Yup. Only the people who decided to take the jab regret their decision. Never met or heard of anyone who regrets not taking it.

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No one, not one of us, regrets not taking it.

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It’s amazing all we know now that has fallen apart for both the safe and effective narratives and there are still people that will defend this “vaccine” until they die. Love how they say it was never meant to prevent infection when they know big pharma was flaunting 100% efficacy in studies and Fauci, Walensky, Biden and pretty much every other major health official was saying it did prevent infection. They can’t stomach that that were lied to.

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Don’t you mean that they were the liars?

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Please excuse the expression, but it was like a big ‘circle jerk’....they were being lied to and lying to each other.....

Of course that doesn’t include the people who started the whole mess. Whatever their motives, they knew that the shots were dangerous.

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It's pretty easy to fool lots of people but damn difficult to convince just one that he has been fooled ...

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Yes, I am engaging with a couple of idiots elsewhere online at the moment who think the vaccines are a Good Thing. They clearly love poisoning themselves.


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Albert Einstein once said: The main cause of suffering from stress is having to deal with complete idiots on a daily basis ...🤣🤣🤣 A sage indeed !!

For your specific situation: Phase them out and, in case they owe you something, try to get it back ASAP. They will all be gone by 2026 ...

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Did very well in health care without the jabs. No sick days. Can’t say the same for colleagues (who mostly received Moderna jabs. )

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Sep 7, 2023·edited Sep 7, 2023

I am 110% anti-vax and anti-big pharma drugs. If I die today or soon without big pharma's poisons in my body, I will regret nothing. Nearing my mid 70's, I am very willing to take my chances without ANY big pharma products. There is NO scientific proof or otherwise that supports the use of big pharma drugs, vaccines and mRNA substances as a means to live healthier and longer. This is my hill I am willing to die upon. Big pharma can go to the devil and take my doctor with it.

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I actually have a friend who has had 5 shots and will likely get the next "booster" this Fall. I have tried repeatedly to talk her out of it but my pleas have fallen on deaf ears. On a more positive note, my adult children and many other friends who got 2 or 3 shots have told me that they will never get another jab.

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According to our illustrious media - that's cos they DEAD!

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Exactly. I still remember all the “reports” quoting doctors and nurses telling the sad, sad stories of the unvaxxed in their care. As they lay dying in the hospital, begging to be given the jabs to save themselves but…(with smugness )”too late, so sad, too bad.” And then the fake interviews with the grieving relatives…”if they’d only been vaccinated, they’d still be with us…”

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Just wait until the likes of Fauci, Bourla, Gates and co start regretting their jabs.

I jest of course.

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In case these creatures got the -promotional jabs in public, these for sure, were just a saline solution ...

1/3 of jabs administered in Denmark were a saline solution (at 100% of cost) ... to keep cases of "died suddenly" below the panic threshold ...

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Fauci got it in his left arm on stage after giving a speech about why everyone should get it. The next day in an interview he patted his right arm when describing the soreness at the injection site.

When the jabbed wake up to the scam they are going to be so pissed.

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I'm still waiting for Megyn to publicly apologize to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for the deplorable way she treated him during her first full length interview with him:

> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3w8hzZIVZk&lc=Ugy8vTvUNAZTs4nMKjx4AaABAg

Perhaps now might be a good time for her to admit that he might actually know what he was talking about?

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Mr. Kennedy knows what he is talking about. So many people truly admire him for his truth through this lie. America NEEDS a Third Party, because the two they have are failing all of us.

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if only he wasn't so incredibly wrong about israel...

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America needs a 3rd awakening! I love it that RFK is leading the charge. Maybe after all these years we can finally get justice for JFK. His death colored my 20’s in ways too long to describe. But I want closure on this millennium defining event. It wreaked our country.

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Too bad he supports abortion and gun control

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Unfortunately he came out in support of reparations yesterday...

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I didn’t see it that way. What I heard - and I watched and listened once each- was her holding his feet to the fire, and him winning her over. She has spoken of that interview since with massive respect towards RFKJ.

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@Glenda ~ Megyn's second interview with RFK, Jr. was far more respectful. Perhaps that is the one you are thinking about?

