Oct 22, 2023·edited Oct 22, 2023Liked by The Vigilant Fox

Great project, Vigilant Fox. Please Keep compiling the Top 10 "off-limits" stories of each week.

After a while, discerning citizens can tell that EVERY important story is off-limits or has been blacked-out by the "watchdog" press.

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These Top 10 lists are invaluable! I have a cousin whom I challenge constantly to not just consume corporate media’s tendentious reporting, because he’s missing so much when he’s not getting a full picture by checking out the “other side.” I occasionally send him one or two important articles from Epoch Times, NY Post et al and ask him his thoughts. Of course, he has no thoughts because CNN (his favorite) doesn’t cover the topics! (By the way, it goes both ways.)

I will be sending your Top 10 list to him until he breaks. 😉

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Oct 22, 2023Liked by The Vigilant Fox

Thank you for the roundup!

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I guess there was too much on the terrorist state of Israel and their create the problem, offer the solution false flag... That wall is the most heavily guarded and funded in the world with an iron dome. This is a set up like 911. If you support the terrorist state of Israel you should give them your land, you dignity, and your 1st born. Highest vax rate in the world. Mandated.

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Dear Vigilant Fox - genius guarding of the hen house!!!!!!! Thank you and will forward to many!!!!

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Reading the list of propaganda (brainwashing!) techniques used to get people to take the toxic shots is utterly maddening. I will NEVER trust anything the government says after this.

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How to instantly, after two decades of “efforts”, create a two-state solution – NOW?

No need for war but Saudis should reduce oil output by 30% - with consequent price increases.

If in two months a mutually agreed solution is not agreed and implemented, reduce oil output by another 20%.

“Bibi” and his Greater Israel and apartheid extremists, together with US, sabotaged a two-state solution for decades – by terror and “realities created on ground”, i.e., relentless building of settlements in West Bank fully financed (with tax deductions) by extremist groups in the US and – contrary to “official” position of US government..

ENOUGH of that bloody charade !!

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Wow ! That's beyond cool. BLM's Mr. Fisher. I confess I haven't read the whole thing yet but it's the spirit that counts. We need great gobs of it for equanimity to unseat all the devils in the details so we can get on with it ....... PS Grazer won Alaska's fat bear election. 747 was disqualified for eating too many salmon.

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This is just AWESOME! All the inconvenient truths presented in a tidy Sunday drop!

The very fact VF found the need to do this speaks VOLUMES about our media.

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"A Nobel Prize winning biochemist told me that Covid was a "a small anthill" that would soon disappear. I didn't buy it."

Next paragraph.

"I got much better advice from my friend Larry Ellison the brilliant founder and chairman of Oracle, who was working closely with the experts at Oxford University on fighting epidemics."

"Bibi, get as many vaccines as you can, from as many sources as you can, as quickly as you can", Larry urged. As usal, he was spot on."

From, Bibi My Story.

Published 2022

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These are excellent and keep them coming

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I cannot thank you enough for the valuable service you provide during this incredibly tumultuous time.

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The FNM has fully embraced their identity as the mouthpiece for Satan.

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Here is a list of 90 lawyers that you can contact if you want to sue the vaccine manufacturers: airtable.com/appGIUGnttjzsc…

Oh wait the page won't open.


Oh wait

It seems to open from his substack


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Our biggest problem in society right now is trust. No one trusts government, medicine, food, police, media, or even science.

We need new systems of trust. If we fix this we solve the game theory of iterated prisoner’s dilemma and we can build new digital high-trust societies.

Would you want to be part of a high trust society? Like this? https://open.substack.com/pub/joshketry/p/fixing-trust-online-and-in-person?r=7oa9d&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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