It’s about time. Too bad this story will NOT be covered by the lamestream media, so the same dummies who believed the FDA’s lies in the first place will continue to believe them.

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It never will be either

I smelled a rat early on. . . .about same time my naturopath

outlined an alternative protocol including Ivermectin

He had been networking with REPUTABLE healthcare providers even before

THEY rolled out COVID and the miracle jab

While friends have died, and many have had COVID more than once

(the common denominator ALL fully jabbed)

I have had not so much as a sniffle

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Same here! Never masked, social distanced, locked down. Not sick once in the last four years. Friends and family who got “covid” or the flu, got treatment protocols from me and were well in 3 days. And I’m in my 70’s. Having a healthy immune system works.

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there NEEDS to be a class action law suit

and it should not only be leveled at all the pharma, but MSM and

all the political hacks who pushed this and still are

A dear friend, 3 days after the latest booster, needed immediate attention at the ER

for chest pains. She has since been diagnosed with pericarditis

Our military has a huge # of myocarditis necessitating permanent disability

The many who died in 'care' while they refused to allow their loved ones to

spend time with them

When I was a Navy line officer, I was on an SOQ (a floor of a hospital where officers

are being treated as inpatients) and an officer in the next room had a full blown case of

TB and family was allowed to visit him as long as they were appropriately

masked and in gowns etc. which was deposited when they left his room

NONE of that was afforded to loved ones and very often the next time they saw

them, was in the morgue

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During Spanish Flu masks, lockdowns, and distancing was found to do NOTHING to

contain the virus yet they rolled it all out in '20 assuring humanity would work to

stop COVID.

In Australia draconian rules were incorporated and those who rejected were hauled away and

incarcerated much like FDR did to Japanese AMERICANS earlier in our history

In fact, there were members of the US Congress who called for same for anyone

who refused the jab. THIS at the same time when some were scarfing down Ivermectin

(reported by an internist who was a House member)

I swore then, and still believe . .that IF they tried to jab me they would need to

knock me to the ground, hold my hands behind my back to shove that needle

into my arm.

The entire time I would be protesting loudly.

A dark, sinister time in our history and it was calculated, deliberate and

CRIMINAL in its intent

Genocide is the only word to describe it

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I’m not convinced that I should “Like” this but it’s true

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it was not just THEIR lie which resulted in death, maiming, massive economic loss to the point that

some took their own lives, but it was what it did in tearing families and friends apart

ALL so unnecessary.

For the most part, the lies continue as they hock their latest miracle for COVID. . .


THEY have ALL moved on as have friends and family as though nothing happened

While I can forgive friends and family, and have, I can NEVER forget the comments

as they cut too deeply

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Me too! It was brutal. I look to Heaven for supreme justice coming one terrible day to these horrible people.

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They allowed death, maiming and economic disaster for so many

God is NOT mocked, there will be an accounting far worse than they can

imagine for what they have done to His creation

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Is anyone going to jail? If not, they will do it again.

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People had family members die because they were denied this life saving medicine, and the perps slither away.

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Exactly. No consequences, as usual. Murder is apparently okay, as long as you remove the social media ads that made it happen for the last four years.

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The public should be ashamed for believing the propaganda, because they reinforced it, and people died due to their arrogant ignorance.

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Lots of blame to go around. I don’t personally fault anyone for falling for propaganda for a short amount of time, because it’s intended to deceive. And with AI algorithms, the propaganda was very sophisticated and hard to escape. But at some point, people have the option of doing some research if they want. Sadly, the internet media giants have used social media and internet search engines badly to steer people away from good information.

If I had to choose, I would place the vast majority of the blame on people who knew better and lied, like the FDA, CDC, NIAID, HHS, Big Pharma, etc.

But, I see your point and it’s a valid point. The public really has the power if they choose to take it back.

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Right in the beginning, it is wise to err on the side of caution, and not dismiss the propaganda, because we were not sure it was propaganda. But the protocols were very obviously harmful and ineffective within a year, and when that became clear it was incumbent upon parents not to put their kids in danger of heart damage etc....But over 90% went along anyway. Some of those boys will have heart problems as adults, for taking something unsafe and ineffective, at a point when doctors like Peter McCullough were shouting warnings. Early on Fauci said masks do not work, the U-turn should have caused skepticism, not continued outsourcing of brain power. Also, lots of doctors wanted to give Ivermectin, they knew it worked, it is known to be safe and effective, and it was forbidden. Remdesivir which causes a high rate of kidney damage was ordered in hospitals, and hospitals were getting incentivized for venting people even if they didn't have covid. Non covid people were counted as a covid stat in hospitals, the corruption was immense. Hospitals are composed of people, they implemented this, despite seeing the damage they were causing. How do they sleep at night? Are we a world of cowards, graspers and sneaks?

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And they will do it again because there are no legal consequences, yet a lot of money was made, and new powers were wielded. All the “vaccines” are still being pushed on the public. Mind blowing

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I agree, Brandy. Sick and tired of these "bombshells" that just fizzle out! I want ACTION!

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All the damage has been done so it’s not really even a consolation prize.

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Yes. Even if all this nonsense stopped yesterday the damage has been done. Irreparable damage...

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Yes, they accomplished much of their goal which is to depopulate the world and condition those they haven't eliminated to simply not ask questions and comply with whatever the rulers tell them to do.

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Ivermectin treats parasites...

We're finding parasites have a major role in cancers

this is about WAY more than Covid treatment... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/horse-paste-a-major-cancer-killer

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Several nodules were found in my lungs recently and the doctor looked first for cancer and then tested for a parasitic or fungal infection. None of these caused the nodules. They say they were caused by rheumatoid arthritis and had been there for a while.

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The damage is already done! That's all most people will remember. They accomplished what they wanted to do, get the vac approved for emergency use!

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The FDA has ZERO credibility.


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Now the FDA should be sued for all the wrongful deaths that Ivermectin could have saved if allowed to be prescribed & also sue them for all the deaths the Covid depopulation injections caused because if they had agreed that Ivermectin worked then they couldn’t have released the Covid vax as a EUA, right???

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74% reduction in excess death when it was used, and prescriptions were denied, telling the truth is a start, but the media need to have the FDA apologize for all those who died due to this atrocity. What about all those pharmacists who refused to fill prescriptions that could have saved lives, and instead death occurred. Is following protocols a fair excuse? What if it was their parent or sibling who died because they were refused the lifesaving medicine, seriously?

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SUE the RAT FAUCI, individually. He needs to be he'd accountable

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Better late than never...

But I feel for those denied Ivermectin. And their loved ones...

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Yeah, many died, people are not stats.

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Where’s the multiple billion dollar fines for everyone that died because of their crime? Again no real consequences for breaking the law. The swamp dwellers just laugh and go right back to planning their next assault on liberty.

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Hallelujah! This now needs to be splashed across the front pages of all US newspapers!

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Won't happen that is exactly the problem, can you imagine how everything would change quickly if it was?

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If the FDA or companies are sued, the people that lose are taxpayers and people with retirement accounts. The people who lied and the people who mandated *are people* they need to be held accountable as the criminals they are.

No more hiding behind organizations. Individuals need to be imprisoned and lose their livelihoods and bank accounts.

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Posted about this on FB earlier - a few relevant links that I'm certain will be ghosted.....but, two things:

1. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

2. F 'em.

Don't EVER forget the motivation for the deception - EUA could NOT be granted if a treatment alternative existed.

(Misinformation/Disinformation created by the game's Masters.)

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Thank you !!!

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It was never about your health, but about depopulation and making the few richer. Have we got it yet??

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