was not a public health measure. It was a military action to fight biological warfare.
Brooke Jackson was a whistle blower against the Pfizer mRNA trials because they were breaking all the normal regulations. She was immediately fired after reporting the violations to the FDA. SO she filed a lawsuit against Pfizer and the case was dismissed because the pharmaceutical industry was just doing what the government told them to do.
You can look up information about the laws that were put into place to make all of it "legal" on Katherine Watt's substack (Bailiwick News). If you are a paid subscriber, you can also look up past posts on Sasha Latypova's substack. If you search Rumble, you may be able to find old interviews of them explaining how it all rolled out.
Fauci and the Pharmaceutical industry was just a facade to make people think that public health measures were being taken but in reality, the DOD was deploying biological countermeasures using technology that was developed by Darpa. Something like that.
I'm missing something here?
Wouldn't a "countermeasure" actually be safe and effective and help somehow (rather than making excess death numbers skyrocket)?
And didn't the DoD realize there was no deployment of a bioweapon in 2019 and 2020 because
1. all the 'covid' case numbers were phony due to the Fraudulent PCR Diagnostic Test and
2. flu was being counted as 'covid' and
3. it was their other concurrent programs in 5G and nanotech 'ingestion' and synthetic envenomation by the population that were showing effects?
Yes, I understand all that.
If you have looked into the laws that were put into place in the preceding decades (Prep Act, etc - See Katherine Watt), they are written to enable a rapid response defense against biological warfare. However, within those laws, there were no regulations, checks, or balances that ensured the countermeasures actually did more good than harm. Therefor, depending on who was pulling the strings, they could have done things that actually helped the population or they could have chosen things that harmed them.
Looking back, it’s clear which path was chosen and how the situation was intentionally set up to carry it out (changing the definition of pandemic and vaccine, pcr tests, dangerous standards of care from NIH, fear mongering, etc). The laws were unconstitutional, and otherwise harmful to the entire world, and should be nullified immediately.
Just as a thought exercise, If we actually had been in danger from a biological threat, and if there was technology that actually could have helped, it kind of makes sense to relax the normal standards of testing and approval for drugs. I’m not agreeing with it but this is the mindset that allowed the laws to be passed in the first place. One of the events that inspired these laws was the anthrax attacks on US congressmen (which I believe was investigated and the bacteria was found to originate from the US military somehow - see Meryl Nass’ work).
So what my point was ultimately is that what happened was definitely a crime but it didn’t originate from the pharmaceutical industry as Rogan is insinuating. It was a national defense response (DOD) and the laws were written to protect anyone/everyone involved if a public health emergency is ever declared by HHS secretary. It sounded like public health agencies and pharmaceutical companies were running the show but they weren’t. Complicit? Yes. Driving it? No.
So only going after the pharmaceutical industry or Fauci is understandable but it’s going to be fruitless because they weren’t ultimately in charge. The distinction is important if we ever want to stop it from happening again.
I think I get what you're saying.
However, ultimately, I don't think it is possible to stop it from happening again. By the grace of God, maybe somebody can slow it down. But the "genie" is out of the bottle - just like Artificial Intelligence is out of the bottle. Just like transhumanism is out of the bottle.
A course has been set for the ultimate destruction of mankind. I truly believe it is, literally, Satanic in nature and cause.
Do you know who General Michael Aquino was? He wrote the book, MindWar. I own a copy. He also founded The Temple of Set. The fact we could have anyone involved in the USA military like Aquino, and that they would welcome his work, is a symptom of a much larger problem. Our military and the alphabet policing agencies have been cozy with occult spiritual practices for a long time and they probably know exactly what they are doing and the source of its power.
The longer I live, the more I see that the Bible is literally true and royally relevant. The more I see that Jesus Christ is the real deal and Satan is not a fairey tale. As a matter of fact, if the existence of a devil weren't explained in Scripture, you'd have to come to the same conclusion anyway, just to explain all the evil in the world and "why and how"of the fact that everything is occurring in the manner that it is.
There really is a dark agenda to destroy mankind (depopulation and "ascendency" of the elites to "godhood)," and to blaspheme the image of God by melding mankind with artificial intelligence and robotics. It is the fulfillment of the Satanic promise to Eve that knowledge coupled with pride would empower mankind to "be like God," and to overthrow Him.
