I really don’t understand these people who still believe in all the vaccine bs. These people aren’t paying attention. These are the reasons to support RFK Jr. not in spite off. He isn’t a conspiracy theorist. He is right!
Exactly: RFK Jr. is CORRECT regarding the mRNA COVID vaccines- I would bet my last dollar that he is correct. The gold-standard randomized clinical trials done by Pfizer and Moderna themselves had a 16% increase in non-COVID deaths and 45% increase in cardiovascular-related deaths with mRNA vaccination (and a net effect of "4 killed for every 3 saved" even at the height of the pandemic). And the other evidence such as excess mortality trends post-vaccine, and real-world polls of the general population etc. is remarkably consistent with the damning mortality data in the gold-standard clinical trials.
There are so many great Americans who would be wonderful leaders of our country, but the system is so difficult to break into. We need a variety of viable parties, not just the main two that are two wings of the same bird. For example; look at all the time, money, and energy it takes for RFK Jr. and Jill Stein and others just to get their name on the ballot. Also, trying to meet benchmarks to get on the debate stage. The losers are the American people who don't have the opportunity to have access to hear about other candidates. Many people don't even know RFK Jr. is running for president. Add the insult of the Biden Admin not providing Secret Service Protection to RFK Jr. even after attempts on his life, yet Fauci still is still receiving 24/7 security detail at taxpayers expense.
We tend to make decisions on the information that is available. As more information becomes available, we may need to reevaluate. Here's a strong willed fellows thought: Any man worth his salt will stick up for what he believes right, but it takes a slightly better man to acknowledge instantly and without reservation that he is in error.
I agree. Let's beat up Cenk for his championing BESTIALITY. Hmm...since Cenk believes it's OK to F*&K his dog, if he wants to...do you THINK that's probably EXACTLY what he's doing?
Oh, I'm sure his dog told him it was OK. In that case...I'm all for consensual sex.
I used to like him when Bernie was running in 2016. I learned how corrupt the DNC politics was by being involved with his campaign as a volunteer. I have learned so much more when Covid hit. Cenk is a real disappointment for not educating himself on Covid, the motives behind Covid, the money, the corruption, the coercion, the loss of civil rights. Kennedy is right. I have followed him before Covid. Cenk should examine his motives and outright arrogance. I lost all my respect for him just like I did Bernie. The Covid crisis really opened my eyes to who I can’t trust.
It was in JFK's short time that Safe and Effective was mandated. Then Reagan got bamboozled into this emergency rubbish. Speaking of bamboozled: "The [COVID-19] vaccine is one of the greatest achievements of mankind," Trump Two weeks to flatten the curve.
Having dealt with a few narcissists in this lifetime, I suspect it's not possible for djt to admit an error. Twain knew the type: No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot
No, they don't understand that. They think he is out to take vaccines right off the market. MSM spins and twists absolutely everything they publish on Kennedy or Trump and their readers are unable to think for themselves. All the opinions on MSM are facts and they know it! No matter how ridiculous it may sound. MSM "take the wheel".
It’s anathema to call him a “ Conspiracy Theorist” re: the vaccines when the Covid vaccine abomination has been proven to be a disgusting piece of a far greater conspiracy. The Plandemic in its entirety.
And RFK Jr supports Israel’s right to take out Hamas . He said that any other nation would have flattened Gaza without any attempt to reduce casualties and not received blowback. He’s right.
The only reason I’m on the fence about voting for Bobby is Shanahan. I understand he needed her financial backing, but she has funded the most awful leftist ideology and doesn’t have any experience in the despicable body politic. She’s very young, Bobby is a walking target and God forbid he becomes another victim, she is not equipped to lead. If the bastards were able to destroy Trump’s presidency, with all his business experience, years of dealing with politicians and tough talk, imagine how she’d fare. She’d cave to the bastards.
The powers of financial capitalism had a far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences.
Carroll Quigley As to djt, I think Barry said it best: The fellow has absolutely no principles."Money and gall" is all he has.
Well, that remains to be seen! When I voted for trump, I thought we were getting an Andrew Jackson, but what we got was a Jacques Clouseau! Having lost too many people to the Vaxx, there is NO way I can ever support djt! "The [COVID-19] vaccine is one of the greatest achievements of mankind," Trump
They pretend they are enemies when in reality behind the scenes they are doing what’s best for China. They just pulled off one of the greatest hoaxes on us with Covid…..
