
#10 - Massive study reveals more bad news for the COVID vaccinated.

#9 - Leaked recording exposes extensive global influence and election interference operation.

#8 - Jeffrey Epstein had secret surveillance room to monitor and record his “guests.”

#7 - Dr. David Martin reveals who is pulling the strings behind the World Health Organization.

#6 - Dr. Phil drops bombshell discoveries from the Southern border.

#5 - El Salvador President blasts George Soros in fiery speech.

#4 - Elderly UK couple ordered to sell home to house migrants.

#3 - WARNING: self-spreading vaccines are closer than you think.

#2 - Mike Benz makes presents damning evidence that the 2020 election was RIGGED seven months in advance.

#1 - Data the CDC tried to keep hidden is now available — and it shows disturbing rates of adverse events.

Plus, an exclusive interview with Nathaniel Mead, co-author of a new groundbreaking study on the COVID-19 vaccines. (Watch)


BONUS #1 - Cancer Doctor Suggests Foods to Eat, and Not to Eat

BONUS #2 - Hair Loss? Native Americans Have an Ancient Solution

BONUS #3 - Dr. McCullough: How to Get Ready for the Next Pandemic

Thank you for joining us this week. We’ll be with another episode next Sunday at 6 p.m. Eastern (subscribe so you don’t miss it).


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