Excellent coverage! Definitely delivering perspectives that even much of the alt news folks seem to be missing. Many thanks!

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Thank you, I clearly have far too much time on my hands; I was familiar with all of them :)

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I want to add to this, we ALL must put God first then things will start to get better, because God has been kicked out of everything, evil has had free rein on us, we need to turn back to the Lord.

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Regardless of Abott "not being on our side" or not, the people must understand the truth of who has authority over immigration and the border. SCOTUS gave an opinion, and that is all it is. It is not law and I question their having jurisdiction over immigration or sovereign state enforcing their borders or not. There clearly is no understanding of our constitution by Micheal Yon and others that get on here and talk about these issues. We are not talking about the truth of the problem and the incompetence of state elected officials.

This conversation is great for continuing the frustration and anger of our crises but solves nothing! Talk constitutional authority of the people and the states as well as what the federal government has NO AUTHORITY TO DO!

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Thank you 😊

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🙏🏻Thank you!! 🙏🏻

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I hope you and Zee keep doing this series. It's very helpful, and just today, I posted on a story, the Unsent Myocarditis Memo story, which I might have missed without it. I put it in my own little compendium of the 6 key Covid-Vax Disaster written pieces of the last few months: https://pomocon.substack.com/p/recent-must-read-articles-on-the

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so now we know how the indians must of felt. all us white illegal immigrants invading

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We could fix most of this. Corporations write bills for Congress all the time. We the People could too. We should write a bill together across party lines that targets the one thing we should all agree on: stopping the corruption in our systems. So we write a bill, and then pressures our representatives as a unified people to pass it (yes against their own interests).

Call it something like:

The Unifying of the People Act

Would you agree to this?


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