And no one will be held accountable—especially the doctor who demanded she take the vaxxes in order to get treated.

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We'll wind up bankrupting a bunch of companies, destroying more innocent people's jobs and 401Ks, and closing hospitals, thus reducing medical care... Rather than doing what we should be doing - placing the doctors, executives, and bureaucrats that did this in prison and taking *every single dime* they have.

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Simple - restrict the guilty to those who made them, not to those who used them. It's those who made them that added poisons and lied to everyone to get them approved.

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My health decisions are not contingent upon someone else's credulity. "They lied to me" is not a sufficient justification for mandates. Bankruptcy and prison.

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Preferably something like Abu Ghraib...

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Yes, it would break our medical system if all those medical employees were imprisoned. But….at this point those still in medicine must be aware of what they are participating in. There is a new shot coming out next month. They have added a factor called replicón, so they can use less mRNA in each dose and then get that to replicate. Japan will be the first country to give it to their people. They have had thousands demonstrating against the deplorables. The James Corbett Report on substack is where can find more detailed info on it.

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This wasn’t a covid vax so I’ll bet the EUA immunity doesn’t apply. Given her genetic condition and the procedure she was there for, maybe a case can be made that giving 3 vaccines at one time was not standard. Plus - meningitis? How common is it to get vaccinated for that? I hope she sues the heck out of them and the doctor personally.

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7 hrs ago·edited 7 hrs ago

Agree. No one will be held accountable.

Notice how the healthcare workers' names responsible for this abdication of duty have been omitted?

I shudder when I think of tomorrow...

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I hope she sues the shit outta everybody involved in this crime & gets hundreds of millions of dollars compensation! Makes my blood boil. 😡

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Not everybody involved is guilty of pre-existing knowledge or pre-existing dangers.

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The worst sin was saying they could not treat her without it.

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Absolutely. These hospitals are complicit in genocide. I have a younger brother who went into a Seattle-area hospital that demanded Covid-19 vaxx, to enter the hospital building as either patient or visitor.😱Unbelievable. He went in (just) to have edema treated. The hospital staff jabbed him; suddenly he had a seizure. Of course the hospital physicians "didn't know why." And now he's dead, a year later, from Turbo Lymphoma Cancer. I hope ALL the hospital administrators, doctors, and staff that participated in this world-wide genocide, get arrested and sent to Nuremberg 2.0 trials. ☠️☠️☠️

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Hello RFK JR!!!!! This should be everywhere right now. MAHA

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In days of yor, vaccine injury was ignored even if it took place under the nose of those who gave the vaccine; although, that required a lot of lies and manipulation. UCI seemed to be using the old playbook....oopps. the worm has turned.

I am actually postulating the entire vaccine program - all of it will be scrapped with the coming collapse.

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EVERY.SINGLE.ONE. They are all crap. The lies we've been told are disgusting

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VA still offering the covid DeathVax with an "additional dose" for veterans 65 years and older.

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And the ACOG is wants pregnant women to have the jab .

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Yes they are offering the vaccines like every where else but not mandatory. So people can make their own choice. But fortunately the care our veterans receive is great.

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I do not think it's great. It's mainly a pill pushing racket at leat from my perch!

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Maybe you should find a different clinic.

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I wish it would be scrapped but I don’t think the sheep living here will want to give up the totalitarian state under which they (and we) find themselves. Some of these people are actually still masking — for the love of Christ after nearly 5 years!!!!!

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Hopefully the vaxx schedule will be scrapped. But it’s a huge cash cow for all participating pediatric healthcare providers!

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Allopathic Doctors are the biggest cowards on the face of the earth.. If Doctors stood up all together this whole scam could be stopped in one day.. These doctors probably thank veterans for their service for putting their lives on the line overseas in all kinds of wars and losing their lives, but us veterans cannot thank Doctors for their service because they served the enemy, these coward doctors are not even willing to lose their jobs and blood money to save lives, so they are all traitors and have committed treason.. No more respect for any of them besides the few doctors that have stood up.. I will be using holistic and naturopath doctors from now on.. Allopathic doctors are cowards and are mass murderers.. They should all be ashamed of themselves as well as nurses..

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I know a lot of docs and am appalled that most still push the jabs. I do not understand how people can be so stupid. Rockefeller medicine is sick!

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Every CVS and Walgreens have new signs up pushing the poison even after all the evidence! And the flu jab poison as well!

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WE have seen from the beginning they all are in their EVIL together.. UNITED in their EVIL..

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They are not stupid, they enjoy their EGO from being doctors, and truly only care about themselves, their family and their money, job, prestige, status and titles.. They know the Poison is killing people, but they want their incentive money for pushing poison, and the wives and husbands of these doctors know the truth and they do not care either, they all care about their possessions and their family and kids.. Their family members did not get the poison.. Do not know how these people sleep at night.. No respect for any of them anymore.. nurses, doctors, admin people in the doctor offices, none of them..

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None of that helps when they are dead, or too disabled to work.

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And you will be exiting the healthcare insurance system as well!

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Screw the MSM.

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8 hrs ago·edited 8 hrs ago

MSM is the gun. Big Pharma and the government is the ammo. Without MSM covering for BIG PHARMA / the FED we would not be where we are. Big Pharma has so much money and power they own MSM. We the people must go after MSM.

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It's about time! Now she needs to sue the hospital and the doctors.

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What's the name of the medical center? Should we all call? Tell them we saw this and it's not right? That if we are in the area we will avoid even emergency care there and at any of their affiliates? Just let them know we wont forget

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It is a University of California Medical Center at Irvine Hospital. It is associated with UC Irvine and the UC Irvine Medical School.

All the University of CA Medical Centers scattered throughout CA are big and powerful ‘research centers’ with a lot of $$$, funded by Big Pharma, and Federal & State taxpayer money,!

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They provide the protective cover for democide.

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They only come in at the eleventh hour 🤬

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They (the criminally responsible hospital) only cares because it went viral. I'm soooo thankful she's still alive. They need to get her out of there. Before they KILL her to shut her up. She has a rare disorder. She or anyone for that matter should not be forced to get injected with bioweapons. She has no insurance and that it's $50,000 to just export her to a different hospital. I hope she and her family continues post her updates on ALL social media. Facebook will censor it for sure. X will let it go viral. Then she can sue Facebook as well. She should own the whole hospital! This is an example of our current "Medical System"

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9 hrs ago·edited 9 hrs ago

Post the "Doctor's" photo on all social media. The public deserve to know who this maniac is. His photo, the hospital photo, and this tragic patient. She's begging to get the word out. Please share!!!!!! It could be any of us. And it will if we don't STOP the genocide!

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It was a woman doctor, a hematologist, and she has disappeared !

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Yeah right she will recover. How disgusting this is to first harm and then try to make good because they were caught.

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and together we can make sure that MANY MORE of the public are made aware of it but in doing so we must keep it away from the censorship gestapo at shitter/spew tube/gestapo book/ ....be aware the who pandemic treaty is far from dead in the water as many wrongly believe..for the details check out the james roguski substack....also go to citizengo.org and scroll through till you find a petition stop the who,s accelerated push to finalise the pandemic treaty..its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world including yours...when resharing it dont bother using you tube/twitter/gestapo book who you can be sure will suppress it..it currently has over 242000 signatures

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