Women like to make stuff up about other people, it used to be called gossip, and in case people haven't noticed the media has become chock-full of harpies like those on the View spouting hate for anyone who is not a part of their evil death cult against children and family.

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Oh, good grief. Talk about missing the mark. The corruption of the media doesn’t have anything to do with males or females.

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We need to focus on what they are NOT talking about. Everything else is a distraction. They are moving hell and high water to make this happen and SOON. Potentially by Feb....



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You nailed it!

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So glad you agree Goeff!! This stuff is shadow banned EVERYWHERE so I have to post it in comments. Please pass the links on...website comes down in Feb., when reset is supposed to happen.

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Not just women, pal. I’ve managed mostly men in my career. Men gossip just as much as women. Maybe about different things. But, gossip they do.

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Agree. People should refer to the "View" to the "Spew".

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Our culture has been feminized, so you are at least metaphorically correct. There's a reason the Democrats are known as the Mommy party and the Republicans are known as the Daddy party.

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Here you go making gross generalizations intended to separate out one group of people from another, to defend your personal POV.

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The media has already lost ALL credibility except among those whose mindset is wired to believing just about anything they read in print or listen to in the boob tube. And the media will simply not get it back as it should be. Once a crook always a crook. People now go elsewhere for credible sources of information - one such source are podcasts where you hear things straight from the horses mouths and not through the filter of puppets (editors and “reporters”) as they are instructed by their corporate masters.

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We have a Captured Press… Not a “Free” Press and we HAVE to fix that…. Broadcast Licenses need to be pulled… and the monopoly on networks must be destroyed…

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Not captured. Corrupted. Captured implies they have no choice in the matter, and partially excuses them. They DO have a choice.

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Please let me now if you feel this is credible. They are moving hell and high water to make this happen, potentially by Feb....



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It could very well be true. I tend to believe it.

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Me too...otherwise why would this info be shadow banned EVERYWHERE I try to post it??? Even if I use the word "Sovereign" on certain platforms, it's AI Disengages me from the platform!!! This happened to me on Fiverr!! I was simply getting tech help from someone and mentioned the word "Sovereign" and I may have also posted the link...I was immediately BLOCKED by that company!!! Please pass those links on via email if you believe them to be true. This is the only way to get the word out as the info is SO banned everywhere. Thank you for any efforts to spread that word.

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Will do. Thank YOU

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He has first hand experience of how they manufacture stories, then turns against Trump and now, now that Trump won, he makes this statement.

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Exactly. It’s hilarious, watching people jump on the bandwagon after they see who won or lost. They’re all scum, really.

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Right where was his ass 6 months ago?

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Don’t be naive. They aren’t paid to “get the facts straight” they are agents of a malevolent, elite group of people tasked to create a false reality of the world you live in whether by omission or commission. Their words are spell casting witchcraft. If you want to free your mind turn them off!

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A tall order for CNN. I'm excited to watch the accountability for all of MSM's lies starting on Jan. 20.

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I think Obama's judge placements and Soros money will prevent that happening. Any "troublemakers" with Trump will be weeded out in the first six months and Trump will do what he did last time to defend them, ....... nothing.

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They all should be shut down but they won't. Esp sibce isreal is in control.

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Don't ever trust anything that comes out of Cohen's mouth. He flip fops with the wind. 1st on Trump, when that was convenient and now, he's back to supporting Trump. A true Judas.

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This is just getting weirder and weirder.

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Actually it is now my main source of entertainment–watching the 'woke' crowd melt down.

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I just can’t trust ANYTHING they do are without deceitful intentions

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Once I smelled it about 15 years ago, well before Trump called them fake,NONE of their bullshit works on me anymore…. Even their laughable subliminal messaging…. I don’t believe a lost dog story from them. If they have a big story that’s credible(big if),they can’t help but to twist it to fit their narrative…. And if they don’t have a “Sensational Headline” they’ll make one up… like a lost cat.. or a lost dog…or alien drones… or a Chinese spy balloon or a Russian hoax, it’s simply what they are not talking about that’s credible… Epstein’s list, ICBMs to Ukraine, American military units fighting in Ukraine, poison in our water&food, intentionally devaluing our currency, Biden’s dementia, the South Pole and wtf they are doing down there, Biden’s rush to give our tax $$ to any country and every country right before he’s kicked out of office, WTC building#7, Covid pathogen secretly moved from the University of North Carolina to China…Cloud seeding chemicals found in streams and rivers up in NC after the hurricane… I could go on for ever on their bs they don’t talk about…smdh.

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"And if they don’t have a “Sensational Headline” they’ll make one up."

