„ when did you first find out about Joe Biden‘s mental incapacity..?!?“ way to Go Brett

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This speaks to her veracity and she is demonstrably Deceptive evasive and quick to anger - totally disqualifying .!!!

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She couldn’t answer any questions. I don’t blame him for speaking over her. Earn respect, don’t expect it.

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I wish Bret would have started the whole thing with "Kammie this is your time to talk to the American people that watch Fox, so let's dispense with the Trump did this or Trump is that and tell us ONLY what YOU are going to do, K?"

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And spoil all the fun?? lol

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Because he had a programme time slot to fill and her sitting there saying nothing, because she has nothing to say to the American people, wouldn't fill the slot.

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Absolutely agree, although in allowing her to do so, she made an absolute fool of herself.

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Yes it’s a pity…

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Last night, a mega put an edited version of Michael Morris’s work. It’s full of the F bomb so it won’t go mainstream. It brought tears to my eyes. There’s a disclaimer from MM that it’s not his work. It’s been highly edited beautiful beautiful

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Wow!.. She more incompetent than I ever imagined, she actually agreed to an “interview” and didn’t answer a Dang question . Constant Obsession with referring to DJT about anything and everything, NEVER to answer a question with any substance. Referring everyone to go to her Stupid Web site if we want to know how she stands on anything. Isn’t that why you do an interview!??..Complete Bafoon a lying one at that!..I want to Barf now

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hating an opponent is not a future vision for our country. What are the sweeping views to share with Americans to make American recover from the devastation of the last 4 years?

Leave all the other people out of it.

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Yeah... priceless. If you wanna know about me and where I stand on issues, go to my website ('cause I didn't actually come up with a damned bit of that drivel, and don't intend to follow through, unless I finally learn how to read).

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Kamala is lying sack of shit

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Come on now!! A sack of shit is far more useful than her.

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CommieLa is no different than nearly EVERY CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, NYT, WSJ, and most FOX reporters. All they do is lie and attack DJT with mostly false stories and "facts."

However, CommieLa has to be half drunk to summon what's left of her brain to perform this task.

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She is not competent to run a lemonade stand must less the United States Of America . She couldn’t answer a question truthfully if her life depended on it.

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Harris does not have the intelligence, the wisdom or the loyalty to all Americans to be president . All she cares about is trashing Trump which says a lot about her. She blathers on about everything but what she would do for the country. She’s biased, deceitful, dishonest & an embarrassment. She’s a puppet.

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She's as close to looking like a Borderline Personality Disordered broad as I'VE ever seen (outside my practice).

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Who counted how many times she said Trump on that interview??

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I neglected to count as she sounded like a broken record.

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I do what they do in some shows ‘take a shot’ every time they mention TRUMP. I’m drunk ‘all the time’!!!

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Like Obama she isn't even a citizen. And her hubby is a real work. A bonified schmuck.

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Her husband has a huge financial interest in the mining endeavor in the ravaged area of NC where one of the largest lithium deposits exist.

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Full blown TDS poster child. It's her ENTIRE CAMPAIGN. Maligning Trump.

Have you seen how they tried to twist TDS to their own ends of STD? PATHETIC.

They can't come up with anything on their own! Incredible!

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Her website ?? According to democrats people don’t know how to use the internet or have computers/smartphones … … …

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Only black people.

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Her teleprompter did not tell her what to say!!

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Or her earrings

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Oct 17·edited Oct 17

??? She had earphones shaped like earings during "her" debate with Trump.

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When Harris referred the voting public to her online website in order to review her policy positions - I wish Brett would have then said....

" This is why we are meeting today - I had hoped to hear YOU speak to those policies YOURSELF, in person.....which you appear unwilling to do. "

But, great job by Bret, a more honest journalist than we typically see and hear. these days.

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I love this interview, it shows the total disregard for the American people, plus how incredibly stupid she is, word salad. If Trump doesn't pick up more voters after this, that means hes already got the entire country on his side.

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Stolen election again

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If Kamala is selected after this, the country will go into civil war, it may anyways if Trump wins.

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I believe, no matter what happens, there will be riots in the streets either way but it won't come from the right; it will be antifa, anti Israeli scums, & some ppl who are are looking to destroy stuff for fun. I also believe that we're going to be under attack from those who have entered the country illegally to do us harm & it won't be easy to stop. There are over 30,000 SINGLE, CHINESE alone that have entered this country. How many have been missed & what are their intentions? They won't be easy to control & we have so many "woke" individuals who refuse to stand up for our rights that I worry we won't be able to fight back to win. There are so many possibilities that can happen; will we be able to survive? I'm not a conspiracy person but just THINK of who has crossed the border, unvetted, and why are they here? Where are the "gottaways?" What are their intentions? These are legitimate questions. Concerned citizens want to know WTF is going on!!

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That's my fear. They're adept at cheating so Republicans must be on guard. Hopefully, Laura Trump has things under control. She's doing amazing work to reduce the possibility of cheating by the Leftists but they're very sneaky so we still need to be on our toes.

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Gawd... can it GET any worse? How do ya solve a problem like Kamala? She deflects like crazy. She's thought disordered, and plays the blame game like every little unhinged, Borderline disordered broad that's ever walked the earth. Her pathological lying and gaslighting are typical BPD traits. "You and I both know..." is a manipulative tactic, as well as "the Republicans on this stage with me." LOVED the hard-hitting questions (didn't expect this) and Brett did a great job, trying to corner that slimy creature. IF she miraculously slides into the Oval, shit's gonna hit the fan pretty darned fast. I think we're looking at a bonafide impeachment up ahead. Surprised it hasn't happened ALREADY.