In 2012 the USA DOD ADEPT P3 program had mRNA vaxxes ready to go out in 60 days whenever needed.
Fouchier, a Dutch scientist at the USA Rocky Mountain lab helped start the mess. He was doing experiments with aerosolized vaccines on deer!!! There was probably a lab escape in approximately 2014. The last paragraph of the following is chilling. Facebook will not allow sharing of this…..
They then sent samples to Winnipeg. Trudeau then allowed samples to be sent to Wuhan!!! Meanwhile NSA/FISA says nothing about the communications between the 2 labs!!!! The world has been covering up for Trudeau… but later they concocted a plan to blame Trump for everything!!!!
We have already been exposed to the coronavirus. It was not new. This was all known by governments and their intelligence communities for years and suppressed!!!!
Look at the date and information from this old article that was censored…..
We were lied to about everything. Why is no one talking about the infected deer wandering the country? Some say approximately 20% of the deer are infected/carriers.
Funny how the Winnipeg bio lab director and PCR inventor mysteriously/suddenly pass away. 🤔
All intel people knew. But they continually blame Fauci, CDC, etc and misdirecting people from the truth!!!!
Biden/Obama/China/Trudeau are knee deep in a conspiracy using PCR testing to roll out a fraud and the vaxxes that cause inflammation and harm many.
Let’s not forget how they benefitted and made a fortune from an already circulating virus:
-lockdowns normalized the use of mail in ballots
-China got Hong Kong without a shot fired
-got rid of Trump
-many countries did not prepare for baby boomers senior health care and had under funded pensions.
-helped bring in great reset changes such as vax passes.
Some people made treasonous decisions and no one is doing a darn thing to make them legally accountable.
Funny how Bobby doesn’t blame the DOD/CIA for running the operation and continually distracts with Fauci, CDC, etc. 🤔.
People are getting “psy opped” to vote for a democrat again.
you wouldn't have one without the other, and fauci could not have been more willing to help. I'd bet it was his idea... they are all in bed together and yes Bobby knows. He also knows the cia killed his father. He intends to drain the swamp in Washington including cia fda cdc fbi nih niaid etc. His environmental concerns involve the pollution of things... Water from streams to oceans, toxic food, toxic vaxx etc. Those on the left are so under informed and misinformed by MSM they think OMG he is going to take away vaccines!! Run the sky is going to fall! No, he simply wants vaccines to be produced with the same oversight, testing, etc. that other medications must abide by. Which isn't a big improvement in my mind but better than leaving it go on with minimal requirements.
The true left, of 5 0+ years ago as it once was defined, are no longer represented by this new breed of war mongering psycopaths who are running our country. Dennis Kucinich is an upright ethical person who wants peace. I think you might consider throwing the left/right labels away and instead look at the ethics and morals of leaders determined by their actions and how they spend taxpayer money.
It has long been my opinion that these are NOT Democrats, they have usurped the title but are in fact JACOBINS! Andrew Jackson, FDR, HST, JFK those were Democrats.
Absolutely right. They are the radical socialist Left, a European originated ideology that until recently didn’t have much of a following in the US. They are the intellectual descendants of Marx, Robespierre, Lenin and the rest of the totalitarian Left. And beginning in the 1960’s (and accelerating since) they began a long planned takeover of the Democratic Party, public education, colleges and universities, media and have inserted themselves into major corporations and government agencies.
They are the source of much of the lunacy that permeates American society.
They don’t believe in the Constitution, individual rights, and rest of the things that we take for granted (or used to).
They don’t particularly publicize their plans, but they certainly don’t deny them. It is a conspiracy, but an open one.
Another Man in another time, but pretty much the same battle: The issue today is the same as it has been throughout all history, whether man shall be allowed to govern himself or be ruled by a small elite.
“Biden has been corrupt his whole life.” Wow this guy has a mind like a steel trap 😉
Seriously tho, it is a good sign. You see this means the wheels are starting to turn. Maybe this is a sign other people’s wheels are starting to turn as well. Once those mind wheels start moving it’s hard for them to just quit. As most of you know once you take a couple red pills there’s an uncontrollable urge to keep popping them.
