The American Red Cross: "We Don’t Label Blood Products As Containing Vaccinated or Unvaccinated Blood As the COVID-19 Vaccine Does Not Enter the Bloodstream"

No, It is not satire


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I hope to hell I never need blood. If it’s something anticipated, you can give a direct donation. If it’s an emergency then you’re screwed.

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True. Years ago, my Mom needed her first of two hip replacements. I was willing to donate, but as a cancer survivor, the hospital said no. Before that happened, I was a regular donor at the Red Cross.

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SOMETHING enters the blood stream from the vaccines, and that all depends on what the Red Cross is testing for. Things like graphene, blood clots, spike protein, and weird crystalline structures end up in the blood of only the vaccinated people (for the most part). In a few rare cases unvaccinated people who live with the vaccinated end up having graphene in their blood.

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6.7m Israelis took the first dose

6.1m ........................... second dose

4.5m.............................third dose

0.8m .......................... fourth dose

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How many were left after each hara-kiri ritual? Maybe it's because too many died before the next rituals!

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To me, 6.7-6.1 = 0.6m had regrets, injured, or went "home".

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"Professor Dr. Shmuel Shapira, one of Israel’s foremost scientists" waited until he was boosted and injured before waking up from his nightmare!

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At least no one could attach labels to him since he jabbed the jab.

I hope those who listened to him on the way in have, or had, the sense to listen to him on the way out.

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He's the 6th famous immunologists/Pharmacotherapists MD,PhD that I have studied by watching their interviews or reading their testimonials.

They have one thing in common. They believed and still believe that gene therapy induced antibodies are "neutralizing" which is 100% WRONG. The level of mutations of SARS-Cov-2 is related to the fact that these antibodies are Non-Neutralizing and are forcing the virus to mutate.

The 2nd most important aspect that none of them has mentioned is that these are IgG serum antibodies that CANNOT protect your airways, no matter what! You naturally handle airborne infections using secretory IgA antibodies by your mucosal lymphocytes.

Well, when "famous" immunologists, MD, PhD cannot understand what's going on after 22 months of these experiments, I think the situation is desperate for the common Joe that they have convinced (thanks to their pompous titles) that the quackcines are Safe & Defective!

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You are well-read and understood crucial medical concepts.

Having degrees does not equate to having high analytical and problem-solving skills. Most people forget most of what they learned by rote anyway.

People be surprised to discover how little even specialists know in their medical fields. Ask those who had prolonged dealings with them. Some doctors also said that.

C19 has exposed the medical profession the most.

I noticed these doctors and specialists used normative words such as "believe". So I asked a few if medicine was a science or a philosophy - I did not use the obvious of religion. None would answer me.

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One pandemic over, another one coming - according to Gates who's working on more vaccines. If we knew what his vaccines were for, we'd know what pandemics are coming. Since historically, the vaccines actually are planned before the intended virus is released.

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Be on the watch for more shingles (they are already pushing vaccines in commercial ads here) or something that looks like hemorrhagic fever.

"Real-world evidence from over one million COVID-19 vaccinations is consistent with reactivation of the varicella-zoster virus (shingles)." (Shingles vaccines are also being pushed on TV ads.) Hertel M, Heiland M, Nahles S, von Laffert M, Mura C, Bourne PE, Preissner R, Preissner S. Real-world evidence from over one million COVID-19 vaccinations is consistent with reactivation of the varicella-zoster virus. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2022 Aug;36(8):1342-1348. doi: 10.1111/jdv.18184. Epub 2022 May 13. PMID: 35470920; PMCID: PMC9114991. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35470920/

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Thanks for the link. You may want to consider signing up for the W.H.O. emails. Reading between the lines and marking key words tell the real stories they make up.

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Many MRNA vaccines in the works! Search for that and you'll have your answers

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Yes I already know that because I always do the research, but they're not the new ones Gates is working on. He said "In 10 years we will have vaccines that really work." Just before he said "There will always be pandemics."

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There is no released virus.

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Because you turned OFF your TV!

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I am VERY concerned now. When plan A goes south, they ALWAYS have a plan B!

