I want to know when they will not be able to cover it up anymore & we that didn’t take it will be vindicated? When will our family members who won’t speak to us anymore have to admit they were wrong?

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People generally do not admit they were wrong. When Thalidomide rolled out (in 1960 I think), and my father announced to the other doctors he would not be using his patients as guinea pigs they ridiculed him. Laughed him out of the doctors' tearoom. When the babies started being born without limbs shortly after, not one came and apologised to him. Not one.

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I wonder if anyone is ever going to apologize for the spike in the number of stillborn babies, caused by the vaxx? That makes the death toll much more than 17 million.

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Fewer births. More deaths. Like a war, for every death there are 10 injuries. Also like a war EVERYONE who goes to war comes back injured in some way even if they come back and can work etc. Everyone has been hurt by this. Every single vaxed person. Perhaps not with one dose, likely with two. But approaching 100% with 3+.

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I wouldn't hold my breath. They are literally hoping for people to be too weak to protest and waiting for them to die.

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Dramatic historical parallel

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Shame, shame, shame, goes the song.

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I suspect most of those family members, "friends" and coworkers may never admit they were wrong or apologize for how they have treated us. I feel like I've been living in survival mode for 4 yrs and trying so hard to make people see or understand to no avail. I can tell you I am so thankful that myself, my hubby, my son and my mother didn't get the injection. I currently have a sister-in-law (hubby's sister) that has been in and out of the hospital like a revolving door for the past 4 months with mystery ailments, near kidney failure and a newly acquired "autoimmune disease" she didn't have the first 76 yrs of her life. She's fully vaxxed and boosted as are most of my husbands extended family and to a lesser degree some of mine. And my husbands brother is a doctor that hounded all of us nonstop to get the vax and all boosters. He finally stopped when my husband informed him that after surviving kidney cancer in 2020 and only having one kidney for the rest of his life, he wasn't going to jeopardize it to be a guinea pig for big pharma and politicians. I look at these people who still buy into the BS or won't admit that they are finally questioning it (silently) and I feel nothing for them at this point.

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At this point Brenda, after my experiences at the hands of the Covidiots over the past 4 years, I now live like a hermit. I talk briefly to the person I relieve at work and to the person that relieves me. The only person I talk to much anymore is my wife. I have utterly lost faith in all our institutions; Government, Politicians (what a no-brainer), the Judiciary, Lawyers (ditto), the Lying Whore Media, the "Education" Gulag, professors, teachers, but above all I have lost faith utterly in Medicine and Doctors... and Religion... and God... 🤔

I apologize to whoever I'm going to offend with this, but the putative Holocaust will eventually appear to be a joke in comparison to the Covid Fraudemic, without a doubt the most appalling crime in human history: A billion people could already be dead. (https://thecovidblog.com/2023/04/20/5-reasons-to-believe-the-global-population-is-already-one-billion-people-less-than-it-was-in-january-2020/)

💣 "Never Let Them Forget What They Said" - https://captroyharkness.substack.com/p/never-let-them-forget-what-they-said

💣 "Repent" - https://captroyharkness.substack.com/p/repent?utm_source=publication-search

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At least you still have your wife. Lucky you. And I agree that the Holocaust will pale in comparison to what’s already happened & what’s coming.

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She's wife #2

Haven't seen or spoken to #1 in nearly 20 years...

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There is always a silver lining.

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Quite understand the total rejection of « authority », the medical-Pharma complex, media, ´justice’ & other institutions.

It was a real shock for many of us when we realized those entities aren’t just untrustworthy - they’ve become outright fascist. They’re working hard to impose tyranny.

Maybe don’t get too isolated though? If we have networks with others we trust, we can help each other in our daily lives & also in RESISTANCE to the villains.

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I want to know when those responsible will pay for their crimes! I’m going to guess they never will. Too many of them and people have no Will to do it. Makes me sick 🤢

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Capt Roy, NOW is the time for renewed and strong faith, speaking truth in love. Believe me I deeply grieve with you, see the demise daily. We are learning to suffer (slightly) like Him to eternally share in His glory. But some receive truth and revelation! A prayerful and gentle approach with heartbreak. Soothe yourself in psalms, prayer, and please see the Word clearly, read all the horsemen then the porch side: https://www.solomonsporch.net/s/four-horses-of-revelation

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Let me look at this in the morning... 😘

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Good on your husband for standing his ground!

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Lots of "celebrities" are on record of saying we should all die if no vaccine, or put in jail, etc. We have those names.

