Remember the Presidential Physical Fitness test in elementary school? That was when I learned I run like Forest Gump. We ran around cones--must have been every 100 meters or so--but we didn't have a track at our school. Our teacher placed four cones in the grass, probably making a 1/4 mile track. I ran around 17. Don't know why I remember that, but it has stuck for 45+ years.

At a very young age I was fortunate enough to receive a ton of positive feedback from exercise, sports, running. After learning that I was the fastest kid in school in the 3rd grade, I ran a 10k the next year. I think I was 8 or 9.

Sports are what kept me in school, is what we did EVERYDAY (grew up in central California, so you always played outside) until we got drivers licenses.

Athletics was part of a military career that lasted nearly 3 decades.

Eventually you recognize that you cannot outrun a Big Mac. Must have been 12 years ago, we decided to lose some weight. I still scored a 285-290 on the Army PT test-but I was 25-30lbs overweight.

We did it old fashioned way. Caloric restriction.



It was the first time in my life I tried to control what I ate. Holy crap that was hard. I had no idea the degree that I used food like a drug. I ate (eat actually, still present tense for me) emotionally. Sugar is like blue meth to me. I lose my fbomb mind.

These days I have to have rules around how I eat. I fast 1-2 times a week. (36 hour fast). I generally eat within a 6-8 hour window. No milk in house. No bread in house.

No soda in house. I batch cook nearly everything so I only heat up good food.

I have to pay attention to how I eat daily. When I lower my guard, I gain 5-10 lbs in a week or two. It is insane.

I exercise 6-7 days a week, but the exercise is for my brain/emotional stability/energy/joy--exercise is what keeps me mostly happy--but there is still no possible way to out exercise my bad diet if I let it go.

I know how these people feel. Being fat sucks. It is so hard, and then it remains hard for the rest of your life.

The lie is comfort. The lie is a material solution to spiritual/emotional problems. We have been lied to our entire lives. We outsourced child rearing for a 2 car garage. Our moms gave up motherhood for crappy business clothes and a job. Our men stopped being fathers.

We believed in 'experts' when it turns out they are mostly snake-oil salesmen.

Optimally, we should always be just a little hungry.

We use 'hungry' as a positive description. Why did the Chiefs win Sunday? Many may answer, "They were hungrier."

Hunger keeps us alive and alert. Satiety puts us to sleep, makes us fat and lazy. Similar to weed.

Dean Vernon Wormer said, "Son, fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life."

Truth? The infamous They (we now know these are the 'experts'. Evil, soulless, manipulative, hateful, arrogant experts) want us fat, drunk, stupid...and distracted, titillated, intoxicated, and asleep.

We need to put our arms around these folks who want the pill. There is no easy way out. The MDs who prescribe these will burn in hell. They are likely the same a$$hats who did not question the vaccines, and would not give medical nor religious exemptions for people. They fall into that evil expert class.

Growth is hard. By design. The feeling of frustration is what learning/growth feels like. We are so far removed from growth and learning that we've completely forgotten what right looks like.

Get familiar with being just a little hungry. It will change your life.


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I remember getting a physical fitness patch if we passed the test and got to sew it on our gym shorts. I also remember our gym teacher Mr Brown put on a gym show with all the parents watching us do all kinds of fun exercises, like rope climbing etc. I won a ribbon at an all city rope climbing contest that was held every year in our city. Now there isn't a rope to be found in most gyms at schools.

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YES! The patch. We also got a certificate signed by the President. I had one signed by Carter and another by Reagan.

I drive by two or three elementary schools often running normal errands. Recently I drove by when the kids were out for recess. They were all running around frenetically, yelling, laughing--here is what I didn't see:

"Hey dude, wait a minute. I need to change into my Nike Dry-Fit and change shoes before we play."

"Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. I'm in my nice shoes and nice pants."

I live close to a beautiful off-leash dog park. Watching my dogs run with other dogs is the most therapeutic activity I can do for my soul. The similarities between the elementary school and the dog park are so obvious. We are not much different than the dogs we love.

Running, for people and for dogs, is a source of joy.

Often, as adults, we lose what it feels like to play, to be unapologetically alive.


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No rope-climbing because school districts are unwilling to take on the liability risks....

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Beautiful comment, perfectly stated, enjoyed a lot!

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Thank you Gwen. That was a very kind thing to say.


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Gradually, cut the intake of seed oils altogether, seriously. One of the many things I observed while working at a supermarket for 17 years - families that bought foods processed with seed and vegetable oils were heavier than families that bought fresh vegetables, fruits, freshly cut meats.

The body doesn't know what to do with the fat from seed and veg oils and stores it. It will used stored animal fat long before touching the seed & veg oils - and most of the time it can't do anything with them so they stay there, in our bodies, for DECADES... The body will get rid of it but it will take a while but it is possible. Sure they are cheaper - but cheaper doesn't mean your body can utilize it now, does it?