When lock downs, nonessential jobs, all the other nonsense was full blown, individuals started to fight back. I mention three brave Americans in my newsletter, Ian Smith, a gym owner, Matthew "Jax" Meyers, a tattoo shop owner, and Shelley Luther, a single mom hairdresser who ACTUALLY got jailed because she wouldn't apologize for being open so she could feed her kids and those of her employees! Resistance was starting to catch on!

Then came George Floyd and the burning down of cities, no social distancing or masks because of injustice. WHOLE script changed! Coincidence? There ARE no coincidences! Just a thought.

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Such good news.

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Wonderful news! Thank you so much!

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Thank you

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Great choice ! It’s a death sentence for those that take it !

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The study of viruses is called toxinology. Why? We're being lied to & played like a fiddle, people.

Viruses and exosomes are the same:




What are exosomes?



As of September 11, 2022:

209 institutions (mainly health and science institutions) in >35 countries have all failed to provide or cite even 1 record describing the alleged “SARS-COV-2” having been found in any sick human and purified, in order to sequence and characterize “it” and study “it” with controlled experiments.

In other words, none of these institutions can prove that the alleged RNA genome of 30,000 base pairs with a spikey protein shell actually exists…. let alone that “it” causes an allegedly new respiratory disease that is allegedly spread from host to host via contagion.

No one on the planet has a pure sample of the alleged virus.

There are no validated tests. Validation of a test for a “virus” would require a gold standard – the alleged virus.

influenza (n.)

from Italian influenza "influenza, epidemic," originally "visitation, influence (of the stars)," from Medieval Latin influentia in the astrological sense (see influence).

AN Article from Rome informs us that a Sort of Plague has broke out there, which destroys Abundance of their People, and they call it the Influenza. [The Gentleman's Magazine, April 1743]

Used in Italian for diseases at least since 1504 (as in influenza di febbre scarlattina "scarlet fever") on notion of astral, occult, or atmospheric influence. The 1743 outbreak began in Italy. Often applied since mid-19c. to severe colds.

influence (n.)

late 14c., an astrological term, "streaming ethereal power from the stars when in certain positions, acting upon character or destiny of men," from Old French influence "emanation from the stars that acts upon one's character and destiny" (13c.), also "a flow of water, a flowing in," from Medieval Latin influentia "a flowing in" (also used in the astrological sense), from Latin influentem (nominative influens), present participle of influere "to flow into, stream in, pour in," from in- "into, in, on, upon" (from PIE root *en "in") + fluere "to flow" (see fluent).

virus (n.)

late 14c., "poisonous substance" from Latin virus "poison, sap of plants, slimy liquid, a potent juice," from Proto-Italic *weis-o-(s-) "poison," which is probably from a PIE root *ueis-, perhaps originally meaning "to melt away, to flow," used of foul or malodorous fluids, but with specialization in some languages to "poisonous fluid" (source also of Sanskrit visam "venom, poison," visah "poisonous;" Avestan vish- "poison;" Latin viscum "sticky substance, birdlime;" Greek ios "poison," ixos "mistletoe, birdlime;" Old Church Slavonic višnja "cherry;" Old Irish fi "poison;" Welsh gwy "poison").

VIRUS (among Physicians) a kind of watery stinking Matter, which issues out of Ulcers, being endued with eating and malignant Qualities. [Bailey's dictionary, 1770]

Toxinology (n.)

1.(MeSH)The science concerned with the detection, chemical composition, and biological action of toxic substances or poisons and the treatment and prevention of toxic manifestations.;The science concerned with the toxins produced by bacteria, plants, and animals.

Toxinology is the specialized area of science that deals specifically with animal, plant, and microbial toxins. Prof. Dietrich Mebs has defined toxinology as "the scientific discipline dealing with microbial, plant and animal venoms, poisons and toxins".[1] Additionally stating that "toxinology includes more than just the chemistry and mode of action of a toxin. It deals also with the biology of venom- or poison-producing organism, the structure and function of the venom apparatus, as well as the use of the venom or poison, the ecological role of these compounds." Prof. Jurg Meier has defined toxinology as "the science of toxic substances produced by or accumulated in living organisms, their properties, and their biological significance for the organisms involved".[2]