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Pride,can be a Dangerous emotion, to admit failure, by following the herd, in this horrible "Pandemic" is admitting defeat. Some may never believe the truth..

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I suspect it is more serious than pride.

Pretty sure it is prions or the spike proteins that have damaged the cognitive ability of the brain.

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Personality changes have been noticed in some people.

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pride with no balls, no brain, no heart….

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Never. They will never admit they were wrong. These woke types who make up the majority of the forced experimental medicine crowd externalize *everything*. It's always "the system" or "white people" or "Trump" or something else.

They are incapable of the reflection required to understand that they are either part of the problem (as is the case with deteriorating racial and economic circumstances), or the entire problem (as is the case with compelled experimental medicine).

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As Sage zhana has been saying from the beginning..they will all revert to..well they didn't know...or well it was a mistake.

It was not a mistake..they had over 10 years of trials and THEY KNEW what would happen.



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Ain't going to happen, Leslie.

Sorry. The crime was SO big silence is mandated...

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At some point Mckeekitty the evidence will be so overwhelming as to be undeniable. As Stefan Molyneux observed regarding the consistent result of Marxism: Human bodies stacked like cordwood, halfway to the sun.

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Often takes a few decades for this kind of thing to ‘go mainstream’.

There are 2 UK ´scandals’ now in the headlines (contaminated blood & Post Office, if anyone wants to look) that have taken many years to get traction.

Once Gates, Schwab, Fauci, Collins & a few others die, and certain Pharma execs retire to their private islands, & once a few ´news’ editors die or retire, we may see new people turn up who aren’t so committed to hiding the covid crimes.

Some will want to make a name for themselves by «fearlessly exposing» the harms.

It’ll take years though - always does....

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They will blame the increase in mortality on "disease x" or climate change. You can be sure there will be no admission that the "vax" is responsible. The solution offered will probably be another "vax".

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As I've said elsewhere, at some point the reality will be simply undeniable. That's when things get interesting.

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Too many people are suspicious to be taken in by diseases x or some other so called vaccine.

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I wish I could agree with you Leslie.

November 14, 2021 I was obliged to walk away from my job because I would not take The Lethal Injection. The British Columbia government meanwhile had instituted their Yellow Star Vaccine Passport App and my wife and I were barred from restaurants, cinemas, theatres, concerts, sports events -- am I starting to sound familiar? -- and the bishop of the diocese -- you'd know of us as "Episcopalians" I imagine 😇 -- issued a pastoral letter IN SUPPORT of these abominations. The secretary of our church was retiring, they'd arranged a reception for her -- but you had to display the Passport App before you could participate. I've not attended that church since. November 15, 2021 I got to hear on local CFAX Radio, our Minister of Health Adrian Dix, publicly state he wished he had the power to arrest and incarcerate everyone who refused the covid "vaccination"... Without a word of exaggeration we were in British Columbia, at Stage 5 of Genocide Progression.. Canada is supposed to be a first world, enlightened country... and THIS?!

The only thing that brought an end to the Covid Lunacy far as I can tell was the fallout worldwide from the Canadian Truckers... But Justin Castreau (we all know who your daddy is Justin) announced Martial Law to bring an end to it, and the Assistant Prime Minister (whom I refer to as "Kunstia Freeloader") gloatingly announced the government would seize the assets of anyone who supported the truckers... Worldwide denunciations of this naked tyranny? Bank CEOs or Presidents publicly declaring they would not support the government? ... the chirping of crickets in the cool evening air ...

Recently The Federal Court of Canada declared Castreau's declaration of martial law illegal.. But has he and his government stepped down, which is the only honorable thing they can do? Not a chance! Meanwhile here in British Columbia Adrian Dix and Chief Provincial Health Officer "Butcher Bonnie" Henry remain in power. That latter evil bitch approved children as young as 12 to take the Injection without their parent's knowledge or consent, and the administration of same to infants 6 months old and up. Joseph Mengele is a piker compared to this beast. None of those children will live to adulthood, the younger, probably not to puberty and if by some mischance they do? They've likely been rendered sterile.

They've not been arrested. They'll likely never be held to account. Under the terms of the Nuremberg Code subsumed in Canada in "The War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity Act" they should hang. At this point they're both already guilty of "Crimes Against Humanity" millions of times over.

Meanwhile the abominable, ineluctable Bill Gates has smirkingly promised we'll notice the next pandemic. They're slaughtering livestock and poultry across America with the Bird Flu scam and bogus PCR tests. Expect widespread food shortages at least in the very near future.

