Just reading an article on how pregnant women are told all vaccines are safe and they should take 3 of them while pregnant and then vax their newborn when 6 months old. Smh that’s the mainstream cdc deadly propaganda.

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Sure, inject unknown toxic ingredients while pregnant. Why not? Make those little b@stards austistic by injecting NEUROtoxins even before they come out of the womb! To those that survive the assault of being in their Mother's womb can be assured schools are now better prepared to welcome autistic children.

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And I know I heard in the beginning of this " pandemic" that pregnant women and children do not take this jab. HEARTBREAKING that apparently people did not hear this or not paying attention.

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The demon poison pushing murderers will pay its just a matter of time they will be held accountable and GOD will throw them in the burning pit of hell in haiti to be forgotten forever

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Pray for all those who got jabbed but I’m not praying for any influencers. Politicians, Senior Health Officers and the talking heads from the mainstream media.

Remember, they wanted us locked up or dead.

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6 months? Theyll do it at birth, 2 months, and 4 months first. By 6 months, they've have 20 doses.

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What a shame. Pray for all those who took the "vaccine".

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While I have no doubt that this medical intervention is implicated I caution people to look even beyond this weapon and at the role the emf's, radiation coming from devices, cars, streets, buildings, schools are playing. I have no doubt it is all interconnected. Get a meter, hardwire, remove all wifi from your home. It is not hard to do. Massachusetts for Safe Technology website and Children's Health Defense will show you how. Meter recommended: Safe and Sound Pro II from Safe Living Technology out of Canada. The food and chemtrails also part of it. The wifi for the injected is especially dangerous but it effects all of us because of chemtrails, heavy metals and more.

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Everyone needs to get comfortable with fasting. The longer the fasts the more junk is picked up and tossed out of your body and new stem cells activate and can start healing.

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Makis even reported on the benefits of fasting for vaccine recovery:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/cf9691fc5c48

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Interesting that he includes coffee. Some good news I guess.

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sorry but ALL THESE MALADIES ARE VAX RELATED until PROVEN OTHERWISE...stop trying to let the REAL perps off the hook

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They are all the same perps at the top of this ugly pyramid. Clearly I said nothing to indicate letting anyone off the hook. Just letting those who didn't get it that they are also being targeted.

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I do.agree, there is something to the EMP's that you speak of, I had upgraded wifi, for faster speed, A while back, I was reading my emails on my phone, and started getting some mild chest pain, I stopped and placed the phone in a nearby room, and walked away, the pain immediately was gone, there's something going on, just not sure to what extent. I do believe we need to keep.our phones, in another room if possible. I have thought about getting my home phone back. One thing else I have noticed, about the chemtrails, it's very strange, there are more accidents in rainy conditions, the roads are slicker, never seen anything like it before, if you are traveling in wet conditions, slow down, especially on curved roads.

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Slicker roads from chemicals being dumped on us via geo-engineering. See Dane Wigingtin on you-tube re geo-engineering watch for details. Also his doc THE DIMMING.

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Thank you so much for the information.

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Nano metal particles probably. I now have white debris on my car which I have to get off by hand. Scrape it up with a business card and put a magnet near it. It will stick to the magnet.

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It isn't done everywhere and all the time. Keep testing. I scraped black particle dust off of my glass top table outside and that stuck. Basic checking is all of our business now.

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Yes...the shot just accelerates the death.....we have been slowly poisoned for decades....Rachel Carson wrote about this in the 1960's.....and it's only gotten worse.....

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While excellent literature, however, Silent Spring was very poor science. Carson claimed that DDT was threatening many avian species with imminent extinction. Her evidence for this, however, was anecdotal and unfounded. In fact, during the period of widespread DDT use preceding the publication of Silent Spring, bird populations in the United States increased significantly, probably as a result of the pesticide’s suppression of their insect disease vectors and parasites.


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Yeah, well, 20.yesrs ago I bought some name brand pesticide at the Dollar Tree. I later learned it was being dumped cheap because the EPA has banning it. The white granules were identical to individual Styrofoam pellets. I used it sparingly around my foundation because termites were flying around & mating.

