Fasting + a low-carb/high-fat diet is not only a magical combo for reversing diabetes but also for fighting cancer *and* spike protein detoxing as autophagy helps sweep away cellular debris.

Dr. Fung covers this in “The Cancer Code,” and Dr. Boz is also a great resource on how to use fasting to fight cancer, as her mother did:


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Thank you, Margaret! This is helpful.

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People always ask me, "what's the best supplement?" The free stuff that the food gurus can't sell you, like breath, sunlight, and relaxing your nervous system by doing less. Doesn't sound tasty, but works.

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Thanks Mary. When did you become aware of this site?

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Some types of cancer (cells) also fuel well from fat.

Listen to the interviews of Fred Evrard & Guy Tenenbaum on youtube, and their book "Can we heal from cancer" contains more details of the protocol, synthesized out of many studies & with some luck, that helped them both to go from late stage cancer to disease-free.

Evrard, for instance, said that he already was on keto, and as a martial arts instructor, had lots of excercise. It wasn't enough to prevent his colon cancer (which also runs in his family).

But the protocol involving alternating different fasting schedules with super low calorie diet and supplements for some functional (w.r.t. fighting cancer) micronutrients which the low calorie diet is lacking.

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Jun 28, 2023Liked by The Vigilant Fox

I began low-carb + leaving 12-16 hours between eating sessions and found that after a few weeks, I just naturally did not get hungry until around noon. I’m an early riser, up around 5 a.m. every day, which is when I exercise. Maybe that helps, I don’t know.

The super best thing about this for me is the low-level euphoria. It’s constant and delightful. Low carb created that, like a natural way to do what’s good for me while enjoying it!

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Thanks for sharing. I'm incorporating IF into my lifestyle as well. I love to eat all the time, but I am already seeing tremendous benefits.

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I’m never hungry until around 11am. I have protein then, a good snack in the afternoon then a meat or protein and salad with veg for dinner. I have NO sugar or other carb cravings. Keto/or low carb is the best for me. 75 yo.

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Intermittent Fasting helps increase NAD levels, which are our bodies' battery and helps us repair damage from EMF: https://romanshapoval.substack.com/p/how-to-treat-emf-radiation-part-2

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Dad did the keto thing with some fasting as well, years ago and cut down from 14 pills a day to 1.5! He looked and felt terrific. Sadly, he’s forgotten all about that and is right back where he started.

He was in hospital, and every day, they brought “diabetic friendly

meals”. uh-hu… 2 OJ’s, (same number of carbs as a coke), pretend coffee creamer with loads of carbs, eggs, bacon, PANCAKES with “diet” syrup. And every day, they’d come around, test his blood and go, “OH MY, your blood sugar is through the ROOF! You need a shot!” CHA-CHING!

When I mentioned the sheer number of carbs, and what these meals were doing to him, the nurses acted like I was setting the place on fire.

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“pretend coffee creamer with loads of carbs” that stuff is the WORST! Hospital food is ANYTHING but healthy. For every baby I had, the only “bad” thing about the experience was the food! I barely ate anything for the entire two days because it was so gross.

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I know. I made my husband promise if I was in the hospital he would bring me bacon eggs and such. Or a big steak--anything keto but the utter crap served by most of them.

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Haha that’s magnificent!

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Yes, last time I was in hospital I couldn't eat ANYTHING on the menu, had to ask my daughter to bring some real food. The fast was probably good for healing from the pneumonia.

One had to see a dietician and have a diagnosis of celiac disease to get eggs for breakfast, they only had carbs on the menu.

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That’s insane! I mean, is it just because they seriously don’t care??? How could they NOT realize how bad too many carbs are for most people? I’m glad you held your own.

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Thank you for this very useful information.

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My pleasure! Outside of the COVID scam, I think uncovering conventional medicine and pharma lies is going to be a major focus of mine.

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Jun 28, 2023Liked by The Vigilant Fox

Glad to hear it! Conventional medicine and big pharma are saturated in lies, practically nothing but. Thank you!!