And I've a notion thanks to Bill, we're soon suddenly going to see people bleeding freely from the eyes and anus and vomiting blood with horrifying tales in the Lying Whore Media of an Ebola Pandemic and Martial Law with mandatory injections of their brand-new mRNA Ebola Vaccine. It won't be Ebola: It will be a signal from their 5G cellphones to the nano-bots infesting their bloodstream. But most of the indoctrinated fools will believe it, storm the vaccination clinics, SWAT teams with medics will be going door-to-door to forcibly inject people...

Brace yourself.

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I wish I hadn’t read this last comment before bed. I really feel like I have lived too long. I could have happily have missed the last 15 years since my husband died & the last 4 years for sure, as well as whatever is coming. I don’t see a light at the end of this tunnel. 😰 Unfortunately I am healthy & not about to drop dead anytime soon.

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Forgive me, I should have given that some thought. At 80 you deserve quiet and peace of mind. Try to put what I wrote to one side, I'm voicing my own frustration. I'll leave you with a Gondorian Proverb, from Lord of the Rings:

"Oft hope is born, when all is forlorn."

Sleep well.

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I suspect that a lot of previously quiet people, will become Mr psycho axeman, when faced with the Stasi forcibly injecting innocent people.

I have felt for the last decade that we were headed for civil war.

I just hadn't realised that it would be global.

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They may never admit it but it will become too obvious to deny. The evidence will be overwhelming.

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With their dying breath?

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Never. No one will ever be held accountable. The idea that the vaccine is something you should get is embedded into the Medical Industrial Complex already. Have to keep the. money flowing.

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Probably some time after Christ's second coming Leslie.. or I suppose in your case, his first..😘

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Be considerate to those who were wrong. Don't worry about getting satisfaction or an "I told you so" moment Just know they are simple children who have been bedazzled by lies. They will learn their lesson. Oh, wait, I nodded off, had a dream that people in cars wearing masks should not be subject to public ridicule. What a dumb dream!

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The analysis of all cause mortality in Southern hemisphere or equatorial countries is spot on and the lack of a single country having lower death rates after the rollout of the Covid vaccines is very damning. Something that is not mentioned is in how many of these countries the deaths remain elevated and sometimes continue going even higher after the doses are mostly administered. This indicates a delayed death effect that is becoming a bigger concern by the day. How many more people will die due to this catastrophe from delayed effects 2 or 3 or more years after their last jab? Could this create a death spiral? We are in unprecedented times...

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See Deagle report that I just posted.

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I remember when telling the fucking truth was considered normal.

My God! How far the human race has fallen...

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That was a very profound thing to say. I feel I am miles away from most of my life. I so miss it. But we are living in the upside down now aren't we?

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I Wouldn’t Jump To Conclusions

About The Vaccine.

I’d Wait Until They’re All Dead

Just To Be Sure.


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Even then they will say their deaths were by no means related to the jabb (vaxx).

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…climate change…

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The Covid Vaxxed are showing personality changes, quick to Anger, Rage filled discussions formerly were calm. Traffic accidents are on the increase,

Suicidal thoughts and actions will ramp up.

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A vax injured buddy who won’t hear it and I were talking. He is about 70. He would be clear for five minutes talking, then blankly confused for two minutes. Then clear again for five. He was cycling dementia clarity dementia clarity. The first cycle I just noted it. But soon I saw the cycles were repeating. It was weird.

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Mass shootings too

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Vaxxidents are EVERYWHERE. Trucks going off the road. "Medical episodes" at the wheel.

New record, where I live, for highway fatalities on/between the 12 exits leaving town.

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Continuous TV commercials regarding depression, mood disorders and loss of energy.

Pushing a whole new whelm of pills.. sickening.

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Apr 29·edited Apr 29

I am afraid he is right, the numbers are coming and there may well be more than 20 million excess deaths world wide. Health Canada has admitted the S40 sequence in the vax but there is no public acknowledgment by the government that is a problem.

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I have started losing count of the young people impacted who I know in immediate friends/community circles, and also the under 60 age group of previously healthy individuals either harmed or dying. As Dr. William Makis reported recently on Action4Canada’s Rumble podcast, where it’s really going to be tough is if research shows integration of the spike protein in the body of anyone who’s been vaxxed even once, meaning they will also be shedding spike protein forever. Thankfully he shares protocols to help detox from the spike (starting with a 3 day water fast) and followed by other known spike blockers and natural detox enzymes, etc. https://rumble.com/v4ribab-turbo-cancers-and-ivermectin-with-tanya-gaw-and-dr.-william-makis.html (starts at 1 hr 20)

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The MSM will never ever touch this topic. The MRNA shots are nothing but pure poison thank god the manufacturing process sucked and billions got minimal exposure to the worse of it.