Mark Twain even admitted that when the news was slow, STORIES were made up and printed.

Here's one. Note the last sentence.:

“A news report that appeared in the Territorial Enterprise (Virginia City, Nevada's leading newspaper) on October 4, 1862 described the bizarre discovery of a petrified human body....

It was a fascinating little blurb. So fascinating that many other papers soon reprinted it. However, not a word of it was true. It had been written by a young man named Samuel Clemens (better known later as Mark Twain) who was a new employee of the Territorial Enterprise.

Twain later admitted that he was surprised at how many people were fooled by his story. It was his first attempt at a hoax, and when he penned it he had considered it "a string of roaring absurdities." But once he realized how well his deception had succeeded, he admitted feeling a "soothing secret satisfaction."

Source: The Museum of Hoaxes website.


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I agree. These intel drops tell the bigger picture. I believe everything else is a distraction...



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Wait…Cohen only “gets” it NOW that the legacy media are a pack of incorrigible narcissistic fools and liars(?!?!), a fact most rational thinking people have known for eons. The Pinocchio clown/gong 🤡 show or “Babble-On” globalist propagandist media leviathan run by Blackrock/Vanguard is so monstrously obvious, Cohen must have had a sudden ”Aha!” moment that they are tanking so fast he’s desperate not to go down with them.

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Major Alert: New Zealand Government is Enshrining ‘Medical Mandates’ in Law

These clauses bypass the medical choice provisions of the New Zealand Bill of Rights. They violate the conclusions of Phase 1 of the Royal Commission on the pandemic which found that vaccine mandates hurt people and the economy.

They pre-empt the findings of Phase Two of the Royal Commission which has yet to examine the safety of COVID-19 vaccines produced via gene editing.

It empowers the Minister to make health decisions affecting all Kiwis on the say-so of foreign gene regulators of his choice.

The Bill is being passed under Fast Track legislation designed to prevent public discussion of its controversial provisions and adequate understanding of its impact by MPs. There is no time sensitive need for this…….



Guy Hatchard

December 18, 2024

Major Alert: New Zealand Government is Enshrining 'Medical Mandates' in Law - Hatchard Report

Major Alert: New Zealand Government is Enshrining 'Medical Mandates' in ...

The Gene Technology Bill introduced to Parliament this week includes the following provisions:—

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You get what you vote for…. Unless,in America’s case, the criminal party rigs an election.

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New Zealand is a colony of the WEF/CCP/Gates crime syndicate

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Gave you a like because I AGREE, but think it is a terrible thing that's happened.


The problem is its worldwide and no one is coming to save us, its on our own watch

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I think we need a new legislative rule. A bill has to be comprehended by a 5th grader, or it's sent back to be rewritten.

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Revolt, take them down.

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The Transnational captured MSM is the main weapon in their assault on the US constitution

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Not captured. Corrupted.

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Maybe it ought to be assaulted, finally.

“The Constitution looked fairly good on paper, but it was not a popular document; people were suspicious of it, and suspicious of the enabling legislation that was being erected upon it. There was some ground for this. The Constitution had been laid down under unacceptable auspices; its history had been that of a coup d'état.

-Albert Jay Nock, Liberty vs. the Constitution: The Early Struggle


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Trump raping this nut is as big a tale as Russia Russia Russia and J6. Never happened. 15 Million isnt enough! SUE BABY SUE!!!

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Satan's children are made known by their behavior. Read 2Tim 3:15 for comment/ insight into this behavior. Also 1John 3:10, John8:44, Acts 13:10, Matthew13:38.

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It’s interesting how Cohen flipped his take on Trump becomes president again, it appears quite a when he was elected again.

In addition, it appears quite a few people are now changing their stance on Trump once he became president elect.

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" ...what Trump supporters have been saying for years: the legacy media is riddled with sloppy, agenda-driven journalism."

That's news?

Upton Sinclair wrote a book, "The Brass Check," about the problem of corporate, agenda-driven scribbling ~1924 or thereabouts and Thomas Jefferson wrote several letters pointing out the fact over 2 centuries ago. I'd like to see evidence that the situation's seen any improvement since then.

And we should quit calling the lame mediocrities "journalists." As a class they are nothing more than simple minded, mendacious, propagandists and their drivel hasn't risen to the level of infantile entertainment since forever.

And the yapping heads on teevee are the worst of the bunch. In fact, anyone who still watches that sewage needs to forfeit any right to vote and anyone parroting the morons needs to have themselves committed to the nearest work camp or equivalent.

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Sadly, for most folks their feelings don’t care about your facts.

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