Toxins and toxinology

Toxins are natural substances, or substances produced by living organisms, in contrast to toxic substances from chemicals, which are toxicants. Living organisms producing or using toxins do so as either venoms or poisons. Venoms are toxins, or more commonly, collections of varying toxins, that are used actively against prey or predators, most commonly to subdue, kill and digest prey, or dissuade predators. Poisons of natural origin, that is containing toxins and used by living organisms, are passive and generally used for defence. A predator attempting to molest or eat a poisonous animal, plant or mushroom will suffer adverse effects from the toxins in the poison, varying from mild discomfort to rapid death. Particularly food poisons, but also for a few venoms, the component toxins are not produced by the deploying animal/plant, but are made by micro-organisms and concentrated and used by the deploying animal/plant. A good example is tetrodotoxin, used by a variety of poisonous animals and by a few venomous animals.

toxin (n.)

"organic poison," especially one produced by bacteria in an animal body, 1886, from toxic + -in (2).

germ (n.)

mid-15c., "bud, sprout;" 1640s, "rudiment of a new organism in an existing one," from French germe "germ (of egg); bud, seed, fruit; offering," from Latin germen (genitive germinis) "spring, offshoot; sprout, bud," which is of uncertain origin, perhaps from PIE root *gene- "give birth, beget," with derivatives referring to procreation and familial and tribal groups.

The older sense is preserved in wheat germ and germ of an idea [you can't catch germs ].

microbe (n.)

popular name for a bacterium or other extremely small living being, 1878, from French microbe, "badly coined ... by Sédillot" [Weekley] in 1878 from Latinized form of Greek mikros "small" (see micro-) + bios "life" (from PIE root *gwei- "to live"). Intended to mean literally "a small living being," the use of bios is incorrect, as in modern science generally (see bio-); in Greek the compound would mean "short-lived

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ONLY 4.4 MILLION???? That’s unacceptable. I’m going to go around and knock on all the doors with Biden signs and talk them into getting the new boosters.

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The Medical Mafia in Action - Offering Isotropic Humanicide Services Worldwide


ABIM = Association of Barbarians for Inquisition in Medicine

ACOG = American Consortium of Obstructionists in Gynecopathy

ACOOG = American Consortium of Obstructionists and Obscurantists in Gynecopathy

AHA = Assisted Humanicide Association

AMA = American Murder Association

CDC = Center for Death and Corruption

DIC = Drugs Industrial Complex

DHS = Defense for Humanicide Services

FDA = Fraud and Death Association

HHS = Holistic Humanicide Services

MD = Most Deplored

NIAID = Novel Inquisition for Allergic and Infectious Dogmas

NIH = Nihilism In Healthcare

NSFW = Not Safe For Work

WEF = World Enslavement Forum (https://files.catbox.moe/r074u2.jpg)

WHO = World Homicide Organization

Dr. Red Pill Fact Checker:

 At Murderna, we’re proud of our guinea pigs:


 At Schizer, we care about your kids:


 Glendale Adventist Hospital


 These people deserve the credit for the deaths of nearly a million Americans


 An open letter to Christi Grimm, Inspector General of the HHS


 NIH Scientists Pocketed $350 Million in Royalties — Agency Won’t Say How Much Went to Elf Fauci


 70% of Americans are on at least one prescription drug.

 The sicker America is, the richer the Drugs Industrial Complex (DIC)

 No curing is allowed, ever. Treating symptoms assures recurring revenues.

 Natural healing methods are relegated to Quackery.

 An Empire of Lies, Corruption, Degeneracy, and Death run by a Covidian Cult.

 The Federal Government Finally Admitted Corruption Crafted the COVID-19 Response


 The New Rules of Medicine


 The Smallpox Pandemic Response was Eerily Similar to COVID


 New UK government data shows the COVID vaccines kill more people than they save


 Why Do Doctors Close Their Eyes to Medical Injuries


 Harmaceuticals are intrinsically toxic


 Survey shows over 500,000 killed by the COVID vaccines so far


 COVID Policies & Actions by Governments – Scientific Frauds of the Century


 We declare government and medical agencies must be held accountable!


 Ontario LTC Residents Were Denied Essential Supplements by the “Emergency Holding of Medications” Orders


 Ten different surveys all show the vaccines are not "safe and effective" -- not even close


 Meet Marsha Gee, a former top ICU nurse at UCSD who is today one of the most COVID-vaccine-injured people on Earth. 78 side effects from a Safe and Defective Quackcine.


