Will be QUITE the challenge to get it past all those who line pockets courtesy of Pharma.


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It will reveal who is against this common sense law. Make them defend their vote. Hit them with facts. Line up the injured (politely) in the halls. Call. Then we move in on them in 2024. I think Durbin will be up for re election. Since hardly anyone is getting the jabs now--billions wasted--gotta call them on that.

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Agreed - will be difficult to hide if not in support of this Bill.

Of course, msm not gonna cover it to closely............

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Yup. They will be whistling past the graveyard.

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Sadly they will find some other health scare to recharge the normies...rumors have it will be Ebola for which Merck is now producing vaccines.

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A worthy challenge indeed. But not one to underestimate.

The walls of this fortress have been built over decades.


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Great news 🙏🏻

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If it gets to the senate watch Durbin. He’s been in league with the pharmaceuticals and PfDA to take away our supplements for years. Smarmy @sshat. He’ll vote NO for sure.

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Well it is about time...long overdue...never should have had that protection in the first place...If they were fully liable for all the death and disability they caused they would have thought twice about all the known harms they were shooting people with...

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How ironic that the reason they even HAVE this immunity is because they had, once upon a time, threatened to discontinue R&D, and manufacturing, of their "medicines" in the face of too many lawsuits over alleged faulty/damaging/dangerous products and resultant payouts.

And VOILA! .... here we are.

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A pharmaceutical whistleblower said they won't even put a product out on the market unless it has at least four side effects...They have no interest in helping people. It is all about greed. You get side effects so you need more drugs for the side effects and on and on. We need to have mainstream medicine be functional medicine, holistic, naturopathic,integrative, alternative medicine that actually gets to the root cause of issues and solves them without side effects...People are sick and tired of being sick and tired. We are bombarded with toxins constantly in our air, food,water...The system is corrupt. There are too many conflicts of interest. They have been getting away with far too much for far too long and it just keeps getting worse and worse. There needs to be an end to this nonsense. This bill is a step in the right direction. Now we need to make sure it gets passed....and more of them come out like banning GMOs and pesticides...for one....They also need to get those experimental drugs off the market. How many more must die or be permanently disabled before they stop pushing that crap with their propaganda. They now admit those Russian roulette shots do not prevent or stop the spread of the so called pandemic so what exactly is their purpose except population control to do harm and kill. They need to be prosecuted for crimes against humanity and breaking the Nuremberg code. This situation is far worse than Nazi Germany because it is being done on a global scale affecting all life on this planet. I heard there are charges in International Criminal Court against some of the perpetrators but that is all you hear...what is taking so long for them to be prosecuted and stopped...The justice system is way too slow while harm continues to happen on a global scale...We live in a crazy mixed up world with mad scientist psycopaths in charge with all their dirty money. It is pretty pathetic.

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From their point of view, healing people makes for a bad business plan.

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Now all they need to do is to hide it in one of those 1,477 page bills so that Biden doesn’t see it and veto it.

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" - if the injury or death resulted from side effects that were unavoidable even though the vaccine was properly prepared and was accompanied by proper directions and warnings"

As per your quote...wouldn't this be null and void as these injuries could have been avoided, the vaccine was NOT properly prepared as delineated by Sasha Latypova, they were NOT accompanied by proper directions ( aspiration before injection was not done), and there were NO warning in the inserts. Therefore the code would not be applicable for liability exemption of Pharma.

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The protection of pharma from liability is at the bottom of all the damaging covid measures and 100's of thousands of needless deaths. This bill must pass to protect us from another catastrophic "pandemic ".I doubt it will pass because of how many people think the "vaccine " was a success.

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This protection was sneaked through. It was necessary far in advance of today, just like censorship.

All of the self-correcting avenues had to be addressed in advance, because the perpetrators of these crimes are "planners" unlike all of us regular citizens scrambling to survive.

I feel for the deluded people who have endangered their lives, their children, and grandchildren by clinging to their executioners and doubling-down on their poor judgement. It is a frightening time and the hatred that has been intentionally stoked within the US made it that much harder for people to think straight.

Notice how we always pay lip service to demanding truth in this country, but when people are faced with it, the reaction is more like being gifted with a bucket of festering horse manure.

The quicker we acknowledge the bodies stacking up and the phony solutions, the sooner we can put our minds toward real solutions. Those who profit and enjoy the lie can't be expected to help and applaud the truth coming out.

We need to keep a "report card" so we can remember exactly who helped this happen. Then, we need to keep them away from living things.

Taking 100% of the money away from those who profit from lies and death is a starting point. A starting point...

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It's going to take public pressure, because you know congress is bought.

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The cockroach PHarma lobbyists are crawling over to my Congress as we read this.

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It is about damn time. But I am always suspicious of legislation the House submits when they know it can never be passed. Just like Obamacare. Give us the House and the Senate and we will get rid of Obamacare but it was the Republicans that prevented Obamacare from being put to its rightful death.

We need this legislation but my gut tells me this is just more smoke and mirrors from the Republican party which is really no different than the Democrats. Sorry but we need to wake up to this fact. DC is Kabuki theater. They all have a role to play but they are all on the same page. I wager that if the Rs had the Senate this bill would never be written. Remember, big pharma got legislation to leave them unaccountable for vaccine injury or death because they threatened to stop making vaccines in the US. I say GOOD. Take your vaccines and shove them where the sun don’t shine. ALL OF THEM. No vaccine is safe or effective. NONE. How come they never demanded a shield from prosecution for pharmaceutical pills and capsules. How come just vaccines. It is because the law suits against vaccines were bankrupting these companies because the were killing and disabling large numbers of people. And vaccines are a huge money maker. Another funny fact, the US vaccinates more people than any other country in the world yet we have the sickest population of any industrialized country. Does that even make a tiny bit of sense to anyone with 2 brain cells left??? Japan learned back in the 90’s and stopped using the combined MMR vaccine because they proved it was causing SIDS. Japan now has the one of the lowest infant mortality rates in the world. The US isn’t even in the top 20. WAKE UP. They have been killing us for decades.

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It is the first, ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY step to halting grotesque corruption. These "for profit" monsters have been hiding under a veil of public benefit. (Hint: hardly a shred.) Their marketing is mistaken for science, and real science has been co-opted for marketing.

They have captured the agencies intended to regulate them. They have lined their pockets and the politicians' whom they've bought.

They provide almost zero public service. In the negative of benefit when they turn to mass murder. They ride on taxpayers dollars and keep the profits and patents for themselves! How exactly does that make sense?

They violate federal and international laws to create the disasters they then pretend to fix.

Real, ethical scientists have long since been demoralized out of their ranks.

"Knowledge is knowing Frankenstein wasn't the monster. Wisdom is knowing Frankenstein WAS the monster."

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The destruction of big pharma - imminent!

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About time

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Yep! make Pharma liable & the RATS will run for cover.

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I really do appreciate the efforts of the court battles--so many: The Covid Investigative Committee, CHD, Senator Ron Johnson, CSASPP, EU Parliamentary Committee, The Democracy Fund. . . . Some have been successful, but even then this nonsense hasn't been halted. I think it is time to take out their Achilles heal--the towers.

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