I agree RFK Jr.'s stance on Israel/Gaza is upsetting but consider some numbers of deaths. Kennedy has specific plans to raze and rebuild a functional health care system that works for people. The Covid Shot killed over 20 million people worldwide, and injured 100s of millions. On this topic, Kennedy has 20/20 vision. If in doubt, read his book, The Real Anthony Fauci. He will stop pharma advertising on MSM, close bio labs around the world, close many military bases, address the food crisis and chronic disease, clean up our lakes and streams, etc. Let's be grateful we have a real opportunity to get our country back. Let's not squander it.
I really can't wrap my head around the idea of of bashing Israel for defending themselves. God forbid it was your loved one brutally raped and taken hostage during an unprovoked attack. As well, these people still have not been returned to Israel. Astounding.
NOT TRUE TRUMP FAN - those egregious lies have been debunked since Day One! No one was raped - no babies were placed in ovens and or beheaded and or hung from clothes lines etc etc etc. Israel has invested a billion dollars in this propaganda campaign.
There are two sides to that coin. What cause have we to complain about their fierce hatred to us? For eight years now, they sit in their refugee camps in Gaza, and before their eyes we turn into our homestead the land and villages in which they and their forefathers have lived.
This is how I see it, but I’m open to evidence that might change my conceptualisation. I like to think of things in terms that I deal with in my day to day life, as it helps me understand the principles and values at play and decide what I feel is morally right. For example, even though my partner is an immigrant and I love the diversity of having a mix of ethnicities (but united under a shared love for your country, you need something to bind you), I think that having a wide open border with no filter is a baaad idea, and morally wrong. Why? Because I think if I live in a home with my family, and I let in one or two known people to stay with us while they get on their feet, that’s good of me (if they are appropriate around my kids etc). But if I let in 50 strangers, I’m not a good person, because I’m endangering my kids and the neighbourhood by the chaos that would produce. It would also no longer be my house. So this is how I like to think about social issues.
With the Israel-Gaza situation, I imagine the situation as to how I would feel if a group of people walked into my house unannounced, said they were taking my house for themselves (because they are “God’s chosen people”, to add insult to injury!) and then barricaded me in the shed with 50 of my neighbour, because they were scared of our response. They then police everything that goes in and out of the shed, and spit on us through the window when they walk past. If someone gets sick, they will purposefully delay the ambulance transit through the streets. They have set up cameras in all areas of the shed and surrounding garden. We may garden one small part of the garden and fish one small part of the river, but if we try to take a boat down the river to another part, their helicopter patrol stops us. We are prisoners.
One day, a group of us learn of a weakness in the fence they keep around our part of the garden, and we begin to plot how we can get some leverage over our captors. We plot to breach their defences and take hostages as bargaining chips. Our captors are warned about our plans by outsiders, but they ignore the warning. The day of the attack, we break out and attack our captors, quickly grabbing hostages. We are quite disciplined, but some of the other captives from our shed are less so, and revel in their brief freedom and new found agency to fight back against their captors. Cramped captivity has driven them stir crazy, resentment and vengeance creating a savage blood lust.
When we are finally driven back (our captors took a strangely long amount of time to do so) with our hostages, we hope to get at least a few things we want in exchange for the return of their loved ones. But the leaders of our captors seem to care little for their people, they bomb and gas them along with us indiscriminately. They flatten our shed, scorch the land and drive us away from the shed. Most of us die. They target our first aid tent and outsiders who have come to help us.
Our captors destroy what little they had allowed us when they had originally imprisoned us in the garden. They make it inhospitable, so that then they can be rid of us once and for all - we must go to other peoples houses and live on their charity, they say.
So that’s essentially how I see it. I don’t consider it really a war because I don’t think prisoners are a proper enemy army. I don’t really consider it self defence on Israel’s part, the power dynamics aren’t right to me. Tell me how I’m wrong.
I can’t see those pictures? But apparently the actual Hamas fighters were quite disciplined (I’m sure they were told to be so to help their image in international eyes). The real brutal stuff was apparently civilians.
Even if that wasn’t the case though, if a country invaded the USA and corralled Americans into a cramped corner and surveilled your every move and regularly killed Americans (which they called “mowing the lawn”), I suspect you would think people who fought back were freedom fighters. You might not agree with the brutality, but I think you would understand and appreciate the impetus. Am I wrong?