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i am a longtime follower of Dr. Fung and his "methods"..... i'm in my 11th year of LCHF (low carb/high fat) with IF (intermittent fasting)..... will be 65 this year..... cycling, riding centuries...... i was a mess before reading "why we get fat and what to do about it" by taubes..... found out fda/cdc with i false study from ancel keys gave us the food pyramid and type2 diabetes exploded..... just like the "experts" wanted..... look at type2 explosion in 1977 to present..... diet is the sickness and the cure is not more drugs.... kill big pharma and big food

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The reason most people don't do IF is because they never try. Have done it and you have get over the initial first few days and then it's easy. Also some new information (@mercola) that as you get older there are some things you need to consider when doing IF.


Another reason is that fasting MAKE NO ONE ANY MONEY!!!

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It took me about a month to get to 16 hours fasting, with an 8 hour eating window. Now it's super easy. I just have water or black coffee when fasting and I actually go 17-18 hours many days, as I forget to eat! I lost about 15 pounds in a year, as I only made the fasting change and eat what I want in my 8 hours.

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I have cleaned up most of my diet, we stopped eating out completely years ago and stopped with most of the processed foods in the last 6 months! We eat meat mostly with a side vegetable dish for dinner and little to no bread throughout the day! We eat boiled eggs and cheese, some bananas and oranges as snacks! I also stopped the drinking years ago and my wife quit most drinking about a year ago! Now she will have a beer or glass of wine occasionally! We take our vitamins and mineral supplements, ARMRA which is colostrum for our hair and nails and skin and I take lots of Perfect Amino Essential Amino Acids which has helped out my muscle tone! I am 57 and my wife is 56 years old! I lost about 65 lbs over the last 3 years slowly and now at 6 ft 190 and fit, trim and muscular! She is a little overweight, more of a BBW woman who is down about 40 lbs in the last few years! She is working on the intermittent fasting and doing well, progressing with it! I suck at it big time!!! I am one of those people that eats every hour or two all day and night long! My big Vice is soft drinks! They are harder than hell to stop!!! I now know that the sugar in them is as, if not more, addictive to my brain chemistry as opioids were when I was addicted to them years ago!!! I am drinking tons more water now and taking boron too which has made a big difference in my mental health, sleep and gut issues and joint pain!!! So we have made a lot if improvements in our diet, health and we both look like 40 year olds with few wrinkles, great hair and skin! Just have to keep working on giving up the soft drinks for sure although I have prob cut them in half in the last few months!!! Much peace and love to you all out there; it is a daily struggle to live a clean healthy life with what the Deep State is forcing upon us!!!

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Good for you and your wife! As to things you try and avoid, like sodas, just don’t keep them in the house. Make them a treat you must drive somewhere to get (one!).

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Intermittent fasting is certainly a wise thing to do. After all, it's one of the few things that all of the world's religions recommend. However, with respect to Type II diabetics, they all make perfectly good insulin. The problem actually lies with the insulin receptors on their cell membranes. The cheap vegetable oils in heavily processed foods get incorporated into the cell membrane building and repair processes, where they adversely affect the ability of the receptors to avidly bind insulin. Typically, the allopaths only deal with symptoms and not causes. Their solution is to simply increase the concentration of insulin to overcome the low binding affinity at the receptor level.

Type II diabetes is reversible if one earnestly avoids the consumption of these toxic vegetable oils. It takes time, but eventually the reliance on added insulin will decline to zero. And, as an added bonus, the replacement of the bad oils with healthy fats and oils will make permanent weight loss considerably easier.

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Thank you. I already have cut seed oils (canola, sunflower, soybean, etc) from my diet (they are in almost every processed food!) but I did not know they disrupt insulin receptors.

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Wow! Thanks for sharing this info with us!!! Knew the oils were bad for us but did Did not know this!!!

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You're not supposed to know it. The ADA claims that insulin resistance/intolerance is "still a mystery" and offers possible explanations in terms of bad genes, chronic inactivity, aging, etc... but not one word about the real culprits. Apparently, having steady customers for their useless and often dangerous advice is more important than cure or prevention.