In contrast, in Megyn's first interview, she talked over him, shut him down and inserted her own "factual" commentary into the final version of the interview which afforded RFK, Jr. absolutely *no* opportunity to respond or comment.

All-in-all, this was very bad form ~ and I hope she will continue to give him a more respectful platform going forward now that she has had her own set of personal "wake-up" calls . . . .

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Perhaps so - I am only aware of one that was in two parts. She gave him hell all right. and he stood up to it as only he can...and emerged a victor.

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Yes, that was my take on it too. The job of an interviewer is precisely to hold the interviewee's feet to the fire, all the while keeping an open mind. Both of which she did.

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When people's eyes start opening to the Truth, they begin to see the Truth in all other areas in their life they were misguided about. Awakening is a process of the soul and I believe has a good soul, heart, and mind. She's starting to see it and is starting to speak the Truth. When others hear those they regard with high esteem, they too will start to see and hear. Like someone else here said in the comments....baby steps.....when that baby gets to walking confidently though, look out - there's no stopping him/her!

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She’s been humbled in such a sad way, hasn’t she.

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Indeed. Between her sister's death and now her own health issues, Megyn's situation is a microcosm of the whole global tragedy.

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@FTP1 ~ Agree 100%. Hopefully her willingness to speak out will encourage others to do the same.

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"How are the mighty fallen", "The stars fell from heaven" and "Pride comes before a fall." spring to mind.

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She's always been a rank opportunist, but this is better than nothing. In two years, she'll have lots of company pretending they also got on the regret-train in the summer of 2022. Or before.

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Why do you kick people when they’re down. Everybody makes mistakes. But she has come out and admitted it and it’s bound to help others. Your snark about it is useless. Less than useless because it could discourage less “opportunistic”, ie, tougher and smarter people from speaking up. We need LOTS of voices to come out with vaccine regret. We have to stop their next assault on the citizens of the world. BTW, did you get the jab?

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I'm waiting for anybody to apologize for lying about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. 800,000 dead over that.

I'm waiting for anybody to apologize for defending the US' bombing of Libya "to prevent a humanitarian crisis". That left it in civil war with operating slavery markets, which are BOTH active today. Great way to stop the humanitarian crisis, by causing one.

I'm waiting for anybody to apologize for lying about Assad "gassing his own people". There is ZERO evidence that Assad was involved in the Ghouta chemical attack which does appear to have happened, but the Douma chemical attack didn't happen. Two whistleblowers from the OPCW came forward to show that was staged.

An apology - from Joseph Goebbels. Good luck with that.

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And Assange is “waiting” to get out of the king’s dungeon for exposing all those atrocities.

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His area of expertise is vaccines.

His political positions are turning out to be far left on many issues....

He came out for reparations yesterday (Oct 18, 2033).

There’s a reason that he originally ran as a Democrat,

Because he is one.

After the mess that Biden and the Democrats have made in the last three years, I wouldn’t vote for a Democrat to be dog catcher or mayor of a trailer park.....

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She didn’t treat him badly. She did her job and asked tough questions. She has defended his book and research many many times publicly. Never been negative about him or his evidence.

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I, too, REGRET taking that so-called Vaccine. It is NOT a true Vaccine. We were conned, on a massive scale. It was organized! Media, Governments, so-called Health Authorities ALL parroting the SAME talking points across the planet. Thank God Africa does not have the viral social and regular Media that WE in the so-called West are inundated with! They did not have ‘crammed’ hospitals (NOR did we, look at the Nurses/Docs doing choreographed dances on Video). WE WERE the SUBJECTS of a MASSIVE CON. I am done, my family is done, my friends are done. Fool me ONCE, and NEVER again. Ignore these fools, that is how we get rid of them.

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...my comment re: Africa was meant to say that they did not have Covid issues. Very low numbers reported.

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All I will add is that everyone needs to do their own investigation/research about something before they blindly allow anything to be injected into their bodies. The same goes for reporters before reporting on something without proper evidence.

There was enough information beforehand of the many reasons why the half-baked vaccine and so-called plandemic was potentially harmful to people.

Sadly, some malevolent powers-that-be are still pushing the poison spike in spite of proper science, not political science, that has evidence of the dangers.