Trump had peace in the Middle East…. What u see today is not that. Trump would certainly restore that peace. Do you know about “Q” posts? “Save Israel for last” that means something….?Don’t take everything u see so literally there’s a plan happening
I know of Q, but not the specific contents of the messages. I wish I had your optimism but unfortunately I believe Q to be a psy-op, designed to make good people sit patiently by and wait for someone to save them, rather than mobilising to save themselves.
I see your point, however, our country won’t survive a civil war. Millions will die, we would be invaded militarily during the mess also… it’s always best to save the death and destruction for the very last resort… trump isnt gona single handedly “save” us but as president he could change the doj and alphabet agencies for real, he knows who the enemies are within our gov and he can follow executive orders regarding stolen elections and crimes against humanity which would remove the USAinc restoring our nation to the ppl. THEN the ppl stand a chance to fix a hundred years of fraud by using the rule of law. Don’t u want to try the safer less deadly way first? If trump fails we gona get our civil war anyway so stay locked and loaded friend
People hated RFKJR when he was right. Now that he supports genocide and nullifies himself completely, people start liking him. Birds of genocide feathers…
Cenk has known Biden was always corrupt? So why did he vote for him in the first place? What a clown… when will he realize TRUMP is the only one saving our country and restoring sovereignty- that’s what maga means! we are not a democracy, we are a constitutional republic - every time someone brings up “our democracy” I have to barf a little bit it! Brainwashed fools- go read the constitution and the Declaration of Independence… we’ve been hijacked since 1871. Fire the fed reserve, abolish “their” IRS, no more USA inc, every dual citizen in congress (Israel) you’re out! Audit all politicians, cut elected servants pay, no retirement, no protections, rewrite their oaths of office to swear loyalty to the ppl and constitution, violations immediately revokes office and opens criminal charges. No legislation shall be written which violates the unalienable rights of the ppl. These changes should protect our children’s future and freedom for atleast a century or so before the corruption seeps thru again….
Based on his performance in office, his record, especially, the Covid Hysteria and The Vaxx, I think Barry seen Ole "Lock Her Up" coming: The fellow has absolutely no principles."Money and gall" is all he has.
I really don’t understand these people who still believe in all the vaccine bs. These people aren’t paying attention. These are the reasons to support RFK Jr. not in spite off. He isn’t a conspiracy theorist. He is right!
if you think the vaccine BS is simply a conspiracy theory
all you are really saying, is that you trust big pharmaceutical companies with a profit motive more than RFK
Right! And there is too much data out now to not see it or they have their head stuck in something.
Exactly: RFK Jr. is CORRECT regarding the mRNA COVID vaccines- I would bet my last dollar that he is correct. The gold-standard randomized clinical trials done by Pfizer and Moderna themselves had a 16% increase in non-COVID deaths and 45% increase in cardiovascular-related deaths with mRNA vaccination (and a net effect of "4 killed for every 3 saved" even at the height of the pandemic). And the other evidence such as excess mortality trends post-vaccine, and real-world polls of the general population etc. is remarkably consistent with the damning mortality data in the gold-standard clinical trials.
Good for Cenk Uygur. I appreciate people who can learn new information and change their mind.
Let's not beat people up for their past choices. I once voted for Clinton.
Clinton? Which one, the rapist or the murderer?
haha. Don't even want to go there.
I also voted for Obama, the biggest race baiter of them all.
I think people are experiencing sober reflection when faced with the dire
choices within the two parties, Dem and Rep.
Go visit the merch store on RFK Jr website and raise a banner, don a hat, t shirt or a car sticker.
See the comment I just left a couple down from this one. It’s about ingesting red pills. And I think you just bolstered my point Mary 😉
We might as well have voted for Obama since McCain was a warmonger and Romney was a RINO.
There are so many great Americans who would be wonderful leaders of our country, but the system is so difficult to break into. We need a variety of viable parties, not just the main two that are two wings of the same bird. For example; look at all the time, money, and energy it takes for RFK Jr. and Jill Stein and others just to get their name on the ballot. Also, trying to meet benchmarks to get on the debate stage. The losers are the American people who don't have the opportunity to have access to hear about other candidates. Many people don't even know RFK Jr. is running for president. Add the insult of the Biden Admin not providing Secret Service Protection to RFK Jr. even after attempts on his life, yet Fauci still is still receiving 24/7 security detail at taxpayers expense.
