Naomi was one of the only voices calling this out from the beginning if not the sole voice. I followed women's experiences on social media and the menstrual problems were of epic proportion. Thousands of women were reporting heavy bleeding, no bleeding, pelvic pain etc...on Twitter and every post would get tagged disinfo. It was then I knew it was real and it was really happening and that it was going to be bad, bad, bad in the long run.

Also, do you remember in 2021 when women were reporting lymph nods in their breasts and in their armpits swelling up, sometimes doubling and tripling in size and staying that way for months post vax? It was so bad that the "experts" were telling women to tell their mammogram screeners if they had just had the Covid vax because the swollen nodes might get mistaken for cancer? I remember. I also remember the media and big tech saying, ladies, this is perfectly normal after any vaccine so don't worry about it. Means nothing.

Just had a friend diagnosed stage 3 breast cancer post vax. No family history. Never had a problematic mammo and got them yearly. 3 months post vax already at stage 3 out of nowhere.

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I have a friend that had a decidual cast shed after the J&J vax. Her OB/GYN said it was from the vax and that he's seen a lot more miscarriages in his practice.

Also, I know of 2 people that have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. Both have gotten a double mastectomy. They both got yearly mammograms; both are at least double-jabbed; one is 42 years old, the other is 27.

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I'm going to start doing thermography as I learn more and more that mammograms can be problematic for a lot of reasons. Just tossing this lightly into the conversation to let people know there are other ways to screen breasts. I am so sorry to hear about all these ladies with breast cancer. Just awful! I hope folks make the connections to the shots.

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I have decided not to go back to traditional mammograms which are now done where I live with a much higher powered imagining called tomography. More radiation basically. More and more is coming out that if you have had normal mammo's your whole life and don't have a history of cancer getting them every year can lead to over diagnosis and unnecessary treatments. After the past 3 years I question everything now.

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I am 74. Always had normal mammograms as I had them fairly regular. I keep getting notices from the medical system I had them at now. My last was right before Covid. I think Medicare will only pay for them every 2 years. I’m going to look for thermography in the future. I question all now. Even that ibuprofen and acetaminophen are safer than aspirin. My research tells me they aren’t but pharmaceuticals make more $$ on those. I went back to coated aspirin to handle some light pain now and then after a hip replacement. Works for me.

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Yea, many say tylenol exacerbates adverse effects of childhood vaccines and autism. I tossed all

my tylenol.

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I stopped taking all that stuff, too.

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I’m even of the persuasion that mammograms CAUSE cancer. I know, I know. But I read an article that said your body wants to please you, so if you go looking for cancer, it will give you what you seem to looking for. It made sense to me intuitively and I dropped all trust of western diagnostics then and there. It was 50 years ago and I’ve used alternative methods of healing ever since. Tho I don’t say everyone should do this, I feel very glad that I did.

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Thanks. I’m interested in only thermography as well.

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I used HerScan. They were great.

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Great tip. Thank you!

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I have heard of the shedding of decidual casts and I believe Naomi covered this as well. It used to be something so rare that very few had even heard of it. I hadn't heard of it before the vax. Horrific.

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I have a friend who was in remission from breast cancer for years. She got the J&J shot. Did all her regular follow ups etc. Insisted to her doc something was wrong. Dr wanted to wait until her next check before pursuing. She insisted. Stage 4 cancer in the lungs and lymph nodes. Another turbo situation. She knows its from the shots. We both believe if she had gotten one of the mrna shots she would be dead.

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Just terrible. Now that we know the mechanism of the shots which essentially deprogram your immune system for an unknown period of time it makes sense to see all of these turbo cancers. I have a very small circle of friends and have lost 3 to rapid onset cancers since the jab, have two more friends diagnosed terminal and it came out of nowhere and was very advanced when discovered.

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Sorry to hear of your losses....it just never ends. I did also lose a dear elderly friend to turbo pancreatic cancer this past fall. He was in a nursing home and I have no idea how many shots he had beyond the first two. Another friend had adverse events following each of the 3 shots he had - I guess fear kept driving him to get more - ended up with turbo leukemia and died.

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Thank you. It keeps getting worse, too. I was just told today that my vaxxed uncle (multi vaxxed) is being treated for Alzheimer's that came on very rapidly in a matter of months.

