Congratulations RFK Jr BRAVO 👏 ‼️🇺🇸🙏

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Measles for maga!!!!

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Their feed may be heroically deceased soon.

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Who watches MSMBC anyway? 🤷🏻‍♀️

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The feeble minded....

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Stopped 4+ years ago

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My sister watches and is in lock step with Rachel Maddow's

expert journalism.

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OMG! Im sorry for you! 🤦🏻‍♀️

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All giving credence to educator John Gatto's book, Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling! This radical treatise on public education has been a bestseller for 10 years! Thirty years in New York City’s public schools led John Gatto to the sad conclusion that compulsory schooling does little but teach young people to follow orders like cogs in an industrial machine.

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Two sister in-laws do the same.

If you try to express a different perspective, the yelling begins !!!

Waste of time trying.

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Ever since the Telecommunications Act of 1996 by Bill Clinton, it spawned Fox News and MSNBC. The rancor and partisan politics has reached a point that has divided our country, one family at a time. What is difficult to explain to them that the legacy media are mouthpieces of propaganda or PR Arm for the CIA, government, and Big Pharma. I tried. The difference between North Korea and US propaganda is people in North Korea know they are being lied to. A percentage of people believe the government is benevolent making them susceptible to fantastic propaganda.

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Bingo !!!

Couldn’t agree more.

Well said.

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It's Easier to Fool People Than It Is to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled. -- Mark Twain.

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Love that quote.

It really says it all.

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Rachel Maddow is the Worst!!!

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Awful....that woman is insane!

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They use the classic distractions. Attack the character because their "brought to you by Pfizer" wallets depend on lying to us

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just doin' what comes naturally for scum sucking bottom feeding MSNBC

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Who watches them anyway? Put them on child block .. make sure they never get any views !

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Measles for maga!

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It was a moving speech by both Trump, who signed a new MAHA executive order and acknowledged everyones efforts to get Kennedy in, and by Kennedy. I have fought so hard for for my family and our medical freedom lifelong. Until a year ago, I never thought I would see this day. So many people came together and said no, no you can not keep harming our kids, we demand the truth, transparency and real studies. Unfortunately so many of our kids had to be damaged in the process to get to this historic day. I can't wait to see pharma being kicked out the door of our government health agencies!

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Just wait to see the freak out they have when RFK, Jr. gets to the part about how our own government repeatedly fakes pandemics, the Covid jab was a depopulation bioweapon, and most of the younger generation has now been sterilized.

What a conspiracy theory, huh!?

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Mind Syphilis NBC strikes again.

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It’s time to take their broadcasting license away. That license is a provide granted by our government.

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Pretty much status quo business as usual at the lame stream networks, none of which I deign to watch

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Trump's embrace of RFKjr a year ago was an awesome decision,. not just for the campaign but for the redirection of our government back to working to make our nation healthy again.

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When people are healthy big pharma$ gets sick! It's why they adopted that, "First do harm." motto, I.e. using massive/ forced toxic jab's, requiring drugs to treat their adverse damage! Satan woulden’t have it any other way!!!

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What if we, the people , were told at the start of covid

- Fauci and Eco Health were funding gain of function work at the Wuhan Lab

- The CIA had reported on the dangerous conditions in the lab

- The Chairman of Harvard University's Biology department was secretly working in

the Wuhan lab having pledged allegiance to China and receiving around $ 1 mil/yr

- Fauci's team noted that a) virus optimal for human infection and not explainable

through "evolutionary theory"

- The outbreaks were much more concentrated among people along mass transit

around the Wuhan lab than around the "wet market"

- Fauci's university researchers ran FOIA searches, then erased what they did not

want released

- Fauci and team would make millions off the vaccine

- Bidens receiving millions from China

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UNC-Chapel Hill level level 4 bioligey lab developed/ gain of function Co-19 (Obama put a hault to it) so it moved to Godless commie Wuhan, to kill people and devlope a vaccines, that never happened, just forced ineffictiev clot shots! But pharma made a lot of money off all the harm and death thay caused! Understand that our 50 billion in fraud fines and leader in cause of iatrogenic “medicine” I.e. Big Pharma’s big Gov. approved medicine kills *250,000 to *800,000 annually, (year after year) plus their fraudulent man advanced Co-V 19's mass deaths/ and jab murders, is the best way to demonstrate that, “Death is the wages of sin Vs. the gift of God is everlasting life through Jesus Christ our lord! [Romans 6:23] (*according to the Johns Hopkin’s [low-ball] iatrogenic study, * or Dr. Null’s well documented book, Death by Medicine!

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Charles Lieber of Harvard needs to be brought in for questioning regarding what he saw and did in the Wuhan lab and what he shared with the feds.

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A way how we could possibly bring down Pfizer: They may have immunity for the vaccine they injected into people. But what about the unvaccinated people who were impacted by the shedding? Couldn’t this be a loophole in the immunity? I’m not a lawyer but my gut tells me it’s something we should look at.

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Trailer here.

RFK was the CEO of CHD and resigned to take on these political roles for the Trump Government.

Homeopathy is a powerful healing modality that changes lives. Until now, its voice has been silenced across the medical landscape. Introducing Homeopathy is a new professionally produced, feature-length film dedicated to bringing homeopathy into every household and healthcare system globally.

A team of award-winning producers and writers tell the story of homeopathy through interviews with some of the world’s leading homeopaths, medical practitioners, and scientists.

Together, they reveal the true power of homeopathy.


10 a.m. ET & 6 p.m. ET

“This is an excellent documentary, thank you for making it. It’s definitely a very powerful film. Everyone needs to see this.“

– Polly Tommey, CHD Films


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In the past Homeopathy was outlawed by our for profit Rockeffeler "medicine" just as we saw with FLCCC's outlawed HCQ and Ivermection no profit cures!

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Time to stop watching, reading, listening to msm. It serves no purpose. Perhaps msnbc will be next to be barred from the Oval Office press briefings if they aren’t already. They deserve at least this at a minimum.

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Hopefully when something as news worthy as the confirmation of a person to head the HHS gets carefully dropped as a news item, maybe people will wake up. It reminds me of the assassination attempt on Trump in Pennsylvania was initially reported as a disruption on the stage.

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And then it became "Take down" or "Target RFK Jr." time, for the Godless anti American Godless Leftist Democrats!

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I honestly don't think these outlets survive this Trump administration and the awakening that is accompanying it. We've all had enough. Their days are clearly numbered. The Mockingbird dies.

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If you can’t put news to be truth, then get another wonderful MSNBC J O B🤯

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Yes, and be mature about it.

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