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David Gornoski from "A Neighbor's Choice" (podcast) is doing his best to bring seed oils to the public consciousness.

I heard someone describe shopping at grocery stores this way:

Stay out of the aisles. If you stay along the perimeter of the store, you'll be fine.

I found that to be good advice.


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That's a true description - all fresh and items needing refrigeration are along the walls. Everything else has so many chemicals they appear to be competing with Twinkies for longevity... :-)

Thanks for the lead to Gornoski - always looking for fresh content for our followers...

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The great nutritionist, Adele Davis, said this very thing years ago! She was a prophet!

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I have a friend who tried Ozempic, because who wants to quit eating crap? She couldn’t get out of bed for weeks it made her so sick.

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Lucky for her…that might have saved her from permanently damaging her body!

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There have been warnings I believe on Jan Jekielek or something, how very dangerous this thing can be. How can ever Pharma be trusted for anything?

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That’s kind of the point, in my book. Especially if anyone taking it refused the covid “vaccine” but think it’s ok to trust them on this one!

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Love you profile pic. We operate an animal rescue. Got Liam last year. 92% German Sheppard, 8% St Bernard. He's all golden, with some black on his face. I'm confident if I loved him just a skosch more, my heart would literally burst out of my chest.


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Feb 14·edited Feb 16

Our guy was a Belgian Malinois, and a Military Working Dog who failed out of the program because he wasn’t aggressive enough (we were floored by that, we thought he was crazy aggressive when we first got him!) Sadly we lost him last year, but he was the greatest dog and we miss him terribly. We were both raised with German Shepherds so know just what you mean about your guy!

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Trust for pharma should have gone out the window when they released Prozac. Not long after they did we had our first school shooting. Now almost if not all school shooters are on some type of anti depressant, psychotic, ect. And still doctors prescribed it without warnings of the consequences.

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Sounds like Ozempic is the new miracle drug. This is typical. There is a pill or potion to solve every ill. 🤔

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We have been programmed for decades to look for the easy "fix", a magic pill that will cure all ills. Anyone who is familiar with anatomy knows that this intervention with Ozempic is a time bomb. Unfortunately, people will realize this when it is too late and then look for someone to blame for their choice.

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Yes, I saw a video in which a young girl said that it paralyzed the peristaltic movement in her stomach and upper intestine so that she can no longer digest food properly at all.

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Reminds me so much of the phen/fen craze from the 1990's.

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Why analyze or take action when you can just pop a magic pill?

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You are desperate so you try drugs, all kinds of drugs, any kinds of drugs. That is what the modern stone age medical mafia demands and what you are indoctrinated to believe offers all the answers to all your problems. Know this; drug usage begets more drug usage. That is their plan and has been for the last 130 years.

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The disaster the US taxpayer will pay for.

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Money printer go burrr

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Intermittent fasting is one of the best and most natural systems for loosing weight and gaining health, it's also good for it's spiritual benefits, and for self control development, and to gain a really good rest to allow your body to naturally regenerate.

When you fast you should drink water and do as little as possible- no work, no exercise, no worry, just rest and let your body recuperate.

A great book on Fasting is "The Fast Diet" by Dr Michael Mosely

Another is "Practical Fasting- a beginners guide" by Dr Jason Fung-he also wrote The Obesity Code: Unlocking the Secrets of Weight Loss.

No pills or surgery is necessary to lose weight, just a little knowledge and patience and respect for your body.

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Yes, fasting will quickly restore your metabolic health. When you fast, your body will eat up the fat in your liver, allowing it to function properly again. I do a 3 to 4 day fast once a month. It has done wonders for my health.

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Yes, a great monthly tonic, if taking only water can be called a tonic?

Some people who fast however release the toxins into their blood from the fat where it is stored and they can't handle it. So it varies a lot between people.

Do you rest most of the time when you fast, or just carry on with your normal work?

I need to rest lots, but get a bit bored, so do a few light activities, but not in relation to anything to do with food- just too tempting!!

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I take it easy when I fast, and try to avoid stress. I don't work when I'm fasting. I'm fortunate that I'm in a position where I can do that. I think it would be very difficult to deal with work and fasting at the same time. I think that for most people, finding the time to fast would be a major challenge.

They could spend vacation time fasting though. Why go on vacation somewhere and come back more stressed and tired, when you could fast and be rejuvenated?

I'm finding it gets easier every time though, so maybe at some time I will be able to carry on more or less as normal.

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That's great Dan, the simple, natural, inexpensive, effective, relaxing treatment that most people can do without any supervision! Wow, no wonder Doctors don't recommend it!

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Yo! Sup man! Just wanted to throw this out there :: PS, it is paid content :: but I actually touch on Ozempic here and give a full fledged down into the costs and all.

