Complete lunacy that we fell for this gigantic con in the first place.

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Not I, said the little grey fox. :~)

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Foxes are so much more wily than humans, foxy lady.

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Stop toxic geoengineering! Stop Stratospheric Aerosol Injection!

Warming or cooling doesn't matter if the whole planet is being poisoned. This is all a distraction

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The world needs far less chemists!

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ill say we are in dangerous territory but its chemical/ plastic/ poison medicine toxic food raping our resources. thats our effing nightmare if the War Pig profiteers trying everything to bring us wwIII Dont F us first . WE ARE A MESS BUT GENOCIDE & GREED ARE WHY

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bravo brother science is supposed to be exploration but they keep screaming 🗣️“we got it all this time “ wrong over & over …. moronic really , to be so positive but off the mark every GD time? wtf?

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There have been lots of us who've been attempting to get people to understand the truth concerning the agenda of anthropogenic climate change for decades but it's very difficult to get through to people while the mainstream media continues to push the lie. The sheep will only believe what the mainstream tells them to believe. Sad times we live in when people cannot determine truth from lies through their own analysis.

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#10 is idiotic. As if 100 million years ago has anything to do with the past few hundred years and how life is now. The last mass extinction event was 65 million years ago, and life as we know it is a pinprick of time in comparison to these timescales. Other than studying trends and learning what things caused the temperatures to change (over eons), what relevance does our temperature compared to 50 million years ago have? What does 50 million years ago have to do with the constant fires and hurricanes and heat waves and polar vortexes and rising sea levels of the past decades? Yes, earth has been cooling for a long time, and we evolved in the cooler temperatures. But recently it's been warming faster than ever.

If you want to argue against global warming, please at least use data that doesn't insult the reader's intelligence

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Funny to read all the mental gymnastics to 'prove' how what 'we are doing' is still extremely dangerous;).

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