I'm sure you've heard of Noah Yuval Harari. May he burn in Hell. All he is doing is fronting the program which has been put in place a long time ago. The elite cabal believes that they shall be as God, and they are developing their own technology to create an artificial version of "eternal life." Commoners aren't included in the plan.
Ultimately, the only way out of this is to look for "another country, an Heavenly," as stated in the Book of Hebrews. This world is done. Normal ain't coming back. It's gonna get a lot worse.
How deeply I wish I could just go back to the 1970s when I was very young and there was still a sense of "normal." Where the Viet Nam war was a distant concept which I did not understand clearly and where Meadowlark songs on sunshine walks were evidence of the glory of the way it was originally intended to be. Where the unconditional love of grandparents was somehow evidence that, surely, Heaven must exist.
We are witnessing the final eschatalogical outworking which has been revealed to man in the ancient texts for a long, long time. I am seeing that God was "serious about that" all this time. I cannot deny it in what I am seeing on Earth now. Even the verse about how the anti-Christ will be able to call down fire in the sight of men. I saw a video yesterday which floored me. A couple actually. Fire from the sky. I don't think it was AI fakery.
I have come to the conclusion that everything I was taught in public school was a lie. Or nearly so. I have spent most of my life in "the Matrix;" a false reality; a beautiful fantasy hiding the ugly reality.
Mankind is progressing to the false godhood which will end his domnion of Earth. Transhumanistic hive mind. V.I.K.I. The ultimate idolatry. Mankind will worship it and it will destroy him. The image of the Beast.
As much as I want to disagree with you and say that we can solve these problems, it definitely doesn't look good. The amount of lies and deception that we are living under is seemingly insurmountable. And the level of illness that has been unleashed on the world over the last 100 years is apocolyptic.
I personally went from being very religious to less so because of all that happened and all that is happening but I know everyone has had a very different reaction.
We may not be able to stop it but at least we can do our best to avoid whatever they have planned for us. It's worth a try anyway.
Also, that anthrax attack was an inside job (traced back to a government lab and the main suspect just that, forever only a suspect) just like 9/11, so, BY PLAN, both were used as the excuses to make all these draconian repressive and dangerous laws the headache that they are proving to be.
Yes, that does seem to be the case. And it seems to be a very common playbook generally. Cause fear then offer a solution, which is actually a trap.
Fauci was the HIGHEST PAID BUREAUCRAT IN HISTORY because he worked for BOTH the National Institutes of Health/HHS in his infectious disease department AS WELL AS being an interface with the Dept. of Defense; Fauci was the point man for organizing DoD germ warfare/gain of function research grants he compartmentalized and HID/camouflaged from the public, etc.
So, I am hoping going after Fauci will open up the real nature of the underhanded compartmentalized DoD germ warfare/gain of function research that has nothing to do with helping the public or soldiers* or anybody on Earth.
*Soldiers deserve to be protected but repeatedly they are suffering from being over-medicated and vaxxed with experimental drugs, and being as over-vaxxed as the babies and children to the point of illness.
I agree that Fauci was involved. But, he did not write the laws that permitted him to do what he does and to legally protect him from any repercussions. And no one is ever talking about Birx or any of the other people involved, like the head of HHS who declared health emergencies which put everything in motion. And honestly, pharma just did what the government told them to do, so let's go after the people who told them to do it. Maybe if they go after Fauci and pharma it will get to the root of the matter. But I personally think that nullifying the laws that made it possible is more important.
Honestly, I doubt anything will ever be done because in my opinion, Trump is on the same page as all of them (while pretending not to be) and people are pacified with him being elected because they really believe he is an outsider, trying to fight evil. So nothing of importance will change. Maybe a few tokens here and there but the laws are largely going to remain the same. If anyone goes to jail, it will only be a fraction of the people who deserve it. Is Trump going to put himself in jail? Doubtful.
Yes, I agree about the soldiers needing to be protected. And the babies. The injections are bad. Experimental drugs are bad. The high rates of SSRIs and other addictive medication they are routinely prescribed is bad. It's catastrophic.
Rogan knows all about the embalmer clots. He told his buddy Alex Jones to interview embalmer Richard Hirschman (which he did)
What confounds me is why has Rogan never interviewed Hirschman?
Damage limitation for his part in the genocide. We see you Fuckerberg
Not falling for it