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my mother went from being a very sharp 86 year old to having delirium and needing 24:7 care 3 months following her booster (3rd shot)

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Weep for you 😔

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they were all made under the DOD as "prototypes". Nothing you know about the "shots" is real

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Dr. Paul and Dr. James Thorpe on 2/26 addressed some of these

I'm very sorry that so many women and girls have to fight so hard to receive real quality healthcare. No one deserves this.

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Feb 27, 2023·edited Feb 27, 2023Liked by The Vigilant Fox

My normally 'every 28-days' cycle has been irregular at least eight times since Jan 2021 and notably, after spending time around people who got the shot. (I did not)! Sometimes it was not even from being inside around these ppl (though often it was), but once when simply sitting on a windy bluff near the beach for a couple hours! Other times, after a 5-hr plane ride, an indoor/outdoor wedding, inside an office all day with heavily "vxd" ppl, etc. It seemed the closer it was to the time they (friends, co-workers, etc) got the shots, that's when I would experience the most period irregularity. If this is mere "covid shot off-gassing," the havoc going on inside the bodies of those with the shots is bone-chilling to fathom. Not to mention the downstream effects for years to come... UGH!

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I am 65, a couple years ago I vaginally bled bright red blood a week after having tea with an acquaintance. I suspect she had been recently vaccinated, although when I asked she wouldn't say. And I was kind in my inquiry.

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Wow. This is chilling.

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The saddest truth of this engineered epidemic and medical fascism. The elitist fools may well have thrown a real wrench into human evolution. They need to be stopped immediately. They are the death bringers.

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It’s a national security crisis.

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For certain - if not an international one.

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This is more than a reproductive issue, although that's a huge, huge thing. It is a symptom, I believe, of ovarian destruction. This would partially explain the sharp increase in chronic disease that the OB is seeing.

Doctors should be testing women's serum estradiol, progesterone and FSH levels, and women who are having any issues at all--vaxxed or not--should order the tests themselves if their doctors don't care enough to do so. These female panel tests are not expensive if the patient purchases the requisitions through Life Extension (uses LabCorp) or Ulta Labs (they use Quest), and adds on FSH. The results get emailed directly to the patient, who can look at the reference ranges. For these hormones, those are broken out into which phase of the menstrual cycle the woman is in at the time of the test (follicular, ovulation, luteal, or post-menopausal), so it's helpful to figure out where she is. Day 14 is peak estrogen in a healthy (non-birth control pills) cycle. With a dis-regulated menstrual cycles, figuring out what phase she's in can be difficult, but the test is still valuable-- you will at least have basic parameters of what's "normal" and get a general idea as to whether your levels are low. (Please note that "normal" is not always "ideal" for an individual.)

Estrogen is a woman's lifeline to good health, whether she wants to have kids or not! All of our cells as females, have estrogen receptors--so everything from sleep, to sex, metabolic health, heart health, cognitive function, bone and skin structure, immune health, you name it--all of these are negatively affected by crashed ovaries. Just look at the increase in chronic disease, depression and anxiety, "senior moments," insomnia, osteoporosis, cancer, heart disease, diabetes--all of it--that happen to a woman going into (and especially after) menopause. It's time we reclaim our health and look into these things ourselves!!

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Appreciate this detailed info, LindaM! Thank you!

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You are crazy to believe that the mRNA gene altering injections were (are) vaccines or had anything to do with the covid pandemic. The fake pandemic was created as a ruse to instill fear and panic and to push as many humans as possible toward accepting an injection or multiple injections since about 10 per person were initially planned.

The lie was that they were safe and effective and would save your life from the dreaded SARS CoV-2 virus, as yet proven to exist. The CDC does not even have any samples. The FDA has no samples. In fact, no labs in the world have any samples. Dah? Not even those quirky nuts in wuhan can deliver a sample.

Those mRNA based injections as contracted by the DOD with big pharma as the supplier were never vaccines or anything other than prototype countermeasures which under the EUA never required definition for a specific purpose or use and no trials or testing was required to be approved by the FDA.

We are battling a phantom of reality invented for the express purpose of maiming and murdering humanity. How many people would survive 7-10 injections of this deadly crap?

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We are going to see a world similar to that of the movie “Children of Men”. We are on the verge of extinction.

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yes we are. have some fun and look up BILL GAEDE youtube vids on EXTINCTION. he doesn't think we have very long.

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My friend’s daughter had a placenta abruption when she was 9 months pregnant and bleed to death. They lost their daughter and infant grandson at the same time.