Well, the wind came up g blew the pellets everywhere, including into my garden pond. My goldfish went belly up. And a week later, it was silent around my house where there were always a lot of birds. I do t know if they left because the bugs died, or if the pesticide killed them. 6 years later my dog developed a cancerous tumor over her spine near her hips. The vet removed all she could but it had a web of blood vessels growing out of it, and she said my dog wouldn't last a year. She lived 7 more to age 14. Actually, she died of a heart attack & sunk at 12 while fetching a stick in a lake, but I pulled her out & revived her. She didn't drown because she stopped breathing before she sunk in 4ft of water.

Anyway, pesticides are bad. All the Big Industries cover for each other. Death & illness from industrial toxins & bad vaccines are blamed on invisible viruses that have never been isolated ot proven contagious.

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Regardless, she was one of the first to talk about the poisoning of the planet...that is my point....that is has been decades in the making and it will only get worse....

"Carson accused the chemical industry of spreading disinformation, and public officials of accepting the industry's marketing claims unquestioningly.

In the late 1950s, Carson began to work on environmental conservation, especially environmental problems that she believed were caused by synthetic pesticides. The result of her research was Silent Spring, which brought environmental concerns to the American public. The book was met with fierce opposition by chemical companies, but it swayed public opinion and led to a reversal in U.S. pesticide policy, a nationwide ban on DDT for agricultural uses,[2] and an environmental movement that led to the creation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.[3][4]

In 2006, Silent Spring was named one of the 25 greatest science books of all time by the editors of Discover magazine.[5]" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silent_Spring

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Sorry, don't recognize wiki-anything as a valid resource.

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Well, the accolades are there no matter where you look..... you can say this about many websites then.... regardless, she was a strong voice... I am not going to nitpick to takedown her efforts to expose the bad guys...... How Rachel Carson’s ‘Silent Spring’ Awakened the World to Environmental Peril https://www.history.com/news/rachel-carson-silent-spring-impact-environmental-movement

.....do you have a valid resource? Curious.....

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Exactly... rarely is it just ONE thing, there is a symphonic effect... yet, the shots could be the trigger, the missing ingredient... glyphosate + emf + food dye + shots.... there are probably many formulas that will bring a person down.

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radiation sickness is a real thing but no regular doctor knows anything about it while military doctors know all about it. I think they had free energy even before the end of ww one. Spanish Flu from telegraph wires, injections and poor treatment sounds familiar.

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Thank you for sharing this article

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It is bizarre to me that all these doctors in Canada blindly went forth and got vaccinated with this untested product that also had no quality control in its manufacturing or even an ingredient list. I remember looking up the mRna technology when they first started preparing to roll this out and immediately red flags went off in my brain. WTF.

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Indoctrinated the minute they walked through the university doors. My 78 yr old still practicing surgeon was first in line for the jab, now having various health problems and has no clue why. His wife just went through bilateral mastectomy and all the trauma with that and has now taken her 6th jab....completely ignores my warnings. She worked as RN in ICU past 20 years. Sad.

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It’s unbelievable. Eyes that do not see. Ears that do not hear. Brainwashed.

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6th jab...that's just nuts. They seem to think it is a magic potion when it is proven again and again to not be. Do they have any explanation for why they keep taking it?

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Have to add that the medical council Canada is withholding any info , those around me are glued to cbc news. Even sent them info re 150 mds suddenly passing over a year ago....no response...they think I'm truly nuts and have distanced themselves from me...they are very busy having mri's and testing of all sorts....grim.

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terrified of covid...they followed mask rules to the enth degree...company had to be jabbed and masked...even though I had sent them videos etc by Dr Buttar, who was taken from us in May....

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They changed the definition of stupid.

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"Safe and Effective"

"Safe" for manufacturers

"Effective" in killing

A most efficacious bioweapon indeed...

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Mirrors what we are seeing in our small insurance client base.

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Correlation is not cause I will admit but what the hell else is the cause? All cause mortality has dramatically increased In direct correlation to the onset of the bioweapon jab but the msm and the left leaning sheep won’t admit it was caused by the jab. Oh well I guess it will kill the sheep disproportionately more than the people that are awake to the criminal government in power.

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"Correlation is not cause"

It's the only proof they have for all vaccines that they are "Safe and Effective".

All pharma is poison, period.

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Matt Perry would say nah it wasn’t the vaccine. They are all in on the propaganda.