I had a diabetic coworker in my medical research lab who showed no interest whatsoever in deviating from what the ADA and her MD (i.e Medical Deity) recommended. I couldn't even convince her that the artificial sweetener in the diet sodas she was addicted to was a potent neurotoxin which could only worsen her condition.

Her doctor, by the way, almost killed her one day when he gave her a flu shot while she was in his office for a routine check-up. She went into a diabetic coma a few hours later and was rushed to the ER by her parents who, thankfully, were with her when she collapsed. I went to see her in the hospital the following morning and explained as delicately as I could to the three of them (her parents are also diabetic - what an odd coincidence!) that the adjuvants in that flu shot created an immune system Defcon-1 red alert situation which caused her liver to dump large amounts of glycogen (a stored form of glucose) into the bloodstream to deal with the man-made crisis. I flat out told them they should fire that doctor and find someone who actually knows something about human physiology. I walked out of the room, six eyes wide open and three mouths agape in horror.

Result: They kept their doctor because he was such a likable person, always cheerful and happy to see them... almost like a dysfunctional family.

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Just like obesity. Diet, not Ozempic.

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It is definitely true, proven over and over, that extreme weight loss (e.g., stappling of stomach for morbidly obese patients) completely eliminated diabetes-2 and also lowered cholesterol -- without any further use of previously described medicine drugs...

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Jun 28, 2023·edited Jun 28, 2023

The Covid affair has illustrated clearly how ferociously big pharma will question, deny, challenge and ultimately bury anything which threatens drug sales. They have the bucks to buy conflicting "research" and media coverage and to demonize anyone who says otherwise. Treating diabetes produces $237 billion in revenue each year in the US. (ref:https://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/health-equity/diabetes-by-the-numbers.html)

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SHOUT IT OUT! Tell EVERYONE you know! I love this article!!

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We had an amazing hypnotist here in Western Massachusetts up until she retired thanks to the plandemic....Julie Ann Kibbe, Key Hypnosis. She was also a mentalist, and amazingly gifted. I began going to her in 2008, and at the time she limited the new groups of people in her weight loss hypnosis classes to no more than thirteen in a room, required three initial sessions to "lock in" the hypnotic suggestions, and charged $85 per session. So, over the course of a month, people paid $255.00 for three visits, and would go away having completely changed their eating, which was a very simple formula. Equal parts of meat to equal parts of vegetables. No sweet whatsoever, real or fake. No carbs. No legumes. No dairy other than a splash of milk in your coffee.

- Almost without exception, this program worked POWERFULLY. People not only lost weight, but found that chronic health problems they'd been dealing with for years to be completely gone......diabetes, hypertension, brain fog.... the results were nothing short of miraculous. You could go as long as you wanted, and over time, you could reprogram your body and its relationship to food, although many people knew that if they broke the hypnosis and their eating started to get out of control again, they could go back to Julie and get a refresher session. This happened a lot, and speaks to how addictive the crappy diets most people are used to really are. The program and Julie were so amazingly effective that by the time she retired, she went from groups of 13 at $85 a session to filling a room with more than 150 people, and charging $350 a session. Do the math. People would fly in from all over the world to experience her program. Allopathy was "baffled" at how people were finding themselves free of chronic disease after just a few months of radically changing their diets. It's a damn shame that this woman was pushed into retirement early...hopefully there will be other such successful hypnotists who can do this work as effectively as she did.

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I helped my Father-in-law over the last two years with intermittent fasting and using ketosis periodically. He was taking 3 different insulins and 2 orals. Well over 100 IU per day. Now, he takes no meds. FSBS well controlled with H1a in the 5.5 range. Triglycerides are great. 50 lbs lighter. Significantly less knee pain. Just go slow and keep monitoring blood sugar. It takes time to retrain a metabolism, but it can be done.

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That is fantastic! I bet he is so grateful.

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Loved this, thanks for sharing it. Big pharma has too much influence.

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Can someone point me to someone ike Dr. Chung who can convince my sister to stop eating low fat and reduced fat everything ?? She's overweight, it just adds more carbs and some fats (not polyunsaturated, but tallow, lard and coconut oil) is good for you.

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