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Brett gave her way too much time to blab on and on and on about Trump this and Trump that while completely ignoring his questions like HOW MANY ILLEGALS HAVE CROSSED OUR BORDERS and WHY DIDN"T YOU NOTICE BIDEN WAS UNFIT FOR OFFICE, YOU MET WITH HIM WEEKLY FOR 3 1/2 YEARS." Seems to me he was soft-balling and giving her way too much to parrot whatever talking points were being delivered to her via those bluetooth earrings.

Same earrings she wore on Trump debate night.

"Malte Iversen, the managing direction of NOVA-manufacturing Icebach Sound, says he can neither confirm nor deny if they are his earrings. 'We do not know whether Mrs. Harris wore one of our products. The resemblance is striking and while our product was not specifically developed for the use at presidential debates, it is nonetheless suited for it.' Iversen said."

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Def softball interview.

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3 letter a gency owned no doubt

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Yes, they're all owned

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If this interview hasn’t confirmed “Biden nor Harris” are NOT in control nothing will!

Every single “Commicrat” uses the same “play-book”! BLAME EVERYONE ELSE!! It’s never their fault! For that matter they blame “We the People” for demanding accountability from our elected “followers”!

She couldn’t lead a “Tupperware party” neither could Biden nor Obama or any of these “deceptive-marxist”

“Destroyers of America”!!

Never forget these word and who said this: yes Barack Hussein Obama said this:

“Fundamentally Transform America”!

Not only is America being completely “transformed”, it will take “decades” to undo the damage done so far to date. If ever possible. These people have done more damage in 3.5 years, than the past 25 years combined if not more!

Never before has so much corruption, lawlessness and complete contempt for our US Constitution been torn apart and disregarded!

These past few years have been planned and we are being deliberately destroyed. Never in modern times has America ever been, so obviously

“IN YOUR FACE” blatantly destructive. Radical policies have been imposed on every American, while the “MSM” covers up, while insisting nothing is wrong these past few years! AYFKM?

As General Michael Flynn said:

If Trump doesn’t win in November, America will become “Communist” nearly overnight!

I paraphrased General Flynn’s statement.

You can watch General Flynn, in his own words, verbatim on YouTube podcast called “Redacted” with Clayton Morris.

I believe, as most Americans believe, the DOJ, FBI, CIA, Judicial Branch and every other government agency has been “Infiltrated” by Marxist / Communist / Socialist / and every other “IST motivated Ideologues.

“Patriotism and Capitalism” are their primary goal’s and motivations under attack by this

“illegitimate administration” from day one!

From border invasions to transgender BS, to CRT and DEI and every destructive ideology radicalization, including the use of racism, etc. has been a tool for the intentional

“Destruction of America”!

Four more years of this nonsense and “We the People” will no longer exist nor will America as an “Constitutional Republic”!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Borderlines always play the blame game. They self-sabotage, and make it Your fault.

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"Peaceful protests" my ASS. No dear, Trump's only gonna jail protesters who tear down historical monuments and statues. Who throw paint on public and private property, who harass citizens, and who loot and burn storefronts. THAT'S what he'll do to your "peaceful protestors."

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What about the homicidal maniacs who have forced/coerced a 'safe and effective' genetic poison into millions of arms?

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They should go to jail, no free get out of jail card either!! They should do SUBSTANTIAL TIME!! How many people have they killed with their authoritarian dictates?

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Yes, Mr. Fireman I understand that you are asking which building is burning in our apartment complex and I will answer that if you

Can I act like Kamala?

Yes Officer I’m going to answer that I agree with you. You should be able to see my license but that’s a very significant question. The question that you want to see my license is in itself significant question and we should address that question


Yes yes Judge I agree with you you should be able to ask me if I was on the grassy Noll in 1962 that’s a very relevant question the most Americans as most Americans want to know if I was on the grassy knoll in 1962

Every American should be involved in this

We have to discuss this discussion

Yes doctor I agree with you I’m and I am answering your question if you let me answer We are Americans and it’s important that we have these discuss

Americans need to discuss these discussions

As discussing discussions helps us to become better at d iscussing discussions

Yes dispatcher I agree with your question is the victim breathing and I will answer that in a moment but first I think it’s important that we didn’t talk about the importance of 911 Dispatch Call Center for American family needs

Every American family needs a call Dispatch center and we should talk about this

Yes, Mr. Fireman I understand that you are asking which building is burning in our apartment complex and I will answer that if you let me

I think it’s important that we discuss the importance of firemen our community

All communities need firemen

All American families need to know that they can call the fire department and have a response

Yes, Mission Control I understand you’re asking if we have separation and that’s a very important

I think it’s important that Americans be able to discuss if we have separation from our booster rocket I think all Americans want to have that discussion when it comes down to it

We would not be Americans if we did not discuss separation

Yes, I understand. You’re on the freeway now and you need to know immediately which exit to take.

And I think it’s important that you ask that we should ask these questions more often

As Americans, we often need to know which exit to take, and we need an answer when we need the

When we need the answer to the question, we’re asking it’s important that we have the answer to the question we’re asking

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You’ve NAILED IT, mate!! You’ve described Harris to a tee!!

She’s a total embarrassment to the American people, if not the world. She’s cringeworthy, unintelligent and downright nasty.

We can only imagine the further damage the Dems will reek upon the USA if she’s elected. But she won’t be… President Trump will take his rightful place at the helm of what was once the most powerful country on earth and he will MAKE IT GREAT AGAIN.

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From your lips to God's ears!!

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