Trust in the FDA and Pharma hits an all-time low after the latest EUA approval of COVID injections for 6-months-olds to 4-year-olds.
Check out this headline from CNN:
About 300,000 children under 5 have received at least one Covid-19 shot, White House says
Sounds like a lot, right? Except when you take the time to read that this only accounts for “about 2% of that age group.”
CNN says, “The uptake for the 6-month-to-5-year-old age group is behind the pace of the 5-to-11-year-old age group in the same time frame, which the official attributed to demographic differences in these age groups.”
I’d argue that’s a bunch of nonsense and that since the 5-to-11-year-old EUA approval, more truth has spilled out, parents have better informed themselves, and they now know better than to inject their children with this stuff.
The Highwire agrees. Listen to what Del Bigtree has to say about this.
“People are waking up. This is such great news. And I feel terrible for those 300,000 kids; I believe you’ve been abused by your parents from their lack of understanding there. It’s a negligent act. But truthfully, the fact that 98% of the children have avoided this. The parents are waking up. It’s a testament to the moment we now find ourselves in.
It’s really, really fantastic. And it shows that we’re going to be having much different conversations as we go into discussing childhood vaccine programs, the 1986 Act protections — these were all the conversations I was having with Rand Paul and several others in Vegas saying, ‘Look! The public is no longer supporting these things. We want transparency; we want liability back on the industry. We want help getting back to a free market society that’s based on freedom and personal choice.’ And so I’m telling you that there’s ears opening up to all of this because so many people are now waking up to the truth.”
I 100% agree, Del. People are waking up to the truth. Mandates and EUA approvals mean nothing when parents stand up and say, “not for my child.”
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