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I respectfully disagree. With all the millions of deaths that you can’t hide at this point, Hollywood knows. How could you not with social media. I think they just hope it doesn’t kill them. Of course I could be wrong but I just think they’ve seen the horrible pictures and doctors like Makis and McCullough all over the internet and besides, I’m sure they’ve known the ones in their industry that has “died suddenly” and in their family and friends. It’s called Democide and most everyone knows. Maybe not at the beginning but they know now.

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I think most know. They may still not want to admit it out loud, but they know deep inside. Proof of that is most people are declining more shots. Maybe a few dumb @ss die hards are still taking the poison, but most are declining. Stocks are down too.

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It’s called denial.

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Agree. All pharma is meant to mess with or alter our God given immune system in some way. Poison.

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Look up Ed Dowd & Steve Kirsch’s latest substack.

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A friend of mine had to get the injection to keep his job, along with the boosters, he now has stage 4 colon cancer, and goes for his next chemo treatment in early November, I am really concerned about the situation,he is a newly adopted father, and of the Christian faith, his wife is terrified. I have another friend, that lost his sister.and a cousin shortly after getting the injection as well, otherwise before, they were all healthy adults, and the one that has colon cancer was an avid runner. We are unfortunately living in some very abnormal times in my opinion.

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"Florida Shark Man" on Truth Social has a WONDERFUL protocol for riddance of cancer. FenBen and I believe Iv34m3ctin are involved. My dd took his protocol for another health problem and BOOM - it worked so very well. Amazing. FloridaSharkMan!!!

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More cancer treatment resources, including a link on the benefits of fenbendazole plus ivermectin:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/a6d939afb06c

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For "some" reason I couldn't watch the 2 hour video on you tube. Strange that holistic kind of healthy videos get taken down from you tube a lot. It is almost like you tube wants people to be sick with cancer.

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@DorothyAnn ~ I agree! All too many of the resources I've saved have been scrubbed from the Internet. BTW, which of the videos were you trying to watch?

In this regard, I highly recommend Transcriber B's work. She's creating transcripts of videos so the content will not be lost forever.

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/bfa5be5cc8e8

The Internet Archive is another great resource, especially if you have the original URL:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/8933317d7ce1

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You tube took Dr. Robert Morse down again.Dr. Morse is more of a holistic doctor that formerly worked in an ER, so he knows both sides of med. They are trying to silence him.

Thank you for that info.

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Your friend should sue his employer

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Well they said they use war as depopulation before, but now they using different kinds of poisins. "They" being the people who own several mansions and jets and lots of vehicles.

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Blood root paste, aka Black Salve, aka Amazon Paste cured Mom’s stage 4 lung cancer in abt 28

days. 775 324 4889

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This matches report from Mark Crispin Miller and so many real journalists. People need to face the evil we are up against. We're not children. The longer we pretend this level of evil doesn't exist the more power they have.

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Exactly! But it is uncomfortable to think about, and some people just have no ability to comprehend that there could be such evil in the world, especially if they’ve never been exposed to any in their lifetime.

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I get that but if they just nudge that door open they will see that the evil is so vast that the opposite and greater good is far greater and far more powerful. That's the message they need and will give them courage. Imagine not getting a glimpse of that glory but just a victim of riding the waves of the evil tides they bring? That knowledge will negate their power.

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I took 2 as per my lymphoma doctor's advice, many many issues, no answers just lots of gaslighting. Husband turbo, but 6 months before cancer, he AND my 23 yr old son both pulmonary emboli. I was a R.N. 28 yrs, very devastating 3 yrs.

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More vaccine recovery resources, in case they might be helpful ~ including info about fenbendazole and ivermectin for cancer (under "Special Treatment Issues":

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/65ab782ddcbf

Wishing you all the best.

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I had live blood analysis and my blood is exactly as you describe in your blog. Clumping, long snake like strands that look like "graphene oxide", spherical objects, extreme amount of lymph, I'm not breaking down proteins, nor absorbing nutrients. I have ordered zeolyte, hoping it'll detox the metals. Excellent blog! Tyvvm!

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FWIW, Intermittent fasting is another detox option that has been very helpful both for general vaccine detox and for cancer. I highly recommend fasting with plenty of pure water, natural, non-ionized salt (for example, Real Salt), and the support of nutritional herbs and fiber:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/cf9691fc5c48

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Thank you for your kind words, Colleen. Hope you find some resources in this library that will be helpful.