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Horrific & heart-breaking. 💔💔💔

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Omygod. I am so sorry.

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A colleague got the shots while she was pregnant and a booster after the birth of the baby. After the booster, she almost hemorrhaged to death.

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Oh my goodness. That is heart-breaking! Glad she lived.

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I didnt get the covid shot but during 2021 and 2022, I had extremely heavy bleeding that lasted between 3 and 5 weeks long with brief intervals. Ive never experienced such hell in my life. Im almost 50. Its very real and ppl need to take it seriously.

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That sounds like what I experienced when I was in my early to mid 40's (early 2000s), when I was perimenopausal and my estrogen started to drop. I wasn't getting regular periods, because low estrogen meant I stopped ovulating on a regular basis. Why is that important? Before perimenopause, ovulation is how progesterone gets created--the released, matured egg produces progesterone. That in turn helps to create an environment inside the uterus that's favorable to a pregnancy. If the egg isn't fertilized, it "dies" and passes through you, and your progesterone then drops, and then you get a period--the lining of the uterus sloughs off, then (if estrogen is a healthy level) begins to renew itself and try again next month. When the levels of estrogen are too low, the eggs don't ripen/release regularly, progesterone then becomes chronically low, and we start to feel like crap. And bleeding can get very heavy with clots, irregular, and last way too long. So even without the wild card of these insane shots, we can experience exactly those same heavy bleeding conditions you had.

Anyway, it would be a good idea to get checked out and see what's going on inside your uterus. Please take good care of yourself!

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I relate with each detail you shared here!!!

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Thank u Vigilant Fox , I also am an Ob/Gyn… it’s real , very real . God help us all.

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My brother Vietnam Vet took the shot then boosters... I just found out! He had surgery and could see beautifully prior! now he’s almost totally blind! Idk 🤷‍♀️ what to say! GOD HELP US! 🙌🔥🕊️☀️

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ryan cole seems fishy to me

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Might 5G have anything to do with it as well? Don’t worry! I am 110% in the

“control group” and on your side. I just wonder bc I’m surrounded by non-jabbed people (thank GOD!) who have menstrual issues, tinnitus and other off maladies. My hubs IS 4/5x jabbed and has had the A-Fib operation in spite of being incredibly fit and eats really


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Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger was invited to speak near the end of the schedule at the Lakaruppropet Conference in Stockholm and Dr. Ryan Cole FORCEFULLY jumped from the first rows in the auditorium to the stage to DISRUPT and DISCONTINUE the panel discussion when Graphene Oxide was addressed by saying, "THIS TOPIC DOESN'T SERVE OUR PURPOSE!".

W.H.O. Whistleblower, Dr. Stuckelberger was requested to attend 'The Dr. Jane Ruby Show' where she was given a platform to continue to share information after being so RUDELY DISCONTINUED as seen on Rumble, for the world to witness. Her contribution concerning Graphene Oxide and related findings by Nano-Pathologists (Which Dr. Cole is NOT) using Electron Microscopes NOT USED BY Dr. Cole were and are VITAL AND RELEVANT TO TELL THE PUBLIC AS IT IS TO BRING AWARENESS TO THE EXISTENTIAL THREAT OF The Globalist Nazi Death Cult's ATTACK with substances as this DARPA designed 'AI Electronanotechweapon' we condescendingly refer to as a 'JAB'.

According to Dr. Stuckelberger, there is NO Nitrogen or Phosphores inside any of these serums WRONGFULLY DEFINED 'Countermeasure' be the DOD and RE-IMAGINED a 'Vaccine' by the FDA, HHS, CDC, NIAID and the rest of the Alphabet Conspirators as learned by Katherine Watt and documented on her Substack. That means they are NOT BIOLOGICAL...Only Artificial Intelligence/Nanotech to DESTROY HUMAN DNA and BEGIN THE PROCESS OF RE-IMAGINING human beings to become 'HUMAN-BORG'...Blue Tooth EMG Radiation Emitting Transmitters/ Receivers WHICH IS COMPLETELY POISONOUS to human beings. Humans are being CHANGED TO PRODUCE RADIATION WITH AND FROM THEIR OWN BODIES TO ALLOW CONSTANT SURVEILLANCE AND BRAIN CONTROL...SLAVERY, SICKNESS, WEAKNESS, STUPIDITY...All AGAINST HUMAN NATURE AS GOD CREATED IT TO BE.


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