Hysterical JOHN!!!!
We tend to make decisions on the information that is available. As more information becomes available, we may need to reevaluate. Here's a strong willed fellows thought: Any man worth his salt will stick up for what he believes right, but it takes a slightly better man to acknowledge instantly and without reservation that he is in error.
Andrew Jackson
I agree. Let's beat up Cenk for his championing BESTIALITY. Hmm...since Cenk believes it's OK to F*&K his dog, if he wants to...do you THINK that's probably EXACTLY what he's doing?
Oh, I'm sure his dog told him it was OK. In that case...I'm all for consensual sex.
So let me get this straight - Cenk thinks Biden has been corrupt his whole life, BUT still voted for him.
I buried the carcass of the lesser of two evils in my backyard. That slogan is about as worn out as 'safe and effective'.
Breaking up with the duopoly is hard to do.--Neil Sedaka
Politics have no relation to morals.
Niccolo Machiavelli
I used to like him when Bernie was running in 2016. I learned how corrupt the DNC politics was by being involved with his campaign as a volunteer. I have learned so much more when Covid hit. Cenk is a real disappointment for not educating himself on Covid, the motives behind Covid, the money, the corruption, the coercion, the loss of civil rights. Kennedy is right. I have followed him before Covid. Cenk should examine his motives and outright arrogance. I lost all my respect for him just like I did Bernie. The Covid crisis really opened my eyes to who I can’t trust.
Welcome to reason!
“cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs” very scientific stance btw. Do you not supporting RFK Jr saying we want vaccine safety studies
Bingo!!! What the F is so wrong about proper safety studies on what’s being PUSHED, to inject into infants?!?!? Drives me crazy!!
It was in JFK's short time that Safe and Effective was mandated. Then Reagan got bamboozled into this emergency rubbish. Speaking of bamboozled: "The [COVID-19] vaccine is one of the greatest achievements of mankind," Trump Two weeks to flatten the curve.
Trump desperately needs to wake up over their horrific outcomes!!!
Having dealt with a few narcissists in this lifetime, I suspect it's not possible for djt to admit an error. Twain knew the type: No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot
Mark Twain
It’s infinitely more difficult to convince someone that they’ve been fooled than it is to fool them in the first place.
Indeed, we seem to be on the same page. This was my experience early on in the Covid/Vaxx Hysteria!
Ha! I need a Tshirt :-)
He will. Just get him in office in November. You'll see.
NO THANKS! If a man deceives me once, shame on him; if he deceives me twice, shame on me.
Edgar Allan Poe
No, they don't understand that. They think he is out to take vaccines right off the market. MSM spins and twists absolutely everything they publish on Kennedy or Trump and their readers are unable to think for themselves. All the opinions on MSM are facts and they know it! No matter how ridiculous it may sound. MSM "take the wheel".
It’s anathema to call him a “ Conspiracy Theorist” re: the vaccines when the Covid vaccine abomination has been proven to be a disgusting piece of a far greater conspiracy. The Plandemic in its entirety.
And RFK Jr supports Israel’s right to take out Hamas . He said that any other nation would have flattened Gaza without any attempt to reduce casualties and not received blowback. He’s right.
The only reason I’m on the fence about voting for Bobby is Shanahan. I understand he needed her financial backing, but she has funded the most awful leftist ideology and doesn’t have any experience in the despicable body politic. She’s very young, Bobby is a walking target and God forbid he becomes another victim, she is not equipped to lead. If the bastards were able to destroy Trump’s presidency, with all his business experience, years of dealing with politicians and tough talk, imagine how she’d fare. She’d cave to the bastards.
Another perspective:
The powers of financial capitalism had a far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences.
Carroll Quigley As to djt, I think Barry said it best: The fellow has absolutely no principles."Money and gall" is all he has.
Barry Goldwater
A vote for Bobby is a vote for China and the same green agenda economy you have now. It will get worse.
