All of them are Liars that fear the Truth.

Bill Gates fears Fritz Freud... that's the Truth.

And so does Elon Musk Richard Branson and the rest of Epstein's Friends


What you gonna do?

What you gonna do when they come for you?

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Concerning articles about the WHO treaty and amendments, most are lengthy. While these are certainly necessary, what is utterly more effective at gaining the attention of more people who are utterly clueless, and time deprived, would be a two or three sentence intro to a bucket list of all of the control mechanisms that the WHO will be using to literally enslave the world population, followed by a link to a more lengthy, descriptive article. This approach is absolutely necessary in order to gain more exposure.

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What the real issue is, is that these ihr's have already been enshrined in every us states regulations.

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Joe Biden is so senile he can no longer even read the teleprompter correctly. Doubt he has any clue what he is actually saying. So pathetic.

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Love the media blackout segments.

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World wide resistance to tyranny.

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My latest, centered upon the latest big McCullough talk, though in passing, it does wonder if Sunfellow on COVID-19 at Rumble might be an even better video-clipper and tipper than Vigilant Fox. Impossible, right? Well, the more the merrier...and we all know that VF is going to give us much more great content to come! https://pomocon.substack.com/p/dr-peter-mccullough-on-the-state

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U.N. - D-E-P-O-P-U-L-A-T-I-O-N

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The free humanity open letter link doesn’t work

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Take a look at this, from 13 years ago.


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