People need to wisen up and resist the next onslaught.

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I say to people that this is all part of the Great Vaccine experiment and by my reckoning will not be over until end 2024.



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Thank you B-Michael, I agree, and even think these malevolent powers will keep on trying to get at us until we all say NO or God intervenes 🙏🏻

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Perhaps she can come out and also admit that her sister's death was also vaccine related?

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Sep 7, 2023·edited Sep 7, 2023

In the Pfizer trial there was over 3.7-fold increase in number of deaths due to cardiovascular events in BNT162b2 vaccinated subjects compared to Placebo controls…..MRNA LNP and synthetic spike protein are not good for your heart.

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And they are still marketing the vaccine as being "safe and effective." Tells you how they feel about us.

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Her dad died of a heart attack at a young age so there is a family history. Maybe it was a combination of things but unless an autopsy was done no one could know for sure and in the shock of it all why would you ask for one?

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I listen to her show often and remember when her sister died... she said she had a long history of drug use. So not necessarily anything to do with the jab, but could have.

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The shots are drugs. Drug use is drug use, whether with illegal or "legal" drugs.

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Pandemics aka 'plandemics' don't scare me, I'm more interested in learning about them. I watched many documentaries after that sars, and every expert and every documentary said there was no way a vaccine could be produced and innoculate a population before it ran its course. I was instantly skeptical weeks prior to the lockdowns, the videod of Chinese people dropping dead in the streets were so fake it was utterly maddening. They can fool billions of people who seem to enjoy following the crowds and a % of people desperate to be apart of something to give them meaning in their lives, but I am not one to be fooled.

Say no to experimental shots, all of them

Say no to lockdowns

Say no to face diapers

Say no to any mandates. Forced actions on healthy people who are not sick is the most disgusting and insane measures I can imagine.

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Yes ~ back early on they were clear about the fact that there'd never been a successful vaccine created for any coronavirus despite decades of efforts, then suddenly it was a case of, "Here, hold my beer while we whip up a snazzy, safe & effective vax for this brand-new virus over the weekend" (practically). Seriously? And the sheep just said, "Baaah, baaah, GREAT! Inject me with one ASAP! No, make that TWO!" And the utter insanity has.not.stopped.

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Well, the powers that be saw how well mass fear-mongering worked to get us into Iraq—9/11 being clearly a put up job—so they reasoned, why not do it again only this time we’ll make big bucks on it. Sheese!

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all the deaths and diseases from the jab are just starting...it will get much worse

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Sadly, you are correct. We haven't even seen the tip of this catastrophe.

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...and on our children. The Globalists want to control Population. What on Earth (as my Mom would say) gives them that right????

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Sep 7, 2023·edited Sep 7, 2023

Speaking of children… Evidence is growing to suggest infertility issues and the potential for the RNA in the covid vaccines to become integrated into the human genome, with unknown consequences.

Possibility of reverse transcription passing to vaccinated’s offspring through sperm resulting in fetus/child making their own spike protein indefinitely for the rest of its life. This would mean eventually the bloodlines of the injected may die out if not interbred with the unvaccinated. This is unknown.

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I really honestly thought this was the very one issue that would catapult RFK into office By next year everyone would be an ant-vaxer! And then out of the clear blue he began backing down and is now talking about things that are completely inconsequential unless the corruption is either eliminated or staunched drastically! I had such high hopes and now? I pay no attention

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he is controlled opposition

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starting to agree - his true colors are beginning to shine through. I found him to be extremely honest - intelligent and a man of integrity! Not anymore! Now - he's so rehearsed he sounds like a broken record! Over and over and over again telling the same exact stories practically verbatim - just when you thought he was the only one capable of saving what little is left of this Country he drastically changed direction - I really hoped it was just lousy management but his convictions appear to strong! I just wish he would shut his mouth and stop with the stupid stories and constantly evoking his father and uncle! All he had to do was stay on script about all the ways he intended and was capable of putting an end to the corruption and why!!! I just read his daughter-in-law works for the CIA! Charming!

You're right!!!

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God bless her for speaking out.