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You would be wrong about that. It worked exactly as planned. These people don't make "mistakes". You're not dealing with bumbling idiots...these are highly intelligent, albeit God wannabes, who have tested you the mRNA/DNA changing therapies to the nth degree, and know exactly what they are doing. The see you as unintelligent, dumbed down sheeple who will fearfully follow the narrative. They are right in their assessment...obviously!

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Devil is unsubmited intelligence without God in the background, thats how I interpret it in the Bible, generally speaking I think there are no personnage but symbols, devil is suposed to be a help but it turns out evil ego when not submited to the Law….

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No wonder the Great Reset Cabal are demanding ‘misinformation’ laws. Too much truth is escaping from people like Andrew Brigden in UK, Gerard Rennick & Pauline Hanson in Australia and Elon Musk with X . When these WEF,WHO, UN criminals are dealt with eventually there must be medals and campaign ribbons handed out to those who have worked so hard for honesty.

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Elon Musk?!! Are you for real?

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In order that the deception of "democracy" and other establishment falsehoods such as "the rule of law" be maintained, a few "I speak for the people!" voices are allowed to become prominent. Enter your Andrew Brigdens, Gerard Rennicks, and Pauline Hansons (who may not even be aware of the role they are being allowed to play or indeed that they are playing it; the more unaware and the more virtuous and well-meaning they may genuinely be, the more effective will be the deception). The governed must be made to cling to the false hope, however slight, that the State's institutions work for them, and they must not be allowed to fully realise that the nation and indeed the entire international order, its systems and operations, are all criminal enterprises that are completely managed and controlled by the criminal plutocrats, to the benefit of criminal plutocrats.

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When will they stop promoting the vaccine and also so many of those useless children's vaccines which are in many cases questionable for their efficacy.

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When people say No !

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Uh oh. The H word. Verboten. Now they'll say he's an antisemite and he'll be ignored even more.

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That is the specious reason he got kicked out of the Tory party.

Yet, it was a Jewish scientist in Israel who was the source for AB.

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How is that being an anti semite?

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This term has been weaponised beyond all recognition.

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It's not, but this entire REAL holocaust [as was the original] orchestrated by false Jews.

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BS. That’s ridiculous.

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Mistakes were not made. Death was and is the goal. Whether death came with the jab or turbo cancer later or heart attack or permanent infertility, etc, we are the useless eaters for the slaughter. This is the holocaust of the masses. If you aren’t a 1% elite then you are nothing.

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Did the 1% take the vaccine ? England’s royal family all took it. Kate and Charles are both suffering from cancer.

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I have considered the possibility that their "having cancer" is just fiction, meant to deflect any animosity against them, they all pushed the vax as I recall.

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How could you possibly know that? What evidence do you have that any of them took the shot? As with our government, they were exempt from it. Be careful about accusations unless you can prove what you are saying.

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They r both dying from turbo cancers.

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The above info is from Catherine Austin Fittts.

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I would venture to say more than six million people have already been killed worldwide by the very "safe and effective" sacred miracle elixir. Of course, correlation does not equal causation. 🤪

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Read Dennis rancourt. Much mu h more than that

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I remember seeing 21 millions dead in the West about a month ago so I am sure that number has risen even more. For example adding some Japanese stats. MR Dowd would be the expert on this and know the most recent numbers.

Mr Bridgen is a true hero, fighting straight against the stream. I for me have no confidence in the public to turn around, but still in the governmental authorities by pressure from medical doctors. That would be the only way I think to try to at least minimize these awful results of our elected´s endevours to kill us the populations. Worst is that the nano robots self assembling and the spikes´s self producing will never stop which means added the shedding that humanity is really bad off....

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There's reported Shedding, from Vaxxed, to unvaxxed people, will no one escape the effects? Nano Technologies,are in the shots, and in the Chemtrails, Hydrogels

Graphene Oxides, and other building blocks forcing a Man/ Machine ""Cyborg"?

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This is a frightening assessment. Some of us have done everything possible to stay away from this poison. ‘They’ are even putting it in the food supply. Pork has been getting mRNA vaccines for a while now. Nobody really knows what else they are injecting. They are even talking about self spreading vaccines in the air. They seem damn determined to kill us all.

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🥲😳. Sad and frightening❣️🍒

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