 Deaths Following C-19 Vaccination – NZDSOS (New Zealand)


 VA Denies Coverage for Air Force Veteran With Malignant Brain Tumor


 Planned Worldwide Infanticides


 Biden Administration Makes Available 10 Million Doses of COVID Vaccine for Kids Under 5 — Before FDA Authorizes Shot


 'Blow-up Pandemic Mortuary' Set up in 2019 - UK


 EXCLUSIVE: Shocking microscopy photos of blood clots extracted from those who “suddenly died” – crystalline structures, nanowires, chalky particles and fibrous structures


 Graphene COVID Kill Shots: Let the Evidence Speak for Itself


 Dr. Ryan Cole: COVID Vaccines Are Producing Unusual And Surprising Numbers Of Cancers


 A Major News Network has Finally Explored the Link Between Mass Shootings and SSRIs


 “Medical freedom has been hijacked by hospitals, big pharma, insurance companies, and the federal agencies,”


 Remdesivir - The silent killer that took my husband, with Nada Kovacevic


 Ivermectin saves lives; but the so-called covid "vaccines" are deadly. This is criminal.


 FDA Colluded With Moderna to Bypass COVID Vaccine Safety Standards, Documents Reveal


 "The Elites are Planning to Kill Billions of People" -- Prime Minister of Malaysia (2015)


 Boris Johnson's Father Wants to Reduce Britain’s Population to Around "10 or 15 million" by 2025. (2012)


 Should you get any vaccines? The data shows the more you vax, the sicker you are (10X!).


 "Ba.5 Booster" is Medical Quackery, Promoted by Covid Vaccine Charlatans


 After Data Show Vaccinated at Higher Risk of Dying From COVID, Canadian Province Ends Monthly Reports


 Silenced healthcare workers speak out publicly for the first time


 Dr. Paul Thomas Blows Up the Conventional Vaccine Narrative. Neither Safe, nor Needed, nor Effective.


 Certificate of Achievement: Surviving the Greatest Psychological Fear Campaign in Human History




 Exclusive: Proof that Israel found serious safety problems with the COVID vaccines then deliberately covered it up. (Critical).




 50 Reasons to Give Your Child the COVID Shot


 Why doctors aren't speaking out


 "State Senators And Frontline Doctor Have All The EVIDENCE TO INDICT CDC Officials For VIOLATING FEDERAL LAW And File Unprecedented GRAND JURY PETITION"




 SARS-COV2 Created in Wuhan China by EcoHealth Alliance and Anthony Fauci’s NIH/NIAID – US Senate Fact Check.


 Former Vaccine Advocate Dr. Aseem Malhotra Exposes the Pharma-Corrupted State of Medicine in Masterful Presentation


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It is time that Americans and hopefully those around the world are finally waking up to the fact that the "vaccines" which are experimental gene therapies and not vaccines are harmful and fatal. This plan for depopulating the world needs to stop immediately. It is unfortunate that so many people lost their lives and others are permanently injured. Fortunately, several of my friends and I did proper research and did not submit to this foolishness. Unfortunately, the medical profession was brainwashed into taking these shots, and some forced employees and patients to do the same. Many people were scared because of the forcefulness of our government. DO NOT FEAR WHAT THE WORLD IS PROMOTING. ONLY FEAR GOD!! The plan to give children of any age is absolutely insane. All employers (medical and others) who forced their employees to take the jabs in order to maintain their jobs should be sued. It was suspicious from the very beginning.

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Good news, but I want to see those physcopaths, Gates, faucci etc , facing the death penalty for crimes against humanity, and I hope its on tv, to let those clowns who took the vaccine see that covid was a hoax

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I discovered one way they are attempting to increase the biValent booster uptake, at least in Maryland. They are requiring it before acceptance into rehab. My mother-in-law broke her hip and had it surgically repaired. Even though she recovered from Covid less than 2 months ago she can’t enter rehab without another jab. We’re searching for a way to bypass the requirement

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 Certificate of Achievement: Surviving the Greatest Psychological Fear Campaign in Human History


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