Well, that remains to be seen! When I voted for trump, I thought we were getting an Andrew Jackson, but what we got was a Jacques Clouseau! Having lost too many people to the Vaxx, there is NO way I can ever support djt! "The [COVID-19] vaccine is one of the greatest achievements of mankind," Trump
You need to
China/USA/Canada have been in cahoots for years.
They pretend they are enemies when in reality behind the scenes they are doing what’s best for China. They just pulled off one of the greatest hoaxes on us with Covid…..
In 2012 the USA DOD ADEPT P3 program had mRNA vaxxes ready to go out in 60 days whenever needed.
Fouchier, a Dutch scientist at the USA Rocky Mountain lab helped start the mess. He was doing experiments with aerosolized vaccines on deer!!! There was probably a lab escape in approximately 2014. The last paragraph of the following is chilling. Facebook will not allow sharing of this…..
They then sent samples to Winnipeg. Trudeau then allowed samples to be sent to Wuhan!!! Meanwhile NSA/FISA says nothing about the communications between the 2 labs!!!! The world has been covering up for Trudeau… but later they concocted a plan to blame Trump for everything!!!!
We have already been exposed to the coronavirus. It was not new. This was all known by governments and their intelligence communities for years and suppressed!!!!
Look at the date and information from this old article that was censored…..
Look at the beginning of this old stack talking about it. ….
We were lied to about everything. Why is no one talking about the infected deer wandering the country? Some say approximately 20% of the deer are infected/carriers.
Funny how the Winnipeg bio lab director and PCR inventor mysteriously/suddenly pass away. 🤔
All intel people knew. But they continually blame Fauci, CDC, etc and misdirecting people from the truth!!!!
Biden/Obama/China/Trudeau are knee deep in a conspiracy using PCR testing to roll out a fraud and the vaxxes that cause inflammation and harm many.
Let’s not forget how they benefitted and made a fortune from an already circulating virus:
-lockdowns normalized the use of mail in ballots
-China got Hong Kong without a shot fired
-got rid of Trump
-many countries did not prepare for baby boomers senior health care and had under funded pensions.
-helped bring in great reset changes such as vax passes.
Some people made treasonous decisions and no one is doing a darn thing to make them legally accountable.
Funny how Bobby doesn’t blame the DOD/CIA for running the operation and continually distracts with Fauci, CDC, etc. 🤔.
People are getting “psy opped” to vote for a democrat again.
you wouldn't have one without the other, and fauci could not have been more willing to help. I'd bet it was his idea... they are all in bed together and yes Bobby knows. He also knows the cia killed his father. He intends to drain the swamp in Washington including cia fda cdc fbi nih niaid etc. His environmental concerns involve the pollution of things... Water from streams to oceans, toxic food, toxic vaxx etc. Those on the left are so under informed and misinformed by MSM they think OMG he is going to take away vaccines!! Run the sky is going to fall! No, he simply wants vaccines to be produced with the same oversight, testing, etc. that other medications must abide by. Which isn't a big improvement in my mind but better than leaving it go on with minimal requirements.
But it’s a vote away from Biden. Works for me! How can any intellect adult even CONSIDER voting for an incompetent & corrupt imbecile???
After the 2020 Color Revolution, I'm going with Uncle Joe: It's not the people who vote that count. It's the people who count the votes.
Joseph Stalin
Oh stop. The Kool-Aid has a nasty bite to it. Don't drink it.
You might want to check out Bobby’s policy positions.
He’s actually just as far left on most issues as the radicals in the Democratic Party….
After all, he picked Dennis Kucinich as his campaign manager and another leftist for VP.
I don’t see a hell of a lot of outreach to conservatives in his campaign, in fact, he appears to moving even more to the left.
He’d be better than Biden, but not by much.
If that appeals to you, then by all means vote for him….
The true left, of 5 0+ years ago as it once was defined, are no longer represented by this new breed of war mongering psycopaths who are running our country. Dennis Kucinich is an upright ethical person who wants peace. I think you might consider throwing the left/right labels away and instead look at the ethics and morals of leaders determined by their actions and how they spend taxpayer money.
It has long been my opinion that these are NOT Democrats, they have usurped the title but are in fact JACOBINS! Andrew Jackson, FDR, HST, JFK those were Democrats.