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She’ll be demonized by the Covidians for speaking out, but she’s a hero to those of us who are aware of the dangers from these so called vaccines. It’s unfortunate that she’s paid such a heavy price for her awareness. I feel very thankful I was a skeptic from day 1!

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It's important to connect with like-minded individuals.

Focus on America is hosting the event Patriots Unite & Push on 17 September in Huntsville, AL. The keynote speaker is James O'Keefe (Project Veritas founder). Military whistleblowers LtCol Theresa Long (has spoken out about military vax injuries) and Lt Bashaw (was the first Army officer court-martialed for speaking out and going against covid protocols) are guest speakers. Other speakers include Debbie Bernal (Pfizer whistleblower), Steve Friend (FBI whistleblower), embalmer Richard Hirschman (from Died Suddenly documentary), OB/GYN Dr. James Thorp, Cathy O'Brien (MK Ultra mind control survivor) plus many more. Click links below for more info.

For info about PUP: https://www.focusonamerica.us/pup-patriots-unite-and-push

PUP promo video: https://youtu.be/G0wZ7ryRfgk?si=SgdeJvCRamZJo_bh

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This should be nationally televised!!!

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Good for Megyn. It is stunning that here in the once Good Ole USA its considered an act of bravery to express regret about something.. To the extent that the mere expression "goes viral" because you had the audacity to commit a innocuous thought crime. Even if your regret is misguided you're entitled to have it and express it. I do not recognize the country I thought I lived in.

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Thank God some of these people with a large platform have connected the dots and are speaking up for what they now believe to be true. I find it very unusual that her Dr. said, "Yes" when Megyn asked do you think it could have been? That alone is a massive breakthrough. I thought for sure Damar was going to man-up after his own brush with death. One by one, little by little. Truth wins.

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Damar almost certainly got a massive payout in order for him to keep his mouth shut. Megyn's health issues weren't public so there wasn't the opportunity for Pharma to buy her silence - and given that she already got tens of millions from NBC, I'm not so sure that her silence is for sale at any price.

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I guess that is why I was so disappointed. I did not think he would allow anyone to pay him off.

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The offer they make is almost impossible to refuse. These people make the Godfather look like small potatoes. They can offer millions for compliance- and you'll be hailed as a hero. But if you refuse their offer, they will destroy you in every possible way.

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Who is Damar?

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Damar Hamlin collapsed while playing football for Buffalo Bills, in front of hundreds of thousands of people during the playoffs. Young, healthy athletic young men and women dropping (dead for many) from heart attacks, strokes, blood clots.... happens all the time right? No big deal. It is the new normal. And my guess is the reason many of us are here is because we refuse to buy the lies they feed us on a constant drip~drip~ drip basis. Truth wins.

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and all these that do die or get a radical reaction, the media or any medical investigator never revels by asking < "did he get vaccinated and how long ago and how many times?"

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And their response if they do ask and find out the truth? oopsie daisy.

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ONE, ONE celebrity after all this time, Baby steps.

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Dan Bongino

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Wait........her DOCTOR admitted the vax could be the cause of her health issue?

Now that's the real breakthrough.

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Every doctor knows.

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Everybody knows the dice are loaded. Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed.

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You nailed it Leonard

Prophetic words

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I don't know about dice, I say 6 shot revolver. Spin the chamber and 'click'. Some people must love Russian roulette, but I say it is sad and mad.


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May her courage and honesty inspire others.

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Courage and honesty would have been to challenge the obvious Big “Vaccine” Lie early on while they were setting up this operation to stampede the herd. That was when her platform could have been used to actually help people to get proper true information to avoid the danger. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi was passionately warning people right away. Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Phizer Research VP and now whistleblower, same. And many others who were blocked by censorship from presenting the truth. She could have been interviewing THEM to actually get the word out and STOP PEOPLE from getting suckered into this slow death. Just because it takes 2-5 years to kill you it does not mean you were not murdered. Now it is too late for millions.

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Did your sister have the toxic shot???

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Been sick last couple of years (started by the waxxxxine?)

Per Dr. Peter McCullough, until proven otherwise, assume vaccination death.

The gubermint, PHARMA, health system are ALL lying about the vaxxxxxine genocide.

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