The stroke must’ve fixed something in his head

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I think he’s great, for a democrat but I don’t think he’s the original Fetterman.

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Agreed. They seem to swap out lots of players. The original Matt Gaetz looks nothing like the Jack Nicholson/Jim Bruer combo

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Go back and snap the early photos of him and compare them to current photos. Definitely not the original Fetterman. The nose, head shape, bone structure and ears are different. That is why he is allowed to wear his hoody because it hides the hump he no longer has. How the people of Pennsylvania don’t see this is beyond belief.

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HRC looks swapped out, she’s much shorter for one thing, as well as Biden who looks nothing like the original, actually there are more than one of the new ones & Kamala Harris too.

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Excellent combination of medication!

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A rational mind and a beautifully cooperative spirit. He sets a magnificent example, but so many dems have planks in their eyes.

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They will have an opportunity to splinter off.

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You Maga-ts Wouldn’t know a rational mind if it smacked you in the face

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Wow - imagine how great it would be if more Democrats had open minds and common sense!

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If you have enough $$$$ they'll open their minds.

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But some of them do!

RFK Jr and Tulsi Gabbard most recently, Steve Bannon and Trump before them … Team USA! 😂😂😂

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Gotta love the guy! Kind of like an old time Democrats, not the progressive freaks now running and defining the brand.

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He is speaking common sense for anyone who loves USA and wants to see it succeed peacefully and honourably. Good on you John

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Fetterman made his bones in The Valley of Work, where the Monongahela River flows past America's steelmaking heritage. You cannot fool a real Yinzer for long with that progressive crapola.

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Closing paragraph - very well said, VF.

It's time to get on board and move OUR country forward. Perpetuated divisiveness is NOT the way forward.

Trump may be a tough pill for those leaning left to swallow - but either get down with it....or choke on it.

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He's pragmatic. Something you don't see in democrats much these days.

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As pragmatic as Hitler, I guess. Want some more territory - annex it. New world order. No one gives a shit anymore about international law and decency.

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He didn’t say that. He said he didn’t agree with taking it by force, only if they were agreeable. Don’t you read?

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Stop with the “trump is Hitler” blather. It makes you sound silly and it incites a certain type of person to become violent. (“What would you have done if you lived in 1930s Germany” etc). It is an ignorant viewpoint to start … the commonalities between Trump and Hitler are strained at best

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At best? Completely ridiculous!

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But remember what actually caused Hitler to "want more territory".

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No, do tell?

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The territory that was stolen from Germany in the treaty of Versailles*, with the handing of Danzig to Poland and the subsequent mass slaughter of German citizens by the Poles.

*"Germany forfeited 13 percent of its European territory (more than 27,000 square miles) and one-tenth of its population (between 6.5 and 7 million people)".

Caused was the wrong word as there were undoubtedly numerous reasons, including the threat of spreading Bolshevism.

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OK. So what does this have to do with the US maybe buying Greenland?

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He very possibly was a reasonable person before the stroke. Just took him a while to get back in the saddle.

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There is so much good news these days.

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I know! I’m just swimming in it it seems 😊

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Better watch out he will be converting to a Republican next. 🤣🤣

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Nah. Fetterman has way more power with both parties vying for his vote. Joe Manchin played that similar game.

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Awesome 😎

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I'm starting to like John Fetterman more and more. Perhaps HE should be leading the Democrat party. Apparently he isn't being groomed by Nancy P.

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Considering this NOT the real Fetterman, his comments should surprise no one. If people will stop to remember, the REAL Fetterman was always sick. Kept ending up in the hospital. This one is healthy as a thoroughbred race horse.

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My thoughts also. This cannot be the same guy. Just waaayyyyy to different.

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"... This cannot be the same guy. Just waaayyyyy to different."

Paul McCartney 2.0 / Faul / William Shepherd / Billy Shears admits here, in one of the very best short video clips, that he was asked to join the Beatles AFTER the band was "ALREADY FORMED," that "I'd been lucky just falling into the Beatles," that "They asked me to join," "So that was there ... I never had to form a group." "No, I didn't get the Beatles together at all." "That was ... already formed."... and, as u listen, observe how Paul 2.0's RIGHT (prosthetic) eye has a tendency to wander OUT OF SYNC with his good LEFT eye:

> Paul 2.0 / Billy Shears: "They asked me to join The Beatles."


(1 min 22 sec)

> Is Paul 1.0 still alive as John Halliday?:

"John Halliday / Paul McCartney"


(43 sec)

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All you said about Paul 2.0 is true. However, while Halliday is a dead ringer for Paul 1.0...I do believe 1.0 died in a car crash on 9/11/66.

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Astute comment. The lack of a gravestone on Mary McCartney's grave (until one was placed there more recently) is one reason indicating 1.0 really died in '66, rather than merely quitting show business, or just being replaced by Billy. So I tend to agree with your point of view that 1.0 died on 9/11/66, or else he would have bought her a nice headstone. And too many other reasons, too ...

As u point out, Halliday's resemblance to Paul 1.0 -- as well as Halliday's good friend Colin Unwin's resemblance to John Lennon -- is uncanny. I have found no info indicating whether Halliday (and Unwin) are still alive, or have passed on.

I'm really quite surprised that more people don't see through the obvious Fetterfraud 2.0.

: : shaking my head : :

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Oh my. I hear so many of these clone replacement theories but … my heart skipped a beat … look at the LEFT EARLOBES of these two guys … one attached (2.0 Paul) one is free (Paul 1.0)

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My thought exactly. Not the original. I commented that just a minute ago up at the top.

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Totally awesome! 🎉

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Open Letter to John Fetterman:

Dear Sir, I apologize that I ever called you "Lurch". You are actually a decent fellow.

Yours Truly,

Tucos's Child

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A lot of us owe him an apology.

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We just finished listening to Dr Steven Greer ...

take the way forward.

May love and common sense be with us all.

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