Absolutely right. They are the radical socialist Left, a European originated ideology that until recently didn’t have much of a following in the US. They are the intellectual descendants of Marx, Robespierre, Lenin and the rest of the totalitarian Left. And beginning in the 1960’s (and accelerating since) they began a long planned takeover of the Democratic Party, public education, colleges and universities, media and have inserted themselves into major corporations and government agencies.
They are the source of much of the lunacy that permeates American society.
They don’t believe in the Constitution, individual rights, and rest of the things that we take for granted (or used to).
They don’t particularly publicize their plans, but they certainly don’t deny them. It is a conspiracy, but an open one.
Another Man in another time, but pretty much the same battle: The issue today is the same as it has been throughout all history, whether man shall be allowed to govern himself or be ruled by a small elite.
Thomas Jefferson
Exactly his point when he first tried to run as a democrat and said, "I am a Kennedy Democrat."
From my perspective there's a bit more to it. The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise power from behind the scenes.
Felix Frankfurter
“Biden has been corrupt his whole life.” Wow this guy has a mind like a steel trap 😉
Seriously tho, it is a good sign. You see this means the wheels are starting to turn. Maybe this is a sign other people’s wheels are starting to turn as well. Once those mind wheels start moving it’s hard for them to just quit. As most of you know once you take a couple red pills there’s an uncontrollable urge to keep popping them.
This is good to hear. Would be fantastic if Bobby won. He wouldn’t be perfect -
I wish he wasn’t so supportive of Israel despite their abhorrent behaviour, but he is great on many things (and Trump is even more pro-Israel).
I agree RFK Jr.'s stance on Israel/Gaza is upsetting but consider some numbers of deaths. Kennedy has specific plans to raze and rebuild a functional health care system that works for people. The Covid Shot killed over 20 million people worldwide, and injured 100s of millions. On this topic, Kennedy has 20/20 vision. If in doubt, read his book, The Real Anthony Fauci. He will stop pharma advertising on MSM, close bio labs around the world, close many military bases, address the food crisis and chronic disease, clean up our lakes and streams, etc. Let's be grateful we have a real opportunity to get our country back. Let's not squander it.
I really can't wrap my head around the idea of of bashing Israel for defending themselves. God forbid it was your loved one brutally raped and taken hostage during an unprovoked attack. As well, these people still have not been returned to Israel. Astounding.
NOT TRUE TRUMP FAN - those egregious lies have been debunked since Day One! No one was raped - no babies were placed in ovens and or beheaded and or hung from clothes lines etc etc etc. Israel has invested a billion dollars in this propaganda campaign.
There are two sides to that coin. What cause have we to complain about their fierce hatred to us? For eight years now, they sit in their refugee camps in Gaza, and before their eyes we turn into our homestead the land and villages in which they and their forefathers have lived.
Moshe Dayan
This is how I see it, but I’m open to evidence that might change my conceptualisation. I like to think of things in terms that I deal with in my day to day life, as it helps me understand the principles and values at play and decide what I feel is morally right. For example, even though my partner is an immigrant and I love the diversity of having a mix of ethnicities (but united under a shared love for your country, you need something to bind you), I think that having a wide open border with no filter is a baaad idea, and morally wrong. Why? Because I think if I live in a home with my family, and I let in one or two known people to stay with us while they get on their feet, that’s good of me (if they are appropriate around my kids etc). But if I let in 50 strangers, I’m not a good person, because I’m endangering my kids and the neighbourhood by the chaos that would produce. It would also no longer be my house. So this is how I like to think about social issues.
With the Israel-Gaza situation, I imagine the situation as to how I would feel if a group of people walked into my house unannounced, said they were taking my house for themselves (because they are “God’s chosen people”, to add insult to injury!) and then barricaded me in the shed with 50 of my neighbour, because they were scared of our response. They then police everything that goes in and out of the shed, and spit on us through the window when they walk past. If someone gets sick, they will purposefully delay the ambulance transit through the streets. They have set up cameras in all areas of the shed and surrounding garden. We may garden one small part of the garden and fish one small part of the river, but if we try to take a boat down the river to another part, their helicopter patrol stops us. We are prisoners.