As for the Zeolite, I've been using it for years, and recommend it highly. However, start slowly and drink LOTS of water since it is extremely dehydrating. I've just now added another zeolite article, in case it might be helpful:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/ca8e08d120c2

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Tyvm, I appreciate it! 🙏 I was using IVM, turkey tail mushroom, & a few other things but we've had a super bad flu and so we stopped for now. I did research fenbendazole with IVM, but honestly don't think husband can tolerate it at this point. Bless you! 🙌

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Stop calling the gene therapy a vaccine.

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Anyone with a beating heart today should be lining up for the chance to take down, lights out and forcing the appearance at trial, (as Dr Alexander coined them), “the 33 Horsemen”! Peacefully! I will not condone violence whatsoever! As each day passes we’re hearing more and more Doctors speak about something they’ve never seen before! I believe a Swedish doctor coined the term, “turbo cancers” due to the speed at which it metastasizes. Either we’re living in the “twilight zone” or the world’s population has been completely, “mentally degraded”! There seems to be little to no outraged regarding, 1. Being completely lied to about Covid. 2. The staggering amount of deaths from forced Covid injections. It’s possible that timeliness or lack thereof is why, I wonder?. Listening to Dr after Dr report about what I call, “Never saw this before” illness’s or how quickly patients are presenting various new levels of “whatever’s” is astonishing. One has to wonder what’s happening to our internal compass? Have the evils of scientific research been able to turn off our rational thinking? Or has mankind become so overwhelmed with deliberate and systematic ignorance there’s no appetite for justice? I’m not sure what’s happening, I am sure of one, most important fact, the only “rising outrage” happening, is for all the wrong reasons! Is it possible the earth’s poles are in the process of flipping? It may explain, “what’s right is now wrong and what’s wrong is now right” phenomenon. If so it will happen extremely quick and we won’t know what hit us! There seems to be a gradual “off switch” within people, preventing us from being outraged. The normalization between right and wrong seems to be complete. I’m convinced there won’t be any traditional outrage directed at the “33 Horsemen”, somehow people don’t care anymore about justice, the only justice occurring today is “injustice” which is where all the protesters are protesting! IMO, All for the wrong reasons as well! May God Bless America and the entire world!


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There is hope early treatments we take fenbendazole, with black seed oil , and the noble prize winning ivermectin 🙏follow dr Lee Merritt recommended dose on treating cancer with ivermectin. So far 33 saved 🙏

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According to jab junkies these turbocancers are caused by not enough boosters. More precisely, they say a) covid causes them and b) the shots prevent them. Could this be true? Does covid cause the cancers and could the cancers have been prevented if the patient had received more boosters?

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Try it and report back.

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No; many documented mechanisms of action for cancer production, and there was no surge in the unvaccinated or in the first year of Covid.

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But there have been reports appearing that the shots improve effectiveness of cancer treatment and there have even been reports of cancers being sent into remission in cancer patients who've had the shots or covid.

Spontaneous tumor regression following COVID-10 vaccination


COVID-19 induced remission of biliary and renal cell carcinomas.


COVID vaccination improves effectiveness of cancer treatment, study finds


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it's ALL LIES...there are NO NONCORRUPTED "SCIENCE" publications...so this is just more LIES TO PUSH POISON...

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I gather you won't be getting the new combined flu and covid booster at this stage then Victoria? Biden has urged everyone to get it.

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Thanks for sharing. The autoimmune reactivity could be interesting. I'd also question whether they're on any of the off label C suppression therapy. We know folks often don't share their OTC meds.

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Whatever happened to the dude that got 90 in just a few months ?

This guy must have rocket cancer.


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Yeah I'd love to know what happened to him..Did he stop at 90 or is he a recidivist? I've heard it's addictive.

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Based on the increase happening after the jab roll out and not in 2020, I would say no. Also of the 35 cancers (21 turbo) in people I know or relatives/friends of them only 3 are unvaxxed.

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@AwakeNotWoke: Read some of the data about the turbo cancers, and then decide. The jab is what these people have in common, not COVID:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/e9a9592ddb2b

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Thanks Metta!

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