Amnesty?!...How about prison.

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Death penalty offense.

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I hear you. The question will become: "who gave orders?" vs "who followed orders?" Many nurses and doctors were constrained by rules ordained via the administrators who followed "directives" issued by the local government. The "chain of command" will define the legal swamp that can obstruct potential justice.

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Some lesser ones will get jail.

Maybe we could get some to talk.. Now.

I'd support great clemency for any that saved lives now...

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That she uses the word 'amnesty' is a clear indication she is aware, at some level, of the real hurt, the evil that was done.

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Yes. And then audacity to include us. Murderer

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Excellent point

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And what supreme earthly authority would be tasked with granting such an amnesty? The CDC, WHO, or WEF, perhaps? The same organizations that brought down the catastrophe upon us by plan?


Nuremberg 2.0 NOW!

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Ditto !

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We’ve memed this one.

All our memes and graphics are in house and free, just grab them and distribute freely. We’re just fighting the propaganda war the way we know how…mockery. Seriously, you couldn’t even pay us if you wanted to.


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Quick look. You all make me happy. Satire is heroin to me

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Thank you. Sign up if you haven’t. Distribute our memes. The more people mocking them, the quicker they lose power, and the more hardened our rights to free speech are.

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I did!

I will try to distribute memes...I'm old man, so a little less tech saavy.

But... I hate forced vaccines and concentration camps, injustice on epic scale, nwo.

But... I look at my gorilla pecs and am comforted😎😎😎

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Amnesty = Amnesia. Yet, we need punishment to prevent it from ever happening again and to start reparations: they should lose all their assets to pay for treatments.

How many lives can still be spared? few are still suicide vaxxing!

How many teen lives have been ruined with myocarditis when they knew in advance it would be widespread?








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We all knew...

Nuremberg Code violations are death penalty offense.

The bastards are still killing people.

No one should be able to get deathvax!!!

Yet they want amnesty, and for us to?

I never hurt anyone!

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Exactly! If they had stopped as soon as they saw the signals then maybe, but no, they are still pushing it hard 3 years later, even though there’s overwhelming evidence that these gene altering jabs do harm and also people are still wearing masks too! They are fully aware of what they are doing and it’s criminal!

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Nuremberg 2.0 is needed not amnesty!

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NO Amnesty. They KNOWINGLY caused mass death, disability (life long in many cases) and destruction. The only thing they can HOPE for is life in prison. That's the BEST they can hope to be offered.

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Nuremberg trials for Fauci, Gates, Pfizer execs and government officials that collaborated.

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They want amnesty from the angry mob that they raised and tried to use against us. If the response to Oster's piece is a weather balloon, the wind is blowing the wrong way for them.


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Amnesty is not for us to give.

It is for future citizens threatened with Coerced medical experiment.

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At the end of every science article related to COVID, especially, you read this "The Atlantic’s COVID-19 coverage is supported by grants from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation." Chan Zuckerberg is Mark Zuckerberg's wife and obviously tied to Facebook which is not a medical authority. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is connected to the J&J vaccine...conflict of interest?? https://www.rwjf.org/en/library/coll... This organization is also funding vaccine projects...... "We also received $46,369 from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation in this quarter. SciCheck’s COVID-19/Vaccination Project is made possible by a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. " https://www.factcheck.org/our-funding/

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There can be no “amnesty” where there is injury. Those who call for Covid amnesty are obstructing justice. Since only the victim can forgive the injury, amnesty is possible only for victimless offences.

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Perhaps we should label those asking for "amnesty" as disinfo agents. Maybe THEY should be censored. People's lives were ruined. No amnesty. Ever.

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Using the word amnesty is extremely revealing. Was this a Freudian slip? I believe so! It indicates an awareness that a crime has been committed (actually crimes) and that she and all the other criminals should be let off the hook.

Well, I won't be open that option, ever.

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Those who acquiesced to medical coercion, took the vaccine and covered up their faces, those who demanded that everyone ought to be injected or punished for refusal, have exercised their own moral judgement. No amount of propaganda could excuse their collusion. We are either Human, capable of moral discernment, and thus deserving of moral status, or we are just deterministic animals, at the mercy of circumstances and political stimuli, innocent like animals, but by the same token morally worthless, without rights. Nevertheless, the unvaccinated have a moral obligation not to treat them as victims but as collaborators, because this is the only way to preserve their humanity. If people are treated as if they are not fully responsible for their actions on account of impersonal factors, then the underlying message is that they are not fully moral agents, therefore not fully human agents.

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Government refused absolutely to listen to any other experts. Dr Mike Yeadon tried to get an interview but was ignored. Same for our appalling media. They have to stand up in court and answer to charges of gross harm to humanity

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That was an excellent read. Thanks for placing it up for those of us who have so many 'stacks now they really shouldn't add any more 😅

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Agree, my substack reading is a full time job now !

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I admit that I'll regularly flip many of my dozen? stack notifications if they aren't part of my top 3-4. I scan the headline, then decide if I have the time.

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