One day, a group of us learn of a weakness in the fence they keep around our part of the garden, and we begin to plot how we can get some leverage over our captors. We plot to breach their defences and take hostages as bargaining chips. Our captors are warned about our plans by outsiders, but they ignore the warning. The day of the attack, we break out and attack our captors, quickly grabbing hostages. We are quite disciplined, but some of the other captives from our shed are less so, and revel in their brief freedom and new found agency to fight back against their captors. Cramped captivity has driven them stir crazy, resentment and vengeance creating a savage blood lust.
When we are finally driven back (our captors took a strangely long amount of time to do so) with our hostages, we hope to get at least a few things we want in exchange for the return of their loved ones. But the leaders of our captors seem to care little for their people, they bomb and gas them along with us indiscriminately. They flatten our shed, scorch the land and drive us away from the shed. Most of us die. They target our first aid tent and outsiders who have come to help us.
Our captors destroy what little they had allowed us when they had originally imprisoned us in the garden. They make it inhospitable, so that then they can be rid of us once and for all - we must go to other peoples houses and live on their charity, they say.
So that’s essentially how I see it. I don’t consider it really a war because I don’t think prisoners are a proper enemy army. I don’t really consider it self defence on Israel’s part, the power dynamics aren’t right to me. Tell me how I’m wrong.
These enemies?
Quite Disciplined?
I can’t see those pictures? But apparently the actual Hamas fighters were quite disciplined (I’m sure they were told to be so to help their image in international eyes). The real brutal stuff was apparently civilians.
Even if that wasn’t the case though, if a country invaded the USA and corralled Americans into a cramped corner and surveilled your every move and regularly killed Americans (which they called “mowing the lawn”), I suspect you would think people who fought back were freedom fighters. You might not agree with the brutality, but I think you would understand and appreciate the impetus. Am I wrong?
I totally agree with what u said.
Love love RFK. Would like more outrage at Israel. Who claimed to go out of their way to avoid civilian casualties 🙄
Trump had peace in the Middle East…. What u see today is not that. Trump would certainly restore that peace. Do you know about “Q” posts? “Save Israel for last” that means something….?Don’t take everything u see so literally there’s a plan happening
I know of Q, but not the specific contents of the messages. I wish I had your optimism but unfortunately I believe Q to be a psy-op, designed to make good people sit patiently by and wait for someone to save them, rather than mobilising to save themselves.
I see your point, however, our country won’t survive a civil war. Millions will die, we would be invaded militarily during the mess also… it’s always best to save the death and destruction for the very last resort… trump isnt gona single handedly “save” us but as president he could change the doj and alphabet agencies for real, he knows who the enemies are within our gov and he can follow executive orders regarding stolen elections and crimes against humanity which would remove the USAinc restoring our nation to the ppl. THEN the ppl stand a chance to fix a hundred years of fraud by using the rule of law. Don’t u want to try the safer less deadly way first? If trump fails we gona get our civil war anyway so stay locked and loaded friend
Nobody cares who he's considering.
Noone will ever be perfect. Not possible, especially with politicians.
There are two impossibilities in life: "just one drink" and "an honest politician."
H. L. Mencken
Chunk is trash.🗑️
who gives a fuck
is this the same guy who endorsed bestiality?
People hated RFKJR when he was right. Now that he supports genocide and nullifies himself completely, people start liking him. Birds of genocide feathers…
Cenk has known Biden was always corrupt? So why did he vote for him in the first place? What a clown… when will he realize TRUMP is the only one saving our country and restoring sovereignty- that’s what maga means! we are not a democracy, we are a constitutional republic - every time someone brings up “our democracy” I have to barf a little bit it! Brainwashed fools- go read the constitution and the Declaration of Independence… we’ve been hijacked since 1871. Fire the fed reserve, abolish “their” IRS, no more USA inc, every dual citizen in congress (Israel) you’re out! Audit all politicians, cut elected servants pay, no retirement, no protections, rewrite their oaths of office to swear loyalty to the ppl and constitution, violations immediately revokes office and opens criminal charges. No legislation shall be written which violates the unalienable rights of the ppl. These changes should protect our children’s future and freedom for atleast a century or so before the corruption seeps thru again….
He voted for Biden because of his TDS.
Based on his performance in office, his record, especially, the Covid Hysteria and The Vaxx, I think Barry seen Ole "Lock Her Up" coming: The fellow has absolutely no principles."Money and gall" is all he has.
Barry Goldwater