Solely FYI if anyone’s interested

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Anything consumed that causes vomiting and the stomach to lock up is poison. Period.

Desperate obese individuals with one foot in the grave looking for a quick fix are being taken advantage of once again by Big Pharma and doctors are doing their bidding like good little drug pushers.

Snake oil salesmen who poisoned a town used to be tarred, feathered and run out of town on a rail. Or hung. History repeats. It's only a matter of time. It may not be tar & feathers or vigilante hangings when it comes, but it'll be unavoidable. Which is why those involved with the means are building bunkers in remote locations like Hawaii and New Zealand.

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I’m on a pro metabolic food change. Keto and low carb for a long period trashed my thyroid, thinned my bones, HBP, bad sleep and anxiety and I started gaining weight. Those diets block energy and use stress hormones almost exclusively to try and provide energy for a body that is crying out for sugar/glucose—the body’s preferential fuel. It’s a con. Don’t believe these low carb, keto and carnivore gurus. There is a very strict keto woman on YT who is always riddled by anxiety and weight gain. Gee, I wonder why. I doubt because she had a few carbs. It works for awhile because you do eat better food and lower intake of endotoxins that are all over our corrupted food system, but is harmful not too long down the line. Beware. I’ll be looking into this book. I’m up to about 150 carbs a day as a small boned, senior lady who is fairly active. Been going very slow over past 5 months. No breads, grains or beans. Fruit, juice, dairy, meat white rice, potatoes and some delicious cooked veg mainly. Feeling better, and sleeping 8 to 9 solid hours. I get a blood test in March. Hope I see changes.

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I do IF. There is a lot of good data behind fasting and the health benefits of fasting. August Dunning has a book on dry fasting and metabolic repair, very interesting and well sourced.

A lot of diets can work as long as you’re getting enough nutrients and are not overeating. And anything with seed oils is bad, that stuff is poison.

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There is at first but it does lead to under eating. Starving the body to force a stress mechanism to make up for lack of real fuel. Sugar. Using cortisol and adrenaline to create glucose aka carbs takes its toll over a year or more. The body begins to steal from bones, organs, soft tissue to supply fuel. Metabolism rate plummets so you are used to eating without proper nutrition or sugar, your body lowers all functions to conserve energy. Especially the thyroid and thymus. Low insulin activity is not amenable to energy production at the cell level. Insulin is not the devil. It’s the science. Our brains use 40% of our energy production. I know I was shocked when this was presented to me. But it’s how our body works. It also leads TO insulin resistance. It’s the coming realization. I’m seeing acknowledgement everywhere. Good luck. I do hope it works for you but the whole thing is crumbling. I enjoy 3 meals a day, snacks and my mood is happy. I’m going slow at this as I was doing low lower carb for almost a decade. I’m in repair mode now. Cheers!

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Oh, also no IF or fasting. I eat 3 good meals a day and a snack. So much better.

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Great segment! TO VIGILANT FOX: Is there ANY way you can make your video support allow for settings to change the speed of the video?? I find myself not wanting to view videos within your substack and looking for other venues bc this option doesn’t appear on the Settings cog wheel and time is too precious to spend every video at the slow 1x speed. Pleeease and thanks!!! 🙏🏼

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It certainly does not take a rocket scientist to figure this out. Anyone who is vaguely familiar with anatomy and body processes knows that this is a time bomb. We have been programmed to look for the magic "fix" to our challenges on many levels. We are so suggestable. When the massive side effects start to manifest themselves, those who have participated will look for someone to blame for their choice.

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the mind very naturally enters the state of hypnosis when looking up to people, literally or metaphorically. people ‘look up’ to their docs, perceive them as experts, which allows the vulnerable subconscious to open to receive suggestion.

…the mind enters hypnosis while scrolling and watching tv…

so YES! we are all programmed by the media, authorities and INCREDIBLY suggestible.

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Now that everyone streams it isn't as common--oh, and Pfizer and drug companies own most advertisements on TV--but, at least half of all ads are food, food, food. Fast food. Junk food. Eat, eat, eat.

Brave New World. For most of us, junk food is our SOMA.


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I have a lifelong friend who is all in on Ozempic. I have asked some very basic question to her about the safety but she's pretty mesmerized by the falling numbers on the scale. ☹️

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Same here. 2 of my neighbors are on it. Both adamantly against the covid “vaccine” but all in for this. I guess a 60 lb weight loss outweighs trusting a company that has lied about efficacy and adverse effects for the last 3 years….unbelievable!

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ozempic has life-changing side effects. Stomach Paralysis for one.

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Big bummer about Ozempic and other GLP-1 agonists is that you will regain weight immediately after stopping these drugs.

Bigger bummer is the pathology that causes many in health care to be offended if you bring up self help and preventative solutions, because they don't feel empowered to help themselves.

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